Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Paddie-Wack (Open Training)


Came in like a wrecking maul
[member="Plepeat Vrai"] [member="Saori Kutunome"] [member="Jora Vao"] [member="Eric Koor"] [member="Parmi Miemant"] [member="Shoxx"] [member="Siather Det'aan"]

Saki had taken several of the jedi padawans under her wing. She was confused about a few things and needed to clear her head as she sat on the large box with a repulsor lift under it in several places. It was her weapon chest and the grooved handles on it for her to carry it or in some cases as she had shown throw it served a purpose.

She didn't need to open it yet just sitting there with her freshly shaven head after Alderaan and the worm, after Naimh and these things. She didn't know how to explain it all she just knew that her one padawan and the soldier she had helped were one and the same. Now she was here going to teach a class for anyone who wanted to come in and learn.

(there is no posting order, come in and mingle until I post again and all are welcomed we are going to learn some fun things.)

Coci had returned to the Silver Jedi as a long mission. Much she had seen in her time away and with the continuing up rise of the Sith, it was time to come back and help train the Padawans. They needed to learn how to defend themselves in order to defend and protect others. Although Coci's position is one of a more secretive nature, she also ventures out from time to time to mingle with the Order.

She prefers to work alone, it is far better that way, quicker and there is no hindrance of someone slowing her down. But the time had come for her to impart the knowledge she had learned from all her experience within the galaxy. The Army of Light had been her start point, her grounding for her sense of duty and purpose. The Republic the same .. for a while, but the Silver Jedi are far more dedicated to the doctrine and it is where she needs to be.

She had never met Master Saki before today, and so decided to remain quiet for the moment. Standing near by in the shadows, her force presence cloaked, she is invisible to all. She watched Saki, deep in thought it seemed and did not wish to disturb her just yet.
[member="Saki"] [member="Coci Sinopi"]

Eric had come over to the lesson area to improve himself further. Moving near the walls away from them to avoid being called for a moment. But he knew he would be attracting attention. It was only a matter of time until he was called.

This head turned from left to right at the room, it seems as if he was looking at the persons speaking. But what he was actually doing was following the sounds. The only eye peering out remained still. It did not even blink once. It was as if he was numb in that area.

He was deep in thought, he was just probably daydreaming, but that's what you'd think. He had his arms buried beneath his robes, leaning against the wall as he listened the lessons. The thing that caught his attention was the box that [member="Saki"] brought with her. He most likely assumed she was going to bring up some combat lessons.
Saori walked into the room, a bounce in her step. She was excited to learn that there were open training lessons here, and she jumped at the chance to attend one. Her emerald eyes scanned the room to look at the other students. One appeared to be a bit more experienced than the other. And the other appeared as if he had only a single eye. Interesting as this was, Saori didn't want to be rude, so she found a spot on the ground and sat down. Her green robes made her hair appear even greener.
[member="Saki"] [member="Coci Sinopi"] [member="Eric Koor"]

Jeela Tillian

Jeela entered slowly, still looking exhausted, but not as badly as she had been at some other times. She leaned slowly against a wall, and waited for the class to begin. She recognized [member="Saki"], of course but none of the others. Were they new padawans? Or simply ones she had overlooked from her high and might position? She felt a twinge of guilt. Hopefully they were just new and she had not simply overlooked their existence.

It looked like she would be finding out here soon enough. Hopefully learning some as well.

[member="Saori Kutunome"] [member="Eric Koor"] [member="Coci Sinopi"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu entered the room, the promise of open training from a master like Saki would prove interesting. Only because as she looked on the tattooed woman who was atop her case the jedi took in the rest of the room. Some she knew well, some were new and some she hadn't expected to see. Coci was an interesting sight to behold but as her hat came off Matsu took a seat spreading the glistaweb trenchcoat.
Dagos was looking for any opportunity he could to find training. Anything to take his mind off of his problems and to advance him in the eyes of the order. He had come in and saw the jedI who he assumed was leading this course sitting on a large box at the front of the room, he couldn’t recognize any of the others, there was one hiding in the shadows and on pressed against a wall wearing some kind of mask , another in green robes sitting on the floor. He was disappointed until he noticed Jeela, she to was trying to be as unnoticeable as possible it seemed. He wanted to go over and speak to her but was still unsure how close they were so instead he crossed into the room took a seat near the green robbed JedI.

@Jeela Tillian[member="Saori Kutunome"][member="Eric Koor"][member="Coci Sinopi"]@Saki
Saori gave a friendly smile to the man who sat beside her. "You here for lessons, too? I can't wait to start learning," She said happily. She didn't expect him to respond, but she felt like saying it anyway.
[member="Dagos Terrek"]
Dagos returned her smile. Her enthusiasm was refreshing, it really improved his own mood.

“It should be an interesting lesson.” he held a hand out as greeting. “Dagos Terrekk, please to make your acquaintance.” truth be told Dagos didn’t know what to expect from the lesson, but he was eager to start. The order took him in and he wanted to make them and himself proud by learning as much as he could as quickly as he could.

[member="Saori Kutunome"]
Saori shook his hand. "Nice to meet you Dagos. I'm Saori Kutunome," She said. "I heard that Master Saki's mastered two of the elements. I'm looking to strengthen my own power over them. Maybe she'll even teach us about fighting, too!"
[member="Dagos Terrek"]


Came in like a wrecking maul
[member="Coci Sinopi"] [member="Saori Kutunome"] [member="Dagos Terrek"] [member="Jeela Tillian "] [member="Eric Koor"]

Saki looked at the padawan who came in as she hopped off the box and she spoke putting a hand on it as the box opened. The red and black sponge padding holding the equipment while she grabbed the pieces, two rods and attached them to her belt then a large hammer before closing the case and the repulsors deactivated. It dropping with a heavy thud as it made an impact crater.

"Alright there are three parts to this lesson, your going to learn how to dodge, your going to learn about speed and precognitive reflex and your going to learn how to take a hit. If at anytime you want to end the lesson just come here and lift the box." Shee kicked it and it barely moved. "The box weighs three hundred kilo's and can smash a rancors face in when you throw it. Now....."

Saki trailed off as a smirk came to her face and the hammer squeaked a little with her hands choking up on it. "Five." She planted her feet as energy crackled. "Four." Her muscles bulked getting larger. "Three." Saki looked at the ones in the room while the floor shifted to make walls. "Two." She prepared to swing and winked. "One." Saki rushed leaping up into the air and going at the class as she shouted. "NOW DODGE!!!!"​
The masked young man was just aiming his head at [member="Saki"] and the class making noise, feeling as if he was calm and nothing was happening. That's what he thought. He felt something strange, as if danger approached, and then moved to whatever direction the Force commanded him to. He was an inch away from being hit by the heavy hammer, the scream of [member="Saki"] helping aswell. His head turned to where Saki was, and remained still just beside the hammer that was hurled at the class. Although hidden by his mask, he felt lucky to be alive. Perspiration just dripping from his face. It appears his assumption was partially correct about the combat training. He was just relieved he didn't have to go to the medical bay. "What was that?" said Eric as this came out of the blue.

[member="Saori Kutunome"] [member="Dagos Terrek"]
Saori sprang into action. She used a quick burst of wind to give her enough momentum to jump around the room. She felt that if the key to this was to avoid being hit, and what better way to do that than to never sit still?

Coci still hidden within the force, the others not able to know of her presence in the area. She moved forward and closer to watch what the Padawans would do in this lesson. Saki an interesting teacher, but what she had to offer is a skill that would serve them all well. It would be interesting to see how they would handle an attack, and wondered if one or any would retaliate. She hoped so, that would show her their strength and purpose in a fight and as a Jedi.

She noted the Padawans using their known strengths immediately, a good sign. All different in approach as is their force abilities. However, she will wait to see if one of them caught her eye.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu was there and standing, the wall of earth coming up had her on alert but not prepared for what was coming next. She had known Saki was unconventional and this proved it as she let the force hum through her body to jump to the side. Cartwheeling and twisting to dodge the first swing as it was on, there was a heavy case, her large hammer and the others this was something you had to pay attention to and her hands came out mostly on instinct as she slowly started shaping within the air to stay mobile and light on her feet.
Dagos moved not on instinct, it was something more than that, it was force guiding him. He gave himself over to its will just barely able to avoid being struck, others in the room were running, dodging doing what they could to stay alive and Dagos did not blame them. With out thought Dagos drew his training saber, he had no training in it’s use but he had the force to guide him he struck at Saki, knowing he would not be able to land a single blow, but hoping he distracted her long enough for the rest of the class to maybe join in, there was strength in numbers after all.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
[member="Coci Sinopi"]
[member="Saori Kutunome"]
[member="Eric Koor"]


Came in like a wrecking maul
[member="Dagos Terrek"] [member="Coci Sinopi"] [member="Saori Kutunome"] [member="Eric Koor"]

Saki swiped with the hammer again at the padawans they were getting it now and learning to dodge as she moved towards each one with a lunge, jump or using the earthen wall around them sending a rock flying out to make a fun little room. "DODGE!!!" She swung again as one of the padawan activated a training saber and came at her... not the entire lesson but it showed somethign a jedi needed imagination and her shin rippled going rigid. Soft to solid a technique few used outside of Fabula while her forearm came up to bat the saber away resisting the burn. Her skin was stiff as an armor plate and she spoke. "Good idea padawan have some imagination." She brought the hammer around with one hand to try and knock the padawan to the side
Saori bobbed and weaved at the speed of lightning, using wind to move her and bringing up rock barriers to block anything that might come at her. As she noticed one of the padawans moving in for an attack, she decided that it was her turn to get a little creative. She pulled out her lightsaber whip and activated it. staying close to the edges of the room, she began lashing at Saki as she moved, occasionally even sending a few fireballs her way.
Eventually Eric found another way to push on the offensive. He manipulated the Force to push Saki's leg, he was trying to take her out of balance causing her to be pinned [member="Saki"] by the heavy hammer against the ground. Eric was trying to save the Padawan from getting hit by the hammer. It was weak, but at least it was something. He drew his training saber, ignited it, then came charging at the direction of the sound made by the training lightsaber (he's blind), heading straight towards the Jedi Master. And thus, dodging the rock projectiles coming straight for him.


Jeela Tillian

Jeela simply slipped backwards out of the melee and hammer-range and stood, poised on the balls of her feet, ready to move if necessary, and nudging any rocks she tore from the wall out of the way. Combat could be avoided if one was careful enough, not unlike a river flowing around a rock. Even when it did occur, it was easy enough to be the river and sway back and forth between blows, energy saved for more valuable endeavours.

The young woman using air and earth was intriguing. How many of the other Silver Jedi also had skill and training in shaping?

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