Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Oryu
RANK: None
AGE: 29

SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.1m
WEIGHT: 45kg
EYES: Brown/Hazel

HAIR: Auburn/White
SKIN: Brown

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
(+) His small size allows him to sneak unheard, unseen and unnoticed, making him a perfect little spy. (+) Oryu is a wiz with mechanics, unlike most of his species. (+) Also, he can climb trees to the slenderest of branches, and blend in with the wild-life on forest planets. (-) His small size means that he finds it hard to keep up with groups, if he travels with them, and results in him getting incredibly tired quite quickly. (-) Oryu can't control his feelings of the Force, since on his homeplanet, his tribe was in a secluded spot, where no Jedi, or Sith, could find him for suitable training.

Oryu is 1.1 meters tall, and weighs in at 45kg. His hair is long and matted, aUBURN in colour, flecked with tints of black, dark brown, and boasts a white and ears. He wears traditional Ewok clothing, a small Banther Leather jacket which holds an array of knives and spears.

Oryu was born into the family of 'Omegas' so to speak, and was kicked out of his tribe after his father challenged his rank. Soon, his parents were killed, protecting their son from a unknown beast, and Oryu has vowed to avenge their death ever since, by tracking down the beast. The Ewok soon found himself at one with the forest, a factfile of plants stored inside his mind, even tricking prey into traps, collecting wild berries, creating fire, which is usually taught to Ewok cubs as they grow into toddlers. One day, a ship was forced to land, to repair on the Forest Moon of Endor, so, smelling good delicacies on-board, Oryu climbed aboard as a Stowaway, heading to Tatooine. There, he traded with Junk Dealers, Jawas and many other creatures to repair a ship he found, an old Jedi Fighter, and even bought an Astro-Droid to co-pilot, named R2-X2.

Delta-7B Aethersprite Class Light, Green. Two simple lazer canons, missiles fitted.

Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her. N/A

Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened. N/A

R2-X2 (Artoo-Extoo):

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