Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[OSL] The Lost Ren

The room was far larger than she expected, the beds filled with broken soldiers and medics, the entire room blurring in a mass of activity until the urge to find a way to the outside was near its zenith. Steps away from the doors, her name being called by a familiar voice made her turn.

[member="Kaalia Voldaren"] limped down the room, moving faster than her body should be judging by the flashes of pain that crossed her face with each step. A crutch was tucked under one arm, further augmenting the fact that her friend should not be up and moving to catch up. A soft sigh accompanied an unamused frown as she paused enough to let the red-head catch up.

”Kaal, you should not be moving like that. Go sit down.”

Crossing her bandaged arms across her chest, she eyed her friend with a mixture of disappointment and resignation. Just as she would hardly be held back from getting up and going, she knew she couldn’t prevent her friend from doing the same. The worried expression combined with the shout to return giving away the reason behind the accelerated movements.

”I just need some fresh air, I will come back inside in a minute.”

Reaching out to place one hand on the girl’s shoulder, she smiled softly, fighting against a coughing fit that wanted to bubble up. Eyes darting around the room, pausing on each familiar face, few though they were, she shuddered slightly.

The last two times she’s woken up in a medbay had not been the most pleasant experiences. The most recent, on Dosuun, Doctor Ven having done a phenomenal job returning her to working order after a particularly nasty brawl on her home planet. She’d walked away with new scars, both physical and mental, but she had the use of all her limbs and that was the most important.

The time before that…she’d sworn she had died that night. She should have died. Quick thinking and skilled healers were the ones to thank for her miraculous recovery, but it never truly left, that feeling of waking up wondering if you were in one piece or not.

Hand dropping back to her side, she nodded to the far side of the room, to the bed Kaalia had come from. Her gaze flattened slightly, sadness mixing with the easy-going persona she’d tried to adopt.

”Is....?” After a pause, she changed what she was going to ask. "Are the others safe?"

[member="Mishel Ren"] | [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Halle Ren"] | [member="Bethany Kismet"] | [member="Hazel Zanteres"] | [member="Zmej Ren"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"]

Mishel Kryze


No, no, angel, I'm not sad because of the test. Or because of you. Never, dear. The test results...confuse me a bit. Even I don't have all the answers. It's something I've never dealt with before, but it doesn't change things. You're my daughter and I love you. You're a lovely girl. Come over here, Rio. Breakfast time. Yes, yes, you did very well, sweetie. You're my little miracle.'re up already? After you've learned Eldarai, maybe you could join the choir and sing songs about Ashira, too! I'm sure Eileithya would help you. You're a big bundle of energy, aren't you? Take some pity on your mother, dear. My bones are very old. Salvation is, well, basically the Eldorai believe if you're a good person and believe in Ashira one day she'll take you to a very special, happy place, where you'll always be with her.

Well, I've been afraid of changin'

'Cause I've built my life around you
But time makes you bolder
Even children get older

And I'm getting older, too


Wherever Mishel was her body was starting to shut down, vital monitors began to scream.
[member="Ara Ren"] | [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] | [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Halle Ren"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] |
[member="Bethany Kismet"] | [member="Hazel Zanteres"] | [member="Joza Perl"] | [member="Sabena Shai"] | [member="Rolf Amsel"] | [member="Alkor Centaris"]


Hazel Zanteres

The Angel/Devil on your Shoulder
Mishel, okay good that's another name to a face.

"No, we found her outside the castle you lot were in. The evidence would indicate she was hit by a blast to the back and fell from the building. Several broken bones; such as her ribs which have unfortunately punctured one of her lungs. She wasn't in good condition when we picked her up, I managed to heal her along the way but it's down to doctor's operating on her now. Once her internal injuries are tended to, we can get her rested up in a bacta tank." It was honest, and Hazel had no energy in her to try and sugar-coat her words. That and at least to her it seemed like [member="Connor Harrison"] would rather have it so.

She frowned as the man ran a finger over his closed eyes. "While I know it's probably difficult right now, please try to refrain from touching your eyes." She paused as she picked up Connor's chart. "You're half right, when the collapse happened it was the dust it probably kicked up that got into your eyes - irritating them. The toxicity of the flumes around at the time is what got into your lungs. Which is why keeping the oxygen mask on is paramount, otherwise it can cause lifelong complications on your respiratory system if it's not completely expunged." She reached over to grab the mask in question and placed it in Connor's hand.

"My name is Hazel Zanteres, I'm a Doctor and Healer. And I'm not entirely surprised you haven't heard of us, as the Sacred Lotus has only recently became a thing." She stopped momentarily to catch her breath. "We're a group dedicated to providing aid to whoever needs it - that means anyone, we're not exclusive with who we care for. And as you can probably sense, the Order members are light side inclined, but that changes nothing."

[member="Ara Ren"] | [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Halle Ren"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Bethany Kismet"] | [member="Joza Perl"] | [member="Sabena Shai"] | [member="Rolf Amsel"] | [member="Alkor Centaris"]
Things just got weirder and weirder from there.

Most of the Ren had awoken, some still confined to their beds and a few well enough to walk the halls of wherever it was that they were. It didn’t take much of a sensory extension to feel the little localized cores of the Darkness to figure that many among them were of the Darker might. Surprisingly, one or two were just familiar enough to be concerning. It took her a few moments to place them to faces.

“Humanitarian organization.” She breezed past [member="Connor Harrison"] and [member="Hazel Zanteres"]. “Likes to pick up stray puppies in collapsed structures.” There was a hit of bitterness to her voice, though altogether the Zeltron was wholly unamused with the situation at hand. Far be it from her to interrupt the doctor though, given that most of these Ren seemed more confused than violent. Probably had something to do with the medication they were administered.

Speaking of sedation drugs, she felt partially responsible for one screaming [member="Alkor Centaris"]. Though they barely knew eachother, the Corellian was technically still her husband. Funny thing is, the last time they’d met she was mid-way through her pregnancy with another man’s child. Alkor didn’t seem to mind though, didn’t seem to even fully grasp the concepts of marriage, childbirth or infidelity. While she didn’t consider their union real, it would certainly be valid in Mandalorian eyes.

“What happened to you, Centaris?” She had made her way over to where the pair of Mandos were holding him down, a severely injured Alkor hissing and spitting like a stray cat. “Hold him steady.” At some point in her journey over to the angry Dark Jedi, she’d acquired a syringe of sedative. From her basic understanding of drugs, it was more of a downer—wouldn’t knock him out, just calm him enough to stop thrashing like a wounded animal. “Party’s over, Alkor.” With a hopefully swift jab that wouldn’t get her bitten, she inserted the needle into his neck and depressed the plunger.
[SIZE=11pt]She'd been pretending to be asleep for a while now. Her companions reacted with confusion as they stirred but Samka Derith was always against drawing attention to one's self in the face of the unknown. She knew they weren't in First Order space, the presence of the Light was far too great, but beyond that they were in the unknown. So she'd lain there with the aim of listening in on the idle chatter of unsuspecting staff. The Ren was almost regretful that the others had woken up and began a tirade of panicked questioning and reactions climaxing in a presence she recognised as [member="Ara Ren"] leaving the room despite several protests followed by [member="Kaalia Voldaren"]. If the others were around then there was no sense in playing this game anymore.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Samka turned over in her bed and sat upright. She noticed a collection of treatments for intense burns on a table and tray around her while various dressings and bandages had been applied to her. Instinctively, Sam brushed her hair with her left hand, doing her best to alleviate the ‘bed-hair’ situation she was certain she’d have by this point, and cleared her throat loudly. “Now, now,” she addressed [member="Connor Harrison"]. “Let’s not be rude to our hosts before uncovering their intent. All this,” she gestured to the medical supplies and equipment spread around the room, “is not easy to obtain and use. You have my gratitude,” Sam nodded respectfully to [/SIZE][member="Hazel Zanteres"] yet her face was blank. Unreadable. There was no reason to be overly friendly until Sam knew exactly what was happening here.

[SIZE=11pt]She’d considered putting on one of her ‘innocent teenager’ acts. To babble in disarray and invoke sympathy, to pretend to her hosts that she was utterly harmless. But it was clear that the others needed the real her. Someone firm and level-headed. At least in her own opinions.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]She remained stone-faced as the doctor explained the status of her companions. The news of Mishel’s injuries in-particular were a punch in the gut but she could show no sympathy, no weakness, not in front of those she didn’t yet trust. Harrison was blind for the moment then? Sam’s eyes flickered to the bed Ara had been in, life support and breathing apparatus. Ara too must have been more injured than she had seemed during the collapse. She recalled Harrison collapsing almost immediately but Ara had stayed conscious until the end. Or at least as long as Sam had. Truth be told, the memories were hazy. She’d been subjected to intense psychological attacks from both sides of the Force and the strain of knowing her mission had only achieved only partial success had pushed her a little over an edge. She vaguely remembered tearing her way through rocks and dirt with her bare hands aided only by the Force in a desperate, almost feral attempt to create an exit. Then she paled as another memory of the Castle’s events resurfaced.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]“May I see what information you obtained on my state of health?” She asked, her tone completely formal and hiding the worry beneath.[/SIZE]
[member="Joza Perl"] - [member="Zmej Ren"] - [member="Halle Ren"]​
There were, as always it seemed, too many things that needed to happen at the same time and only so many members of the Order to deal with each new thing.

Bethany had been up in the comm center, arranging a message to the First Order to let them know that status of their people, as well as arrange for their transport, once they were stable. It hadn't taken long, but apparently in her absense things got a little..... tense.

Threading through the white stone hallways of Sanctuary, it was impossible to miss the rising tensions in the room below, the sinking darkness of [member="Halle Ren"] and[member="Kyrel Ren"], and the struggling life, beating like failing butterfly wings of [member="Mishel Ren"]. Bethany grimaced slightly, making a slight detour from her intended destination. She knew Sanctuary better than anyone- after all, she had laid the first stones with her own hands, and planned every detail down to the smallest window.

The diminutive Jedi Master stepped out of a doorway in front of [member="Kyrel Ren"]. While he emanated his own personal darkness, she didn't so much wear the light as she was the light. Just as there was no hiding or mistaking him, just so with her as well. Despite that, she did not *look* much like what one would expect. Short and slight of build, she wore simple clothes in grey and white. No lightsaber hung at her hip, nor were there any other weapons in sight. In truth, just in the way she walked, it was obvious that she carried none. Long black hair hung down her back in a single braid. And when she paused to look up at him, instead of being greeted by consternation or condemnation....

She smiled.

"If you are looking for your friends, you can follow me," she said quietly, her voice gentle.

"If you are looking for a fight, I will simply ask that you wait and decide that after you have seen them. These hallways are open to you, but this is a place of Sanctuary. The people here are peaceful and will offer you no harm, but they will defend themselves if you force their hand and I have no desire to see either of our people injured further. Please. This way."

And she turned her back to him, heading calmly down the hallway. She of course hoped he would follow. If he didn't.... she at least hoped that he would refrain from violence until he had truly seen just what their order was about. Not about the Jedi, or even the light. But about peace and offering help to those in need.

Including his friends.


Bethany stepped into the doorway of the room most of the Ren were gathered a few minutes later. She paused for a moment, taking in the scene before speaking. Though her voice was soft, it traveled through the room with ease, reaching each of them. She addressed [member="Hazel Zanteres"] first.

"Doctor Zanteres, I believe that the young woman you unloaded first is in dire need of your attention. Perhaps I can take over here for you?"

Though she was one of the leaders of the Order, it was not a command. As in all things, she simply suggested or requested.

Turning her attention to the gathered Ren, she inclined her head, putting her hands together in front of her in a symbol of peace- the motion was intrinsic, the hand signal from an age long past, but she used it nonetheless.

"My name is Bethany," she said calmly. As always, she left off any titles or honorifics.

"I have just sent a message to your Order. They know you are here and are being treated. We will find out soon when they are sending someone to pick you up- if for some reason that is not viable, we will bring you back to Dosuun once everyone is stable enough to travel."

She paused, looking over the gathered faces. One of them of course was familiar, and she offered an eye crinkling smile to [member="Kaalia Voldaren"].

"But I am sure you all have questions. And I will do my best to answer them," she said with a gentle smile that encompassed the others. "If you would like to see the records we have since picking you up, of course you may," she indicated Samka specifically. "Though I admit, Hazel likely didn't put them simply, so if there are terms you are not familiar with, I will be happy to help explain."

[member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Ara Ren"] [member="Samka Derith"] [member="Joza Perl"] [member="Alkor Centaris"] @AnyoneImighthavemissed

Connor Harrison

Connor nodded and took the mask from her hand, and kept it on his mouth and nose and maintained breathing. His eyes were stining but he used what could of his internal power to soothe them and remain calm, to help the healing.

Sitting up, his head turned sharply as he felt, and heard, [member="Joza Perl"] with a cutting statement. His face twitched.

"You don't care about anyone but yourself, Joza," he said as he passed by.

What the hell was she up to.

Before he had time to say anything else, another came over - [member="Samka Derith"] - who had authority over him, and he had to remember that. With another Lotus taking over - [member="Bethany Kismet"] - Connor lowered his head in a welcome bow, to both.

"Forgive me. You have my thanks for what you have done. And, Doctor Zanteres,", he looked to [member="Hazel Zanteres"] where she sounded to be, "you have my personal thanks and gratitude. Go help Mishel. Do your best."

Sitting and sighing, composing himself and taking deep breaths, he looked to where the new voice came from, and strong Light aura.

"Thank you Bethany. I apologise for my curtness. I know when thanks is due, and you didn't have to help us. But you did. So, the Ren and First Order thank you."

[member="Ara Ren"] | [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] | [member="Mishel Ren"]

Mishel Kryze

We believe in you, our mother and goddess, and in your governor the Star Queen. You were born out of the sun, moon and stars, and breathed life into the Eldorai. You set us upon the path of righteousness. Betrayed and struck by the Arch-Enemy, you cast her down into the pit of hell and ascended to heaven. Upon death, all those who are pure of heart will sit at your side, the wicked shall be smote. The night is dark and full of terrors, but your light banishes the darkness.
Vital monitors screamed and it felt as if Mishel's fight would be over, soon.
Of course, we can go to the water, angel. But not too deep. You have to stay close to me. Oh, is my little angel cold? Your Si-Si will warm you up. Come here.
Doctors and nurses flooded the room. Mishel's body was shutting down, but her spirit struggled on the decision.
Those shells are very nice, angels They'd look great in your castle.
There it was, the sound everyone dreaded as the monitors showed the line and the sound that went with it.
The Goddess breathed life into you and gave you a soul.
"Get her back! C'mon, c'mon, c'mon - breathe!"
Come here, sweetie. Cuddle with your mummies.
Well, I've been afraid of changin'

'Cause I've built my life around you

But time makes you bolder

Even children get older

And I'm getting older, too

Oh, I'm getting older, too

I took my love, I took it down

I climbed a mountain and I turned around

And if you see my reflection in the snow-covered hills

Well the landslide will bring it down

And if you see my reflection in the snow-covered hills

Well the landslide will bring it down

Oh, the landslide will bring it down

And then it went quiet.
[member="Hazel Zanteres"] | [member="Bethany Kismet"] | [member="Joza Perl"]
Brothers and Sisters in the name of Seiger Ren would feel something in the force, a life faded away.
[member="Halle Ren"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Ara Ren"] | [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] | [member="Connor Harrison"]

I take my love, take it down
I climb a mountain and turn around

And if you see my reflection in the snow-covered hills

Will the landslide bring you down?

And if you see my reflection in the snow-covered hills

Will the landslide bring you down, oh, oh?
The landslide bring you down
Perhaps [member="Ara Ren"] was right, but in Kaalia's mind the others needed her help and that mattered more than anything. She knew she would be fine with a few days' rest. "I understand you want fresh air, but keeping the oxygen mask on is important. The doctor told me that flumes you inhaled need to be expunged first. The consequences of not doing so could be permanent." The hand on her shoulder and the smile did little to ease her worries. "Please just go back for a little longer. Would that one minute be worth the damage it would inflict?" Regardless of what the brunette did, Kaalia would follow her. She saw sadness creep into Ara's features, and she did everything she could to support her. A warm smile was sent Ara's way, hoping it would put her even slightly more at ease. "Connor, Samka and Mishel were brought here as well. Connor and Samka will be fine with some rest and a little more treatment. Mishel however..." She steadied herself again. "The situation's pretty bad. I have faith that they can help her, but it's definitely not helping my psyche. I'll be fine though, don't worry about that." The last thing the redhead wanted was for anyone to worry about her at all, they needed to put their own wellbeing first. "And... I'm sorry. I should've listened to you and backed up Connor myself, I should've been the one there." She would've gladly taken the bullet if she had known she had the choice, but that choice wasn't clear enough for her to see.

Another soul entered the room, and Kaalia was relieved to see the familiar face of [member="Bethany Kismet"] joining them. She had met her before, when she came to Monastery out of curiosity after picking up a message of the then brand new Order of the Sacred Lotus. They were still developing, but it was good to see that progress was being made. She returned Bethany's smile with a warm one of her own and a modest nod, signifying her respect for the woman. Her cause was an admirable one. She let her finish what she had to say before speaking up herself. "Thank you, Bethany. If there is anything I can help with, please let me know. I hate being a sitting duck here." The gratitude was two-fold. The first and obvious reason for thanking her was the aid her Order had given to the Ren, something she had utmost respect for. The second one however, was a reason only the two of them could have known. It harkened back to when they first met, and Bethany helped ease her soul. She helped Kaalia realize she needed to stop trying to fix what had happened but start over, even though perhaps the new path she had taken wasn't the path the Jedi master had hoped for.

Then, something hit her. It hit her hard. The Force screamed out to her while she felt something fade, and her face went pale. "Oh no. Please no." She turned to Bethany once again, panic washing over her. "Where's Mishel? Where can I find her?"

[member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Hazel Zanteres"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Joza Perl"]

Connor Harrison

Connor stood at once, eyes closed, but seeing everything with the Force at that second a wave hit them in the room.

His skin crawled.


The Disciple was still, fingers clenched into balled fists on both hands as he felt the aura of [member="Mishel Ren"] fade away.

"Get her back. Get her back!" He hissed to himself.
Kyrel stormed the halls his anger palpable as he searched for his Brothers and Sisters in the force. He was tempted to unhook his saber in fact he unhooked the hilt from his belt, and was practically gripping it. His rage was getting close to dangerous levels. He kept walking through the halls, and looked everywhere to find his friends. He than saw a woman in front of him [member="Bethany Kismet"] wearing simple grey and white clothes with a smile on her face that made Kyrel want to force choke her, he was about ready to activate his blade. He didn't say a word only his mechanical breathing being heard, as he listened in closely his gloved fist being clenched tightly. He responded the venom clearly evident in his metallic tone. "Very well Master Jedi. Lead the way please." As he followed her he had murderous private thoughts of seeing the temple sacked and all the Jedi around him dead at his feet, but as he thought more closely he couldn't let the anger get the better of him. His true enemy were the Galactic Alliance and the mockery they called their Jedi Order. Soon he would fulfill what Lord Vader would have accomplished long ago. Soon the Galaxy would learn to fear him once more.

He than entered the Infirmary to see both Brother [member="Connor Harrison"] and Sister as much as he hated to say it [member="Mishel Ren"]. He had grown some what fond of the child despite of who and what she was, and would one day hope to kill her creator and claim what was rightfully his or what was stolen from him. He than felt her signature disappear through the force, and he looked to Kismet activating the crimson blade with a snap hiss and pointing it at her throat. He spoke to her Angrily keeping the blade pointed at her resisting the urge to strike but not wishing to make any foolish mistakes. "What is the meaning of this!!! First one of your people attack me and than you allow one of ours, the abomination to die!! Is this what you wanted me to see Master Jedi, if so you have an open invitation to a quick death!" He was very angry but he was surrounded by Jedi and he didn't want to make any mistakes but upon feeling Mishel's signature disappear his rage overtook him he now had the overwhelming desire to kill.

[member="Kaalia Voldaren"] [member="Samka Derith"] [member="Hazel Zanteres"] [member="Ara Ren"] [member="Halle Ren"]

Connor Harrison

Another violent aura came to life - [member="Kyrel Ren"] - and Connor felt the urge to kill; the one he had experienced so many times.

At the sound of the lightsber sparking to life, he threw his hand up, palm out to where the Dark Side radiated from and his face knotted.

"Kyrel Ren CONTROL yourself!"

He pushed the Force out to grip the body of the man; a Force stasis that was like a short, sharp shake from one of his own.

"STOP. do this then Mishel would have died for NOTHING and you will destroy everything she and the Order strives for!" His hand shook. "Control it....control more blood should be shed today..."
"She's in an operating room not far from here," Bethany said softly to [member="Kaalia Voldaren"]. "I won't pretend that the situation isn't dire. She received significant injuries on Mustafar, along with at least one other of your number, though I don't know his name," she continued gently. She was referring to [member="Rolf Amsel"]. "They were wounded seriously enough that while we could stabilize them on the way here, we couldn't truly help them until they reached us-"

She knew it was coming a heartbeat before it did. The growing anger from [member="Kyrel Ren"] was impossible to miss. She didn't move, didn't try to avoid it or remove herself from the situation. She instead stayed very still. Without moving her head, emerald eyes cast over at the taller figure. The red light of his saber illuminated her face.

"For what one of our guards did on Mustafar, you have my deepest apologies," she murmured, sincerity in her tone and on her face. "While she was not a member of our Order, she was there as security for us, and had agreed to our terms, which included non interference with the war itself, beyond what was needed to save lives. Lives on both sides of that conflict. My apologies for her actions mean very little, I am sure. But I will be speaking to her superiors, and she will not be allowed to take part in our missions in the future. I cannot trust someone who would break our agreements, not with something so delicate as what we are trying to build here."

She paused for just a moment before pressing on.

"And please. We are healers, doctors, but we are not miracle workers. Your friend's injuries were grave. If we had left her there, she would have died on Mustafar. Alone. I have faith in Doctor Zanteres. I understand why you might not. So with that in mind, I offer you this. If she lives, your friend, we can all sit down and discuss this and you at least attempt to believe me when I say that we mean you no harm. If she dies......"

Now Bethany did turn her head, looking up at him fully.

"If she dies, you can decide what to do with me," she said simple. "All I ask is that you leave the rest of my people unharmed. If she dies, you may choose. If it's a life for a life you desire. Then so be it."

[member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Samka Derith"] [member="Halle Ren"] [member="Hazel Zanteres"]
"Master Kismet, are you alri-" The lumbering footsteps of a large being filled the hallway [member="Bethany Kismet"] was in, and soon enough all would see the giant figure of the white bear stepping into view. He was not there for the words of [member="Kyrel Ren"] , [member="Connor Harrison"] , or Bethany herself. All he came in to see was the red saber pointed at the throat of the shorter Jedi. Anger immediately flashed into the mind of Calder, memories of the Sith and the threat against his fellow Jedi threatened to push him down an unforgiving path. But time had taught him patience.

He did not go for his weapon, but he would not go unnoticed here, at this moment. He did not interrupt, but he glared down at Kyrel Ren, and the warning would be clear.

Hazel Zanteres

The Angel/Devil on your Shoulder
Hazel's seemed to practically snap towards [member="Bethany Kismet"] when the woman had made mention of [member="Mishel Ren"]. The young woman had been a constant thought on her mind since she had to part ways, even as she was checking and trying to calm down the Ren present in the room. She gave the Jedi Master a grateful nod then made a quick jog towards the exit, she also looked over at Connor and did the same, acknowledging his words before she dissappeared out of the room.

By the time she had reached the operating room, she just about heard as one of the people inside was yelling for someone to breath. There was a moment of panic that sunk its way into Hazel's heart, she could already hear machine's sounds in her head. She took a deep breath before she stepped through the sliding doors.

"D-doctor Zanteres you're here!"

"What happened." Her tone could almost be percieved as being harsh, and it probably was but Hazel didn't care. Her sole focus was on the woman that was currently dead on the operating table.

"We were just wrapping up the operation, everything had gone well until she suddenly flatlined."


"We just tried, it didn't work."

"Try again."



There was no going against that order, not that any of the doctor's actually wanted to. Their hesitance was derived from the concern towards the potential complications of repeating the process. Nonetheless they pressed on, taking a brief countdown before they tried again.

This time a spark of life rose to the surface; the machines beeped in response. Everyone looked hopeful, but seconds later it slipped back into the darkness. Hazel cursed as she began to circle around Mishel Ren, eventually stopping by her head as an idea came to her.

"We can't keep doing this, everytime we try she just flatlines again."

"Even if she managed to survive, the repercussions-"

"We won't need to keep repeating it, just one more attempt." The looks Hazel got from that was a mix of wondering if she had gone mad or curious at what the Hapan was thinking.

She looked at each one of her fellow doctors and gave them an assured nod. This was it, do or die.

As the others got in position for one last resuscitation, Hazel whispered a silent prayer before she placed her hands on either side of Mishel's face. She could already feel the cold creeping across the young woman. With a small nod, she gave the others the greenlight.

The moment that spark returned, Hazel grasped ahold of it and clutched it tightly. She opened herself to the Force; to even the planet itself - the light side flooded through her and into her hands. Hazel began to heal Mishel's wounds, whatever malady was keeping her from staying alive. But at the same time she could feel the darkness, something that had lingered ever since the Ren had arrived.

The shimmering anger from [member="Connor Harrison"].

The sudden panic from [member="Kaalia Voldaren"].

The sheer fury from [member="Kyrel Ren"]

Even the rest of the Knights of Ren.

Hazel felt it all and it pushed her fowards, never wavering as she healed Mishel Ren. Steadily the machine readings began to increase, bit by bit the young woman was being brought back to a healthy state. The moment it finally levelled out, Hazel released it and almost collasped to the ground. Though she managed to grab ahold of the table, gripping it by Mishel's head.

"You did it Doctor Zanteres! You did...Hazel are you okay?"

She didn't answer, her head was hung below the threshold of the operation table, hidden from view. Hazel quickly brought her hand beneath her as blood slipped from her lips. It was a small amount that pooled in the palm her hand. The crimson colour was mixed with a sickly green. She let out a silent grimace as she felt it churning through her body; in her blood. She almost thought that was it; the end, but then the healing returned as it weaved through her body to intercept and halt it.

"I'm fine, just exhausted." A half lie, for it had tired her. But the reality was known by no one here, not even Bethany Kismet knew. That was close...

Before Hazel stood back up right, she quickly wiped the blood away inside one of her sleeves. Afterwards, she went about checking Mishel's vitals to ensure the young woman wouldn't flatline again.
His reddened eyes fixated on the Zeltron as she came near, filled with a wicked, haunting gleam. The gag remained securely in place, held taut by the efforts of one of the two Mandalorians who hauled him in. Fits of heavy breathing and futile attempts to gnaw through the binding and free his teeth to tear into her only served to occupy his bestial thoughts.

He fought tooth and nail against the attempt to inject him, but the taller of the two armored figures grabbed him by the hair and forced his head to the side for Joza. As the fluid entered his bloodstream and washed through, he could feel the sudden rush of cold in contrast to the wild heat that had raged there.

His heart pumped quicker at first, still attempting to burn off foreign agents that were contaminating his body. It sought to reject even the sedative, but in the end, the serum won out. Alkor's possessed eyes slowly flickered and dimmed, and the pain began to take root.

Darkness had tripled his senses, opened him up to the suffering, but with its fickle hand withdrawn, he was left to cope with it all alone. Deeper tissue burned as it was wracked with lancing pains. The frayed nerves sent pins and needles up his arm and his body felt like shards of a once perfect glass sphere, dropped carelessly on the ground and shattered.

His gaze grew more distant still as the effects tamed his unruly body and caused his tension to melt away. Alkor ceased to resist the efforts to detain him. The rage ebbed. They withdrew the gag.

"It is thin here," he drawled.

"What's that?" the woman asked. She peeled her buy'ce off, and her dark eyes questioned Alkor. "What's thin?"

"The... wall..." he managed to grunt. He slumped a bit, unable to properly support his weight due to severe damage to his nervous system. He coughed, a terrible, wet fit likely attributed to the build up of fluid in his lungs. His eyes dulled further as his body threatened to sag out to the ground entirely.

They propped him on the bed. "...death..." he managed to wheeze. "I sense... death."

The two Mandalorians exchanged a wary look, then turned to [member="Joza Perl"] .

Mishel Kryze

Because I need you with me.
You are home. Among family.
You're different, Mishel. You're made for this in ways people like me can only dream of.
"Do not worry, we are here for you."
I- I know you can do this. You're stronger than I give you credit.
And you’ll do well if you listen to Samka more often
We're all going to come out of this alive
Mishel could feel something, someone pulling her away from the light. She swore it just as she reached her hand out to touch that of Ashira's someone put their hand on her shoulder. She turned and found [member="Hazel Zanteres"] with her hand extended out to her. The teen looked toward Ashira, "go to them, your time has not yet finished Riona. I will be here, waiting for you."
On the bed the vat-grown Ren gasped for breath, her eyes suddenly open - the light was bright and it blurred her vision. Her arm went out to the healer, as she gripped the fabric of the woman's tunic in her fingers. She gasped again and blinked her body lurched forward a moment and as her vitals became steady Mishel turned to face the woman. With a furrowed brow she reached out with the force to try and figure out who this person was. She found the lightside was one with this ... woman. "Jedi, you? Family mine, mine." Panic began to set in but those who knew Mishel best would have felt her aura return, but it was different...
Mishel had lost her deep connection to the dark side, while it was still there it was faint and in its place...
[member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Ara Ren"] | [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Halle Ren"] | [member="Bethany Kismet"] | [member="Joza Perl"]
Outbursts of emotion were never her speciality. So when the others reacted with grief to the flickering disappearance of [member="Mishel Ren"], Samka herself made only the most subtle of gestures. Her fist curled into a ball and lips pursed together. Beyond that, she remained unflinching. It wasn't that she didn't feel for her apprentice's apparent passing but now, here, surrounded by many Jedi who likely had personal reservations on helping them, this wasn't the time to show the weakness of attachment. It clouded judgement, made one act rashly. The responses of her companions were evidence of that.

"That's quite enough of that," she spoke slowly but evenly and walked close to the enraged [member="Kyrel Ren"]. She did something she would not normally do for a stranger and manoeuvred herself between Kyrel's Lightsaber and the Jedi healer, [member="Bethany Kismet"], and gazed up into the helmet where Kyrel's eyes would be. "Quite enough," she repeated. "We are guests, let us act with respect." [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] appeared on friendly enough terms with these people and if one of their number trusted them, then she could at least give them a moment to speak. Besides, they didn't need more enemies at the moment.

She continued to stare out Kyrel before speaking again, this time her voice louder and firmer, commanding greater authority. "Mission hierarchy remains in place until we hear otherwise. Which means I am in control here, understood?" Her eyes passed over the entirety of the room. A message for all those gathered, including the peoples of the Lotus. "Withdraw your blade," she told Kyrel then turned her head to [member="Connor Harrison"], "and let him go."

Finally she turned towards the doctor herself, Bethany. "With all due respect, Master Jedi, that is not his decision to make. A life for a life?" Sam repeated, the gears turning in her head. "Should the young woman you are treating die, you are to find the guard who betrayed your values on Mustafar and you are to kill her yourself. Given your responsibility in the trouble she caused, I believe that is fair. That is my ultimatum." Samka knew how these types operated, she'd encountered them before. The threat of their own deaths were meaningless but the threat of corruption was something far more powerful. Forcing them to take the life of another and potentially opening them to the corruption of the Dark Side. This would be a far greater incentive to save Mishel's life.

"Take me to her. Let me watch you save her."

[member="Hazel Zanteres"] - [member="Calder Icehammer"] - [member="Joza Perl"] - [member="Zmej Ren"] - [member="Halle Ren"]​

Would that one minute be worth the damage it would inflict?

[member=”Kaalia Voldaren”]’s question was simple in premise, but the heart of it struck Ara to the core, her gaze wanting to flash to the occupied beds around her. Would one minute of pride be worth the damage it could do? She was afraid that the answer didn’t matter at this point, pride won out every time with the knight and the results were catastrophic.

Her urge to leave the room only strengthened, her mind racing as everything from the last few days, weeks, rushed to vie for her attention first. Clenching her hands into fists, she let the pain of the movement push her thoughts away long enough to get a clear mind, all of her emotions hidden behind a polite smile and determined expression.

As her friend listed off the condition of the numerous friends and allies resting in the medbay, she nodded thoughtfully, relieved that their, [member="Connor Harrison"] and her, move to bring the ceiling down hadn’t created anypermanent damage. The news about MIshel caused the skin between her forehead to wrinkle in a frown, the only outward sign of the worry curling in her gut. Kaalia’s apology flew past, Ara shaking her head for a moment before stopping with a shaky breath.

”No, you were right, Kaalia, it should have been me.” There was a weight behind the words that was unreadable as her gaze flicked over to the bed she’d studiously been avoiding since waking up. ”All is well that ends well, correct?” She raised her eyebrows with that familiar teasing smile, attempting to put the red-head at ease.

A new face joined them, speaking to the collected Ren, Connor and [member="Samka Derith"] in particular. As Kaalia turned her attention to the newcomer with an air of authority, Ara took that moment to slip out, past the Zeltron woman and her hissing patient, into the bright hallway in search of some exit to the outside.

Somehow she found a doorway leading to a small side garden, the knight wandering onto the grass barefoot. A lungful of clear, clean air burned, her lungs far more used to the acrid and tainted atmosphere of Mustafar. Withholding a coughing fit by doubling over and wrapping a bandaged arm around her abdomen, she sat on a nearby bench, spending more than a few moments just relearning how to breathe in a normal environment. Slowly the burning and coughing subsided, her body adjusting to the gases filling her lungs, back straightening.

It hit her the same as the others, a life-force disappearing. Unlike Kaalia and [member="Kyrel Ren"] , she didn’t panic or grow angry. The power within her reacted to the death, welcoming the surge of power in the force, even as her mind recognized the loss of one of their own, [member="Mishel Ren"] .

She sat, surrounded by the brush of wind and soft scent of greenery, so far from home and from herself. What was she doing here? Surrounded by tell-tale threads of calming light, the darkness within beckoning to the death of a friend with welcoming arms.

[member="Bethany Kismet"] | [member="Joza Perl"] | [member="Hazel Zanteres"]
Kyrel was struck with the force stasis by [member="Connor Harrison"] and he couldn't even move his blade, he was overcome by rage that he let out a growl in frustration. He just stared at Connor, and even found it comforting that he would even get to take [member="Bethany Kismet"] life in exchange for [member="Mishel Ren"] He couldn't move and even struggled to do so, as he listened to Connor he calmed down a little. As he was released [member="Samka Derith"] entered the room he deactivated his saber as he looked at the team leader which he held a certain amount of respect for not to mention saved her life in the Battle. He would than grin at the thought of killing the Lotus guard he had encountered, but he remained calm as he let his anger simmer down and gave her a nod. He than looked over to the young boy and fixed him an icy stare as he hooked his saber back to his belt.

[member="Ara Ren"] [member="Calder Icehammer"] [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] [member="Halle Ren"]

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