Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Parry This Filthy Casual

Good Men Don't Need Rules
Jedi Temple

Why would they trust me with him? I mean, sure I was a Knight before, but now I am just an apprentice. Someone who needed to go through trials. Yet I had been asked to aid in the training of one, Braze.

We had met before. Many times before. However, I have been told that Braze was attempting to learn as much as he possibly could in usage of various lightsaber forms. Specifically, Shielded Combat, and Soresu. Which were very unconventional ways to fight among many of the Jedi. As it was taught that Jedi should use their lightsaber as what it was. However, some like myself, opted to use other weapons or technology in order to bolster their own usage of the force, and lightsaber combat. Which is why I trained so heavily in Soresu, and Ataru. A mix of offensive and extreme defensive tactics where I could fight against others to whichever I decided to do. So with that in mind, I opted to contact Braze ahead of time, letting him know to bring full kit. His armor in which he would use in more open conflict.

As such, I came in mine. Full blown armor. Armed to the max with various weapons that I would carry with me. Not just beacuse we were doing lightsaber combat, but this was training in how to use a sword and shield, against all he could face.

Braze Braze


TAGS: Kaleleon Kaleleon

Braze was running late, his heart pounding with anxiety as he raced to make it on time. He knew he shouldn't have taken on another training request, but he couldn't resist the opportunity to prove himself once again. However, as he struggled to put on his armor, he couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt for neglecting his other responsibilities.

He showed up a full fifteen minutes behind schedule, still fussing with pieces of his armor. The paint on his pauldron wasn't fully dry, smudged from his hurried attempts to adjust it. In one hand, he carried something that looked like a blend of knives and a mask, his fingers fumbling with the unfamiliar weight. He cursed himself for agreeing to use such a dangerous weapon, going against his beliefs of non-violence.

To make matters worse, he was damp, his hair clinging slightly to his forehead, yet he carried a fresh, clean scent that suggested he'd just stepped out of the shower. He couldn't help but feel conflicted as he tried to present a confident and put-together appearance, despite his obvious disarray.

Clearly, he'd been caught mid-routine when he got the notification that someone had actually responded to one of his training requests. His mind raced with thoughts of how he could have better managed his time and priorities, but he pushed them aside as he focused on the present moment.

He padded up to where Kael was waiting, his steps quick and eager despite his disheveled appearance. "I'm here!" he chirped, his voice bright and earnest, signaling that he genuinely intended to come and wanted to be present. But deep down, he couldn't help but wonder if he had made a mistake by coming here instead of taking care of his other responsibilities. Would he regret this decision in the long run? Only time would tell.
Good Men Don't Need Rules
Braze was.. hurried. His form was rather hung and almost demoralized. It was not difficult to see the wet hair and the nature of their voice as they said that they were here. I just rolled my eyes at him. Lightly waving it away.

"Braze, relax. I know you are here."

Breathing in deeply for a moment, I opted to take the status of the moment, and make something of it for the young man. Even when we first met before my "trial." Braze is one of the few individuals within the Alliance and the Jedi Order who worked so hard, so diligently, to make everything possible. Even if that was at the expense of his own fortitude.

"Even if you were late, I'm not worried about it. Take a second to calm yourself. then we can get the lesson started."

Moving to the table, my butt barely sitting on the edge, but leaning my weight upon the side. Folding the armored arms and looking over Braze. The armor was thinner, lighter, but clearly meant for someone who could move fast, and lightly on their feet. Where as mine, was clearly armor meant to stand against everything like a wall, or barrier. Heavy, large, and even the thickness of the armor showed it was meant to withstand heavy punishment. The marring on it proved just as much.

"How's the armor feeling? Fitting? comfortable? It should feel like you are wearing a second skin."

Braze Braze


TAGS: Kaleleon Kaleleon


Braze breathed a sigh of relief and visibly relaxed. He went still for a moment, took another deep breath, and let it go, relaxing further before he settled his nerves. He focused on fixing his armor into place and ensuring it was secured properly.

"Well, my bodysuit does... I think I need to adjust my chest plate straps, though," Braze admitted. "It's a lot... I'm not used to wearing anything like this. It feels a little weird," he offered lightly, looking Kale over. "Isn't that kind of heavy for you?" Braze asked simply.

"Thank you for showing up to teach me about all of this. "
Good Men Don't Need Rules
The questions posed by Braze were actually rather important when wearing armor. What if it is heavy? What if you were not used to wearing this armor in a specific way. Standing from my position, I closed the distance between while my words would reach his ears before I would.

"Yes the armor is heavy, but it was built for me specifically. It fits well and despite the weight, I can still move with a dexterity that is required of me. Not too heavy to be cumbersome, but heavy enough that I know it can take hits for me."

Once I got to Braze, I placed a hand on his shoulder and moved to be behind him. My hands already working to tighten the straps snug and closing off any gaps that could make it feel cumbersome. I had done this many times before, even for others, but it would not be the last. Few Jedi tended to wear as heavy as armor like I did. Yet it was all the same. Armor.

"It will feel weird at first. Its like wearing a new set of boots. You have to break it in to be a mold of your foot for it to be truly comfortable."

Once the gaps in the loose armor for the chest were closed up, my eyes and hands moved about his frame to make sure the other plates on the armor were secured to the armor as well. Even the gauntlets, vambraces, shin guards, and the back.

"One second."

I had one hand on his shoulder to hold him up steady while I tugged on the armor. Making sure it wouldn't loosen during movement.

"Let me know if it needs to be tighter."

Moving back to be in front of the young man, I stood before him and looked over the black plates. It was quite a bit of utilities that were given to this armor. Comparable to mine, it was a full kit. Mostly mine was just protective measures.

"Like I said, Armor is a second skin. Formed to your body so that it doesn't hinder you. Which is why I am being asked to train you for that. I wear armor often when in combat. And part of that training, is using the armor when not in combat. Wearing it in training with your weapons and other gear. Getting a feel for how it bends, moves with your body is the most important part of what you want."

Picking up Braze's helmet, I placed it on his head. Using my hands to secure the straps and make sure the seal for the suit itself was connected properly. For now, I would do it. But showing him how to do it himself later would be vital.

"One of the most important teachings a Jedi can learn, is that the Lightsaber, is their life. Without it, you are limited. Same thing here with the Armor. Without it, you are limited. Use the armors strengths to your advantage. Your lighter armor means you can move faster and with a dexterity that heavier armors might not be able to reach. Where as the strengths for my armor, is being extremely defensive. Its heavier plates and covering more of my body, means I can stand in open conflict without worry of damage to my body. A wall of steel and metal."

Braze Braze



Sabers: Training lightsaber [Normal] | Gauntlet Shield [Katar + Shield] | Corsage [Dueling Foil +Gun] | Calypso [Hand an a half + Board Saber] | Sentry [Parrying Dagger] | Requiem [Light Foil] | Echo [Two handed with Crossguard] | Resurgence [Two handed with Crossguard] | Whirlwind [Chin Kama] | Twilight [Polearm] | Nightshade [Throwing Knives]

Crystals:Amplification | Serenity | Phantom Ghostfire | Frostheart | Entropite | Tiger's Fang | Mindshatter | Echos | Mestare
Melee: Knife

Guns & Bows: Fang |G.O.O. Gun | Phantom |
Thowing : GA- E.G.G.S.

Equipped Gear:
Lightveil Circlet | Charms x3 | Ring | Amulate | Brace -Left Arm | FFS- Utility Belt | Light Armor [Integrated in to armor | Boots | Gauntlets | Mask | ]

Other Items:
| Survival Kit |

Ships: Ashwing - Starfighter

As Braze's armor was adjusted, he noticed the balance shifting, redistributing the weight more evenly. Quick-release straps, strategically placed, allowed for rapid adjustments. Even with a firm tug, Kale could discern that the armor felt unexpectedly light—a sensation shared by Braze's whole being.

Blinking, Braze felt Kale's steady hands assist him with the helmet. As it nestled onto his head, a soft hiss marked the creation of a tight seal, encapsulating him in a subtle embrace of security.

"I didn't bring all my weapons," Braze admitted with a light chirp, his tone casual yet thoughtful. "It would've been too much. But I did bring the main three I use, plus three smaller ones." With a practiced motion, he selected one of the peculiar handles and presented it to Kale, his expression inviting scrutiny. [Nightshade]
Good Men Don't Need Rules
Braze made a specific mention of not bringing all of his kit. All the weapons he would normally carry. My face and shake of a head was one of dismissal for that. Even I was not carrying all the weapons I would normally have with me. Indicating that I only had my two lightsabers and the shield. As those were the most common weapons I carried with me. Sometimes I would carry a pistol or a rifle just to reach out and hit soldiers from behind cover, but today, was not one of those days.

Reaching my hand out to take one of these unique weapon, ones I had not seen before, being a very short shoto like lightsaber weapon. That much I could tell. However, the ring on the handle, and how light it was, told me that these may have been close quarters weapons, or those that you could throw. Which was definably strange. Handing it back to the Padawan, I shrugged my shoulders.

"You don't need all of your weapons on you. Its better to learn to be the best you can with one weapon, and master it's flow and style, than to be the master of none."

Reaching out with my left hand, the helmet that sat on the table slapped into my hand. Grabbing it by the chin, I fitted it to my own head. It sealed hermetically as well. With my voice now suddenly changing to sound different from underneath. A little deeper, and more electronic with the vocabulator.

"Now that you are geared up, and got all you need, I am going to teach you how to move in your armor. You need to be able to perform tasks and move around obstructions with ease. Many Jedi call it the Art of Movement. Essentially running, or moving in the most efficient way possible over whatever terrain is before you, to close the distance while expending as little effort as possible."

I turned around and indicated the room of this jungle-gym in which we would be using.

"However, we are going to do it a little differently. With us being in full armor, movement needs to not just be fluid, but safe to perform. Even if you have weapons drawn, or in your hands. So, with that in mind, you can either try your hand at it on your own, or I can show you a little... taste? Yeah. Taste of what you need to do."

My plumed helmet turned back to the young man. In that moment, the shield from the table, and the lightsaber on my belt flew to my hands. The shield magnetically slammed into my left arm bracer. While my saber was holding the cylinder weapon rather lightly, but with enough of a grip to not be taken from me.

"Up to you Braze."

Braze Braze


TAGS: Kaleleon Kaleleon

Once his gear was adjusted, Braze shifted here and there, stretching and bending to test his range of motion. Everything felt right.
"You don't need all of your weapons on you. Its better to learn to be the best you can with one weapon, and master it's flow and style, than to be the master of none."

"But it's prudent to caution against becoming a slave to form. I am developing my style and working on both my strengths and weaknesses. Knight Ko Vuto Ko Vuto taught me that. It's good to have backups. The way I see it is thus: I study and understand other weapons even if they do not fit my preferred style and usage so I am at least familiar with the type of weapon. In case I run into someone else, I have a more intimate knowledge of the problems associated with a wielder of such weapons. Knowledge is power. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge," Braze stated simply.

"I wouldn't carry all the weapons I've created. I would carry a good assortment of what I can where I can that gives me a strategic assortment of well-rounded options that isn't too much at once to take on,"
Braze added thoughtfully.

"Now that you are geared up, and got all you need, I am going to teach you how to move in your armor. You need to be able to perform tasks and move around obstructions with ease. Many Jedi call it the Art of Movement. Essentially running, or moving in the most efficient way possible over whatever terrain is before you, to close the distance while expending as little effort as possible."
"This is an aspect I've been trying to incorporate more into my style," he offered lightly.

Braze looked out across the room. He'd been doing obstacle courses for some time now, some even under the watchful eyes of mentors like Iris Arani Iris Arani and Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas . The challenge of navigating complex terrain while maintaining fluidity and efficiency had become a crucial part of his training.

Good Men Don't Need Rules
Braze had good points. Making the note that learning so many different versions of Lightsaber combat, as well as having extensive knowledge of such weapons would show what weaknesses and strengths each style had. A nod came from the helmet. Yes, Knowledge was important.

"You are right. Having knowledge of lightsabers is important. However, spreading yourself out to be invested in many forms, can limit the upper potential you have with one. There is an old verbiage of a man with one gun, is a better shot than a man with a thousand guns. Being that the man with one firearm, knows the absolute limits, the ins and outs of the weapon. He knows every aspect of the weapon so well, he can work around whatever weaknesses the weapon has."

Holding the saber aloft in my hand, I indicated it with my own looking upon it.

"I mainly use one blade in combat. Using it in conjunction with a shield, firearm, or even another saber should I require it. However, the basis, and foundation of my lightsaber combat, is with one lightsaber. This is what I am attempting to teach. Build your foundation first, before you spread too thin."

Braze Braze

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