Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Our Place Among The Stars [Galactic Alliance Tier 3 Dominion of the Copperline Hex.]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Theed Hangar Post 5/5

  • Objective One: Provide strategic intelligence to the Galactic Alliance re: potential movements or advance elements of the Vanguard fleet at Bomis Koori.
  • Objective Three: Provide customs and law enforcement support for reconstruction efforts on Kriselist. Provide in-depth sensor scans of Kriselist for mining and population management purposes.
Another vessel entered the somewhat crowded space around Kriselist: a private heavy cruiser of no model Ajira recognized. Its telesponder read Beacon of Broadcast, and that range a bell. Cursory scans indicated very very weak armament and very very strong defensive gear: molecular shielding backed by some kind of advanced reactor. Heavy-duty communications antennae backed up the name on the telesponder.

Already, the RNS Jamillia's tightbeam transmissions provided the system's major players with real-time, processed probe data on all movement between here and Bomis Koori. With a mental shrug, Ajira ordered another ongoing tightbeam transmission, targeting the Beacon of Broadcast's receivers. Digested data from SIARC and SUREC probes offered the Beacon up-to-the-minute situational awareness. So far as Naboo was concerned, all major participants in the reconstruction effort needed access to the best possible data. The Vanguard was, effectively, a single long jump away from here. Even a few minutes' advance warning would serve the reconstruction forces well.

She refrained, however, from sending most of the EXPARC data. That went solely to the Galactic Alliance: they could decide what to do with in-depth assessments of Kriselist's natural resources and population distribution. She opted to send a portion of the population data, the life-form scans incoming from the orbital EXPARC probes. The newcomer might find that useful.

[member="Magdalena Lethe"] [member="Astarii Saren"]
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Location: Kriselist Orbit.
Objective: Get crap done.
Allies: Galactic Alliance Guard & [member="Aerion Ivelisse"]

"Naw, you always been an ugly son of a gun, Roady." Thorne replied over the munching of the protein bar. It wasn't tasty, but it filled the hole and kept the adrenaline rushing, so that was all that mattered in this particular instance. He had joined up with the Alliance Guard three months back. Passed all exams and entry tests with flying colors- doctors said he was one of the most stable individuals from all the candidates.

The rock; that was how he was described as after the few missions they had gone on together. The stable foundation that kept everything together, kept his people focused and on the job without distractions.

"Says you, Bishop, yo momma shoved all the visible particles into one ugly soldier."

Deacon wasn't even looking, his attention on the leather boots he had been scrubbing. Where Luca was the leader of the squad, Deacon was the tracker - the man who was responsible for finding their path towards the target at hand. The man could move through the forest or a city without even giving off a whisper, that was how good he was.

"Did you really just rip off the Galactic Rap Battles to try an' burn the Chief?" Jita snorted, before shaking her head and going back to the grenade she was dismantling and reassembling... for practice.

The last man standing, Thaddeus or Spyglass, was eerily silent through it all.

Wasn't too surprising and yet Luca didn't think it was normal this time around. "What's up, Glasses?"

Thatch just shrugged for now. His eyes already obscured by an opaque helmet decorated with some strange tribal markings from Kiffar, he didn't respond to the question and Luca knew better than to press. When the time came their sniper would say what was on his mind.
Objective Three
Post 2 for Potential Contract / Sponsorship for Bid on Trade Station Aurek
| 3 |

This space station was to be one of the largest constructed in this sector. While there were other Trade Space station overseen by Arceneau Trade, this one in particular would be created based on the needs of the Kriselist Federation and also to promote their economy. While Haven Shipyards, ATC, PharmaTech, and BlasTech would have their own sections for trade on the space station, there will be others that would be rented out by Alliance and Federation friendly companies. Ultimately, the space station would be jointly owned by the Alliance and the Kriselist Federation, allowing them to gather funds from the rent and from the trade profits.

One of the features for this space station was to provide small shipyards for maintenance and repair. Haven, along with other partner shipwrights, would have various ports to allow the repair and maintenance up ships up to 500 meters in length. Larger ships would be able to utilize the larger shipyards from other companies elsewhere in the sector or in orbit.
Aboard the GUIDE HQ: Beacon of Broadcast
In orbit over Kriselist
Objective III: The Coin of Many Faces
[member="Magdalena Lethe"] [member="Lily Kuhn"] [member="Iestyn Nova"] [member="Isaiah Dashiell"] [member="Gabriel Lethe"] @Aeshi Tillian
| 4 |
Objective 1: Coordinate and provide needed humanitarian aid across Kriselist settlements and refugee camps.
Objective 2: Establish a global network system to enhance communication between settlements during the rehabilitation process. Uplink to orbital projects (Lily Kuhn) for early warning raid systems.

Veronika Nova stood alongside her mate with a datapad in her hand. The pair were situated just to the right of the gathering of intellectuals and GUIDE researchers. Normally they'd only congregate together for conferences that would highlight all of the magnificent and curious discoveries the field agents had come across their travels. This time, however, it would be different.

They were here to lend humanitarian aid. A worthy endeavor, no doubt, but the Lovalla couldn't help the shifting of prismatic hues upon her skin that would indicate concern. Turning towards her mate, the Doctor of Xenobiology inquired, "How should we proceed?"

All her life she had simply done her work best with flora and fauna. Social interaction wasn't the best for Lovalla, and even Iestyn at times forgot himself when he was deep in producing another scientific journal.
Aboard the GUIDE HQ: Beacon of Broadcast
In orbit over Kriselist​
Objective III: The Coin of Many Faces​
[member="Magdalena Lethe"] [member="Lily Kuhn"] @Iestyn Nova [member="Isaiah Dashiell"] [member="Gabriel Lethe"] [member="Aeshi Tillian"] [member="Veronika Nova"]​
| 4 |​
Objective 1: Coordinate and provide needed humanitarian aid across Kriselist settlements and refugee camps.​
Objective 2: Establish a global network system to enhance communication between settlements during the rehabilitation process. Uplink to orbital projects (Lily Kuhn) for early warning raid systems.​

Iestyn's skin tone expressed the underlying concern he felt, with his base shade turning quite pale and his strips shifting into a deep amber.

"Kyck, how many species on Kriselist are in the rare and endangered species list?" he asked.

The little droid turned up to face him with its wide optical sensor. "Four thousand three hundred and seventeen."

"Can you give me a map to overlay where they are against the areas most environmentally compromised?" Iestyn asked. Some of the worst affected areas had been utterly devastated. Orbital bombardment had levelled whole regions, pumping in so much thermal energy that the temperature had risen several degrees.

"You could do this yourself you know?" Kyck responded in a tart voice.

"Please?" Iestyn asked. A moment later a map appeared on his datapad showing the two regions overlaid on each other.

He turned to Veronika and his colouring almost immediately returned to it's usual shades. They had some decisions to be made. The long term affects were what concerned them the most, but it also didn't come with any immediate solutions. Studies were required, long term action plans needed to be reviewed, tested and agreed. The sentient problem was more pressing, but neither of them were really well placed to help. They needed food, water and shelter.

"We should get on the ground in the worst areas and try and understand just how much damage has been done. Or we could go and help the cities that got hit the hardest."

Things had been tense between the pair since Togoria, but they had worked things out between them. That didn't change the cloud that had followed Vero since that day, since her most important work had been dashed by a One Sith invasion force. Maybe they could find redemption here.
Post: 2/??
Location: Kriselist
Objective: Establish major Aurora operations in the Kriselist system (III)

The natives were a bit wary of the ships landing in a ruined industrial park, but when Jaxson and the Aurora workers identified themselves as having come under the auspicious of the Alliance to help rebuild the industry, they were much more receptive to them. It certainly didn't hurt that Jaxson began hiring workers on the spot to offload materials, to start setting up pre-fabricated shelters for both the workers and equipment, and to start unloading and assembling the droids that would help build the factories up.

While that was being done, the transport tugs carrying the Crucible shipyard modules had just arrived in the system and Jaxson and other Aurora representatives had started to hire men and women to go up into space to start putting them together and to actually work on the yards. Drones would start to detach the modules from the tugs, putting them into formation to await the arrival of the new hires.

Taeli was doing research into cybernetic and biotech personnel that had been on the planet before the Vanguard bombardment, seeing who might have survived and might be interested in joining the Aurora divisions. So far, she had found two cybernetic specialist who worked in prosthetic limbs, but she was hoping to find more while a dedicated team was sent down to refurbish and expand a medical facility they had located that was mainly intact but had been abandoned in the panic to escape the Vanguard. It would serve as an ideal spot for both teams to work at.
Post: 4/38 (writer) 3/5 (IGR Brokerage)
Location: Kriselist
Allies: Unknown
Enemies: Unknown
People of suspicion: [member="Aerion Ivelisse"]
Objective: Rebuild social housing

That's no good, Cathul thought upon her com-link beeping. Who could disturb such meetings? While she knew Jessica was here on this planet, Jessica's portion of the investigation was hers and hers alone to deal with: Cathul must not intervene and she knew as much. Cease operations immediately? That was a setback to her share of the reconstruction effort. She opened a channel to Aerion upon knowing who contacted her. The GAG closed in on Cathul's position, but Cathul had more of a reason to be there than Jessica ever would. Jessica may have worked closely under the Butcher of Korriban but in Cathul's mind she had no hand in the crime, if only because Jessica was away from Korriban at the time. But IGR was at a rather advanced stage of planning what their role on Kriselist would actually become: rebuilding social housing on the planet based on self-sufficient neighborhoods. That, in and of themselves are nothing new but if it worked on Azure and Gala, she could find a way to make it work on Kriselist.

"Open a channel to the Galactic Alliance Guard"

"Channel Open"

"We wanted to rebuild social housing here. The actual construction work has not even begun and will not start until further notice"

"We're in deep trouble, suffice to say. This entire project has to be delayed"
Post: 5/38 (writer) (Ringovinda StarYards status yet to be determined, but 2/5)
Location: Kriselist
Allies: [member="Cathul Thuku"] (distant)
Enemies: Unknown
People of suspicion: [member="Aerion Ivelisse"] [member="Luca Thorne"]
Objective: Cease all activities

"This is the Galactic Alliance Guard. Come in Ringovinda StarYards" Jessica heard over comms. "Cease operations immediately"

"Pack up and prepare for off-system departure"

"You still owe explanations to the regarding the Butcher of Korriban's involvement in Ringovinda StarYards, boss" Marcia told Jessica, after the latter opened a channel to Aerion.

"The Butcher of Korriban never formally owned Ringovinda StarYards and she has resigned not long ago. She is awaiting trial last I heard about the Butcher of Korriban. Officially Ringovinda StarYards is the property of the government of Ringo Vinda, which itself has no involvement in the events on Korriban. Charzon committed those crimes on a personal basis, and I was still on Ringo Vinda when these crimes happened"

While the small amount of equipment being deployed was being repackaged for departure, knowing in the Force that the GAG was out for her, they actually did next to nothing. Just clearing up the rubble for whoever will take their slot. It could be IGR, it could be another corporation, it didn't matter to Jessica up to that point. Also she could sense Cathul's presence but Cathul's purpose on Kriselist has nothing to do whatsoever with Jessica's. The Alliance may have had one squadron of Zambonis at their disposal, they were stationed on Malastare for the time being, under the command of some mook that didn't have Ugohr's flair. Jessica didn't intend Kriselist to be a major production site anyway, no more than Dulvoyinn was. But Dulvoyinn was where her secondary residence was: Glyss on the other hand, will probably receive another Ringovinda StarYards location - and system - to the galactic northwest soon enough.

Aerion Ivelisse

Location: Dropship ---> Descending to Kriselist.
Objective 3: Ruin People's Day.
Interests: [member="Luca Thorne"], [member="Jessica Med-Beq"], [member="Cathul Thuku"]
Post Two.

Even if the people of RingoVinda StarYards had the idea of fleeing the planet, the weaponry of the Assault Frigate was already primed to disable it before it could even leave the planet's gravitational pull. It made no different to the Jedi Padawan. Sure they could run.

But Force forbid they'd get far.

Even as they spoke, any RingoVinda Products and Assets were being confiscated and taken throughout Galactic Alliance Space. All of it. Workers were given payment for that day and were then escorted off the premises by members of the GAG.

Young Ivelisse watched the group on the dropship with him. Luca Thorne and his gathering. The Jedi was a recent addition to the group. Did he belong? Soon enough, he'd find out.

Then they were landing at the location where the packing up Ringovinda employees were.

"Try not to injure anyone," he said before the ramp descended. However, he doubted he needed to tell the professionals that. Really, it was more for him. Needless slaughter of civilians? That was something that no Jedi could let slide unimpeded. Even if the person here today wasn't there, their company was, and someone was going to pay. He'd make sure of that.

Another dropship was being deployed to the IGR Brokerage location. This group didn't have the same job as Aerion's. Sure, they were deployed at the same time, but Aerion had taken the job that had more chance of violence. This second group had a message to deliver. Wasting the Brokerage's time? Most definitely, but it was necessary to know if they'd listen to the law.

Objective: Give Aid to Kriselist
Location: Kriselist, Orbit - Aboard The Crown
Enemies: Hate

"I haven't received any updated from your parents, Lily, but I think your action is going to mean a lot more to these people than taking the money out of your father's wallet to wave in their faces." Nadja informed Lily, still looking at the holographic display that she'd used to send out the messages. "No offense, of course, I just don't think donating credits is going to really mean much to these people - a warm hand, however, might." She added quickly, knowing that Lily wasn't all too comfortable with being treated like her father's daughter rather than her own woman. "I suppose you're right, we should head down planetside. I want work on a station started as soon as possible, though, have the company contact the others that are involved - see who else has similar plans. It would be better to work together than to needlessly build a dozen stations and satellites than build what is necessary." Lily instructed. She wasn't entirely upset that her parents hadn't been very attentive to what she was certain probably came across as an important message, but they were just as much their own people as she was hers - she couldn't be everywhere, and despite her childlike perspective of her father, neither could he.

"I designated emergency rations to be loaded in dropships that are currently waiting in the hangar. Perhaps you can finally give yourself a reason to actually put your feet on the ground outside of the core." Nadja said. She was only joking about the comment about Lily having only put her feet on the soil at planets in the core, but it always seemed to be that she kept herself from ever actually touching down on a planet for some reason or another. "Oh shove it, you know perfectly well that I'm going down with you." Lily grumbled, rising up from her command chair, leaving the rest of the crew to keep the ship over Kriselist space while she and Nadja - with a volunteer or two - walked towards the hangar on the ship to deliver a payload of rations to the likely starving people down below. "So.." The brunette began to say, her voice trailing off as they made their way to a turbolift that would take them directly into the hangar. "What?" Lily asked, a tad bit apprehensive at Nadja's tendencies to bring up all kinds of things with that tone. "Haven't seen Yummy Yarva recently, have you?" She asked, although rhetorically - she knew Lily hadn't seen Yarva since her coronation. Of course they'd exchanged a few messages during her trip a few weeks back, but they hadn't physically met for quite some time.

"Are you, maybe, open to letting your best friend and even better employee help you find mister right?" Nadja said with a smirk, ducking to the side to avoid a forceful shove from Lily's left hand. "As if I need dating advice from a Keto." She shot back, feigning outrage - though she did use Nadja's surname as if it were a vile word. The turbolift opened and the pair stepped out into the hangar, Lily welcoming the sight of the three dropships that would be ferrying the food and fresh water down to their designated relief drops. "Oh! Shot to the heart!" Nadja said, striking a dramatic pose to exaggerate whatever hurt Lily's words could have possibly caused. "But seriously, girl, I'm going to find you someone - and you better not push him away." She added as they headed over towards a dropship that they would be riding down on. "You can't even find a good jacket." Lily said with a snort, clearly not believing her friend had any chance at doing what she claimed.
Post: 3/??
Location: Kriselist
Objective: Establish major Aurora operations (III)

"Twenty-six percent of our fabricated droids are assembled, sir," one Aurora engineer reported to Jaxson. They had established a temporary command center for the various Aurora operations to be directed out of now, the hustle and bustle of unloading and getting all the equipment in it up and running belying how busy they would be there. Several of the natives were working there as well, some helping get the equipment working while others were sitting at consoles and relaying data and directions to the work crews.

"Excellent, they can start building and configuring the factories," Jaxson ordered. "Have the remainder continue to be assembled. Inform the work crews and our new hires that they are to start helping those droids. I want the computers and other fabrication equipment running as soon as possible to start building droids."

"Right away!"

Jaxson turned back to look at live feeds of the Crucible shipyards slowly being put together, welders and other workers moving as quick as possible to put the individual modules together to form the large shipyards. They would be at it for awhile, much longer than getting droid factories up and running, but they also would be employing more people than the factories. Considering their size, the employees would be staying for extended periods on the stations while projects were in drydock.

"Miss Raaf has sent a communication that she has found two of the cybernetic specialists she was looking for at a refugee camp," someone called. "She's suggesting medical and food supplies be brought in to that camp and the specialists will agree to work for the company. She also has ordered spare parts and other components as it seems some in the camp have had to amputations and require new limbs."
Location: In-transit
Objective: His Last Command
Post Count: 2
Allies: The Galactic Alliance, [member="Karen Roberts"], [member="Zark"], [member="HK-36"], [member="Noah Corek"], [member="Ajira Cardei"].
Enemies: The Vanguard

Standing before the tactical hololith with a datapad in hand, Fleet Admiral Astarii Saren watched the flickering dance of sapphire lines as the image distorted, snapping back to cohesion scant seconds later. What was displayed, was the old telemetry data of the Wornal sector and the slowly rotating Orbs that populated that section of space. Belts of pirouetting asteroids fought for position against the coalescing ionic nebulae, leaving little of the rendered projection as truly empty space. The worlds of Kriselist and Bomis Koori IV were highlighted in the vivid hues of crimson, placing them at the forefront of her gathered command staff’s attention. From there, as her index finger tapped against the data slate’s crystalline surface, the projected image was manipulated to showcase an enlarged representation of their intended sector. As scout elements had been the first to arrive in the Kriselist system after rumors had begun to spread of the unwarranted massacre, the Hapan knew that the Vanguard would be lingering nearby. Eagerly drawing the forces of the Alliance into a trap - while they stayed true to form and laid waste to their warships from behind in a cunning ambush. When word had reached her ear that the Pseudo-Imperial movement had begun fortifying the world of Bomis Koori IV, she had drawn together as many available assets as she could to engage their foe head on. With the might of several destroyers and battleships behind her, they would smash aside any resistance that their long-standing opponent had marshaled to their banner - or die in the attempt.

As the three-dimensional topography of Bomis Koori IV’s close-system space had winked into existence, the first reports from her reconnaissance elements began to filter in, fleshing out the display. It was a solitary world, ringed by a treacherous belt of astral-navigational hazards that ranged from particulate debris to massive spirals of ferrous rocks. For all intents and purposes, the world that the Vanguard had uncharacteristically taken for their own, was a proverbial Fortress amongst the stars. Astarii let out a heavy sigh as more ships, more defense monitors, more minefields, more void traps, more neutron snares, and more orbital defense platforms flared to life before her. She had been expecting some form of resistance, as per their previous engagements with this elusive foe; there was some standardized composition to their Attack Fleets. Corvettes, Frigates, Cruisers and the all too familiar Star Destroyers. But here, rendered before her augmented gaze - it was a mess. Nearly one hundred ships from various classifications had swarmed the skies of the manufacturing world, with an uncounted number of vessels acting in support. High Command had known that these Imperial renegades were being funded from the shadows, but they never truly knew how deep their pockets ran - well - until now.

“That’s a lot of ships,” One of her gathered tactician’s had said, drawing the Fleet Admiral’s gaze as he pointed out their pixelated transponder codes. “I count at least Seven venerable Impstars, with Four Resurgent-Class Destroyers at the heart of their formation. The Imperious, Impregnable, Indomitable, and the Impervious.” Another had cut in as soon as the first had fallen silent, “Those belonged to the four quintessential leaders of this errant Imperial faction, do you think they could be gathering for some final strike at the Federation?” Before anyone else could speak, the Hapan motioned towards the orderly formation of warships, noted how they were rendered in martial perfection - a broad arrow directed towards the Sanctuary Pipeline and Sullust thereafter. “It’s more than likely they’ve learned what transpired over Castameer, and the losses we accrued there. Thus sparking a more direct approach, when they’ve been nothing more than a thorn in our side. Single ships, and Taskforce’s harassing our borders? That we can handle.” She paused, taking a moment to drink in the details of the space they would soon turn into a battlefield. “This? I’m not so sure.”

With the relentless stream of information halting for a moment, the Hapan Admiral took the time to look upon the gathered forces of their hated foe. With the Star Destroyers forming the core of their staggered arrowhead formation, nearly two dozen smaller craft had populated the ocean of infinite black beside them. Eight of the Crimson triangles had been identified as Victory II - Class Star Destroyers, leaving the remainder to be picked out as Anti-starfighter Frigates, Assault Cruisers, and Imperial-fashioned Corvettes. The force that the Admiral had brought to bear was significantly smaller in comparison, as the expected opposition had been considered to be a lesser threat than what defiantly stood before her. Two Indomitable Class Star Defenders, with an accompanying Unyielding-Class Command Carrier, had formed the bulk of her assigned force - with Four Excubitor-Class Cruisers, Three Relentless-Class Assault Frigates, and Five Strike-Class Corvette’s acting as escorts.

Astarii could see the relish in one of her attache’s eyes, as her augmented gaze fell upon the stocky figure. He was once a soldier of the One Sith, who since renounced his allegiance to the slain Dark Lord and strived daily to prove his worth within the Federation. His mind was tested, and his body examined - Once nothing was found, he was pressed into service, assisting his former enemies to tear down the walls of his former allies pearlescent bastions. He was a man that was no stranger to void-warfare and smiled as he saw the all too familiar formations of his one-time comrades. “You’re already thinking of ways to get close, aren’t you?” She said aloud, drawing the man’s gaze away from the lumen display. “Yes ma’am,” He retorted, almost making a meal of the words. “I’ve already got some in mind if you’re looking to get close to storm their ships.”

The Hapan smiled darkly. Though her past had been demonized by the close-quarter horror of a botched boarding action, she had since thrown herself into the thick of battle time and time again to overcome her greatest character flaw. Thus, when the man had mentioned storming the enemy ships - it was a tactic that the Admiral couldn’t refuse. As she let the silence hang between the two of them, hoping that this newer face would speak his mind, an overly ambitious soul had stepped forward and altered the display to befit his wishes. “First, we -” Before he could continue, Astarii’s narrowed eyes fell upon the errant tactician, causing him to return the display to its original picture and slink back into the shadows. “You’re an old hand at this,” She said, raising a uniformed hand to forestall further comment. “Let’s assay the temper of the new blood I’ve added to my command staff.” The man she had made a note of earlier stepped forward, straightening as the eyes of those gathered before the tactical display had befallen upon him. “Thank you, ma’am,” He said, fighting the urge to adorn his face with a smug smile.

The man leaned into the projection, sweeping his pallid hand across the ring of orbital defense platforms and their racks of torpedoes and cannon batteries that formed the Vanguard Fortress World’s girdle. “A speartip, right through their Armada into the heart of their guns.” He said. “An overwhelming assault with whatever ships we have into the center. Hard and fast. With flanking waves to push their ships into the forefront of our advance.” The overly ambitious soul scoffed, once again drawing his superior’s gaze. “You disagree?” She asked. “In principal? No.” Astarii’s facial expressions soured. “A diplomat’s way of saying yes. We’re not Senator’s here Commander, out with it.” The man straightened, instantly aware that he had drawn his superior’s ire. “The plan is sound,” He began, nearly spitting out the words in abstract fear. “However, there is a way to supplement the Gambit to ensure our success.” Taking a Dataslate from the table and thoroughly scanning the presented data, and allowing his eyes to dart back and forth from the crystalline screen to the illuminated display, the Tactician finally spoke - breaking the silence that hung heavily in the air. “Have our forces drop out of hyperspace near the edge of the system, and send forth two squadrons of gunships.” “That’s suicide!” One of the men beside Astarii called out, nearly spitting on the Admiral with the force of his outburst.

“No,” The former One Sith Soldier had said, chiming in once he saw what his detractor had saw fit to upload to the terminal’s display. “They’ll be inserting themselves ahead of our formations, pushing forward on inertial propulsion alone. With their systems unpowered and the soldiers within keeping their breathing shallow and regulated, those Gunships would be able to drift past the enemy lines and reach the orbital platforms with little issue. The Imperials will think that we’re throwing garbage at them, as per standard Navy protocol.” Astarii smiled. “Improvised Tomb Ships,” she said aloud as the realization came to her. “Smart tactic. I take it they’ll be deployed ahead of the fleet to board the orbitals, commandeer them and turn their weapons against the enemy?” Both men nodded in unison, sparking a short chuckle from their Hapan Superior. “Well then, send this data to the rest of the Flotilla. Ensure that our Marines are ready for deployment, and get us into the fray… We have some avenging to do.”

“You really need to work on your one-liners,” The former One Sith Soldier had said, earning himself a playful click of the Admiral’s tongue as it flicked against the back of her teeth. “You really need to work on your manners,” She said in reply, before tapping the leather-bound holster at her side. “Were we on an Imperial ship, I would’ve shot you for that.” He smiled. “Thankfully, the Empire’s dead, Long live the Empire.”

In war, nothing ever goes as planned. It was the nature of Conflict. Prepare as much as you’d like; all your considerations fell apart as soon as oneself made contact with the enemy. Such was the case, written here like many times before. The traps that had been set by the Vanguard had forced the Alliance fleet to make their reversion later than they would’ve liked - funneling them into a battlefield of their design. They were trapped between the natural barrier of the nearby ionic nebulae and sandwiched between a deadly combination of activated mines and asteroids. With the Imperial fleet arrayed before them and gravitic modulators stationed behind the Federation’s forces - there was no way out of this mess. It was at that moment that the old adage had come forth - When in doubt, Forward. Always Forward. Thus, as the Alliance fleet had reverted to realspace with a flicker of pseudo-motion, they began their approach. Burning their engines hot, seeking to close the gap as quickly as they could. In response, the long range weapons of the Imperial fleet began their tireless retort, casting their munitions into the void - eager to claim their prey long before the two closing lines had met. The Federation had replied in kind, cycling their ferromagnetic shells into their Javelin Cannons and acquiring targeting solutions as their marginally smaller weapons thundered out into the depthless ocean with soundless violence. Keeping true to their plans, despite the fact that it had been initially intercepted by the sudden appearance of a navigational hazard, several gunships tore out of their warship’s deployment hangar and struck out into the void. Their approach was masked by the launching of several torpedoes, giving the transports time to accelerate to attack speed before going dark in the projectile’s wake.

As the space between the two advancing lines had begun to thin, the Battle of Bomis Koori IV had started with the thunderous staccato of energetic cannonade despoiling the canvas of bespeckled night. Lances of crimson, emerald, and sapphire illuminated the darkness - spelling out an unspoken with every shuddering rapport. Death had come to this world and wore the guise of friend and foe. She, and her icy talons would reap what these bitter rivals would sow...
Post: 6/38 (writer) (Ringovinda StarYards status yet to be determined, but 3/5)
Location: Kriselist
Allies: [member="Cathul Thuku"] (distant)
Enemies: Unknown
People of suspicion: [member="Aerion Ivelisse"]
Objective: Attempt to obtain safe passage out of Alliance space

"You do understand that, with Charzon gone, Ringovinda StarYards is under a new administration and, unlike the last boss, I can show more restraint. Plus the Alliance seems rather unwilling to give a new administration a chance to leave Alliance space unharmed before it even attempted to do anything, no more than it would give a new administration a chance to show that they are different. We will make no attempt at running away. What are the Alliance's conditions for us? You made it clear that we cannot conduct business in Alliance space however, at least for the time being. But we could have provided jobs to local workers, using local materials if available on the planet, to manufacture, well, what we initially wanted to set up shop on Kriselist for"

"Boss, we only have limited operations in Alliance space"

To Jessica and the main party on the ground, it was a bad idea to attempt antagonizing the GAG with physical violence, while they saw the main party bring rounded up by GAG. So, while Ringovinda StarYards proper had next to no operations in Alliance space, and even Ringovinda Systems only really operated on Dulvoyinn in Alliance space: the main facilities were on Hosnian Prime and Ringo Vinda. Again, on Dulvoyinn, they employed local staff, used local materials (but in Dulvoyinn's case, since the planet was almost barren in metallic compounds, the metals had to come from elsewhere) but, on Dulvoyinn, only the hypervelocity cannons were manufactured there. Yet Jessica makes no attempt to reach for her lightsaber and neither does Julie. They were the only two that had weapons on them; after all, they were Jedi. Jessica would attempt to negotiate their safe passage out of Alliance space. As a Jedi Technician, she was more a Consular than she was a Guardian. Hopefully they will be able to leave Alliance space unharmed.

Aerion Ivelisse

Location: Kriselist Planetside.
Objective 3: GAG Duties.
Allies: [member="Luca Thorne"]
People of Interest: [member="Jessica Med-Beq"]

The Galactic Alliance Guard forces fanned out, but besides appearing to be automatons in their equipment, drawing from the idea of past Imperial ideas of the Guard being the uniform rather than the people underneath it, helmeted, armoured, and armed, even if you hadn't done anything wrong, chances were you'd be slightly intrigued at the rarely seen force.

The Jedi Padawan walked from the shuttle, Luca, close by, dark skin well moisturized, having expected the planet to be below temperature, and even dark and gloomy. It appeared that the Galaxy was enjoying their bombardments of random planets. Oh well.

"Colonel Ivelisse," he said, light blue orbs scanning the group ahead of him. "Of the Galactic Alliance Guard. Whose in charge here?" From the small of his back, he produced a DataPad, what was he going to do with this? Not entirely sure himself, he started sifting through information about the company he had visited today.
[member="Magdalena Lethe"] [member="Isaiah Dashiell"] [member="Gabriel Lethe"] [member="Veronika Nova"] [member="Iestyn Nova"] [member="Arieth zh'Vranthi"]
OBJECTIVE 3- Coin of Many Faces
Beacon of Broadcast

Aeshi leaned against the chair she stood behind in the conference room. As a new Starnaut for GUIDE, she didn't recognize that many people here. Nor did they really recognize her, but that was alright. She would get to know the rest of the team soon enough. But not on this mission- too much was at stake, even if it was outside their operational parameters. A DBZ was serious business and it took a lot to rebuild.

"You got it," She considered for a moment, "I can get in touch and get some steady freight contracts set up in the meantime. Got a hold full of relief supplies already. Just tell me where to bring them."

Then she stood and strode from the room, making her way through the corridors to where she could access her own, settling minutes later into the captain's chair. Kriselist was the name of the world. She'd never been there before and this was clearly not the best time to come visit, but so be it.

She pulled away from the much larger ship and put out a call on the hyperwave transmitter. Moments later, her grandfather's face appeared, breaking into a smile.

"Aeshi! Good to hear from you! How goes your work?" Her grandfather's portly old face was beaming and Aeshi felt its warmth spread through her art.

"Thinks are good, grandpa. Working reconstruction work on Kriselist with GUIDE at the moment. Saw an opportunity for the company here for a freight contract to bring in bulk supplies after initial efforts end."

The old man considered, wiping some grease off his hands as he considered.

"We can't do massive amounts yet, but we can start with..." He paused and counted off on his fingers, squinting slightly as he ran the figures. Fuel, other contracts, procurement costs, expenses."Probably a shipment every three weeks, out of Susefvi, of about a thousand tons of cargo. See if you can negotiate that." He rubbed his chin in consideration. "It would be good to help those people out."

She smiled at the implication. From Susefvi. That left her with however much she could haul on her own. With the point-eight hyperdrive and about 350 tons of cargo space, she could probably match that within the same time period, doubling the full amount to about two thousand tons every three weeks. That was a pretty decent amount, given the size of their company. With the hex being square on her trade route to Nubia, moving goods there would be exceptionally easy.

Perfect. Time to handle this part of the business then. She pushed the controls forward, nudging the StarDream away from B.o.B and towards the planet, tapping into comm channels.

"Alliance Fleet, this is Captain Tillian of the StarDream. I've got three hundred and fifty tons of medical and foodstuffs to be distributed. Directives for highest priority delivery? Also can arrange an arrangement for a continual delivery of supplies to the planet for the indefinite future if that would be beneficial."
Location: Kriselist - Planetside - Capital City
Objective: The Coin of Many Faces - Rebuild the Starport.
Allies: The Galactic Alliance
Post Count: Three ( One of Five for minimum REC contract.)

“Leave it to Organics,” Otto Shule had begun as his artificial eyes gazed down upon the Foundry District of the Capital City. “They’re more cruel to one another than Mother Nature herself. I wonder how they managed to survive the basest steps of evolution, let alone crawl from the primordial soup without killing one another.” He rapped his fingers across the length of his chair’s arm, silently tapping with almost mechanical precision. “However, in retrospect, without the progress bequeathed by their rampant evolution, we would not exist. Dislike them all we please, it’d be foolish for us to blame them for who they are.” Otto smiled, feeling the warmth of his iron lungs bathe the armor-glass window cascade back towards him with every autonomous breath. “We are their children after all, and despite their myriad flaws, we must love them regardless of what they do. Though, one’s definition of love varies from topic to topic. I once knew a Droid that loved from a distance, with an Aratech sniper rifle. Every time he pulled that trigger, he’d kneecap some poor Organic and cackle maniacally.”

“Mister Shule,” A woman had said, drawing the Replica Droid’s gaze away from the descending portrait of destruction. “I’m afraid that I’m lost.” His smile widened. Of course, she was confused. The purpose of his words was more rhetorical than anything, and merely served the purpose of assisting the venerable Droid in processing the fury of organics carved into the crust of Kriselist itself. “Naturally,” He replied absentmindedly. “The point I’m getting at is that there’s a thin line between love and obsession, and more often than not - we synthetic creatures become possessed by this ideal of us being superior to our Organic kin when the truth is the opposite. We’re more alike our parents than any of us would like to admit. While we’re more logical, our capacity for untold violence is just the same.” Looking back towards the viewport, and the ruination beyond, Otto continued. “It’s just ours is more Calculated.”


When the shuttle had touched down upon a secured landing pad, Otto was the first to rouse himself from his padded seat and march down the transport’s ramp. When the Alliance had put out the call for interested corporations to help rebuild this sundered world, the Republic Engineering Corporation had answered the call with as much alacrity as they could muster. It was the least they could do after the Federation had broken the One Sith and their Empire, and the Replica Droid had seen this act of generosity as a way to pay their kindness forward. Thus, he had seen fit to sending hundreds of prototypical labor droids ahead of his arrival, with the sole intent of giving these people the time they needed to rest and recuperate - before being given work should they request it.

Having stepped off his transport, the CEO made his way through the rubble-strewn flight deck and reached the assigned sector that his company was given. Much like Coruscant, the Republic Engineering Corporation was given a slice of land in which to rebuild this world. They chose to construct a Starport, allowing for ease of transportation of goods into space from the surface. Sure, one could land wherever they wanted, but Starports provided a way for a planet to keep track of its exports. Also, it also gave them a way to funnel all incoming traffic through a single vector, significantly increasing their control over who and what was allowed planetside. Standing before a hologram detailing the outline of the rebuilt Starport, Otto began his duties as a Supervisor with an all too Human grin.
Location: Bomis Koori IV
Objective: His Last Command
Allies: The Galactic Alliance, [member="Astarii Saren"], [member="Karen Roberts"], [member="HK-36"], [member="Noah Corek"], [member="Ajira Cardei"], [member="Asmus Janes"], [member="Cal Sedaire"], [member="Choli Vyn"], [member="Vale Endriss"], [member="Lucius Varad"], [member="Allyson Locke"], [member="Owen Holst"], [member="Devyn Lynton"], [member="Vance Caydence"].
Enemies: The Vanguard
"It is a pity that my collection of trophies contains not a single Rogue."
- Commandant Viktor Cross, Ebon Leader​
Sim Pod, Officer's Country, Quasar Fire-class Cruiser Carrier Ebon Claw
High Orbit, Bomis Koori IV, Wornal Sector, Mid Rim
Vanguard Battlegroup

The X-Wing screamed over the range of mountains and canyons ahead, dancing and twisted in the low pressure atmosphere like a kite in a hurricane. Several dozen meters behind it, Ebon Leader matched every bank, every dive, every climb. The pilot probably assumed by this point that its evasive flying was too erratic, too chaotic, for the TIE Defender on its tail to do anything but keep up. But the Commandant saw the pattern, knew where the enemy craft would be even before it changed course. Rain hammered into his canopy as bolts of lightning illuminated the night sky all around them. To any other pilot, the starfighter ahead would have been lost in the weather long ago, but with his cybernetic eyes keeping track of his prey was all too easy for Ebon Leader. The X-Wing dove into a rocky canyon, scattered with natural arches, outcrops, and other challenging obstacles. The Commandant followed, hopeful that this engagement might bear some surprise after all.

Green laser blasts erupted from the TIE's two lower wings, forcing the fleeing ship off course, before a concussion missile streaked out from the launcher below the pilot module, decimating the top of an arch the X-Wing had banked to fly under. Giant falling debris and a billowing dust cloud temporarily, but the Commandant's training and hunter's instincts kept an eye out for any signs of a surviving craft. Ebon Leader's diligence paid off, as moments later his enhanced vision caught sight of the glint of an engine trail on an escape angle. Interesting, not only had the enemy survived the rock fall, but intended to use the cover to make a break for orbit. The pilot was likely hoping the seismic and visual disturbances would disrupt his sensors and line of sight long enough to put enough distance between himself and the faster craft to make the jump to lightspeed before Ebon Leader could reenter weapons range.

The trick had half-worked, as the starfighter still wasn't showing up on his sensors, but the Commandant let his prey think his gambit had succeeded as he followed a mental prediction of the X-Wing's ascent angle on a more shallow flight path, passing deep into the cloud cover as pounding rain and gusting winds vibrated the flight stick securely interfaced with the circuitry in Ebon Leader's hand. If the enemy broke orbit, it would be mission failure, but he wasn't concerned. Connected as he was with the wiring in the cockpit, the Commandant could in a way feel the storm battering against his TIE, as he counted down down the last few seconds before angling upwards at an escape vector and punching the throttle up to maximum. The sudden acceleration in velocity would cause most sentient beings to black out from the gravitational force, but all throughout his body Ebon Leader's enhancements compensated, keeping him conscious.

He came at the X-Wing from underneath at an angle where the enemy pilot would have to essentially invert his craft to get a visual sighting, lasers streaking out in practiced groups of four. The first few barrages overloaded the starfighter's shields, and the last human part of the Commandant relished the thought of the terror in his prey's mind when he realized he had nowhere to go. This close to the upper atmosphere, any evasive action would likely tear the X-Wing apart, and all he could do was pray to his Jedi saviors in vain as the next wave of green lasers arced towards his ship. Having caught his quarry between the same death by two different means, Ebon Leader allowed the barest whisper of a smile as the simulation ended and the custom-built pod opened with a hiss. A small team of Imperial crewmen were immediately swarming all around him, detaching wires and tubes from the simulation cockpit.

"My compliments to the programmer," Commandant Viktor Cross's voice was cold and electronic and filled with anything but praise, "You extended the engagement by 14.37 seconds."

"Most gracious of you to say so, Ebon Leader," one of the technicians stammered, avoiding direct eye contact with any part of the Commandant's visored gaze, "But we pulled you out early for a reason."


Viktor Cross had served in the Starfighter Corps longer than any other man or woman alive, had seen more combat, had gotten more kills. And, as is a matter of course for a career spanning decades, been wounded and shot down more than anyone else as well. Instead of simply tossing out what was left of him, the Vanguard had simply replaced the missing pieces with technology and enhancements. When Ebon Leader entered a TIE fighter, he became almost a part of the ship. Consequently, when he was removed from one he slowly began to die. All in all, a fair trade in the Commandant's mind, but it meant what time he didn't spend out in the void he spent here, or in a custom life support chamber in his quarters.

"The Battlegroup has detected several hyperspace reversions near the nebulae," the crewman explained, his voice trembling, "An Alliance task force. We've...we've yet to decrypt their transponder codes, but they've been scanned and..."

"And?" the Commandant prompted, quietly but with a violent edge.

"One of them matches the specifications on file for...for an Unyielding-class, Ebon Leader."

"Prepare my TIE," he snapped, leaping from the pod and stalking past the still frantically working crew, stray wires dangling off his frame.

Rogue Squadron. A challenge at last.

"Give me a fully loaded X-Wing and I'll shake the gates of heaven."
- Commander Alexandra Russo, Rogue Leader (retired)​
Bridge, Unyielding-class Command Cruiser Rebel's Hope
Hyerspace, En Route to Bomis Koori IV, Wornal Sector, Mid Rim
Federation Task Force

"Status," Captain Zark Pulsar barked out across the already tense deck.

"Hyperspace reversion in ten minutes," his third officer responded dutifully, engrossed in a nearby tactical station, "All squadrons prepped and awaiting launch orders."

Thanking Arix with a nod that went unnoticed, he moved from his position at the center of the bridge to stand by Commander Stazi, and together they looked out through the viewport at the starlines of hyperspace. Flexing the digits awkwardly in his recently acquired obsidian prosthetic hand, Zark said nothing to the duros executive officer as the two prepared themselves in their own ways for combat in those final moments. Although no stranger to battle and a veteran of several engagements while in command of the Hope already, this would be the Captain's first large scale operation spent ostensibly on the bridge actually giving orders to this crew. On both Belsavis and Castameer, he had gone down to the surface on missions of critical purpose, and both times Mazik Stazi had taken command and led the Rebel's Hope to victory. Despite their differences, after all they had been through together in so short of a time Pulsar knew he could rely on the grouchy old duros to keep him on the right track.

"Just like old times," he mumbled at last.

"Get many armadas of overzealous authoritarian nutjobs in the Kathol Outback, did you?" Mazik asked.

"Almost just like old times," he amended.

"Sir, we have a problem," Arix called out from behind them.

"Report!" they both called at once, glancing at each other sheepishly.

"Several hazards at the assigned reversion point," the cyborg operations officer relayed, "We have no choice to drop out farther in system, and closer to the Vanguard formation."

"Trap?" Zark asked the duros.

"Reversion imminent!"

The command cruiser erupted into realspace into a hail of long range Imperial turbolaser fire. Their comm line came alive with orders from the Penitent Fury to press onward with the plan, and moments later cries went up on the Hope's bridge of interdiction fields behind them.

"Trap," the Commander agreed, and after a nod from his captain began shouting orders of his own, "Lieutenant Vryyr get those javelins cycled and keep firing! Alert all fighters, they have their go for launch!"

With the nebulae on one side and a mined asteroid field on their other, this battlefield was liable to turn into a shooting gallery quick, and it would only be a matter of time before the Imperial fighters scrambled and were upon them.
Post: 7/38 (writer) (Ringovinda StarYards status yet to be determined, but 4/5)
Location: Kriselist
Allies: [member="Cathul Thuku"] (distant)
Enemies: Unknown
People of suspicion: [member="Aerion Ivelisse"]
Objective: Attempt to obtain safe passage out of Alliance space

"I'm in charge here. My name is Jessica. Colonel Ivelisse, what is the nature of your visit?"

Jessica was prompt to suspect that it has something to do with her planned operations on Kriselist. But how strong was her Force-signature anyway? In the Force she was detected She said that she would show more restraint than Charzon, so she needs to show some restraint and not to resist. But she can still attempt to negotiate safe passage out of Alliance space. She packed up not because her activities were necessarily criminal, just that it was the safe thing to do in this situation, when ordered to cease operations, but has no plans to leave just yet, not until the whole mess can be sorted out. She also found the Alliance to be a little heavy-handed, but that they probably would not need to do so were it not for Charzon and her actions on Korriban. These weigh heavy on her heart and she was placed in that position for one purpose: effect a turnaround. They know Charzon did horrible things, but Jessica may have been misguided or something like that, thinking that what she will do next may affect her own future.

"If I may begin, it is in the best interests of all parties involved that any operations we may have here, if allowed to do so, would make use of local materials and labor as much as possible. Otherwise, I would be asking for conditions pertaining to our safe passage out of Alliance space"


Disney's Princess
His Last Command

Bomis Koori IV.

Karen Roberts exited hyperspace inside her X-Wing Recon Custom "El Cid" |1|. Followed almost immediately by the rest of Miller's Squadron. A group of Force Sensitive X-Wing veterans from New Prosperity. Lead by none other than the infamous Gray "Tegan" Sharps. The Ram of LeMonde.

~ "All units. This is Miller One. Form up on me. Attack Pattern Delta Five. We're going in hot and fast. Let's clean up these fighter screens for the friendlies eh?" ~

"Roger that Miller One. We are tasks to you. Over."

~ "Alrighty then. May the Force be with us. Here we go." ~

Together the entire squadron concentrated on the Force and entered a Battlemeld. A telepathic connection that would allow the fighter squadron to work together as a team. Even without the support of their HUD or the rapid calculations of their astromech droids. Truly. A majestic force and a terrible storm for their enemies.

Miller Squad was tasked to the GA computer formation alongside other similar fighter squads. Then. They were unleashed upon the enemy. Becoming the bane of TIE/sf fighters everywhere. Moving instinctively. Flirting effortlessly. Firing remorselessly. Like a wonderful school of fish their wild formations never faltered and their hive-mind never broke.

The Force would be with them. Always.


Aboard the GUIDE HQ: Beacon of Broadcast
In orbit over Kriselist
Objective III: The Coin of Many Faces
[member="Aeshi Tillian"] [member="Veronika Nova"] [member="Iestyn Nova"]​
Post 5 for GUIDE

Objective 1: Coordinate and provide needed humanitarian aid across Kriselist settlements and refugee camps.
Objective 2: Establish a global network system to enhance communication between settlements during the rehabilitation process. Uplink to orbital projects for early warning raid systems.


Watching her people slowly file out of the conference room, Magda smiled proudly, if not a bit fretfully. This was a far larger coordinated effort than GUIDE typically took on and she worried that she'd missed some key component somewhere. Surely they were covering all the ends they were able? A talk with the Beacon's Captain was perhaps in order. She slipped from a side exit and made her way to the bridge.


"Captain Ra," some time later Magda found herself staring at the tick-tocking tail of the Felacat Captain of her ship, "what's our status?"

The Captain turned with an abrupt but fluid grace and gave the young girl a cursory look over, sniffing slightly, "Secure, Miss Lethe," she said finally and blinked large moony eyes at the GUIDE Founder, "the nearby RNS Jamillia has assisted our endeavors by providing useful information."

"Useful information?" Magda approached the command with a curious look, "from ground-side?"

"Ground-side and sector-wide. I am in the process of distributing the population census from their drones to all deployed Starnauts and Pathfinders."

"That should make their job easier...and what do you mean sector wide?"

The Captain gently cleared her throat, folding clawed hands brusquely behind her back, "It behooves me to ...sugar coat the situation."


"There is amassed in a nearby sector a sizeable fleet that may or may not be of ill intent to the efforts of Kriselist. The RNS Jamillia is observing sector movements. I do not wish to risk panic, Miss Lethe. I assure you your people are safe and we are prepared to make a quick exit should the need arise. The present Alliance fleet is more than capable of providing cover and protection."

"...ah." There wasn't much to be said on Magda's part. Fleet warfare and battle was far beyond the reach of her own expertise but she felt confident in the Captain who, much as she had since the day she arrived, always seemed to be of utmost confidence in her own abilities. A nod offered, Magda took a steadying breath and willed her heart to quit skipping from the excitement. After collecting her thoughts she looked out through the viewport towards another ship sitting in orbit, "What ship is that?"

Captain Ra glanced at it before scrolling through the real-time holodisplay of starships present in the system, "That would be The Crown, Miss Lethe, from the Empress Teta system. I believe one of your Sponsors is on board; Miss [member="Lily Kuhn"], we recently received a broadcast from the Crown seeking out other parties assembling orbital defensive stations."

"Really? ...can you request a comm. uplink? I think I'd like to speak with her."

"Sending the request now."

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