[member="Catherine Soja"]
If you don't have a Master, when you feel like your Padawan is worthy of being promoted, just ask a Master to sponsor you like Kian said. My Master's hasn't been around for a while, ICly and OOCly, but I'm still roleplaying as their Apprentice because he wants to be promoted by said Master.
OOCly, I think Haytham is ready to be promoted, but IC'ly, he wants the pride and respect of waiting and of believing his Master was alive the entire time.
Plus, people like [member="Corvus Raaf"] and [member="Kian Karr"] are really good with posting in training. I can vouch personally that during this Invasion, Corvus has replied quite frequently in our training thread, other people's threads, other characters I think, and the Invasion itself.
Kian the same. Some people just don't have the same work load as others. Plus, you can just roleplay with other Padawans, you don't always need a Master to actually 'teach' you.