Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
THe image werre ancient and fading almost but it gave a look for them of a few different things. Basaba was seeing where the different beings were around working to serve the different gods. She didn't know many gods or what they wanted but these ruins if they were any indication were grand once. Now they were just decayed and desolate when the light from another flame unit went off and they were clearing the other rooms that cast everything in shadows for them to see. The flame was coloring the stone around all of them until she was moving off to clear another room with a nod of her head and set a beacon to follow. Some statues, some murals, some urns.

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
There was not much int he ruins for them to work with, they needed to push forward and see if any of them were still alive as Basaba prepared to fight more of the creatures herself if they were still alive but whoever these people were. They were quite skilled with the whole eviscerating enemies and infected things instead of the small risks that could come from it. She was moving from room to room searching for the infected and enemies when she saw some of them maybe moving ahead of a long corridor. They didn't have markings and were out of the range of their main trackers but she motioned indicating them as two of the red eye probes were deployed to scout.

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
Basaba was connecting with the scout probes that were searching as they continued, the main problem with not wanting to be attacked was you had to do things semi by the book in need. In this case they couldn't let the dangers or risks of things to come after them because they failed to clear a room. It also let them set down the sensors and trackers to alert them to others that were following them when the team was clearing rooms and engaging with some of the infected. Not making it into a dangerous situation before she hugged the wall and came out taking aim with the rifle looking at the black armored beings who were fighting against some fo the infected. She could see them in the scope with a look firing off a shot that impacted.

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
The caster shot that came out and tore through the armor and the limb made the soldier scream but the one infected that was going after them was a dangerous thing. It was missing half of its face and she had managed to fire through the lower jaw of it. Allowing the low light vision to handle the situation before they were moving forward with some of the bigger things. Basaba moved forward with the others in a small fire team shooting at the limbs of the infected and then at the soldiers to knee cap them and disable their hands or arms if they needed to. From the looks of them they were human as they could see all of it. "Keep firing."

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
The sound fo the rifle as it fired off into the infected and to disable the soldiers was like a sweet music to her ears when she was moving. Prepared to go through with more of it before she moved forward kicking one fo the infected heads against a wall that was trying to bite. THe flame units came in and grabbing one fo the soldiers who was still alive as she restrained him with her cybernetic hand the jets of fire and plasma were incinerating the infected to get rid of them. They didn't want to run a risk of bringing the gunk back home and after the engagements they were moving to check for any and all damage that would or could be there. She was prepared to work on the fight.

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
Basaba shouldered and slid the rifle onto her back while she stood there seeing something in front of her a large creature that had half its face missing. The slobber it had when she motioned with her hand for the others to take all of the prisoners away. They would be able to work with many of the things, she had herself ready to use before removing her beskad when she hefted it with a nod of her head. "Make sure they are safe, we need to be able to learn about what they were coming here for." She was ready to ork with it and she was prepared to fight this thing as shooting it might be dangerous or just piss it off meanwhile her armor was strong and she was stronger.

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
Her normal fist clenched with a look over her face inside the helmet before she rushed the beast and it tried to bite her shoulder. The jaws snapping and saliva slobbering down onto her armor when she punched it in the gut. All squishy and she could feel her hand sinking into the wet chest cavity for a moment before she touched bone and gripped it. Adjusting her attack so that she was gripping his body before he snapped to try and bite through her neckguard. There was a lot more attention before she grabbed at him with her beskar hand taking the jawbone in her hand and pulling at it as the bones and tendon snapped under the grip of the cybernet hand.

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
The feeling of the bone in her hands was there as she gripped snapping at it with the jaw closing around her cybernetic limb. The teeth cracking from the rot and strain smashing into the stronger metal as Basaba pulled tearings chunks of it all off when she was kicking back at it. The creature snarled and screamed but went back itno the wall as she was holding a section of spine and the jawbone like grotesque melee weapons. Zombies were good for the whole flling apart easily thing she she moved forward smashing them into it until there was pulp on the floor. Wanting to say something quick, clever and qitty while she was moving around with a look on her face.

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
Basaba kept moving as she was moving and smashing it until she could feel the stone below. The shadows played a lot into it as the others couldn't see when she stood up and dropped what there was left in her hands to give a lot of it. Turning over with some of her attention until she looked at the others and her armor would have to be heavily cleaned but thankfully it was sealed heaily aand not designed to allow anything in to infect her but she wasn't going to take any chances and would be in quarantine as needed for the others when she tapped her beskad sliding it back into the sheath with a nod of her head. "lets get going." Taking a few things before she moved with the prisoner.

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
They were heading back through the ruins and prepared to work on more of it. She stuck a few of her ideas to the back of her mind seeing the datapad the one soldier had and taking it with her she started looking over it as it was being hooked up to her mini computer seeing the information. "They were here from Atrisia, the teams are searching for different things but they want to get information about a legendary system where the atrisian god might have been." She wasn't certain about it but given there was several gods on atrisia that could be noticed and important she wasn't going to put much behind it just yet. She was testing out a couple fo the other ideas to provide herself with new information.

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
The trek back to the ship was less event filled then she had thought it would be... well the trek back to the main wall that was where they could hold a safe and shielded one for a ship to land was less eventful. Once she got to the wall there was plenty going on as the droids were coming out to see her. Escorting the ones into different rooms and Basaba stood there when she was getting taken out fo the armor with a look on her face. Prepared to fight with the droids but once they had the armor in its own thing they were going to sterilize it of anything on there so that they would be able to make sure it was clean. Same with her when she got some new clothing to wear while in the small room.

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
Basaba stood there in the room as she didn't have much to do, even her arm had been taken to make sure it was clean and didn't contain any of the infection or risks with the people. She could go with that, keep things safe before fidning a place she could finally move around with her one arm going to the floor. "Alright then to pass the time." There was an incubation period right? She was curious if only because she would want to find something to do while she started workjing herself out. Letting the thoughts racing through her mind about being careful and ensuring she had done everything drift away because she knew she had been but there was a chance the others hand't been so careful.

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
She wasn't sure how much time had passed for herself but basaba had worked up quite a a sweat before she was going over to the bench she could sit on and rolled her shoulders letting her neck move around with the popping sound coming to her when she looked over at a number of things. She was wanting to look at many of the things until she stayed over with a look at the screen. She was waiting to see if anyone was going to come and see her but they were droids they didn't really come around for idle chit chat or trying to work with her to not be bored. She needed something or someone to talk with before she was moving now and grabbing the one bar that was there hanging.

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
Basaba was looking at herself in the reflective surface when she started pulling herself up on it and the large amazon was letting the frustration come out when she was working with it. She was here as the silence all around could mean that her sisters might have been behind soundproof rooms or there was the danger they had turned and been purged. That was a risk before she stayed there with a nod of her head moving up and down when she stayed there with a nod of her head. She could feel her teeth grinding in her mouth as she tucked her chin up under the bar and exhaled sharply dropping down a moment before starting to lift herself back up. The muscles in her arm straining.

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
She could see it there and her arm was always getting more fo a work out, the cybernetic one was helpful but it didn't really get any stronger or weaker when she was using it. If she was tired it wouldn't be unable to grip others. Sh was glad to get to work out the other to make sure she wasn't getting lazy with a look on her face when she was focused on the movement of her body going up and down to really get her there. Lifting her own body up until she worked up more of a sweat to the work out. She was all for it as the hours continued to pass with all of the things that they were doing. It gave her a lot of work while she stood there clenching and unclenching her hand while she looked at all of it just waiting.

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
Then the screen changed and basaba had a small look on her face while she was going over a lot of the things that were there. Prepared to work on them more but she dind't think she would have to as the massive warship was gleaming silver in the starlight as the droid came to the window. "Sorry for the wait Lady basaba, we have been working to make sure all of your things are cleaned and sterile to prevent infection." Basaba understood as the door opened and her arm was there for her when she was moving with her attention to it and the others who were getting the same from the other droids as well as they equipment back when she attached her arm.

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
She could feel the arm as it attached and there was a sensation with it so that she would be able to control it before she was moving with all of her attention to the other sisters she had there and around. Checking on some of them to make sure until her eyes roved over to the shuttle that was protected with the large section of shield. They were made and protected for the different bases and walls on the planets now when they were making a base for themselves. Basaba got into some of the armor but they filed into the shuttle leading them up towards the ship in orbit that would be looking over everything when she gave a nod of her head. "Alright, all of you lets head up and file in."

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
Basaba was looking at it all while she was moving with her sisters into the ship, they were making the way up to the large ship and it was sleek, silver and made to be painful with areas you could just see the blisters and bubbles that would have the guns and cannons they were presenting for everyone. "You all did very well in your works and I am proud to see there were none infected or lost." She gave them all a nod of her head and patted their shoulders before the ship was coming in to the large warships hanger. Prepared and set up with a better design for themselves so that it would be able to work with it. She knew that there were others working on the ship itself and all of the upgrades that were planned to go into it.

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
Basaba was sticking with all of the information here as she entered the CIC of the ship seeing the people that were there. They had been running tests and getting to work with their new shiny hull plating as she spoke. "Everything is working as it should be I am guessing?" She asked it with a grin on her face while she was looking over all of the things. The display of the ship showing that the hull and shielding systems for the ship were working at maximum things. "Yes Lady Willamina, we have been checking with it and the hull plating as well as the ablative hull sections have been proving highly effective in simulations against the ship. Once wargames scenarios start we will know more."

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
Ah one of her favorite things... kind of wargames with others could be an amazing way to test a ship but there was a problem with it... when it involved ships there wasn't boarding and assault squads usually being used except in certain scenarios to test out boarding ships and pods. She wasn't always going to enjoy it but there could be a lot she would be abel tow ork with and help them test out when the time came. Basaba herself had a few ideas of wha she would be able to set up in the larger sections of the ship. The hanger was going to be large and designed to put this ship in charge over many of the others. Nearly twice the size of a destroyer and it would have more if they could manage it. "Good then I will report in and have everything set up with the others."

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