Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Oren Sol

Oren Sol


Oren Sol

AlignmentNeutral Good
Age35 Years
Force SensitiveYes
Faction New Jedi Order
RankJedi Knight
Gender Male
Height6 Feet, 1 Inch
Weight190 pounds
Image SourceKevin Demuynck


Oren Sol is a remarkable Elomin male Jedi with pale skin, his striking stature accompanied by distinctive black horns protruding from his head, making him instantly recognizable. These unique horns, each about half a foot in length, curve gracefully upward. His face bears the weathered scars of countless battles, testaments to his unwavering commitment to the Jedi way. Draped in midnight blue robes that are adorned with simple embroidery, he is a striking figure to behold.



Oren Sol possesses a multifaceted personality that embodies the core values of a Jedi. He is calm, composed, and deeply committed to the Jedi way, exuding serenity even in adversity, a testament to his mastery of the Force and emotional balance. Thoughtful and introspective, Oren values wisdom and knowledge, making him an excellent mentor to younger Jedi, guiding them with patience and insight. He is empathetic and compassionate in his interactions with others, driven by a strong sense of justice, and ready to take action when needed to protect the innocent or confront darkness. Oren's internal and external scars serve as reminders of his sacrifices for the Jedi Order, yet he remains resolute in his unwavering dedication to the Force and the greater good, embodying the timeless principles of a Jedi. At times he can act with recklessness, specifically when faced with the Sith, not knowing when the time to retreat is.


▲Skilled in Shien Jar'Kai.
▲Strong connection with the force.

▼ Finds it hard to maintain friendships.
▼ Can act recklessly at times.



Notable Roleplay Threads:

  1. The Assignment (Introduction) W/ Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

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Oren Sol

[div=max-width:800px ;margin:auto; margin-top:15px; margin-bottom:20px;  padding-top:0px; background: linear-gradient(#212425, #030a0e, #030a0e); padding-bottom:15px; border-radius:10px; border:2px #07C7F2 solid; box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #000000;]
[div=max-width:800px;margin-top:-5px; padding-top:50px; padding-bottom:0px; border-top: 1px #07598C solid; background-image:url(; background-attachment:fixed;]
[div=max-width:800px; padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:30px; border-bottom: 1px #07598C solid; background-image:url(; background-attachment:fixed;]
[div=max-width:800px; margin-top: -25px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 10px; border-top: 1px #07598C solid; border-bottom: 1px #07598C solid; background: linear-gradient(#212425, #030a0e, #030a0e); color: #dae1e5; font-size:15px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica]
[CENTER][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=26px][COLOR=#07C7F2]New Footprints on an Old Path[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]
[COLOR=#07C7F2]Location:[/COLOR] Coruscant
[COLOR=#07C7F2]Tag:[/COLOR] [USER=21614]Merrick[/USER] Sato
[COLOR=#07C7F2]Theme:[/COLOR] [URL='']Temple Sounds[/URL]

The day couldn't begin early enough for Iri, there hadn't been a day as exciting as this since he learned under Jedi Valery Noble, it finally seemed that he was going to become a Padawan; at least that was the chatter amongst the force sensitives.

After getting ready and leaving the near empty dormitory that the few force sensitives still inhabited, he bumped into someone he was least expecting, his friend that was known for always being up late no matter what lessons were planned for the day. An unusual fellow, an earthy orange skinned Quarren named [Pue Ris]. "What are you doing up so early Pue?" Iri asked in an inquisitive manner, still having some time until his meeting.

The Quarren boy, no older then Iri himself, replied with a cheeky grin and flap of his face tentacles. "It can hardly be considered early when I have yet to sleep yet." It had not been the first time that his care free attitude had lead him down this path. "I suppose this could be the last time that we see each other, thinking about it…" his voice trailed off into a sad tone, clearly upset at the thought of losing someone who he was so close to, losing one of the few remaining people that inhabited the ruins of this once great temple.

The thought of this potentially being the last time that they spoke, it pierce through his eager and gleeful expression, clearly causing a visible change on Iri's face. "I suppose this could be the last time- No this is just a good by for now. In the future we will cross paths again, and stand side by side as proud Jedi of the order." He nodded his head firmly, clearly intending to make it clear to his close friend that this wasn't the end. The Quarren boy returned the statement with a nod before speaking once more "You best get on your way, you don't want to be late for you know who".

With that said Iri departed dashing through the main temple ruins, causing no doubt a few off glances from the few jedi that remained to guard the structure. He arrived swiftly at the top on the stairs and looked down them, no doubt meeting the gaze of the Jedi who waited at the bottom. A grin formed on his face as he made his way down, ensuring not to trip and embarrass himself.

"It is a please to meet you, they told me you were waiting here. I am Iri Tuteru." He dusted down his well-worn, but equally well cared for robes before bowing respectfully to the Jedi.

[div=max-width:800px ;margin:auto; margin-top:15px; margin-bottom:20px;  padding-top:0px; background: linear-gradient(#212425, #030a0e, #030a0e); padding-bottom:15px; border-radius:10px; border:2px #07C7F2 solid; box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #000000;]
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[div=max-width:800px; margin-top: -25px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 10px; border-top: 1px #07598C solid; border-bottom: 1px #07598C solid; background: linear-gradient(#212425, #030a0e, #030a0e); color: #dae1e5; font-size:15px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica]
[CENTER][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=26px][COLOR=#07C7F2]Future of the Jedi[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]
[COLOR=#07C7F2]Location:[/COLOR] Coruscant
[COLOR=#07C7F2]Tag:[/COLOR] [USER=22999]Valery Noble[/USER]

Iri shifted his footing as the Jedi took in everything he said, making sure to listen attentively as she responded, not wanting to miss a word that was said; as he made a point of making a good impression. As she spoke of coruscant not being an ideal world for learning, what could he say to refute that? It was clear that it was the case, since the temple fell, even fewer Jedi remained here than before. Most had left to fight within the war, and even more, no doubt fell in the conflicts that followed.

[COLOR=rgb(250, 197, 28)]"The fundamentals are crucial to the Jedi, it is what defines us and separates us from the Sith or other force users. Without our Code, and our philosophies we would be left to follow the desires of our hearts, to act willfully for self-interest."[/COLOR] Iri confidently stated, as if deep within he believed the words that were said, and not as if he was merely reciting them.

At the mention of lightsaber training his already eager energy peaked. [COLOR=rgb(250, 197, 28)]"I would be glad to learn more about lightsaber training, oh and learning force too would be great."[/COLOR] the latter half stated with less enthusiasm. [COLOR=rgb(250, 197, 28)]"Since most of the Jedi left, I have had few to train with. Those that remain are either lacking in skill or Jedi busy guarding the temple and what little relics remain within." [/COLOR]He flashed a cheeky grin as he awaited her response.
[div='max-width: 850px; background:url(''); background-position:center; filter: drop-shadow(3px 3px 7px #0D1536); padding: 10px; margin: auto; border: 1px solid; border-image: url('') 30; font-family: Georgia; text-shadow: 2px 1px #000000;"']
~[I]fit it all, fit it in the doldrums~[/I]

[COLOR=rgb(119, 139, 165)]OUTFIT[/COLOR]: [URL='']x[/URL]
[COLOR=rgb(119, 139, 165)]TAG[/COLOR]: Open

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The acidic smell of rain pouring doen the lower levels of Coruscant never changes.  The way the water splashes on the canopy, how the neon lights reflect on the puddles, the ashy stench from the cheap noodle bars, the deadbeat drunks grazing the dirty alleyways, spending the rest of their credits on temporary release and instant gratification, while their family is facing a slow death of hunger and sorrow, it all effortlessly takes me back to the days of old.

The day where we barely scraped for a once a day meal, where the neighbours next door beat their children senseless, where I had to rove through several levels of the city, stealing from nearby grocery stores which shopkeepers' got punished for every lost goods. Surviving means the death of ten others, back then, and my mom, she's the strongest of them all. She taught me how to navigate this repugnant, cruel world, how our very livelihood relies on how many of our neighbours we finessed. All that for a box of condensed carbohydrates each and every day. The tiny path and its railings near the place we used to get our rations lead me to a small shack, dark and long abandoned.

Mom. She was the strongest of them all, until she wasn't. A year after I managed to escape the heinous life a child domestic terrorist, I managed to re-establish contact with her, now as a Jedi Padawan. It wasn't easy, she felt betrayed by my disappearance. Yet I can see the pride deep in her solemn, blue eyes. As her body weakens, voice turning creaky, the warmth inside has never changed. Until one day, close to my knighting, the force called upon me, way down. That day I was forced to put down my mom's physical form, as I faced her soulless body act as a vessel of a malignant spirit. That day I was reborn a Jedi Knight, an empty vessel of Ashla's will.

The abandoned shack is the silent witness of the somber scene, of a metamorphosis of once a young and passionate kid, fresh off a terrible childhood. The scratches and banged up walls, the shattered furniture, the eerily cold breeze, the breeze that follows me wherever a spirit is. Today is the fifth anniversary of the tragedy. Nothing has changed since that day. Not me, not the shack, not Coruscant. The energy is still the very same one I left that day. The floor I'm sitting on is still the same. The meditation routines remain the same for the past four years I've visited annually. Same thoughts, same emptiness. Nothing, no one had ever bothered me from the annual ritual I partake in. Not until today, when a squeaky noise pulled me back from the deep trance of my meditation.
[CENTER][IMG width="500px"][/IMG]
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