Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Paint Strokes


"Mm.. Since before I could walk, I think." Iris paused. She'd gone back to her own canvas, idly adding different colors without rhyme or reason. As Silas Westgard Silas Westgard spoke up though her brush was now against her chin as she thought on her earliest memories. They were hazy. All of her past was. The colors of the Force had been too much for her to see through back then.

"Feels like it's been my whole life."
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"Painting your whole life? that sounds fascinating. You must know pretty much everything there is to know by now and at your young age it's certainly quite impressive" he stated while brushing along the canvas to form something that appeared to be a grassy plain, even if it did look a bit rough around the edges.

"I doubt my first painting will be a masterpiece I'll give it a good shot either way. You got to start somewhere right?" he smiled to Iris Arani Iris Arani and tapped his brush on some light blue to try and get started on a sky.


"I know next to nothing about painting. I just put out the colors I see." Iris laughed, shaking her head. She barely knew anything about a lot of things. Even flying, which she loved almost as much as painting. "It's not about making a masterpiece or trying to be perfect. It's about doing what you feel is right." Her attention stayed on her painting as she once more got into what she was doing. Another color, bright orange, was added to the canvas. No rhyme or reason, just feeling.
"That truly is a gift then, almost as if you were born to paint" He remarked back, keeping his eyes on the canvas at all times to try and somewhat make a picture from his mind. He nodded in understanding from Iris Arani Iris Arani explaining that creating a painting was what you felt was right. Silas couldn't help but believe her too, she had a far better understanding of this than he ever would. Right he had only formed something that looked like grassy plains and a blue sky, all he needed was to create a house in the middle of it.

"I can see why you do this regularly, it's actually quite relaxing so far"


Was she born to paint? It was an interesting thought. Was it the desire to communicate that brought her to paint, or was it just something her world of colors brought her? She hummed for a moment longer, but didn't let the thought weigh her down. Whatever the case, this was who she was. What brought her here wouldn't change that. "Canvas art is pretty relaxing. You should try painting a mural though. It's a good work out, especially when it's a large surface."
"A mural? those are the enormous canvases right? I'd probably only do that when I got more comfortable with painting to be quite honest. I don't want to spend all that time painting then finding out it looks tacky"

He had no doubts it would be a good work out, or fun when it understood the art more but it was something he wasn't willing to try just yet. Smiling slightly, he knew what he had right now wasn't the best, but he knew he'd love it either way. Looking to Iris Arani Iris Arani painting he nodded slowly with appreciation from how clean it looked so far. She was far better than he'd ever dream of being...

"Have you done many art shows at all, like giving your pieces to gallery's to show off your works? I'm sure they'd be biting at the nail to take one"


"Yeah, kinda. Walls are canvases. Roofs too. And floors." Clearly canvas art wasn't her favorite. It would explain the rather alarming amount of spray cans inside her paint pack that she carried with her. And her art was the farthest from clean someone could get. She was coated in paint. Uncaring of making a mess and perhaps a little oblivious to the paint that had covered her hands she casually wiped herself off all throughout her painting.

Which only smeared more colors. Especially when she didn't even bother to set down her brush.

"Mmnope. I usually just leave my paintings out somewhere in the city. People take them, some people destroy them. Others add their own. I dunno really. Once I'm done it's like.. My need for it is done too, I guess? So I leave it for whomever else might need it, for whatever they end up doing."

Silas Westgard Silas Westgard
While Silas seemed relatively free of paint Iris Arani Iris Arani seemed to be covered in it. The girl wasn't careless, all it showed was her passion to make art and the fact she simply didn't care if she made a mess of herself. He swore the fellow padawan hadn't put her brush down yet, so far far he had to do it a few times just to simply think.

"So it's kind of like a duty in your hobby to provide art to all right?" he said with a quick gaze over to the girl.

His painting seemed to be nearing completion as the splodge he called a house was being put onto the lonely green plains of Azbrian which he thought of from memory "I think I'm almost done... but I fear it's no where near a masterpiece I'm afraid"


"I guess? Duty makes it sound more like I do it because I feel I have to. I just do it because it's nice for people?" Iris hummed again, her brow furrowing at she thought more on it. Not for long, though. Instead she frowned. Stared at Silas Westgard Silas Westgard for a moment. Then reached up her brush to add a splash of blue over his nose. "Stop holding yourself to impossible standards. We're still kids you know. Jedi or not."
"Hm... I'm sure you've already brought joy to many people with your paintings" he said with a brief nod before fully turning his body to face Iris Arani Iris Arani who was staring at him silently. Before he knew it, a splodge of blue paint went across his nose. Silas seemed to be taken back momentarily as he reached up to touch it "Yea, you're right Iris. I've just got to-" suddenly a finger which was dipped in some light green paint was prodded into her cheek.

"Catch you off guard to get my revenge!" he said with a light hearted chuckle, clearly amused by the girls antics.
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Iris blinked for a moment, surprised as her cheek was covered in yet another color. It indeed caught her off guard. She'd never even thought about what it meant to be covered in paint. Despite y'know, obviously being covered in paint. But that was her own choice? She pouted a little, rubbing at her cheek gently. "To think you'd stoop so low as distraction." She harrumphed rather exaggeratedly, clearly trying to put on her own act so she could swipe at him again with her brush.

Which she did, almost immediately.


Silas Westgard Silas Westgard
"Hmph, I'm afraid it brings out the worst of me" he said with a smug grin, showing off a different side of him that was far different to the usual serious demeanour. It was almost as if he was finally being a kid again. Not expecting her to strike back he lowered his guard and slowly folded his arms "You really thin- hey!"

To his surprise Iris Arani Iris Arani struck back at him with a paint brush across his cheek this time. Tasting the blue plate in the corner of his mouth slightly, he rolled his eyes with a chuckle and raised his paint brush up like a lightsaber.

"You want to play these games heh?" the teen laughed before lunging forward with the brush to swipe it across her forehead swiftly


She flicked around her own foe lightsaber, brandishing her paint brush much like she would a weapon. Though, Iris wasn't the best at knowing limits for these sorts of things. With a wider grin she instead reached behind her with her other hand. Through the Force. Calling over one of her spray cans. Obviously not to spray Silas cause that was terrible for their health. She learned that the hard way at a younger age.

No, she instead shook up the can and swiped out with it across his chest. Ruining his robes, certainly, if she wasn't stopped.

Silas Westgard Silas Westgard
Silas was completely caught off guard by the crafty move and looked down to his now colourful robes. He blinked a few times and frowned from the sight of his once clean clothing being ruined by a single spray of a can "Irissssssss!" he groaned out with a frown, knowing it would be a pain to wash out all the marks. Yet, the teen didn't seem mad considering he brought it upon himself.

"Not only have you bested me with a lightsaber but now with a spray can!" he mumbled, trying his best to wipe off the spray paint with no luck



Iris let the pride get to her head, grinning wide. Sitting up straighter. She spun the can around in her palm with ease before sliding it back into her pack as if she'd just holstered a gun like a cowboy.

"Never underestimate good paint."
"Hmph, paint that will take forever to scrub out" he grinned, sighing in defeat from how hopeless it was to wipe it out now. Smartly choosing to turn his paint brush to the canvas, he splodged his brush into the brown and finished off the last piece of the blob house. Silas looked it over with a roll of his eyes and stepped back, showing off his attempt at an art piece. It was clear he wasn't a natural in the way of creative pieces, but it was decent in his eyes either way.

"I gave it a good try... the only problem is I won't be able to keep it."



Iris just laughed a little, shrugging. She pulled out a different looking container from her pack. Soap, as it said on the label. Hand written label on a clear bottle that just said soap. "Here. I use this to keep my robes clean. Should get the paint out easy peasy." The girl nodded once, letting that end that part of the conversation before turning her gaze to his canvas. Studied it over, now that he was said it was finished.

"Leave it here. Someone will take it. If they do so to keep it or throw it away, it doesn't matter. People will still see it. And even if only one person passes by before it's thrown away, if it brings them a smile it was worth it, right?"

Silas Westgard Silas Westgard
Silas looked to Iris Arani Iris Arani with a tilt of his head, almost surprised she had a bar of soap sitting in her pocket that whole time. The fact she did made him think this was going to happen from the start, just shows how much of a true artist she was. Iris didn't have any fear of getting her hands dirty to create something beautiful for other peoples eyes.

"Thanks Iris, that will save me time and a questioning from the masters"

He took the soap and slid it into his pocket while Iris inspected his painting. It wasn't the best, but you never knew who saw something in it. Considering it was supposed to be a lonely house in the middle of green rolling hills, people may just pick it up from the meaning alone.

"Yea, you're right. If it brings joy to one person I can't complain can I?" he said with a shrug. Painting was something that took time to master, similar to the lightsaber style he was leaning under Kahlil. It took patience to perfect, and Silas was willing to give it another go sometime. The teen looked to Iris with a thoughtful smile and stepped towards her

"You know, I'd better get back to my quarters and get clean. Thank you for today Iris. I'm definitely open to some more duelling and painting the next time you're free" Silas commented positively with a respectful bow. They had both come a long way from where they first met...


Iris nodded, smiled. Yeah, this was a lot better of an ending than it would've been if she hadn't invited him to lunch. Sometimes it helped to try and learn more rather than base everything off an assumption. "Just, don't push yourself to be perfect with your painting." Or anything, but she had a feeling there'd be another small argument if she pushed it too far. Instead she waved.

"Any accident on a canvas can just be something new to add. Take care, Silas."
"I'll keep that in mind Iris because I know I'll never be as good as you are," he said with a warm smile as he began to back away from Iris Arani Iris Arani with a short wave. The wise words she spoke seemed to hit a cord in Silas. Sometimes, even a mistake can make you a better person "See you soon, maybe I'll have a piece to show you by the time we meet again.

With a turn of his heel, he finally went out the door, a pleased smile crossing his face from the thought of possibly making a new friend. One that was strange and intriguing, to say the least.

End of thread

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