Objective 1: King of Kings
Objective 2: That Colossal Wreck
Heir of Ash, Part 4
Odavessa City
Aaran Tafo
As the chamber rumbled, masonry falling off the ceiling in chunks, Anthysius stopped. He could hear it. The swell of fear. The heat of incineration. A blast of searing heat and pressure swept into the chamber, and Anthysius broke off the duel for a moment, channeling his energy into holding back and dissipating the inferno. From the direction of the exit, Anthysius felt the heavy press of mass death. The fleeting thought of the Jedi bombarding the planet dissipated when he felt the swell of the dark side from deeper in the complex. Only one man- one
thing- could do this.
"I'm afraid that I can't stay around to play much longer. Your boss has made it clear that he's getting desperate."
The Sith's stomach sank, even as Argus was halted, then thrown to the side by the Jedi. He tried to focus on the pressure waves that swept into the Force barrier he was holding up, but all that filled Anthysius' heart was rage. Black rage, rage at the Worm, at the Lords of the Sith, and all of the damned souls of this miserable world. What little he had won, what little he could have gained in the future reconquest was now naught but dust.
The accursed parasite-king could not bear to lose, and so did what every unworthy Sith had done for millennia: he had to drag everyone down with him. Pure, blind spite.
The anger boiled off Anthysius like a star of hate, the debris in the entire chamber lifting inch by inch, vibrating. Aaran's force-sight would have been briefly blinded for an instant. The Sith spat blood. The Zambranos. The Worm. All of them. Idiots that had squandered an empire and its Sith, leaving Anthysius as nothing but an heir of ash and dust.
No more.
The barrier swelled forward, forcing the heat and pressure back out of the chamber to where it came. The red-hot rage cooled in a second, and the debris dropped. Argus got to his feet, limping.
"So this is your final offer. Back off and let me do my job, lemme go kill your boss. Or I'm going to have to put you down."
Anthysius looked at Argus, nearby the exit that led deeper into the complex, refusing to dignify the Jedi with recognition.
Argus, allow the Jedi to pass."
My lord-"
If he wants to die at the hands of the Worm, so be it."
He turned back to Aaran, looking into the blindfold.
A word of advice, Jedi: it is unseemly for one such as yourself to be blinded by arrogance."
Without another look, Anthysius helped Argus walk to the exit back out into the courtyard. There was no future for them inside the pyramid.
Odavessa Orbital Docks
GAL Ltd.
Up in orbit, the stream of personnel evacuating onto the
Dour Predator did not abate, even after the allotted time Issan had declared. The station diagnostics were blinking off in rapid succession as Concord marines began to destroy entire wings of the station. The explosions were getting worse. Issan was monitoring all this from the bridge, and she bit her lip in frustration as she realised she was going to have to leave under her own power now or be forced to by the rapidly disintegrating station. She watched the tactical map as more Concord marines showed up in the docking bay to be gunned down.
<"Marines, pull back onto the ship."> She ordered into her communicator. Her channel pinged with a priority alert.
<"Ma'am! The Fatal Sums
is still under imperial control in the next dock!">
It was one of the corvettes that Anthysius had won control over. Knowing that it was still under control, Issan knew she could get underway safely and without wasting valuable crew still on the station.
<"Redirect any stragglers to that dock over the next ten minutes, then leave the station and rendezvous with my ship, wherever we end up being.">
"Prepare to get underway!" she called out across the bridge. The bridge crew, now fully staffed with stragglers from the station, began the launch sequence. As she felt the docking clamps detach and the Heavy Cruiser's engines full fire up, allowing it to pull away from the station, a swarm of enemy fighters approached.
"Shields at maximum!"
The shield held firm against the barrage of laser fire as the starfighters peeled off. Now freed from its moorings, the
Dour Predator's full suite of CIWS opened up, shredding several X-Wings and bombers that approached. The ship's main guns blasted a transport from the sky before it could land in the
Fatal Sums' berth nearby.
The captain ordered a sweep of the exterior of this section of the station. Issan looked out the windows, clearly seeing the breached docking bays and disintegrating sections. The
Predator opened fire at close range, ranking the bays from the outside, destroying several Concord transports that had boarded the station.
A priority ping showed up on her console- no, all the consoles. A hush fell over the bridge. It was a Priority Crimson One alert. Issan's heart froze. It could only come from one place.
"Ma'am, it's the Firestorm Contingency," someone finally called out. On her console, a set of targeting coordinates showed up, forcefully overriding any other priority targets.
The captain of the ship stood up straight.
"You have your orders. Set course for bombardment of the priority target."
"Captain, that's the city-"
The captain spun on his heel, drawing his pistol. In the blink of an eye, the dissenting crewman was shot. The stunned silence was broken when the XO drew his pistol and pointed it at the captain, followed by a flurry of movement across the bridge as crewmen cursed, jumped out of their seats and/or drew their weapons in a daisy chain of targeting and counter-targeting.
"HALT!" Issan intoned, projecting the Force into her voice. Everyone froze, a hundred fingers ready to pull their triggers.
"I understand we have a... diverse set of personnel in our current predicament, who may not all see eye to eye," Issan started, slowly getting out of her chair.
have to follow the will of the Emperor."
"Yes, but I'm sure it is bad form to operate a ship with half the crew dead," a cold smile formed on Issan's face.
The captain was silent for a moment.
"We have our orders..."
"From a communications channel that could be hijacked," the XO interjected.
"It appears we are at an impasse. Fortunately, pursuant to the Imperial Military Law Code 10-15 Section B, there is a ranking Sith onboard."
Everyone understood her meaning.
"So, I will be taking executive action to solve this conundrum. Sounds reasonable?" She moved over to the captain and XO.
"It is heartening to see your loyalty to the throne, captain."
The captain gave a small nod as she circled the pair.
"I, too have my loyalty. To my lord."
Issan's smile dropped as she stopped beside him.
"And it does not allow me to fire at any location he might be on. Least of all his own fething estate, in case you did not realise. So, let's put down the guns and move into atmosphere to re-establish contact groundside."
The captain breathed slowly. Without warning, he turned his gun to Issan:
"BELAY THAT! You treacherous wench! How dare you place your lord above-"
The bridge was suddenly bathed in crimson light as the deafening snap-hiss of a lightsaber silenced the man. Issan pulled her lightsaber back and the corpse dropped.
"Any objections? We have a comfortable brig and many willing crew onboard who can do your job."
"Someone clean this up," Issan nudged the corpse with her boot. "
Everyone else, back to battle stations and get us into orbit." Issan returned to her seat as the bridge crew broke from the spell and returned to their posts.
"XO, you have the command."