Elyssa Kala'myr
Hex's 18th birthday holiday
Location: Tropical paradise on Wielu
Tag: Daiya Brie Jaxx Das
- ap-25i SIMP pistol
- Party Poppers (1 explosive, 1 gas)
- Jade Void Amulet
- Dervish Knife
- Cheap data pad and communicator
Poor Hex hears voices in her head
Hex speech to others
Hex speech to herself
Hexes inner voices
Coloured '.....' are also words that Hex can hear , but I decided not to write them to reduce clutter
Hex speech to others
Hex speech to herself
Hexes inner voices
Coloured '.....' are also words that Hex can hear , but I decided not to write them to reduce clutter
''Uh oh, birthday girl is about to cry! We can't have that, can we?''
"Am not!" Hex giggled embarrassed by her friend pointing out her emotional state, she squeezed the hand and poked her tongue out. Her friends, if they hadn't already noticed, were finding out that as much as Hex craved chaos, she also craved affection. She beamed as the drink was placed in front of her, trying to count the different colours as the began to mingle and form new ones.
"Thanks Brie Jaxx !" Her tongue swirled around the straw and she began to drink. She saw Das drinking her own drink, a soda this time. "Good plan, pacing yourself for now before we hit the hard stuff later." she smirked at the younger girl, it was totally cool for her to drink here, nobody cares, it was a tropical paradise and the only real rules were, as long as you don't hurt anyone else, you could pretty much do what you like to yourself.
As she continued surveiling the area she spotted a flash of blue next to Daiya , she shrugged, probably me...
She giggled, slightly tipsy and looked back. She was just in time to see pretty blue boy looking at Daiya's back as she walked away from him towards her friends, before disappearing to... Hex didn't really care, he went somewhere, to his friends or something elsewhere in the bar. Hex returned her attention to her friends and he was quickly forgotten as a barman placed four shot glasses on the table in front of them, it contained a dark liquid that smelled deeply of aniseed. "On the house girls! To get you started" Hex wasn't going to argue and she picked up her glass, raising it to the others before downing it...
'...Damn that's good!...'
"I know right!.... where can we get more of those" she laughed, half to herself and half to the beautiful girls next to her. Her nose wrinkled a few times and she began to sniff the air, her mouth was watering and she was hungry for meat. "Who wants some jerk chicken? Or maybe some chithead beef or some butthole sausage!" she giggled at her stupid joke then her eyes widened and she went quiet as if she realised she just shouted something publicly inappropriate. But then she broke and again and giggled her drink back up.
As if by magic, Hex's request was filled, the first one, not the other too and a plate of various peices of barbecued chicken was placed on the table. This was probably a good idea considering the various alcohols on offer.