Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Past, Present, Future.

Romeo laughed, and shook his head at her question. "Someone blushed, don't worry, your secrets safe with me!" He chuckled more, and leaned back in his chair, one arm resting on the back of it.

"Me? Married? Do you see this face? Have you seen my scars? I look like someone threw me in a blender, turned it on, then threw some acid in there, then took me out." He laughed more.
"If I don't have time to be a father, I sure as hell don't have time to be a husband." He smiled and wink at her.
"Who knows..maybe one day someone will come by." [member="Rianna Ordo"]
[member="Romeo Sin"]

"I have come to think that everyone has a counter part, a piece of them that once they find they only then feel whole" She was speaking of herself and [member="Ordo"], he was her complete opposite he completed her. How odd was it not.

"perhaps one day I shall meet your daughter Romeo."

Rianna thought for a moment, "Have you ever heard of a Czar named Rolland?"
Romeo listened intensely, which was how he was so good at some of the things he did.
"In fact you can meet her now.." he said as a messages peeped on his comlink.
He stood up, and walked behind her chair to be a gentlemen. "Come my friend, she just arrived."
Romeo also had a answer to her question about the Czar.
"Rolland Czar Mark 1 002, to be exact Rianna. He was the second Czar to be made, and probably the strongest. He and Jerrick were apparently close friends, brothers even if you wanna get romantic about if." Romeo was not exactly fond of the Czars, since one nearly killed him.
"He was also know to be a force user."
On the side Romeo was a information broker, Anne he a little dirt on everything.
"As far as I know..he left the Czar Project." [member="Rianna Ordo"]

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