Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

There were more coming and efforts to secure many of them were under way... overhead the jedi master could sense someone(Sakadi) influencing the minds and calming many more.. they were skilled with the force which was a benefit... Battle meditation wouldn't be a useful thing here but being able to focus the minds. More information was coming in as the jedi master continued to reinforce the structures of the debris and teams were digging into it. THe jedi master reached down and out as more information was coming across her visor feeding them information.
From the drones and the droids as well as some of the wookiee villages that were combating fires as well. They knew how to handle it... a massive fire was always prone to happen with this much brush and wood... from attacks and natural occurrences. THey were fighting what had happened and finding the source. Reports from Dane were limited as the majority who had survived the explosion initially were scarred and burned. The Kiyomi hospital ship in orbit with everything they could offer.
Field hospitals were able to be set up but they lacked a lot of initial information. THe recovery efforts were the most important part of this when she walked seeing Sakadi and she was helping coordinate many of the others. "I do not know who you are but welcome back I supposed." Her hands and feet remained tied to the structures as she pushed with the force to secure it. "We have a large amount out but it is going to take some time still. THe fires though will be easier to snuff out."