Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Paprika (Open)

Like [member="Daniel Imura"], Ashalah was also hired on for mercenary work. It was the only thing she could do after everything that happened. She had fallen on hard times, been betrayed a few times, had her heart broken more. She had been through a lot, but through and through, she was a sharpshooting mercenary. This [member="John Doe"] had paid her to protect him, so she would do just that. She didn't mind all that much, she worked with crime lords before. She herself was not above crime and villainy; anything to get by. Maybe she was also a villain. As 'Mister J' escaped, she charged forward, whipping her metal staff around to try to hit 'Larry'. She glanced at John before the door closed, giving him a confident smirk before twirling the staff around in her fingers. She did not fight a lot of Force Users, but she could outsmart him, outmaneuver him. She glanced over at Daniel. "Could use some help over here!"

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