Madison M. Maxwell IV
『 amadeus 』

- Intent: To sub for Orsolya’s enhanced eyes & their additional programming.
- Image Source: Eyes | Gif
- Canon Link: N/A
- Restricted Missions: N/A
- Primary Source: Cybernetics
- Manufacturer: BioTech Industries (Modified by Orsolya)
- Model: Full Eyeball Cybernetic Augmentations (x2)
- Affiliation: Orsolya Saris
- Modularity: No
- Production: Unique
- Material: Link-steel, biological circuitry, mechanical parts

- While it's insanely hard to (at least without the proper medical knowledge and technology) physically modify the eyeball cybernetics, Orsolya is able to jack into them via a port located on her temple, hidden by her hairline, giving her access to the programming and 'inner brain' of her eyes. This allows her to retain a different sort of modularity, able to code in new or upgrading existing features depending on the mission.
- Enhanced Viewing: Offering filters for night vision, UV light, heat signature detection and a GUI display allowing Orsolya to keep an eye on the state of her other augmentations and even her own bodily status, these eyes are a prized part of Orsolya's arsenal and can be used to the benefit of herself and others during jobs.
- Obvious: Anyone up and close to Orsolya will be able to easily see that she has robotic eyes. It's barely hidden by shades as the artificial lenses give off enough light to be noticeable behind even the darkest sunglasses and also have the same effect in the dark.
- Neural Lag: Technology isn't perfect. Because these are cybernetics jacking into Orsolya's original eyeballs and simply have the tech 'wrapped' around them, they're interfacing with more biological matter than any of her other augments. This leads to migraines and headaches as on occasion the circuitry interacts oddly with her nerves. Unaffected by pain medication, they're simply something Orsolya has to wait out.
Why stop at just the arms? Orsolya has additionally elected to undergo further treatments to have her eyeballs entirely augmented with biotechnology so that her eyesight and perception are enhanced, featuring vision filters and a 'heads-up' display concerning the status of her other augments. The cybernetics interface with and 'hook into' her original eyes, the technology sitting on top of the biological matter sort of like a fine metal film. Having adapted to their use and modified their programming to suit Orsolya's personal needs, these unique little pieces of technology are vital to Orsolya's toolkit of tricks.