Sic transit gloria mundi

Intent: Sub a ship.
Image Source: Here.
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: Permission for subs made by Laira Darkhold's writer here and here.
Primary Source: N/A
Manufacturer: Firemane Industries.
Affiliation: Firemane Industries
Model: FM-CV006
Production: Limited
Material: Durasteel, Turadium, Trimantium, Isotope-5, Transparisteel, electronics, standard starship components.
Classification: Minelayer Corvette
Length: 150 metres
Width: 125 metres
Height: 50 metres
Armament: Average
- 2x dual turbolasers
- Point Defence laser and ion cannons
- Ra Missile Defence Turrets
- Minelayers. Variable payload of space mines - ion, proton, heat-seeking, concussion, Firecracker, interdiction, standard, proximity, mass-shadow, sleeper, Derillium, seismic, seeker, interdiction, Vigilante and Vigilance mines and Imperial Atmospheric Explosive.
- Molecular Shielding
- Cap Drains and De-Ionizer Suite
- Missile Deactivation Transmitters
- Jamming Beams
- AE CM-1 Dampener Chaff
Hangar Allocations:
- Starfighters: 0 squadrons
- Support Craft: 0 squadrons
Speed Rating: High.
Hyperdrive: Yes.
Hyperdrive Class: 0.375 (Primary) | 8.0 (Secondary)
- All standard features. The Palisade comes fully equipped with the whole standard array of shields, systems and components that are normally associated with vessels of this size and class.
- Nav Computer Route Astrogation Bypass
- Self-Constructing Armament Fabricators
- Hyperspace Tracker
- Hyperwave Transceiver
- Ion-Scrambler
- Holonet Relay
- Holotrace Device
- Particle-emitters
- Repair Drones
- Sensor Net
- Sensor Scramblers
- Signal Jammers
- Synthicator Facility
- Anti-Ion Emission Tracer
- Auto-repair Modules
- Fixed-Signature Tracker
- Baffler
- Energy Dampeners
- Static Jammers
- Thermal Dissipators
- Thermal Dissipators
- Solid Fuel Converter
- Programmable Paint
- Signature Modulator
- Reduced Sensor Signature
- 220-SIG Tactical Sensor Jamming Device
- Long Range Scanners
- Photonic Emitter
- Sensor Decoy Launcher (3 decoys)
- Ghostwave Transmitter.
- The Palisade is a support ship focused on minelaying. Fast, well-armoured and equipped with its own munition manufacturing systems, it can slip in, seed a large area with varying types of space mines, and then get out.
- Passive Long Range Stealth: Energy Dampeners, Static Dampeners, and Emission dampeners allow the minelayer to fly under stealth conditions and hide from most sensors at long range. In order to do this it cannot boost its engines, fire weaponry, or have active shields.
- A signature modulator can allow it to disguise itself as another ship.
- Fast hyperdrive.
- The corvette lacks attack or support craft.
- The stealth is minor. The ship must power down weapons and shields, and cannot boost engines in order to evade enemy sensors at long range. The system is ineffective at normal ranges. It also does not visibly cloak, which makes it inferior to a proper cloaking device.
- The Palisade has a lot of explosive ordnance on board. Needless to say this is also a risk. Its shields and armour are tough for a corvette, but a lot of damage could cause a chain reaction and trigger the ordnance. This would be bad for the people on board.
- Poor manoeuvrability.
Explosions are fun and cool to look at. At least when one is not the victim. The Palisade has been designed as a dedicated minelayer corvette. This makes it a useful support ship for both defence and offence. Thus the design focused on speed and defence. This enables it to get to its target area, deploy its explosive payload and get out. It has been equipped with the necessary facilities to manufacture its own munitions and explosives. The job of the Palisade is to set up battlefield defences, undermine enemy supply line sand prepare the battlefield, not drop mines in the middle of a battle. Moreover, the corvette features a passive stealth suite. This provides a degree of concealment from sensors, but the suite is not on the same level as a Stygium or Hibridium cloaking device.
However, the ship also lacks hangar capacity, which means it has no attack craft to support it if it is detected. Moreover, it lacks heavy capital armaments. It cannot stand up to larger ships in a fight. In such a situation the only viable approach is to conduct a quick strategic retreat. The Palisade's shields are powerful, but the large amount of explosive ordnance also poses a risk. Severe damage can trigger a chain reaction, turning the Corvette's own payload against it. This can making serving on a Palisade a rather dangerous posting. Each Palisade is able to function with a fairly small crew. A lot of the internal space is dedicated to carrying mines as well as producing new munitions.
The Palisade has a powerful communications' suite, enabling it to encrypt and transmit messages over vast distances. This is particularly pertinent when it is deployed into hostile territory or to say mine an enemy supply line. Due to its stealth systems and other features, the Palisade has a limited production run, but Firemane does not field enormous war fleets, so it can distribute the Palisade along several task forces.
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