Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Paddie-Wack (Open Training)

Arriving a little late Siather saw a group of Padawan engaged in an exercise with [member="Saki"] who seemed to be trying to beat them all with some form of hammer. His own well-honed precognitive abilities triggering signalling danger from all around as rocks started to fling around them. The other padawan were dodging about not having the benefit of armor as they tried to engage the Master. Rocks hurtling towards him the Gand dodged and rolled towards Saki to engage her directly, if the distance was closed she would have to fling rocks towards herself to keep the rocks flinging at him.

Grinning as the hammer came around in an effort to hit [member="Dagos Terrek"] the Gand stepped into the path of the swing and as it came towards him Siather flung his arms up using his heavy exoskeleton to absorb the impact, it pushed him back a bit but those unfamiliar with his species would find that the stocky Gand was surprisingly strong. He didn’t see the point of drawing his lightsabers yet, there wasn’t any real threats that required it yet. Reacting quickly he attempted grab the hammer to twist the hammer out of the grip of the master though in reality it was unlikely that the Master wouldn't spot the movement and react appropriately.
Being one of the last to arrive Chi'Yara was content to observe for the moment, opening himself up the best he could to the ebb and flow of the Force in order to perceive and avoid any danger heading his way. He dodged what rocks were coming his way purely on instinct, not having had any chance to hone his abilities in any type of formal training environment. After a moment more he drew his training blade but didn't ignite it. Having had no training in its use he had only his instincts to rely on, and besides, it was a singular blade when most of his training would focus on the use of a saberstaff. Or so he could hope. Still content to simply observe he stayed put, feeling around the immediate area with the Force, doing his best to adjust to relying on the ethereal tendrils in combat and everyday life as well, taking in the various emotions he could sense radiating off of the other students, the Master, and one he guessed to be a Knight.


Came in like a wrecking maul
[member="Chi'Yara"] [member="Siather Det'aan"] [member="Coci Sinopi"] [member="Jeela Tillian "] [member="Eric Koor"] [member="Saori Kutunome"] [member="Dagos Terrek"]

[[so many actions let me know if I miss you]]

Saki felt it, the hammer being caught the saber against her skin even while armored with soft to solid didn't mean she wasn't feeling the heat and energy. Her body moved pushing fire from her feet as they lifted off into the air letting the hammer being grabbed twist her in the air as she released and flipped higher into the room. Her energies focused inward and then smacking as the walls made a platform. Saki slammed onto it and smirked letting approval show on her face.

"Good now lets make it harder." She ground her foot into the platform and focused for a moment letting the force focus inwards and deep into each muscle of her body. "Remember if you want to stop lift the case." The skin of her body going rigid and firm, the force making her rejuvinated until she was brimming before leaping into the air and blasting shaped fire from her hands and feet to send her higher. Body tucking in, twisting as she shifted the inertia let her own energies pool into the fist.

Then blasted downwards into the group using the earth shaping and fire to send a matukai enhanced physical strike to shockwave the ground as a ring of fire and pillars of earth rose launching her own case up into the air with a thunderous crash. She had seen one of them using air shaping and a lightwhip while the others moved around but was wondering what they could do when really feeling the heat of a mock battle.
Saori was halfway to the ground from jumping around the room when Saki came down with a devastating shockwave. The wave thrust Saori violently backward, causing her to flip through the air. Before she could hit the wall and become seriously injured, she used her air shaping to create a kind of cushion for her body to hit. The air cushion allowed her to launch herself back into the fray unharmed. Raising her lightwhip, she sailed in for a direct assault.

The waves of earth and fire flung him towards the wall, but he managed to throw out a crude blast of the Force purely on instinct to cushion his fall, though he could already feel a few bruises forming despite his best effort. Chi'Yara straightened slowly, mentally surveying his body from head to toe to assess the seriousness of his injuries, all of them being minor, thankfully. It was then he deemed it appropriate to ignite his training saber, relying once more on the Force to guide his movements as he charged into the fray, using her apparently vulnerable position to attack from behind, though he kept his wits about him for the expected counter.
Watching [member="Saki"] seemingly fly around the space Siather waited to see what she would do he didn’t know anything about the abilities she was displaying. As she rocketed towards the ground and created a shockwave of energy and fire he let himself get thrown back by the energy to avoid the fire. He used the momentum to launch himself off the wall of earth onto one of the pillars of earth that formed from the impact. He had only a rudimentary grasp of telekinesis so standing on the pillar he reached out with the force towards the earthen wall trying to draw clumps of earth and rock from it throwing them one after another at the Master to distract hoping some of the other students would capitalize.

Not waiting for any of his clumps of rock or earth to hit Saki the Gand started jumping from pillar to pillar with the aide of the force as he continued his assault. He wanted to keep moving in case someone decided to try to bring any of the pillars of earth down with him still on top of it. Reaching out into the force he tried to make a connection with the other students telepathically so they could better coordinate their actions against the Jedi master.

Jeela Tillian

Fire and earth now. Much more difficult to evade. She settled herself firmly in the earth stance and then stood up, raising a dirt wall to break the force of the shockwave and then slipped into the fire shaping pose, arms and legs quickly moving to disperse the flames as a shower of dust rained down around her. She covered her face and stepped backwards, moving with the impact rather than trying to resist it.
[member="Siather Det'aan"]@Jeela Tillian[member="Chi'Yara"]@Saori Kutunome[member="Saki"]

To say he wasn’t prepared was an understatement, he didn’t even know what [member="Saki"] was doing was possible, Dagos dodged a burst of flame but as he did so he got blasted by a hunk of earth and was sent crashing to the ground gasping for air, his training saber skidding across the floor. He tried to stand clutching at his ribs and as he did he was conked again by debris, this time in the face breaking his nose. Dagos made it back to his feet, unable to find his Saber but unconcerned, he found Saki and knew a direct assault would not work.

He spied the Gand racing across the pillars trying to make his assault and Dagos decided to join him but to come at Saki from the opposite direction, giving her multiple targets to try and contend with.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu looked at it all and seeing the shaping she moved following suit and the example of Jeela. Her feet planting to the ground and Matsu grasped at two of the pillars of earth that popped up and used them to make a wall for the flames before she brought them away and stood there breathing hard. She had trained like Jeela with shaping, with what they had learned and she was moving spinning around the pillars to build air currents and sent a burst of air towards Saki
The corners of her mouth only lightly turned up as the lesson progressed. There are many Padawans here now and all with special abilities .. however she remained looking for that one she would teach. [member="Siather Det'aan"]. had caught her eye showing initiative and a clever mind.

Coci is not looking for a recruit for the Silver Shadows, however if they show what is require to be one, she might ask the question, however that would be a long way off. A certain type of Jedi is a Shadow and it is not something just anyone can do.

However, she will continue her observations for the time being.


Came in like a wrecking maul
[member="Dagos Terrek"] [member="Jeela Tillian "] [member="Coci Sinopi"] [member="Siather Det'aan"] [member="Chi'Yara"] [member="Saori Kutunome"]

Saki felt the force directing her less in precognition and more that fighters instincts that pushed you to go faster and faster towards fight or flight. She was seeing it now and watching some of them coming at her had Saki moving fast but not that fast. He forearms coming up and her forearms hardening with soft to solid. She focused and moved forward towards the case and spoke using the blast of air to send her up that extra bit.

"Now you guys are getting it, sith will seek to dogpile you, make sure you are able to work together and get them as well." Saki extended her hand and grabbed the hammer pushing force energy into it to strengthen it and bring the duracrete shaft up to defend against the saber while she felt move strike her. Thank gods for training sabers was her thought with a nod o her head. "Very good."

Jeela Tillian

Jeela continued to hang back, watching. She didn't activate her own lightsaber, as it was not a training saber and could lead to some serious injury in such a chaotic scene as this, even when turned down to its lowest power setting. It was all fun and games until some stabbed their eye out. She sank into the current of the Force again, and let it flow through and around her, guiding her, and used the Force to yank at [member="Saki"]'s feet.

There was a slight nudge on her mind from one of the other padawans, seemingly to coordinate plans and truly act as a team. She sent a reply in return.
As the duracrete came up and blocked his blade Chi’Yara jumped backwards and glanced to the other Padawans to determine their strategy. He felt a touch of the Force on his mind and reached out to it with his own, confirming that he felt him and was ready to coordinate.
Flipping his blade once with a flick of the wrist he remained still for only a moment, ducking around the duracrete that the Master had blocked his saber with, distancing himself and drawing on the Force as well as he was able and reaching out to attempt to lift the rocks that the senior Jedi had thrown earlier, only managing to lift one.
Settling for such a distraction he took another moment to focus his energy on the small stone, sending it flying at the fastest speed he could muster towards her, taking that momentary distraction to rush her again, looking out of the corner of his eye at the others so that they could somewhat work together to divide and conquer.

Dodging along the tops of the pillars Siather felt the connection forming between himself and the other padawan. Sending an impression of his next move towards the others in the force he clumsily conveyed that he was going to engage with the Master directly. He fired off a couple more balls of dirt and stones using the force as he launched himself off the pillar of earth nearest to the master. He drew both his lightsabers activating them both. As he fell towards her throwing one, guiding it past her with the force out and around behind her treating it as a force guided boomerang.

As he fell the last bit of distance towards her Siather slashed his lightsaber down towards her as some of the other padawan engaged the master directly. The fact that they were there as well let him focus most of his energy on keeping the other lightsaber on its course towards the [member="Saki"]'s back hoping to catch her off guard. He was starting to enjoy this engagement but he pushed the emotion aside, emotions were a distraction and if not properly controlled would lead to a long fall towards darkness.
Coci smiled as she kept to the periphery. Saki is teaching them well, and they .. in a very quick time .. had learned much. In fact, they are learning something she has never see Jedi do before. That is to team up. Normally training consists of individualised training .. which for the best part of training a very good method. But all to often Coci had witnessed much disunity when Jedi fight on the field in numbers.

If they could lean to 'team up' when the time comes for war, they would be more victorious. However, she continued to keep a close watch on [member="Siather Det'aan"], this one is clever, and cunning .. she liked that.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu moved with their attack, jumping up and meeting the shaping abilities of Saki and Jeela with her own while she moved to coordinate with them. Pushing to energies into her hand and feet as she kicked up in the air and sent a small jet of fire at the jedi master to distract her from the other attacks.

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka never really expected to join the Order Of The Silver Jedi but he was informed by [member="Saki"] that training was consistent. He heard about her class somewhere, but he didn't know where. Oka needed training, but would group training help him any? As he approached the group of people training, he saw Saki fighting then all. They had sabers, sabers of some sort. Maybe training light sabers, he thought. Oka didn't know if joining this spar would be a good idea.


Came in like a wrecking maul
[member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Coci Sinopi"] [member="Siather Det'aan"] [member="Chi'Yara"] [member="Dagos Terrek"] [member="Saori Kutunome"] [member="Jeela Tillian "]

The joint attack wasn't quite there yet, not everyone joining in it seemed but Saki was focusing, letting the shaping and the strikes came at her as she focused. Grinding her teeth in focus while the force hummed around her and through her. Matukai techniques let you go soft to solid and form armor in some cases as Fabula showed... to stop a lightsaber with your finger.

She was doing less while pushing force energy to her back, blue shimmering light for the saber, her body rooting to the ground with the force and earth shaping while air blasts struck her Saki barred her teeth and stomped erecting a wall around her nearly everywhere as she channeled the energy from the back on her back. Easier to divide them up as she popped up and back flipped trying to close and entrap Siather in the walls as a fourth erected.

Her hands went out as twin jets came out going towards the shapers Jeela and Matsu attacking, the other padawans she kicked at with twin bursts of air spinning and slamming the flames into the ground.
Master Saki’s flip backwards served two purposes sending her away from his attack as well as flipping over his assault from behind returning his lightsaber to his hand just as the fourth wall erected around him trapping him behind walls of dirt and rock. Were he more adept with his telekinetic abilities and not surrounded by those who were his allies he would simply send a wave of force energy outward and cause the walls to become multiple projectiles but as it stood he didn’t have the power necessary or the inclination to cause such chaos amongst the ranks of Padawan he was working with. Instead he attached his second lightsaber to his belt. He used the dirt to his advantage and launched himself off the nearest wall into the opposite wall with the assistance of the force he wall jumped up and out of the dirt prison that had been erected around him as he reached out to the other padawan for assurance that Saki was not waiting at the top to spring a trap he could sense they were already keeping the master busy.

Jumping down from the wall of dirt that had been his prison just seconds before he looked at a pillar of earth nearby, they were relatively solid but then again so was he. Drawing on the force for strength the Gand hammered his shoulder into the nearest pillar and with a great effort started to push it over. This wasn’t a direct assault, it was meant more as a distraction to give the other padawan some breathing room by bringing the pillar of earth down between them and Master Saki.

@Oka Ossa @Matsu Iki [member="Coci Sinopi"] [member="Saki"] [member="Chi'Yara"] [member="Dagos Terrek"] [member="Saori Kutunome"] @Jeela Tillian

Jeela Tillian

Jeela stumbled backward as the jets of flame headed towards her, arms jabbing out and to the side to move them away. She managed to divert most of them. The rest came right at her. The heat singed her face and crackled at her eyebrows as she dropped to the ground and rolled away before popping back up again in a crouch, this time her saber activated in instinct.

What could she do, honestly? She was rather under skilled to be honest. Sure she knew a few exotic ones, bot not to an extent that mattered or made a difference. After all, the only one a beginner with a lightsaber. Could injure was themselves, and that described her position excellently.

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