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Approved Starship Osprey-class Stealth Corvette

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  • Intent: To create a specialized stealth vessel for the use of the Ministry of Secrets.

  • Image Source: x

  • Canon Link: N/A

  • Primary Source: N/A


  • Classification: Stealth Ship

  • Length: 105 Meters

  • Width: 48 Meters

  • Height: 18 Meters

  • Armament: Very Low

  • Defenses: High

  • Hangar Space: Base: 0

    Hangar Allocations: N/A

  • Starfighters: 0 squadrons

  • Support Craft: 0 squadrons

Maneuverability Rating: High

Speed Rating: High

Hyperdrive Class: Very Fast: 0.7


  • All standard ship features

Locations of Interest:
  • Armory: Although not expansive, the Armory of the Osprey-class Stealth Corvette is able to store enough munitions, technology, and anything else that an Agent could need on a mission.
  • Bridge: While both serving as the location of flight controls, the Bridge also houses most of the tech operations that a crew would need, including communications, decryption/encryption software, and the like. The Osprey-class is also only piloted by one operator, which means the minimum crew of the stealth corvette is one.
  • Living Quarters: Designed with the thought that agents could be living, and potentially surviving off of the corvette for days at a time, the living quarters of the Osprey are quite substantial. It can comfortably bunk four, and uncomfortably eight, and includes a galley as well as a 'sitting room.'

  • Sneaky Lil' Thing: The excellent shield system of the Osprey-class as well as the StealthGuard paint employed on its hull enables it to confuse trackers and sensors. The tactical jammer installed also works towards this function. The Osprey-class is also quite fast, which adds to it's stealthiness.

  • Mission Optimization: Able to comfortably room four agents for extended periods of time, optimization for a minimum crew of one, long-range transmission capabilities and a fully equipped armory, the Osprey-class is a very supportive vessel.

  • Well-Defended: Countermeasure packages, strong shields and a hull made of Segroth Shocksteel and StealthGuard paint means that the Osprey-class can take a beating. It's tactical jammer can also come in handy in case it needs to make a quick escape, or confuse a pursuing enemy.

  • Not offensive: The Osprey-class is not an offensive ship by any standard; it's two missile launchers only serve as last-resort weapons, and cannot be fired while the ship's cloaking device is employed.

  • Look at the Cost!: The Osprey-class is an extremely expensive, costing about the same as an upscale Star Destroyer to produce despite being the size of an average corvette.

  • Not much room: Although it is corvette-size, the large amount of space that the technology on the Osprey-class takes up means that its total capacity proportionally very small.


The Osprey-class corvette was created as the first 'standardized' vessel of the Ministry of Secrets. While the creation of such a thing was somewhat controversial, partly due to the cost of the design and that the current system employed by the Ministry worked quite well; commissioning captured, broken or currently-used ships that fit within the missions parameters. However, as missions dragged on and agents became more rugged and familiar with the game, the need for a mobile stealth ship that could act as a mobile base-of-operations quickly became apparent, and thus the Osprey-class was created.

Top-of-the-line in terms of technology and design, the Osprey-class Stealth Corvette is equipped with an exceptional shielding system, countermeasures packaging, cloaking device, communications and sensor system. Designed to be able to service an agent when he is out of the reach of a stationary Ministry outpost, many Osprey-class Stealth Corvettes have a 'lived-in' feel to them and oftimes agents will give affectionate nicknames to their assigned ship, even going as far as to decorate the interior with posters and other personal affects. While this is not an officially-supported action, no one in the Ministry of Secrets is eager to restrict this unique, personal charm that the Osprey has brought to the service.
Factory Judge

Currently your ratings are 3 Over what is considered balanced. I recommend you reduce them.

I will also need you to provide proof of usage for the items related to Locke and Key, Jaegar Solutions, as well as Require approval from [member="Visanj T'shkali"], for the usage of their submissions.
[member="Vigil Rostu"]

Balancing changes made.

Darth Maliphant said:
Following raids on Jaeger Solution's locations on Bastion, Muunilinst, Mygeeto, and The Technicolor Beat; the company is in crisis. With the loss of Jaeger's leadership, the company's rule fell on shareholders like the CIS Vicelord, Darth Metus who quickly consolidated the companies assets and took majority control over the legendary arms company. With an almost complete overhaul of the corporate sector, all debts and profits has been transferred over for the CIS's use.

Quote from Jaegar Solutions homepage, stating that Jaegar Solutions is basically owned by the CIS.


Discord DM with John giving permission for me to use his technology. ([member="John Locke"] can verify)
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