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Padawan advancement

Ok so I donno how I am supposed to get past rank pf padawan when i already got the padawan powers learned. I likely cannot learn many more saber forms until i hit knight and any new powers require a rank of Knight or higher to even learn. So wtf? Feels Like even with the threads I've been in I'm no closer I feel to reaching that than I was at start.
[member="Catherine Soja"]

Typically a padawan is taken for training by a master and when the master feels they are ready they are promoted to knighthood.

However, if one does not have a master, then they can keep track of their training and then reach out to a master asking that they be considered for promotion.

The progression template should be filled out and sent to the master that you wish to promote you.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, as a member of the Jedi Order of the Galactic Republic, said master must be a GR Jedi Master.
[member="Catherine Soja"]

You don't have to have a dedicated master. You can ask for training threads on specific skills to put on the progression template and then request promotion.
[member="Catherine Soja"]

I have at least three threads going right now where I'm teaching a number of skills to various padawans and I'm sure the others are teaching even more.

The students who I'm training PM'd me and said "hey I need training in Form V" or "I need training in force stealth."

They might not be taking on apprentices but if you PM a master or knight with a specific skill you want to learn, I would be surprised if they said no (assuming it is a skill they possess).
[member="Catherine Soja"]

Spend some time looking over the Bio's of different master's and knight's. Most put their list of abilities and their strength in that ability in their bios.

Also, if you see a master or knight use a power in a role play, feel secure enough to pm them and ask to learn that power.

Patience is the key to advancing along the path of a Jedi. The GR is fairly stringent in it's promotion policies, but it also ensures that those who are promoted have the development to back up the rank, both power wise and character wise.
Honestly I don't see the problem. I was lucky enough to be contacted by a Master with an offer for training, but it did take quite a bit of waiting and asking around. Your time will come, I bet. Personally I'd prefer doing it right and thoroughly rather than fast, war or no war. No sense in sending Knights who are IC unprepared into a war and expecting them to do Knightly things. To my mind, the GR has the right idea. I'm not too great with contacting Masters to ask for training either, but perhaps you can try contacting people you have encountered IC to use that as a plot hook for some training? The invasion on Telti has you standing beside multiple Masters, any of them might 'notice you' IC and decide to help you polish your skills a little.
AAt this point you abandon my padawan you';ll pardon me for saying if this atop of losing her homeworld hasint traumatized her. I doubt she'll ever trust your jedi ever. Your welcome to rp it out with me if ya wanna try [not impossible for her not to forgive] but it was rather poor timing I'd say icly.

Haytham Kaze

Judge, Judgury, Judgecutioner
[member="Catherine Soja"]

If you don't have a Master, when you feel like your Padawan is worthy of being promoted, just ask a Master to sponsor you like Kian said. My Master's hasn't been around for a while, ICly and OOCly, but I'm still roleplaying as their Apprentice because he wants to be promoted by said Master.

OOCly, I think Haytham is ready to be promoted, but IC'ly, he wants the pride and respect of waiting and of believing his Master was alive the entire time.

Plus, people like [member="Corvus Raaf"] and [member="Kian Karr"] are really good with posting in training. I can vouch personally that during this Invasion, Corvus has replied quite frequently in our training thread, other people's threads, other characters I think, and the Invasion itself.

Kian the same. Some people just don't have the same work load as others. Plus, you can just roleplay with other Padawans, you don't always need a Master to actually 'teach' you.
[member="Catherine Soja"]

I am not entirely sure I understand what exactly it is you are asking for here. It has already been mentioned twice that you don't need a dedicated master to be promoted. If you feel you are ready, send a private message to any of the masters in the Republic and request that they put your name forward for promotion.

If you want a master, you need to come to the understanding that all of us here have external obligations that come before the SWRP board. I work 8-10 hours a day, plus have a family and as miniscule as it is, a social life. I don't post often during the weekends, and because of my obligations here on the board as well, I do have to prioritize where I spend my time. That unfortunately means some of my threads are sadly neglected for periods of time. This is going to happen sooner or later to everyone on the board. It's simply a fact of life.

I sent a PM over a month ago to you, and have posted several times in the padawan thread that anyone who does not have a master and would like one, so long as they are comfortable with my bio that is in my signature and easily accessible, and understand that I am unavailable on weekends, that I would take them. Corvus and Kian have done this as well.

I am unaware of what issues you could have had with Kian as he is by far one of the most laid back people I know here. But again, that is not something that should be discussed openly on the board.
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] My issue with your offer as nice as it was is that last time I joined a master with multiple padawans I literally got ONE joint thread with them and no threads ever after. Then they through PM indicated they were leaving the jedi order and republic and weer no longer training me. Now if that indication was wrong I am sorry but it is how the details came across and how it was worded to me me understand it.
[member="Catherine Soja"]

My bio contains links to all of my Padawans that I am training, each individually and their current status, and at the top are labeled "Padawan Training"

Here are the most recent ongoing ones:

Hawk-bats Without Wings | In Progress
Knick Knack Paddy Whack | In Progress
The Boy Learns Jar'Kai | In Progress
Tell A Kinetic | In Progress

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