Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ship: The Red Night
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tag: Vera Noble Vera Noble

Vera confirmed that healing wore her out quickly. Funnily enough, Gatz didn't experience that much these days, like he had when he'd first started learning the technique. His was that what he could heal hadn't improved all that much. Oh, he could heal bruises and shallow cuts all live long day. But that was it. More complex injuries, which he had the raw power in the Force to handle, he just... couldn't seem to make mend.

It was a frustrating roadblock, and in truth, it was part of the reason he'd decided to regulate himself and Vera to the lightly injured. That was where he knew they could have an impact. Taking on a more risky patient when he struggled with Force Healing in its more complex applications... if someone died because he failed, that was basically malpractice. And that blood would be on his hands.

The responsible thing to do was simply leave the severely injured to healers who could confidently help them.

"I'll follow your lead. Let's try to help as many as we can!"

"Good attitude! Let's get to work."

Gatz led them over to a sanitation station, and pointed Vera in the direction of the basin, to wash her hands thoroughly. He followed suit, and then passed her a disposable smock and disposable gloves, before taking some for himself. Blood was a biohazard, after all, and alien bacteria was something to be wary of.

He led Vera into the closest tent, where a young Twi'lek woman was laying on a makeshift cot, with poorly applied bandages wrapped around her shoulder. Gatz could see through the spaces between the linen what they were dealing with here: blaster wound. One that was, as of yet, untreated except by whatever combat medics had initially bandaged the wound on the battlefield.

"Vera," Gatz murmured quietly, "go introduce yourself to her, see if she's had any water recently. I'll be back in a moment—I need to gather whatever bacta is available, disinfectant, and a fresh bandage for her wound."


Colette listened for a while. Good points were raised, and for a while it seemed that some sort of consensus was forming. Of course, she didn’t necessarily agree with all of it but perhaps that was sort of the point of calling as many voices to this place as they had.

In truth, it wasn’t exactly a secret that Colette was ecstatic about this move. Not so much the grounds for it but for what it could mean given her extreme disdain for worlds that to her had died millenia ago, planets such as Coruscant. So, moving — good. Coruscant getting attacked and there being a big loss of life — bad.

Still, one point that Colette absolutely and vehemently disagreed with refused to be dropped.

“I think it’s a great idea!” She added to the conversation, sarcastically. “Let’s put all of the children in the void, inside of a tin can, where clever strikes against the engines or life support would mean certain death. Not to mention having to rely on other ships to escape.” Colette grumbled with disdain and shook her head. She wasn’t exactly a woman of prose, big words or fine manners, but she had opinions nonetheless.

“I don’t trust space. There is no life there. Planets are the only reasonable option here as long as they can give us some sort of way to be self-sufficient. Teach the young how to fish, hunt, and forage, and they’ll be able to hide practically anywhere in such an environment. Long enough for us to be able to come back for them, should we be discovered and attacked.”

"... Have we even considered spaces kept off the standard maps? If uninhabited, we'd be practically invisible."

"I agree with Ko and Colette," Braze began, his voice firm but thoughtful. "We should strive for self-sufficiency and learn the art of discretion—knowing when to hide and when to retreat. Placing everyone in a single location seems too risky to me. I believe smaller, more organized groups would be far more effective. It would make us harder to track down. Some of us have undergone survival training," he continued, his gaze sweeping the room nd studying every one's faces.

"I'm confident that maintaining a network and mastering the skill of blending in, even in plain sight, wouldn't be too difficult for us if need be." Braze paused here listening to what else would be said quieting himself. He was uncharacteristically terse and tense, but kept a schooled outlook of polite decorum.

He despised the notion of being barred from the battlefield, yet he grasped the necessity of safeguarding the younglings and youth for the future. Despite his dissent, he found himself falling into the category he sought to protect, fueling his fervent desire to combat their adversaries and retain autonomy over his own path. Thankfully, his mentor and Master Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el , had already tempered Braze on such a topic, instilling his wisdom, and made it clear where he stood. Although Braze didn't align with Jasper's decision, he respected it, suppressing his urge to voice his opposing views, mindful of the potential consequences. Braze knew that now wasn't the time nor the place to challenge the status quo.


"Obulette Speaks," Casteban Mecetti once more interjected from his pod.

"I think we are all appalled that the Trade Federation was in possession of vital intelligence which was withheld on this matter. Most likely, they did so with the hope that a crisis could be used to extract more profit, and even trade concessions from this body.

That was a misstep. And a critical one."

He tossed a gaze at the Trade Federation representative that seemed to sneer 'Amateur.'

"However, this body is not in a position to seize the Trade Federation's assets, nor to oust the Trade Federation from the government. Doing so would create a crippling economic crisis when they retaliated. Faced with losing control of their industries, the Trade Federation would have no incentive to refrain from sabotaging everything. Paralyzing the lifeblood of economy and logistics in the Alliance. They could probably do it with a word. And it would kill us.

Nationalizing so many industries is something that requires advanced preparation and planning. You can't do it on a whim. Believe me, the House Mecetti Nationalized Industries have extensive experience in this area."

He stressed the word, reminding them that the Mecetti province in the Tapani sector had conducted just such a nationalization to become what it was, today.

"In addition, this talk of evacuating the citizenry from Coruscant, which I've heard expressed from some members of this body, is nonsensical. There are Trillions, here. Trillions, with a T. You're talking about the population of a hundred worlds, right here, in levels that stretch from the lowest valley to the peak of the tallest mountain, virtually every cubic meter of which is populated.

You couldn't significantly evacuate the citizens here if you wanted to. It would take a fleet of colony transports more numerous than the entirety of the Galactic Alliance navy. Colony ships which are not assembled, and are not even built.

Further, you would need infrastructure to house and feed these people at whatever destination you envisioned.

Critically, you'd be converting one of the most productive planets of the Alliance into a hundred worlds' worth of refugees, placing a strain on the economy which is scarcely imaginable.

As I said. Those with the means will leave here the moment we move the capital. Taking their money with them.

Those without means will be thrust into poverty, becoming a bomb dropped into the depths of our economy.

Any attempt to perform an evacuation of the population is just that: A performance. And it will fool nobody. Not even the most friendly holo-news outlets.

Now, tell me again that you want to combine the disastrous decision to move the Capital with the disastrous decision to disenfranchise the Trade Federation.

I believe you are that passionate in your ire. You have the right to such feelings. But I do not believe you are that foolish.

Ladies, Gentlemen, and otherbeings. In your thrashings to preserve this Alliance, you are about to sentence it to its end.

I implore you not to do this.

If we are going to end the Galactic Alliance, let us end it by fighting this enemy. Not by tearing ourselves apart trying to escape while they froth at the gates.

This is not nationalistic passion. This is not foolhardy bravery. Nor is it fear of a new path.

This is pragmatism.

Moving the capital will have exactly the impact I describe. Trying to evacuate the population will have exactly the impact I describe. And trying to dismantle the Trade Federation in the middle of a dire war?

Well, you might as well put your head under the axe and taunt the headsman."

Jace colis Jace colis - Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin - Kel Se'Taav Kel Se'Taav Kel Se'Taav - Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce - Casteban Mecetti Casteban Mecetti Casteban Mecetti - Arcadius Balthazar Arcadius Balthazar Arcadius Balthazar - Kha'la Daaray Kha'la Daaray Kha'la Daaray - Ariana du Couteau Ariana du Couteau Ariana Du Couteau - Rens Ahim Rens Ahim Rens Ahim - Das Hydia Das Hydia Dassid Hydia - Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr - Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

Ariana Du Couteau, Senator of Empress Teta
Senate Chambers, Coruscant
Objective Two: Changing of the Guard


Ariana nodded along absentmindedly, the words she heard were barely recognizable but a few phrases did register. Her mind quickly disposed of them as the rest of her thoughts swirled around, the feeling of unsteadiness grew. As if she was on a raft, large waves threatened to throw her off and into the dark waters below, the possibility of never resurfacing ever present.

Ariana grasped her mechanical forearm, she needed to avoid leaving creases on her clothes, her brother would never approve of such appearances. Let’s just finish these Senate meetings, submit the vote and head out to grab your things from the Temple. She wanted nothing more than to be alone and locked in her room back at the Jedi Temple. Ariana had scoped out several perfect hiding spots, away from even the most snoopy Masters and Teachers.

Too bad we can’t just hide away the darkness. . .

The Senate Chamber felt distant, but the sudden emotional change stirred Ariana from her stupor. Her ears perked up, the vote seemingly wasn’t being conducted, a slight grimace of unrealized relief flashed across her face. One of the Senators had begun to declare to issue an arrest warrant for one their own for treason apparently. Ariana raised an eyebrow and went to look at her data-slate, the stenographer proving quite useful as she read what had been said only moments ago. Her eyes grew large and the data-slate slipped from her opened hand, the clatter of it landing on the ground snapped her back to the present.

H-how, why? Anger began to swell inside, her heart-rate increased and Ariana stared towards the Pod that held the Director of the Trade Federation. The metal hand grasped the edge of the Senate Pod, the sound of the server-motors stressing as Ariana gripped tightly. It wasn’t until one of her brother’s Senatorial Aides tapped her shoulder, a gentle quiet voice whispered.

“Lady Du Couteau -erm,”

Ariana breathed and unclenched her fists, she paused and gave herself a moment to inspect the small dent of both the Senate Pod’s railing. But anger continued to pulsate, ever demanding release into the greater world around her. Ariana found herself back adrift on that raft, the swirling dark pool of frothing water in the storms. But instead of fear, a sense of determination filled where Ariana wanted to dive into the raging vortex. It was a curious thing, to be so close to the edge of such a drop and to be without any fear but eagerness to experience something new, something exciting. Ariana focused on her breathing, her hands flat against her side and several moments the feelings subsided, the voice of her father’s first teachings of self-discipline and proper control.

“Let us catch ourselves and find a moment to breathe and think carefully of the next words we wish to say,” Ariana declared, her voice rising as her Senate Pod climbed higher. “-The reason we are here is to discuss and vote on a new planet to host the grand bureaucracy that keeps this Alliance functioning.” Ariana spoke, the anger resided but she fought against it from seeping into vitriol.

“If there is anyone here with cause against the Director’s words it is I, if he had given warning perhaps my brother would be here instead of missing on Empress Teta.” Ariana added, her eyes glanced towards the Director but quickly returned to gaze across the large Senate Chambers. Is this what the thousands planets of the Alliance look like? It was one thing to hear how large and all encompassing the Alliance had become, it was another thing entirely to see it all here in the Senate Hall.

“Let us return back to the reason we gathered here today instead of embracing emotional conjecture and tossing blame even if warranted. I trust in the SIA to conduct an investigation of the Director’s claims.”

Ariana wanted to leave, the galaxy never waits just like time, but for some strange reason there was a sense that time moved slower in these halls. She continued to focus on her breathing, as the urge to punch something continued to pulsate. But the words of her father calmed her and allowed her the precious seconds of self-control to keep together.

“Teta twice now invaded, the Maw had threatened the utter annihilation of Tython and the Alliance cut in half and still we stand here today, these events recorded in our history data-slates we have in our schools.”

“The Galactic Alliance should not be mistaken as a Core World political theater, it doesn’t matter if you are a citizen from the Inner-Rim or from the farthest reaches of the Unknown Regions. The Alliance has been forged through the fires of conflict, we’ve never been intimidated, we’ve never backed down.”

“We’ve seen war, we do not want war but if this Dark Empire wants war with the Alliance we can promise them this certainty. . . Their legacy will be but a name in our history lessons as yet another failed Empire.”

Ariana returned to her seat, her hands clenched tightly as they trembled with anxiety.

Objective: 2
Attire: Jedi Outfit
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber

The discussion of leaving Coruscant and finding a new location was something that Lily could see as being important. It was definitely not great to be bordering enemies that were seeking their death. It would just draw too much danger to those on Coruscant who were innocent. There were many thoughts on places to be and where to move to. Places connected to the Force, places where there was going to be people and that there would be attention brought to them. There was also mention of ships that would keep them on the move and would be difficult to track and would be interesting life to live. Constantly on the move, never able to feel truly settled and the life stuck on a ship was not necessarily comforting ideas for Lily.

She heard Colette Colette pipe up and smiled over to her friend, it had been a long time since they had talked and Lily realised she missed hanging out with her. They had both been young, fresh Padawans who joined around the same time and it would be nice to catch up and see where things were different with them now.

Lily thought about what she wanted to say, she felt like this was something that the seniority of the Order needed to decide but Lily knew they were wanting the thoughts and feelings from everyone. And Lily wanted to say something.

"I don't want to run and hide. I might be a Padawan, but I can fight. I did fight on Tython, and I want to keep fighting those that threaten peace, that aim to harm others." Lily spoke up, there had been talk of taking younglings and Padawans away from this, that they needed to be trained away from the fight. "Living on a ship... uninhabited worlds... We risk losing our connection to the people we are protecting. I have learned more about the diversity and various lives of others here on Coruscant than I would ever from just living on a ship." Lily pointed out, she didn't want to put others at risk but if the Jedi were distant from the people, then there might be disconnect between the civilians and the Jedi Order.

While moving was logical, Lily didn't want to be taken out of the fight, she wanted keep protecting others and she was still early in her training and still needed Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren to guide her, knowing others were fighting and dying and she could do nothing. That was not something she wanted.
Prosperity is the safest place we can turn to, Master Shatani. Of this, I have no doubt. The Jedi serve no world or nation. As Master Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka said, we do not fight for symbols. Temples, while integral to our culture, are truthfully just buildings.

Then...they were in agreement? The other Jedi's tone certainly seemed to suggest otherwise, yet trusting in the temple ship itself, rather than any fixed location it could take their young was exactly what he'd proposed. Moving those too young to fight, as well as their designated caretakers, was evidently a foregone conclusion. The only real split in consensus of any consequence was whether their refuge could move under its own power away from the zone of hazard, or sat in its fixed orbit in the hopes that the hazard would never arrive. But since Elias seemed to be making the same case as he, Jaidan saw no sense in quibbling over...whatever it was the man took issue with. An arched brow answered his address by name, but that was all.

In fact, he was giving serious thought as to whether further contribution from him to this increasingly busy word soup was called for at all. The stated purpose of this conclave was to discuss the issue of relocation, and on that he'd said enough, and perhaps more. He kept listening, of course, idly tapping away at his stick as he waited to see if any words of his might amount to anything more than simply an attempt to put his "stamp" on these proceedings, but frankly, what he heard sounded a lot to him like a great deal of talking in circles, broken up only by characteristically youthful snide sarcasm...although on reflection, he could hardly say his opening words had been devoid of bite or sarcasm either.

Perhaps that had been a mistake. Perhaps nothing he could say would ever have really changed the course of these events, and venting his frustration just a bit had at least been helpful for his own peace of mind. Hard to say. He really hated meetings.

One phrase did stick, like soft candy you were trying to get out of your teeth. Words which sounded wise, but were picked up and passed around like a campaign slogan.

"We do not fight for symbols."

What exactly was that supposed to mean? The Jedi were a symbol. The Order could no more divorce themselves from that reality than a Firaxan Shark could divorce themselves from the ocean. And in truth, perhaps that was a mistake. Jaidan had long wondered if the Jedi of old had erred in tying themselves too closely to the Old Republic. Allied in ideals, allied in action, this was natural and right, but in making themselves effectively an arm of the Republic, the Order had also tied themselves to the corruption which had eaten away at that august old institution like vultures over a corpse. It remained to be seen if the Alliance would fare any better. At this rate, it seemed doubtful the Alliance had the next 20,000 years to find out. But the Jedi had certainly been retreading old ground. If Jaidan had been present and privy to the decision making which had seen the Jedi headquartered here, with all the implications that came with that decision, he'd likely have advised against it. But he wasn't there, and here they were, the decision made. The time to talk of lack of worldly attachments was before you formed them, not after.

Symbols were not just about ego. Symbols mattered. The trust, the hope of a frightened people they'd sworn and claimed at this very gathering to serve, mattered. Considered in that light, one thing he'd heard had stood out, and spurred his speech once more.

"If I may, before this discussion moves too far beyond the point raised and risks being overlooked." At that, he cast an apologetic smile in the direction of Katherine Holt Katherine Holt . "Forgive me, the names I should know better here are not few. But your proposal was good, and I would like to support it as I'm able."

Turning his gaze once more to take in as many assembled Jedi as he could, Jaidan continued.

"It is entirely right that we look to the safety of those among us who cannot yet see to it themselves. But it has already been said here, and rightly, that we serve the people as well. There are trillions of them outside these walls, and they are scared. I have been actively blocking the sensation from my mind this entire time that I might concentrate in hopes of adding something of actual substance here. But let us consider that fear now, for nobody should know better than us that fear has consequences. Bad enough that the Senate may be willing to risk compounding that into a full scale panic by abandoning them in the face of the coming onslaught. Let us take care that we not make it worse still. I am heartened indeed to know that so many of us intend to stay and defend this world. I proudly stand among that number. But let all KNOW unambiguously that we stand with them."

Finally, he turned his gaze directly upon Valery Noble Valery Noble .

"Given the Senate's decision, I expect the public will especially take heart from knowing that OUR leadership is staying."
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Objective Three
Interacting with Aris Noble Aris Noble | Shan Pavond Shan Pavond


Aris wasn’t wrong. With such a large crowd of sapients of different origins and Force affinity, Zaiya was picking up residual resonances through the Force. It was strange. The more she practiced the more she could sense a sort of aura that radiated from them. Sometimes it was faint, barely glowing, other times, it was brighter.

Everyone had it, and it seemed to breathe and move just like taking a breath. Was that the Force moving through them?

“It’s okay. I’m just glad I got to see you,” Zaiya replied, reaching out to take his hand to give it an encouraging squeeze. As soon as they interlocked fingers, the sense of comfort came to the teen Lovalla.

“And I want to help. As much as I can. Just let me know what you need me to do,” if it was in her ability she wanted to help and she genuinely meant it. There was so many who were injured and needed help, be it assisting directly or perhaps providing supplies. She had a free pair of hands and a willing heart. A determined flush of dark orange hues flecked with a light blue glow ran over her rosy gold skin.

That’s when she heard him mention Shan, and wave out to someone in the crowd. Curiosity flared in bright citrine colors over her markings, and opal blue eyes followed the line of sight until they landed on a young male Mirialan, Shan Pavond Shan Pavond .

“Is Shan a friend of yours?” She asked.

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Cora tilted her head in acknowledgment to Elias Edo Elias Edo . Her first and only visit to the Dagobah temple had been bittersweet – but the structure itself had been thoughtfully laid out in the planet's ecosystem.

The silver lining to this discussion was that there were many options available. They simply had to come to a general consensus on which would be the best.

Several of the Padawans present spoke up, offering their perspectives. They they raised a valid point, and Cora was beginning to reconsider the merits of them taking shelter on a planet.

"I think we need to clarify exactly who will go into hiding. We all seem to agree that the younglings should be protected, but many Padawans have proven themselves capable on the battlefield."

As she spoke, she began to seek the eyes of the Padawans present, particularly those she was familiar with on a personal level - Ko Vuto Ko Vuto , Colette Colette , Braze Kai'el Braze Kai'el , and Lily Decoria Lily Decoria specifically. They all had valuable skills that could help in the coming war, no matter where they were applied. It was not so long ago that Cora herself had been a Padawan, too, fighting under the direction of Valery Noble Valery Noble .

"Perhaps it should be up to the Padawans and their Masters to decide whether or not they go into hiding or join the offensive? We will need Padawans to help guide and protect the younglings, and we will need them to hold the line against the Sith and Imperials, just as we would need Knights and Masters to do so."
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Jonyna had felt her piece had been said. She wasn't a decision maker, and she knew that. Plenty of good options had been presented, and she wasn't one to debate.

But something was said that struck her. Something that she believed she could weigh in on, something she needed to speak.

"Living on a ship... uninhabited worlds... We risk losing our connection to the people we are protecting. I have learned more about the diversity and various lives of others here on Coruscant than I would ever from just living on a ship."

"The jedi have been wayward before." Her voice carried slightly, her use of aerokinesis allowing her to amplify her voice at least enough to be heard over the now decently sized crowd of jedi, and to sound at least a little bit more grand that she usually was. "Some of you might not remember it. Most of this generation might just see it as ancient history. But I remember. I remember an entire decade of my life where the jedi, for all intent and purposes, didn't exist. They were a myth, a sect of heroes long gone, slain by the Empire, the first Empire, and relegated to the realm of fantasy. Those were dark times, and I pray that we don't fall under similar times. But this order is still strong, and so long as we stay strong, it won't matter where we station ourselves. The people trust us because we protect them, not because we live among them. To them, we're still the mythic figures of legend. To a scared kitten running for their life, hoping a hero will come and save them, we still hold an air of mystery. We keep our heads high, and we keep fighting. That's what matters, for so long as we do, the people will still believe in heroes. I remember a time when they didn't, and I never wanna see that again in my lifetime."

The Cathar went quiet, looking to the Nobles, offering a soft smile as her voice returned to a more casual volume, letting the air settle. "I trust the Council to make an informed decision. I've heard a lot good options. I've heard a lot good critiques of those options. I'm not here to debate, I think that should be the job of the people in charge. But I trust those who are to make the right choice. I've been on the run before, lived on a ship flying from place to place, just helping those I could before. I hope the padawans among us can understand that there's nothing wrong with that life, even if it isn't ideal. The Galaxy is once more in danger, and we need to make decisions that will protect those we swore to, even if it means we don't get to live in peace in the Temple we made a home anymore."

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"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)

"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)
The late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay,

Caltin had made his offer, and it did not appear that it would be taken, which was fine, it was an option. He had brought up technical information on the Temple that sat on top of the old “Silver Rest” and that could be something that they could go for. Either way, he had contributed more than just his presence to the conversation, which was all that he really wanted to do and not just be a bump on a log. So with more and more coming, going, and joining the conversation, the big man was about to lean back against the pillar again and survey the crowd when he saw the Twi’Lek Padawan Ryana come in, with her pet… what the heck is that? On her shoulder, and Buster was walking alongside.

So Vanagor made a point to make his way over to her, pat her on the back and pull out the energy bar that he was going to eat later and break it into pieces. Clasping the largest piece with his teeth, he knew that Buster would know this was edible and naturally wanted some. So the natural progression from fidgeting, to tiny growls, to huffs would provide enjoyment to anyone who watched, so with one hand he offered the Aak dog puppy one piece and Pip the other. How are you holding up, kiddo? Do you need anything?

Caltin never makes that offer.

He was still listening to the conversation being had, not much new was being said until one of the other Padawans brought up a somewhat (if unintentional) nonchalant observation of their proposed ideas going forward. Was she minimizing what had happened to the Jedi in the past? Did she… did ANY Padawan in this day and age really learn their history? His emotionless demeanor had not changed one iota, but his attention was brought back to the table and not in a good way. He lived through the infamous “purge”. Caltin lived through the period of “hiding”. Holding true to his ideals and the Code(unlike some Jedi) all the while for sentients who hated him. Even more a thankless existence than before, more a “To Mustafar with you…” existence.

Jonyna then spoke up, she had picked up on the same thing, thankfully and was able to convey not only the position he was in as well, but the emotions he was currently unable to exude.



Location: Coruscant, GADF Hangarbay
Tags: Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek
I hate this...” Alex said, his eyes sweeping across the hangar they were in. It was expansive, but it was already starting to feel cramped with the amount of personnel and ships coming and going every hour. “Hardly feels like much time has passed since we were dealing with the Maw knocking on our door.

With the fall of Tython, a message; an order, was sent out to all non-frontline soldiers to return to Coruscant immediately. Alex had been across the galaxy, doing some reconnaissance surrounding suspected Sith activity. But he was neither undercover or on the frontlines, thus he answered the call.

He had immediately connected up with Aiden, who had already returned before him. Between them they had started a little two-man operation. Flying wherever they were needed, be it evacuating civilians, delivering supplies, or diving into the heat of a battle to extract fellow soldiers.

But each and every time they returned to Coruscant, Alex could feel it. Worry. Fear. Anxiety. So and so forth, all the negative emotions that were bubbling throughout the planet’s lower levels.

It was one of the few times he cursed being a K’paur, and having such a deep connection with the Force.

Not to mention that we’re bringing so many refugees here. Too many people are going to be here when the Dark Empire strikes.
Shan had been in his own little world for a moment. So it took him a while to have noticed Aris Noble Aris Noble waving, shaking his head to look over towards the younger Noble, and their associate, putting on a small smile. No point in being all doom and gloomy amongst the younger generation. Even if he technically was still the younger generation...Either way, he hurried on over towards the two, giving them a small wave before tilting his head to the side. It would have made more sense if they had stayed in the temple...Then again, it probably would have also made more sense for him to stay in the temple, yet here he was.

"Hey you two. You both alright?" Check on them first. That was the most important thing. As much as he was here to help the refugees, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't somewhat biased in who he prioritised first. " to help out?" Shan glanced back at all of the different people coming and going, biting his tongue ever so slightly. This was going to be a lot harder than he had expected but he shook his head. Stress wasn't going to help them in this situation as he looked back towards Aris and Zaiya.

"Cause there's gonna be plenty of people who need our help and not enough of us." Shan rubbed the back of his neck at that, deciding being honest would be the best way to talk about the situation. "Some of them aren't going to have injuries we can heal with the Force or medical equipment. Some might just want someone to talk to..." He grimaced ever so slightly at that. Talking wasn't something he was good at. At least not with strangers, it was easier for him to get to work instead. "And some of them might be afraid of us using the Force near them..."

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti Aris Noble Aris Noble

"The statements made by the Director earlier within this session do not reflect the viewpoints of the entire conglomerate, and we will internally review this matter in order to find out if they neglected to share such information with myself. From our point of view, our inability to anticpiate the imminent crisis that currently poses a threat to the unity of the Galactic Alliance are indeed accurate. The failure to recognize the changing dynamics of InterGalactic Commerce in that specific area and report them to the Federal Assembly can more accurately be attributed to the widespread impact of the Caldera Crisis on various significant hyperspace routes, As a result, we were compelled to activate specific measures in order to prevent economic turmoil in various areas beyond the control and protection of the Alliance's Economic Network." The Neimoidian responded to the accusations thrown from the Senator of Duros Das Hydia Das Hydia , wanting to scapegoat the Caldera Crisis as the reason why the Federation had not noticed the materials and resources shifting from the Remnants of the New Imperial Order. Although they had previously known about such a gathering within the Empire of the Lost with several high-profile individuals including High Regent Marlon Sularen.

The Directors comments provided little water for the fire, and so the Minister had to conduct damage control to save face.

"The idea of blockading the hyperspace lanes is acceptable, but may result in a loss of civilian life as the people trapped behind the curtain of the Dark Empire will lack access to basic goods and services, and may compel them into joining the ranks of the Empire should they become desperate enough." He further responded to the idea of blockading the Hyperspace Lanes leading into the Dark Empire's Quadrant. It was sound until one considered the economic impact on the worlds trapped behind the grip of the Dark Empire, and the potential decrease in the standard of living for former Alliance citizens.

"We will cooperate with any investigation into the Director's connection with third-party sources by the Strategic Intelligence Agency. But regardless of this, we have made our decision to pick Fondor as the New Capital of the Alliance per the outline of today's session." The Neimoidian said, as the conversation between the Federal Assembly and the Director had been cleared from the Public Recording.

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Hope infused | Revenant Six


Coruscant | GADF Hangarbay
Alexander Hayes Alexander Hayes | Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek

["Lieutenant Porte, you are cleared for landing. Follow the beacon in. Welcome back to Coruscant,"] the flight controller announced over the comm unit.

["Roger that... and thanks,"] Addy replied, then the Jedi pilot feathered the controls to link up with the landing beacon that would take her on a direct flight path to the Galactic Alliance's Defense Force Base where their headquarters were located on the Capital World.

Once inside the enormous hangar, the snubfighter was guided to an assigned bay. Addison used the repulsors to set down the X-wing onto the designated landing pad with well-practiced ease, then she cut the engines and activated the transparisteel canopy to open up.

A hangar tech quickly attached a ladder to the side of the fuselage while she was doing her post-flight checklist, and then the male Twi'lek moved on to his next task just as efficiently to retrieve Gizmo from his socket. Addison left the datapad with the completed list on the pilot couch for further review by the tech along with her helmet, gloves, flak vest, and life support box, and then exited the cockpit.

The marine blue and silver R-9 unit beeped at her as if saying, "See ya later, alligator." She just shook her dark head at her domed buddy with a lopsided grin gracing her face and descended the ladder to the hangar deck.

The young brunette stretched for a moment after her long hyperspace journey from Naboo where she had been visiting her mother at the family estate. Ever since Alexandra Porte Alexandra Porte had been attacked by dark-side cultists seeking revenge for her father killing Siegar Ren at the Battle of Lothal all those years ago, Addison had tried to spend as much time with her as possible in between assignments with the Defense Force and Jedi; the former not so much after the last big battle, the latter more so on the supply side of things as of late bringing needed provisions to the different enclaves that dotted the galaxy.

Maybe that had been in good foresight in planning with what was potentially coming. Okay, more than likely... especially sensing through the Force all the angst and anxiety people were exhibiting whether consciously or unconsciously. Some just looked calm but inside they were a bundle of mixed emotions.

The recently knighted Jedi then stepped over to the nose of the X-wing and retrieved her flight jacket from the small storage compartment within; emblem patches for both Revenant and Twin Suns Squadrons were displayed on the shoulders along with her name badge on the left chest. "Tinks" as was Addy's callsign raked her fingers through her matted-down dark chestnut tresses before she began walking across the busy hangar bay in her blue flight suit towards some Alliance comrades; lightsaber attached to the left side of the utility belt worn as well as her pilot sidearm holstered off her shapely right hip and secured to her tone thigh.

"Hey, fellas... How are things going? Have you heard anything yet?"

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Tag: Ashley Nevermore Ashley Nevermore Open to any GADF member and Jedi or Good Samaritan willing to help.​

The gunships continued on their course. It wasn't much longer before the towering complex was spotted. Inside in the cockpit Minerva put her gunship on autopilot letting the AI handle it before getting up from her seat. Sumi followed behind her as they exited from the cockpit. Readying her dual pistols the Mandalorian was soon joined by more of her commandos onboard.

They made it to the ramp and waited. Turning to them Minerva declared.

"As of now we don't know how this started but that's not important right now. What matters is that this revolt needs to be put down, that we locate survivors and secure the facility. Full force has been authorized. If any convict does surrender take them into custody but otherwise we're not taking any chances. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes boss!" The Talons answered in unison, checking their weapons and each others' jetpacks.

Minutes later the ramp opened with wind gushing loudly. Minerva ran down and leaped out followed those in her gunship. The rest from their transports made their jumps. Activating her jetpack she sped like a blaster bolt toward the main landing platform joined by nearly a hundred commandos. It wasn't long before they landed in a chorus of thuds on the platform.

Getting to her feet Minerva gave several hand singals. The whole strike force divided up into their platoon formations covering each other's flanks. They were preparing their advance.


TAGS: Introduction


In trying times like those, there was always the common man who could be counted on to step up to do the right thing. Most would find their way into the GADF proper, joining the rank and file and marching headlong into open combat with the best training and discipline one could ask for. While a majority of the GADF were comprised of this type of common citizen, there were plenty of other archetypes on the galactic stage. Privateers, Contractors, mercenaries. They were such a controversial topic, little better than rebels and truly not something most would like to ever acknowledge. But, when you needed something done off the books or an extension of your fleet, you could always rely on them to fill the gaps.
"Let keep it moving y'all! Almost done!"

The spirt was resting in one of the many space-ports on the surface of the grand capital. Her Captain and crew, Ailmar and the AE, were busy pushing rearming the exhausted ship and supporting local evacuation efforts from those who could see the writing on the walls and had no interest in sticking around to see it for themselves.

"Captain, we're down to four storage compartments left to fill. Seems the days of freight are still fresh with the crew, we're way ahead of schedule." The communications officer hailed Ailmar, keeping the work flow smooth throughout the crew and officers. "With any luck we can snag a few goodies from the GA while we're here."

"Thank you kindly for the update, Camilla. I'll speak with an official if possible about securing more arms for the cause." The knife ear replied into his comms equipment before raising his hand and motioning to the others in the armory alongside him. "We're moving out, Huntsman. Valkyrie and Phoenix are nearly done restocking the spirt. We're going to my old man's place to broker a deal." Ailmar led the group through the sprit's winding corridors and busied crew out onto the expansive loading dock the vessel was stationed in.

Another voice of a male Lasat rang through the coms system,
"Griffin leader to Huntsman, we're coming in with the last of the supplies now. After we'll be ready to transport you."

"Huntsman leader copies, Griffin leader. be good." Until the rented transport vessel could come back with the last of their supplies, Ailmar and his squad joined both Valkyrie and Pheonix in loading the vessel, at least until a certain call came through again from Camilla.

"Captain, local chatter is going wild about a prison break. Be some good favor in putting it down."

This caught the captains attention for sure, and he responded in kind, "Copy that Camilla, contact local forces and give them our intentions to assist. Have Karamov start the engines, I'm on my way to the bridge now." Ailmar turned to face the crew who were conviently wrapping up in that time. Another string of well-mannered instructions came about, "Alright Lads! locals say there's a prison break happening not all that far from here! Take the rest you need but I want crew to stations and security geared in up ten! We're launching as soon as the engines are hot!"
"Yup yup!"

skin, bone, and arrogance
"Speaker, I rise to oppose the motion," Natasi said into her microphone, her pod floating lethargically out into the fray. "It is not often I find common cause with the Senator from Obulette. This represents a great strength of our federal system. Those whose interested are not entirely aligned -- neither better nor worse, just different as informed by the cultures and wishes of the people whose concerns we are privileged to bring to this body -- and yet who are united under one banner with a shared stewardship for this Galactic Alliance to which most of us hold allegiance."

It took some effort not to direct her dark gaze to the Trade Federation's pod, but she continued: "Yet I agree. Wars are fought in more than space battles and battlefields and the clash of lightsabers. Wars are fought -- wars are won and they are lost in the minds and hearts of the citizens that make up our nations. Imagine the propaganda coup we would be handing to our enemies if this body left the capital. We've all seen the briefings, the posters. Two thousand Senators sit in this building. Not one of them cares about you. We know it's not true, but it will be hard, if not impossible, to argue that point with any credibility as we are boarding our transports to flee this city."

She paused and clutched the edges of her podium, her eyebrow furrowing.

"I will not impugn the motivations of those putting forward this proposal. I believe that it was made from a standpoint of caution and diligence. However, I cannot endorse it, and I for one will not trade the safety of Fondor or any other of our worlds for the ability to look any citizen of Coruscant in the eye. To be clear: I will not leave."

Natasi cleared her throat and allowed her lips to twitch up at the edges before continuing: "I will close with this: many years ago, during the war between the First Order's predecessor state and the Galactic Alliance's predecessor state, the First Order was expanding, settling the galactic south-west and moving further north and east. There was a great deal of talk about establishing our capital at Coruscant. Coruscant was then -- as it is now -- the de facto capital of the galaxy; holding it gave governments legitimacy and authority. At the time I counseled my government that Coruscant was a kind of third rail in galactic politics -- a rather antiquated phrase these days, but quite relevant on my native Galidraan at the time. In short, it means that there is incredible power there, but if you touch it, you die. Those in control of this planet are responsible for the welfare of trillions of beings, the delicate infrastructure around running a galactic superpower: not just the physical and data infrastructures, but everyone from the bureaucrats and the security services to the baristas and drivers. The people of Coruscant have put their trust in us, and we owe them more than farewell. Speaker, I yield and reserve my time."

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Rens sighed he took a few moments to pause before answering.

"Esteemed colleagues I understand your views regarding how moving the capital would be seen and the difficulties of evacuating its civilians. While our presence here would be brave morale-wise but it would also burden our troops who would to be occupied with protecting us while at the same time fighting our enemies. I want our military to have every advantage in Coruscant's defense without restraint.

In regards to the civilians it is true Coruscant’s population is immense. But don't we owe it to our citizens to save as many of them as possible? If we don't make some kind of effort to get the vulnerable out we will be guilty of sacrificing them for pride. Again I plead that member worlds give ships, supplies and volunteers to aid such an evacuation so the GADF can focus their own resources for the war effort."
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