N A R . S H A D D A A
It was a tricky thing, really. Staying out of sight and out of mind while trying to figure out how to hunt someone down. It was also a very startling realization that, well, when you cut yourself from the family funds, that meant that there is a finite amount of credits one had to pull from. He had one means of income, and while that required him to run a fixed brick and mortar building, he could pawn it off to someone else while trying to discretely access any of the funds or items bartered for his goods.
However, with him unable to actually make more of anything, this meant the man would have to actually work beyond the typical lines of society to earn a living. Fuck.
So, what did he have? His charm? A good arm. Some tracking skills and he could hunt. So, what did that lead him to?
Bounty hunting.
Ironic, I know.
Either way, as he could not get into a bounty hunter's guild, he had to try and find something local on Nar Shaddaa to make ends meet. Some back alley transactions and he came out with a bounty puck. Some lower-level spice-head weasel who owed money. Great, now you're a thug. Mother would be proud.
As it was, the tracking device on the puck led him towards the Shadow Sector of Nar Shadaa. Nothing like gilt heads, warring gangs, and questionable pools of liquids across the surface of these back alleyways to make one beam with pride.
Holding the puck in the palm of his organic hand, the fully armored man would wait for the tracker to focus. Up ahead, was a warehouse, a cantina, and a few large Gamorreans and Nikto packing more heat than any Sith who was trying to overcompensate with their saber.
Hah, dick joke.
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