Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Out of the Shadows We Come! [Alliance vs. Republic]

Drex was in the bunker that @[member="Vykon Halke"] was in. Drex was helping this Skirmish as a paid Mercenary. Drex didn't care how the skirmish ended as long as he got to shoot people and he got the promised money for helping there. Drex noticed @[member="Hunter Cain"] there too, and Drex could tell he was a Merc too. He had the look of one. "So," Drex said to the man. "You here as a Mercenary as well? You look like one." Drex decided that instead of sitting around he would try and stroke up a conversation with someone, and he decided 'why not a merc.'
Hunter looked over the map and the projected battle plan, It was tactfully sound, as long as there weren't any unprecedented surprises.

Hunter noticed the trandoshan approach, but didn't look up from the map until he was addressed.
At the mention that he looked like a mercenary, Hunter looked down at his Galactic Alliance uniform. This trandoshan must have had psychic abilities to know that Hunter was not a GA soldier, but that was a problem for a different time. At the moment, Hunter was not compromised, so he decided to indulge him.

"I'm here as an observer for the moment. What is your objective here friend?"
@[member="Drex Yavok"] @Vykon Halke

Talon Vosra


Talon turned to Hayato and nodded to himself as he looked away.

"I don't know why but I blame you Master." He said completely joking.

He didn't have a clue what a Knight like Talon was doing anywhere near this planet when he was most certainly planing on being anywhere else but why not he supposed. It could be worse he could be a character written by a person that liked throwing him into story after story with little preamble. Talon smiled again in his typical way and felt the ground with his bare feet. Perhaps, @[member="Kira Liadain"] was right. Maybe the Jedi needed a better clothing allotment for boots and foot coverings. Maybe some one should just buy her some darn new boots.

Carn Dista

@[member="Antares Windu"]
You are far from ready.
The voice sounded exactly as before, only it seemed to come from a different point in the galaxy entirely. Carn continued to focus upon the connection every being had to the Force (other than the Force dead species of the galaxy), his minds eye taking in vast spreads of land in mere moments as he pushed ever harder to find the root cause of the disturbance he could feel.
And there it was. A patrol. The Force flowed differently about them, like there was one more being among them. Carn watched as the force showed him how the plants and air shifted, marking the physical passage of a being who was both there and not. He knew at once what it meant.

His eyes snapped open, glowing with the raw foece energy thag had stored itself within him during his search through the Force. Instantly he sprang forth, moving out of the landing craft and into the clearing it had landed in. Reaching out into the Force once more, Carn sensed a multitude of Jedi in tge surrounding area, and instead of taking time with a commslink, merely spoke into their minds directly...

This is Master Dista. Immediately converge on my position.

It was all he needed to say. If there was as much danger here as he thought, then the Jedi nearby would have to be quick to respond. He pressed on towards the patrol that had been compromised...

@[member="Vaas"] @[member="Listeri Dalane"] @[member="Void"] @[member="Vincent Jusik"] @[member="Krest"] @[member="Vykon Halke"] @[member="Moroi Wareyasui"] @[member="Vulpesen"]
Marek had been waiting for the call. The Jedi master was on world for force knows what reason, but what mattered was that he was. Slinging himself onto a speeder he raced to Master Dista's position. Something was wrong, deeply, he could sense it in the force. It was betrayal, this he knew. As he braked the speeder, arriving at Carn's position, Marek leapt off and landed beside his fellow Jedi Master. "Master Dista." He greeted.

@[member="Vaas"] @[member="Listeri Dalane"] @[member="Void"] @[member="Vincent Jusik"] @[member="Krest"] @[member="Vykon Halke"] @[member="Moroi Wareyasui"] @[member="Vulpesen"] @[member="Carn Dista"]
"GRAH!" He yelled, slamming his fist on the desk. He was getting nowhere, no intel, no response. no nothing! He kicked his chair in a rage, knocking it over. He once again pressed those buttons, muttering curse words and now pacing around the room at a fast pace. " Breaker-Breaker, come in! Whoever is hearing this, pick up your radio and relay your position!' He said, now standing still, waiting for a response. His fingers drummed against the desk.
@[member="Marek S'hadar"] @[member="Carn Dista"] @[member="Talon Vosra"] @[member="Hunter Cain"] @[member="Drex Yavok"] @[member="Krest"]

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
@[member="Carn Dista"] @[member="Krest"] whitestrips @[member="Moroi Wareyasui"] @[member="Marek S'hadar"]

Yinch's long green ears twitched back and forth as he heard the Jedi Master's call. He closed his big eyes and felt his Padawan's presence. He would have to get a tracking beacon placed on the wiry human but it worked out so far.

On his way Yinch is Master.

Yinch slid out of the one of the ship's gunnery turret seats and slid down the later and cartwheeled toward the loading ramp as he hit the deck. With another hop skip and a flip he cleared the boarding ramp and promptly ran into the back of carn's leg.

"That tree to the left should be." He said rubbing his nose, "and watering it needs."

He looked up to see Master Dista.

"Oh Slash rats." He said letting his shoulders slump. "Sorry Yinch is Master Dista."

Dav Scorpio

Dav landed his ship on the planet's surface, stepping out. He was here for a job. He was hired by the Alliance to help in the attack of a Republic base. Disappearing into the woods, he climbed a tree to get a better view of the target. He had his presence in the force hidden, and his shiny ultrachrome armor was hidden by leaves. He spoke into his helmet's comm, directly contacting the Rebel war room. "This is mercenary Dav Scorpio, at your service. When shall the assault begin?"
Vulpesen perked up at @[member="Carn Dista"]'s command. "Up an at 'em Vince, seems somethings gone wrong." Getting up to his feet, Vulpesen motioned for his apprentice, @[member="Vincent Jusik"] to follow him to Carn's direction. "Always trust the force. It is your ally and will will always know more than you do." The words were for the benefit of padawan and the master. He had sensed something was wrong, but on at Dista's command had he realized just how bad of a danger it was that he could have sensed.


Vykon Halke

Interim Chief of State
"Welcome aboard." Vykon replied. So they had gotten another mercenary @[member="Void"] . The Republic was unprepared and with some manipulation, this could look like a simple raid by pirates. He noticed a Trandoshan mercenary @[member="Drex Yavok"] off to the side, along with @[member="Hunter Cain"] . It was time to start the real battle. Assuming everything had gone as planned, a group of rebels were inside the outpost. It would break out into utter chaos, a civil war of sorts, hopefully.

"Now." He replied to the incoming transmission from @[member="Dav Scorpio"] . "All ground forces, engage the enemy." Anyone listening to the rebel frequency would hear the message. The Alliance troops nearby the outpost would open fire on the outpost. The jungle would erupt into chaos.

"If you'll come with me." Vykon requested of the mercenaries within the bunker. He would lead them down a tunnel to a makeshift hanger of sorts.

Atlas Kane

After taking another sip of the delicious self-made Donar Flower tea, he noticed someone climbing up the ladder towards him. Their Force Signature wasn't as powerful as a Master's and it was also rather familiar. Hayato thought he had sensed it once before, during the battle near Etti IV. It was the Force Signature of one of the Padawans, he believed. Then, the young Jedi revealed themselves. He said something and in return, Hayato answered ''That's only half correct. For the time being I'm a Padawan, even though my skills match those of a Master. It was the Jedi Council's decision and I'm not angry about it. I actually welcome it. I've missed being a Padawan.'' He said, afterwards stopping to get another sip of his tea while a familiar voice could be heard through the commlink of the young Jedi. A subtle smile appeared on the Jedi's face. It was good to know that people he knew were around. ''Oh, don't worry, I am prepared to fight.'' He said, putting down the cup and leaning forward, resting his hands and head on the hilt of his sheathed blade. ''Though I'm still hoping that we won't have to.'' The older man's expression switched a more concerned one, as he felt something in the Force, something that could only mean bad things would come soon. A voice then caught the Jedi's attention. It was that of his old friend Talon Vosra, whom he had met on Dantooine. ''Good to see you old friend. Oh, it's not completely my fault. I only accidentally pressed one of the two 'make evil appear' buttons!'' He said with a friendly smile on his face.

A fourth voice, one that Hayato was able to recognize instantly. ''Krest.'' He said quietly with a smirk on his face. The Jedi sprung up, with a bit excitement that could be seen. He spun around and looked down the tower. ''Good to see you, old friend!'' He shouted with a smile on his face. With that said he leapt over the small bit of durasteel that was supposed to keep people from falling off the tower and landed near the Zabrak. After gathering some experience form earlier free falls, this time Hayato was able to land without breaking anything, or hurting himself, rather easily. ''So, what brings you he-'' A voice rang in the Jedi's head, one of the Jedi Councilors, Carn Dista, he believed. ''We need to move, Krest.'' He looked back up to where the young Jedi Padawan and Talon were when he jumped down. ''You two as well! I believe you have received the message sent by Master Dista?'' He said, awaiting the two's reply, as well as Krest's.

@[member="Moroi Wareyasui"] @[member="Krest"] @[member="Talon Vosra"]

Moroi Wareyasui

Cocky Little Poohead
Moroi was only half listening to @[member="Hayato"] as his response dropped dramatically on the boy's priority list as a familiar form came in to view. It had not been since that day in the council chamber that he had seen Krest as he stripped off his sith adornments and displayed a personage that might have been even less appealing to the Jedi council. Since that day, "turbulence" didn't even sort of do justice to the turmoil the Jedi and the Republic had gone through and Moroi was pretty sure if the general discomfort the boy had been feeling from everyone past their Padawan terms led to anything, it'd probably be Krest's fault for that too. Moroi's hand slowly drifted down to the Lightblade that @[member="Krest"] had lent him after their first meeting as his eyes narrowed on the Zabrak's form. No, today was not the day he would give it back. He had indeed come along way, in no small part due to Master @[member="Yinch"] and from @[member="Asaak Tey"] but he was not yet ready to force the man's weapon back on him, not yet.

When he looked up and acknowledged them, against his personal desire, Moroi felt the anger and discomfort welling up inside him. The Master but really a Padawan because the Masters decided for him not to be a Master Master leaped from their observation tower and down to Krest, apparently they knew each other, which only seemed to annoy Moroi more. If Krest really had this many contacts in the Jedi Order, it made his actions even more abhorrent. Then the mental message from @[member="Carn Dista"] echoed through his skull, which normally would have been a cause for alarm all its own, but it was then that the anger and frustration boiled for the young and undisciplined Padawan. The boy drew the Lightblade in to his hand and catapulted himself straight down toward Krest, literally blowing past Hayato as he began to turn around to motion to him, the blue blade flaring to life as Moroi got right up in Krest's face. Hayato didn't get to finish asking about Carn's message by the time Moroi had closed the distance and gotten uncomfortably close to Krest's face. It would not take much for Krest to notice just how far Moroi had come since they had last met. The boy was immensely more powerful and, while still extremely raw, had considerably more control over the force speed that shot him from the tower as if he was fired out of a blaster. Hayato might have mistaken the action for aggression on the part of Moroi, but Krest would, or at least should know better. The drawn lightsaber was not an act of violence but merely an indication that the boy had neither lost the blade nor forgotten the deal associated with it. It didn't stop Moroi's body language from being incredibly hostile.

"YOU KARKING SPIKY HEADED IDIOT! Do you know what you did? The Jedi can't stop fighting each other on their own and you show up in the chambers dressed as a fethin' Sith!? How dumb do you have to be? How many times did your mother smack that horny head off the ground!? If there's trouble here it's your karkin' fault!"

So not all of that rant was necessarily true, but Moroi didn't really care. He needed someone to blame and Krest was a convenient target. Hayato was right however, if Carn was calling them it was their job to respond, even if Moroi wanted to to continue his verbal assault a bit longer. As such, the boy turned and made his way back to Carn, muttering something about karking fethheads.
Krest opened his mouth to initially speak to @Hayato, but @[member="Moroi Wareyasui"] certainly cut him off before he could utter a single syllable. He tilted his head at the boy, but kept quiet, shaking his head after a moment. So Moroi was as angry as he remembered him, but that would prove to be the Jedi's issues, not his own. While he watched him walk away, he nudged Hayato's side, frowning.

"I was so sure he'd get over that. Guess I was wrong. Though, what was it you needed to tell me?"


Walking through the halls as the young captain of the guard Vaas smiled and saluted back to them who crossed him as was required of them. Stopping a nearby group of grunts headed out to take care of the fire raging in the mess hall he smiled at them "I'm sorry I'm a bit lost, could you point me to the defense network control room?" He said to his lower ranked troops. Quickly the men pointed the way for the captain and saluted before walking off. "Idiots." He said to himself now snaking his way through the corridors.

"I swear people these days." Walking up to the control room door he knocked on it quickly and coughed. "THERE'S A FIRE IN THE MESS HALL YOU NEED TO OPEN THE DOOR NOW!!" He screamed at them banging on the door wildly. Standard protocol was usually that no one came in or out between shifts unless there was an emergency. However there was one, there was a clear fire in the mess hall and the men would have no choice but to open up to a superior in this moment

As the thick blast door opened Vaas walked in and had it closed behind him. "Listen here boys I need you to send our men to put out that fire! We can't afford to lose this outpost!" But with that a boom was heard from the outside. The attacks were underway and Vaas was a bit late. He needed to get the defenses down and quickly. "Get the defense network up hurry!" He said to them wanting to keep his cover. He needed to see how it was activated before he killed them and destroyed the room. Watching the men at work he saw them being up the bases defense network prepping it to come online

@[member="Moroi Wareyasui"] @[member="Hayato"] @[member="Vykon Halke"] @[member="Vulpesen"] @[member="Dav Scorpio"] @[member="Yinch"] @[member="Listeri Dalane"] @[member="Marek S'hadar"] @[member="Carn Dista"] @[member="Hunter Cain"] @[member="Drex Yavok"]
'I am ready.' Antares corrected @[member="Carn Dista"], and then the Jedi Master was already speeding off to the outpost. And Antares was right behind him, he felt a disturbance in the Force from the near area, so he followed the Jedi Master while they ran. He doubted he would have the chance to prove himself truly to the Jedi Master, but he would do the best he could in whatever situation.

"Send me to where you want me to go." He bit out when they had a moment of respite.
Alliance Frontline (As I am guessing it to be)

A breeze rolled in through the line of the Galactic Alliance forces, but unlike any breeze that would naturally occur. The wind seemed to be directed for one location in particular, the HQ of the line. Within the presence of the Captain of the Alliance and some Trandoshan, small, ghastly green skulls formed in the air and began to swirl around like a cyclone. The cyclone grew brighter and brighter until out from the whirling skulls, stepped a man in full body wrappings and a hooded overcoat.

From nowhere and everywhere an echo of voices spoke

We are here...We come to help...Who should We kill...

We will kill any who oppose Us, this voice came from behind the wrapping

@[member="Drex Yavok"] @[member="Hunter Cain"]

Dav Scorpio

Dav leaped out of the tree, landing unseen in the underbrush. The attack had started. Soldiers were firing upon the base, causing confusion among republic soldiers. There was a patrol rushing by, heading towards the base. Without a word, Dav rose out of the bushes, extending his vibroblade and killing the man at the back. Some of the men turned around, and they were met with his blade. Two were left. As they started to fire, Dav drew his vibroshield. Blaster bolts hit the shield, dissipating into nothing. With one arm, he cut on soldier in half and with the other, he smashed his shield into the remaining man. The sharp edges of the shield sliced the man nearly in half, leaving him to fall to the ground. Without a word, he sunk back into the brush, leaving a slaughtered patrol scattered about the trail.
The trandoshan became silent, which was strange to Hunter. Before he could inquire further, @[member="Vykon Halke"] beckoned for him to follow. Hunter shrugged at the trandoshan and moved past him as he followed Vykon.

He matched steps with Vykon, wondering where they were headed.
@[member="Drex Yavok"]

Talon Vosra

@[member="Hayato"] @[member="Krest"] @[member="Moroi Wareyasui"]

Talon jumped from the tower and was suddenly reminded of when the Sith lord Velok taught him how to fall without dying or otherwise breaking anything. He had made Talon climb a 120foot statue then unceremoniously threw him from the top. Apparently necessity was truly the mother of learning. Talon used the force to land in a slight crouch before standing and running toward the direction of Master Dista.

Usual for him he was silent and simply nodded to Hayato as he ran along with the rest.

Dav Scorpio

Dav remained silent in the woods, keeping his presence in the force disguised. He had ordered his ship's AI to take it into orbit, which had been done. Dav now had moved locations, away from the squad he slaughtered, leaving no tracks. He would hope to lay low until someone got the defenses down.

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