Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Passing Through Gethsemane

"Mew yourself," Irajah replied good naturedly. "You can come up, just stay out of my clothes, okay?"

Moving at the pace set by the boy, the two made their way out. Carefully. Irajah picked their path, making sure it was as steady as possible before moving through or across. The eerie creeeeeeak from above kept her attention fully on the building and her charge, so honestly, whatever the amphistaff did was mostly ignored because there were some things that were just more important at that moment.

They were met at the entry by a small crew of aid workers, all pacing around, clearly antsy.

"Is there anyone else in there?"

Irajah shook her head. "Not that I saw," she conceded, then glanced down at [member="Boo Chiyo"]. "But I had to get him out. He needs food and rest."

"Was there anyone in there with you?"
The child bristled, instantly uncomfortable at being led from out of the building and into the light.

He'd grown up in the Undercity, the lowest strata of the ecumenopolis, where the light of day couldn't be seen for the structures and buildings that formed a veritable ceiling on the world. Even since being brought here against his will, he'd been made to come and go in darkness. Always existing in shadow. To suddenly be brought out into the naked light of day was disconcerting.

For her part, Azi was very comfortable and continued to loop around the arms of the two as they held hands, until she had traveled up closer to the doctor's shoulder. The amphistaff had its head in the woman's hair, briefling peeking out with a pair of dark locks hanging on either side of it's diamond-shaped head. Mew, the biot chirped, as if to ask whether it looked fabulous or not.

"Was there anyone in there with you?"

Squinting, the boy had been looking up at the unfamiliar sight of the warm, daylight sky. Turning his head, he answered without really thinking first. "What? Like before the boom?"

There had been much boom. Bada-boom. BIG bada-boom.

And that was pretty much all he remembered. Had he been home alone? No, wait... "My master and..." the child began, only to pause as he recalled the earlier situation. And what? The Imperial officer he'd just murdered a minute beforehand? "...and one of his vassals were in there, before the boom. But, I... don't think they're in there now."

Azi was moving across the woman's shoulders, passing behind her head, peeking out from the other shoulder as though curious what was going on over here. Mew?

"At least, not all of them," the boy amended.

If his master was still alive, they were all about five seconds from dead. So here's hoping a building beats a Sith Lord.

[member="Irajah Ven"]​

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