Siather Det'aan
Arriving a little late Siather saw a group of Padawan engaged in an exercise with [member="Saki"] who seemed to be trying to beat them all with some form of hammer. His own well-honed precognitive abilities triggering signalling danger from all around as rocks started to fling around them. The other padawan were dodging about not having the benefit of armor as they tried to engage the Master. Rocks hurtling towards him the Gand dodged and rolled towards Saki to engage her directly, if the distance was closed she would have to fling rocks towards herself to keep the rocks flinging at him.
Grinning as the hammer came around in an effort to hit [member="Dagos Terrek"] the Gand stepped into the path of the swing and as it came towards him Siather flung his arms up using his heavy exoskeleton to absorb the impact, it pushed him back a bit but those unfamiliar with his species would find that the stocky Gand was surprisingly strong. He didn’t see the point of drawing his lightsabers yet, there wasn’t any real threats that required it yet. Reacting quickly he attempted grab the hammer to twist the hammer out of the grip of the master though in reality it was unlikely that the Master wouldn't spot the movement and react appropriately.
Grinning as the hammer came around in an effort to hit [member="Dagos Terrek"] the Gand stepped into the path of the swing and as it came towards him Siather flung his arms up using his heavy exoskeleton to absorb the impact, it pushed him back a bit but those unfamiliar with his species would find that the stocky Gand was surprisingly strong. He didn’t see the point of drawing his lightsabers yet, there wasn’t any real threats that required it yet. Reacting quickly he attempted grab the hammer to twist the hammer out of the grip of the master though in reality it was unlikely that the Master wouldn't spot the movement and react appropriately.