Carliah Dakrone
Walking the Path to Redemption
The palace gardeners were running frantically through the gardens surrounding the Mad Queen's palace. The insane Sith had recently ordered them to plant Malreaux roses in the gardens, but the idiots had planted purple ones instead of the deep red color their insane queen had asked for. They feared for their lives and so were frantically trying to paint the roses red to cover up their mistake until they could replace the roses they had already planted. They paused, turning in fear when they heard a nearby door to the palace open and saw Darth Vivaldi striding out into the gardens. Carliah smiled at first, stopping to admire one of the bushes before turning and glaring at the head gardener."Explain to me exactly why my roses ARE PURPLE!!! CAN'T YOU INCOMPETENT FOOLS DO ANYTHING RIGHT? DID YOU REALLY THINK PAINTING THEM WOULD BE ENOUGH TO FOOL ME?" The Mad Queen began shouting angrily, clearly upset at the mistake and attempted deceit.
"N-no ma'am. We... We planted purple ones by mistake and we didn't have t-time to reorder the bushes. I'm sorry Queen Vivaldi. Please... We'll fix it I swear!" the poor gardner, a Twi'lek wearing a slave collar, cowered before her. Carliah merely smiled down at him, her usual twisted, insane smile.
"Off with your head then!" She smirked as she drew her vibrosword and swung it lazily. His head rolled across the ground and once it stopped she resumed walking through the garden, pausing to kick the severed head as she passed it.
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