Oh no, now the droid was thinking in that direction.
Under his polarized helm, Drifter gave a grimace. The thought of having H6-098 kill the man and then get its own proof of concept for the assassination and then for him to bring in the body would make him.. well complicit in the death of the druggie. While he had been prone at going a little - or a lot - darker than normal, when one tossed in some reasoning, there was still his conscious and that nagging voice in his head that fought with the other voice in his head.
One simply was pragmatic. The other said that who knew what happened to have the druggie turn into... a druggie...
[ Look how about this.] He began, coming up with some sort of offer. [ If you let me get this guy, I'll see if we can find some high bounty murderer that you can kill? ] it was stretching straws. With no access to the bounty hunter's guild, he couldn't get the high stakes bounties, but maybe this droid could?
Under his polarized helm, Drifter gave a grimace. The thought of having H6-098 kill the man and then get its own proof of concept for the assassination and then for him to bring in the body would make him.. well complicit in the death of the druggie. While he had been prone at going a little - or a lot - darker than normal, when one tossed in some reasoning, there was still his conscious and that nagging voice in his head that fought with the other voice in his head.
One simply was pragmatic. The other said that who knew what happened to have the druggie turn into... a druggie...
[ Look how about this.] He began, coming up with some sort of offer. [ If you let me get this guy, I'll see if we can find some high bounty murderer that you can kill? ] it was stretching straws. With no access to the bounty hunter's guild, he couldn't get the high stakes bounties, but maybe this droid could?