Once the Jedi Order lifts his probationary period, sure.Oka Osaa said:So if I request Veino as my master and he accepted, he could train me as his padawan?
I'm a carnivore that eats veggies when I feel like it....Corvus Raaf said:Following the code 50/50? That's like a vegetarian that eats bacon sandwiches when they feel like it.
You're either a vegetarian or you're not...
[member="Oka Osaa"]Oka Osaa said:I eat what the republic offers :3
I'm guessing he was trying to continue the joke.Corvus Raaf said:[member="Oka Osaa"]
What does that mean?
Wait, let me see... Maybe I should actually learn Teräs Käsi?Tracyn said:I can teach you to use force speed/combat related things.
Teras Kasi and whatnot included.
And armor and whatnot.
Damn right its more of a school than a true order of force users. We say no to no one.Veino Garn said:It's complicated. Veino's not really a rogue, I just used that one when he was unaffiliated with any major faction, and then changed it when I had him join the Republic and Jedi to assist in the war against the Sith, and also because I didn't like the green. He doesn't follow his own code, he just has a variety of codes. Two of which are the Jensaarai codes, one of which is one of the Jedi codes, and one is a bit of his own personal code of behavior.
So not quite neutral either, just not a full member of any Player Character Force traditions, except the Grey, which is more of a school than an order.
Technically, Hakora has yet to actually use the dark side.....I think, sometimes I forget which powers are dark and which are neutral....scream and pyro are......Veino Garn said:Qui-Gon didn't use the Dark Side though. He just didn't necessarily follow the council's orders.
Get me to the Fringe and it would turn into something more than a dream.Spencer Jacobs said:[member="Maria Natalja"] let me teach you the ways of the force pls ;-;