Came in like a wrecking maul
[member="Plepeat Vrai"] [member="Saori Kutunome"] [member="Jora Vao"] [member="Eric Koor"] [member="Parmi Miemant"] [member="Shoxx"] [member="Siather Det'aan"]
Saki had taken several of the jedi padawans under her wing. She was confused about a few things and needed to clear her head as she sat on the large box with a repulsor lift under it in several places. It was her weapon chest and the grooved handles on it for her to carry it or in some cases as she had shown throw it served a purpose.
She didn't need to open it yet just sitting there with her freshly shaven head after Alderaan and the worm, after Naimh and these things. She didn't know how to explain it all she just knew that her one padawan and the soldier she had helped were one and the same. Now she was here going to teach a class for anyone who wanted to come in and learn.
(there is no posting order, come in and mingle until I post again and all are welcomed we are going to learn some fun things.)
Saki had taken several of the jedi padawans under her wing. She was confused about a few things and needed to clear her head as she sat on the large box with a repulsor lift under it in several places. It was her weapon chest and the grooved handles on it for her to carry it or in some cases as she had shown throw it served a purpose.
She didn't need to open it yet just sitting there with her freshly shaven head after Alderaan and the worm, after Naimh and these things. She didn't know how to explain it all she just knew that her one padawan and the soldier she had helped were one and the same. Now she was here going to teach a class for anyone who wanted to come in and learn.
(there is no posting order, come in and mingle until I post again and all are welcomed we are going to learn some fun things.)