Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig couldn't help but smile at Eza. The kid had a lot of knowledge. While he'd never heard of the Poetics of a Jedi, but it seemed to have some good advice. Maybe he needed to give it a look at some point. He nodded a bit, looking at the tree he was standing near as he patted it's side.
"You're right kid. Now though, it's time to explain another thing. How we deal with walking a bit of a line, or at least those who are ready for it. I think it was the Jedi Master Yoda who explained fear leads to hate and so on. Basically the leading to how one can avoid the Dark Side. Well I'm not sure any of you have seen me fight, but.... Well I get a lot of use out of lightning. Call it a bit of a natural affinity for it. As something associated with the Dark Side though, it could be a bit of an issue, and we know that. Not stupid about it. There has to be a balance to what you use, and some Jedi have accused my clan of fostering dar'jetii, uh.... Sorry, Sith... at times because of this other more grey aspect, but there's something even more important to even touching this side. Emotional control." He then took a couple steps back, slowly thinking.
"Sith use emotions like fear, anger, hate, and I'm sure I'm missing some the Caltin will probably tell me about later to fuel much of their Force use. Give them a lot of raw power on Light Siders and greys in general.... Only done this once when talking to my niece about this." Mig would then extend his hand, notably with a hint of darkness, and released a strong burst of lighting over the tree. Not enough to even singe it, but it would prove a point. Once he finished, his hand shook some as he took a deep breath, calming himself from what he'd just tapped into. He took a moment to just breath and relax, knowing by now someone would notice. It was part of the demonstration though.
"Not fun for me either. But.... What we teach from the get go is figuring out where those emotions come from. Looking in and seeing why you you feel those feelings. Funny enough, it can usually be something not based in any of it too begin with. I was scared of the dar'jetii for a long time. Not going to go into detail, but I tried to find why, and the answer was pretty simple honestly. So I focused on that." Mig would then move his hand out again, sending out a less powerful arc of lightning, but this time hitting a fruit that was on the tree. "May not be as strong, but it doesn't have to be if it's easier to aim." He honestly wasn't sure what the second burst of lightning would feel like to the others, but this was part of what they were here to learn. How another group thought.
Caltin Vanagor Eza Taiden Keth
"You're right kid. Now though, it's time to explain another thing. How we deal with walking a bit of a line, or at least those who are ready for it. I think it was the Jedi Master Yoda who explained fear leads to hate and so on. Basically the leading to how one can avoid the Dark Side. Well I'm not sure any of you have seen me fight, but.... Well I get a lot of use out of lightning. Call it a bit of a natural affinity for it. As something associated with the Dark Side though, it could be a bit of an issue, and we know that. Not stupid about it. There has to be a balance to what you use, and some Jedi have accused my clan of fostering dar'jetii, uh.... Sorry, Sith... at times because of this other more grey aspect, but there's something even more important to even touching this side. Emotional control." He then took a couple steps back, slowly thinking.
"Sith use emotions like fear, anger, hate, and I'm sure I'm missing some the Caltin will probably tell me about later to fuel much of their Force use. Give them a lot of raw power on Light Siders and greys in general.... Only done this once when talking to my niece about this." Mig would then extend his hand, notably with a hint of darkness, and released a strong burst of lighting over the tree. Not enough to even singe it, but it would prove a point. Once he finished, his hand shook some as he took a deep breath, calming himself from what he'd just tapped into. He took a moment to just breath and relax, knowing by now someone would notice. It was part of the demonstration though.
"Not fun for me either. But.... What we teach from the get go is figuring out where those emotions come from. Looking in and seeing why you you feel those feelings. Funny enough, it can usually be something not based in any of it too begin with. I was scared of the dar'jetii for a long time. Not going to go into detail, but I tried to find why, and the answer was pretty simple honestly. So I focused on that." Mig would then move his hand out again, sending out a less powerful arc of lightning, but this time hitting a fruit that was on the tree. "May not be as strong, but it doesn't have to be if it's easier to aim." He honestly wasn't sure what the second burst of lightning would feel like to the others, but this was part of what they were here to learn. How another group thought.
Caltin Vanagor Eza Taiden Keth