Prosperity is the safest place we can turn to, Master Shatani. Of this, I have no doubt. The Jedi serve no world or nation. As Master
Zark San Tekka
said, we do not fight for symbols. Temples, while integral to our culture, are truthfully just buildings.”
Then...they were in agreement? The other Jedi's tone certainly seemed to suggest otherwise, yet trusting in the temple ship itself, rather than any fixed location it could take their young was exactly what he'd proposed. Moving those too young to fight, as well as their designated caretakers, was evidently a foregone conclusion. The only real split in consensus of any consequence was whether their refuge could move under its own power away from the zone of hazard, or sat in its fixed orbit in the hopes that the hazard would never arrive. But since Elias seemed to be making the same case as he, Jaidan saw no sense in quibbling over...whatever it was the man took issue with. An arched brow answered his address by name, but that was all.
In fact, he was giving serious thought as to whether further contribution from him to this increasingly busy word soup was called for at all. The stated purpose of this conclave was to discuss the issue of relocation, and on that he'd said enough, and perhaps more. He kept listening, of course, idly tapping away at his stick as he waited to see if any words of his might amount to anything more than simply an attempt to put his "stamp" on these proceedings, but frankly, what he heard sounded a lot to him like a great deal of talking in circles, broken up only by characteristically youthful snide sarcasm...although on reflection, he could hardly say his opening words had been devoid of bite or sarcasm either.
Perhaps that had been a mistake. Perhaps nothing he could say would ever have really changed the course of these events, and venting his frustration just a bit had at least been helpful for his own peace of mind. Hard to say. He really hated meetings.
One phrase did stick, like soft candy you were trying to get out of your teeth. Words which sounded wise, but were picked up and passed around like a campaign slogan.
"We do not fight for symbols."
What exactly was that supposed to mean? The Jedi
were a symbol. The Order could no more divorce themselves from that reality than a Firaxan Shark could divorce themselves from the ocean. And in truth, perhaps that
was a mistake. Jaidan had long wondered if the Jedi of old had erred in tying themselves too closely to the Old Republic. Allied in ideals, allied in action, this was natural and right, but in making themselves effectively an arm of the Republic, the Order had also tied themselves to the corruption which had eaten away at that august old institution like vultures over a corpse. It remained to be seen if the Alliance would fare any better. At this rate, it seemed doubtful the Alliance had the next 20,000 years to find out. But the Jedi had certainly been retreading old ground. If Jaidan had been present and privy to the decision making which had seen the Jedi headquartered here, with all the implications that came with that decision, he'd likely have advised against it. But he wasn't there, and here they were, the decision made. The time to talk of lack of worldly attachments was
before you formed them, not after.
Symbols were not just about ego. Symbols mattered. The trust, the hope of a frightened people they'd sworn and claimed at this very gathering to serve,
mattered. Considered in that light, one thing he'd heard had stood out, and spurred his speech once more.
"If I may, before this discussion moves too far beyond the point raised and risks being overlooked." At that, he cast an apologetic smile in the direction of
Katherine Holt
. "Forgive me, the names I should know better here are not few. But your proposal was good, and I would like to support it as I'm able."
Turning his gaze once more to take in as many assembled Jedi as he could, Jaidan continued.
"It is entirely right that we look to the safety of those among us who cannot yet see to it themselves. But it has already been said here, and rightly, that we serve the people as well. There are trillions of them outside these walls, and they are scared. I have been actively blocking the sensation from my mind this entire time that I might concentrate in hopes of adding something of actual substance here. But let us consider that fear now, for nobody should know better than us that fear has consequences. Bad enough that the Senate may be willing to risk compounding that into a full scale panic by abandoning them in the face of the coming onslaught. Let us take care that we not make it worse still. I am heartened indeed to know that so many of us intend to stay and defend this world. I proudly stand among that number. But let all KNOW unambiguously that we stand with them."
Finally, he turned his gaze directly upon
Valery Noble
"Given the Senate's decision, I expect the public will especially take heart from knowing that OUR leadership is staying."