I thank you all for your support and criticisms. Though, a few of you, I cannot tell if I'm getting trolled or not....
[member="Mia Monroe"], [member="Azrael"], [member="Ori'Alor Tal'Verda"],
I thank you for your interest in holding the company afloat for me. Even you Ori'Alor. I've never been a fan of any politics that results in a writer/character being forced to abandon a faction. If you're interested in trying to work towards a return to the Mandalorian Territories, I wouldn't be opposed to letting you go through Mandal Hypernautics to do it.
I'll go ahead and toss [member="Anija Ordo"] into the list of potential CEO's as well. She's a good writer that's dealing with writer's block and she already works for the company.
I'd be interested in letting any of you take over where I left off. But the big concern for me is that I find someone who will do more than simply sit on the throne. I'm hoping to find someone that will push the company forward and get it to Tier 6 where it belongs. I'd feel a lot better about leaving this site if I knew that what I started was going to get finished.
Also. I apologize for calling out the Factory Judges so harshly. They put a lot of effort into what they do and have to put up with some people who truly are simply out to make broken items to justify their god-modding. My only concern is that sometimes people let power go to their head and need to be reminded of how they are behaving, and that they must treat people fairly. From what I understand, my earlier statements caused quite the uproar in the Factory and I apologize for that. I hadn't thought my little rant would get taken so seriously. I'm actually surprised that anyone volunteered to run the company.