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[past rp] Yes, Exarch (Tegaea/Invite)

[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Siobhan was a tremendously arrogant and vain woman - these tendencies would only get worse over time as she settled into aristocratic life. She liked to trumpet about how she had to 'conquered most of Omega's territory' and beaten this or that monster. But at the same time she was deeply insecure and with a strong tendency towards hero-worship when it came to those she loved.

Fact was that without Tegaea she would never have been in a position to do any of the 'awesome things' she liked to brag about. As a Jedi she had been dysfunctional and if she had not walked away from the Order voluntarily then she would undoubtedly have been kicked out at some point.

Or, perhaps not, given that a certain 'Jedi master' with a penchant for murdering innocents en masse via natural disasters was still a member. Regardless, either way she would probably not have been in a good place. If there was something Siobhan craved then it was to belong somewhere. She was very demanding and probably rather unruly, but equally adored her wife.

"And nothing can stop us. I'm your strong right arm," she said softly, voice a gentle caress as her breath brushed against Tegaea's ear before she gave it a lick, fingers lovingly stroking and relaxing her wife's muscles and nerves as she sought to pour all the devotion she felt for Tegaea into the act.

The doorbell rang, pizza service was there. Well, not pizza but you get the point. "And I'm afraid I'm not in a sharing mood tonight, love," Siobhan quipped happily as she departed from the room and headed towards the door. A moment later she returned bearing the food they had ordered. Well, it was in plastic bags and all that. "I come bearing our feast, my queen."

Yes, Siobhan was really in cliché and bad romance holovid mood tonight.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
"Lay it out then, Lady Kerrigan, let us see what repast we have been laid," Tegaea said in the same mock aristocratic tone. She sat up, wiping her back down with a towel and pulling on her bra and shirt. It wasn't a smart move to eat dinner topless. It'd probably distract Siobhan from eating at all.

She opened the lid and peered inside. "Looks like double cheese and some sort of sausage. Hmm, that must be yours I guess? I've got the vegetarian one with less cheese."
She took a slice and had a bite.
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

For her part Siobhan would be totally cool with her wife eating dinner topless. Actually she would be equally fine with Tegaea wearing nothing at all. Upon reflection that would probably mean Siobhan would be too distracted to eat anything at all!

"Looks like it," she said happily as she sat down, cutting herself a piece of the chesse and having a bite. "You can have some if you want. You need your strength." Aww, wasn't Siobhan being sweet? Actually trying to pay attention to someone else for a change. She swallowed down the food in her mouth and washed it down with a glass of champagne, having poured herself and Tegaea a glass.

She took another swig and pulled Tegaea into a soft kiss, letting the champagne flow from her mouth to the Protector's. "I think this meets our exalted standards, do you agree, my Queen?" she asked in what was a crude imitation of an aristocratic tone. She sounded a bit like a mentally deficient parrot though. A core worlds accent was something she would never master.

Oh, and then she actually got to eating things. Siobhan had been repeatedly trolled by Anya, queen of trolls, for being a big eater, though being an Eldorai that was something the Princess had in common with her! But then Mistress Valora was rather demanding, so she had to keep up her strength. On the positive side though she did not know which fork to use over the years Siobhan had managed to acquire decent table manners. So while she did eat large amounts of food, she did so in a dignified fashion at least.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Tegaea took the second hand drink and giggled slightly at Siobhan’s accent attempt. It felt like it had been months since she’d just laughed and relaxed.
“Verily, it does so,” Tegaea said to her with a smile. “Thank you for doing this for me. It means a lot that you took the time to do this. I just wish I had thought to do it for you,” she said regretfully.
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

"Tegs, we've been over this. You're...gorgeous like you are. I am...sad that we have less time, but that's not because of you. Means a lot to me that I can...make you smile and happy," Siobhan said earnestly. It sounded terribly corny to her, but it was how she felt and if that meant expressing herself in sappy romance holovid terms then so be it.

"So...if there's something I can do, just say. We'll get more time together, I believe it. Just us on the beach away from all the work and galactic crises. Well, maybe us on the beach with a couple blue Twi'leks!"

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Tegaea laughed briefly. "You and your blue creatures...I thought this was supposed to be my fantasy?" she said with a pout, then a kiss.

Silence for a moment as she ate. "Siobhan, there is one thing you can do for me," she finally said, then hesitated. "I mean, if it's not any trouble, I'd like you to come and see me or talk to me at least each night. It's for work, but I think that after the work is done we can stay, maybe get something to eat. I don't like being separated from you like I have been these last weeks. We can make the time."
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

"I'm cool with green creatures if you want! Long as they're not plants." Siobhan had heard horror stories and did not want to wake up to find that she had been impregnated by a plant because apparently that happened...against all rules of logic, common sense and plot integrity. She had seen it on Fringe Zone!

Silence descended upon the couple as they turned to their meal before her wife spoke again. Siobhan did not particularly like the idea It would probably get in the way of her...other dalliances. However, she had missed Tegaea the last couple weeks. Siobhan was a very emotional person - she probably had an excess of emotion and a lack of reason - and so she took the separation rather hard.

So she reached out and took Tegaea's hand into hers, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Spending time with you is never trouble...never think that, Tegs. I wouldn't have married you if I didn't want time with you. I...missed you a lot, so much," she assured her, tone heartfelt. There was a pause before she spoke up again. "Is there something specific that's on your mind? Something we need to work through over the next days?"

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
“I’m sure we’ll think of something to discuss. How to improve literacy perhaps?” she purred, giving Siobhan a kiss.
It was clear that the black curtain of protection would soon fall, to prevent innocents from being harmed by what consenting adults might or might not be doing.

“I don’t want any green, blue or red creatures. I just want you.”
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

"Tegs, love, you say the sweetest things," Siobhan said happily as she deepened the kiss with great eagerness. "I only want you...and I'll show you how much." A black curtain descended upon the scenery as Siobhan guided her wife towards the bedroom, obscuring from view whatever they might be doing. Never mind the fact that they were both consenting adults and that their activities were born out of love and affection, though to the outsider it might not seem so.

Torture, genocide and the general slaughter of innocents, by contrast, would not hurt the kiddies at all. Rather it would be...educational! Also Coruscant having such high rates of violent crime had nothing to do with liberal gun laws. Every homeowner had the inalienable right to own a lethal firearm.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
The next morning when the black curtain had risen, and our two leading ladies were clothed decently so as not to cause instant moral decay, they met at breakfast.
“That was the best night’s rest I’ve had in weeks,” Tegaea admitted. “Though unfortunately my early bedtime and late rising has probably left me with 101 extra things to do.”
She sighed. “You know, if I’d thought about what it’d be like to be a ruler I’d not expected it to be like this. My mind had an image of golden plates and silk sheets and all the rest. Instead, it’s eighteen hour days, stress and problems. No one is ever happy and everyone is always expecting you to solve their problems.”
That last line might be an unsubtle reference to staff as well.
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

"I'm sorry. Most people only appreciate how good they have it when disaster strikes and then they keep complaining anyway. They want a nanny who solves all their problems as if they're little children, then find an excuse to mope about being 'controlled' and 'tyrannised'. Can't let ungrateful fools like that get to you. I believe you're doing well...I know you are. Much as I'd like it if was just pure golden plates and silk sheets and the rest," Siobhan responded, nuzzling Tegaea's neck. These lines did not contain meta references at all.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
“I’ve been told that the gold plates aren’t that useful, they’re hard to wash, and the silk sheets get dirty easily. Ah well, no opulence for us. Not yet anyway.”
She nodded at Siobhan’s words, but didn’t continue that conversation line. It was probably too depressing.

“So how’s things going with Anya. Is she working out as your aide?”
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Siobhan seemed upset at Tegaea's troubles, though she made an effort to hide it. She did not like it when people did not properly appreciated what her wife did for them. Of course, whether Siobhan always did, given how self-centred she was, was an entirely different question, but still. Of course Siobhan's first instinct as a method of correction tended to be violence...but Tegaea would not like that! Much as there was a certain journalist she would like to punch.

"You know her, a total troll and sometimes a pain in the arse when she goes on why this or that measure is too 'courageous'...but indispensable. She's been a very big help. Probably couldn't get much done without her," Siobhan said. "For some reason she's trying to get me to act...'respectable'. Whatever that means." At that she made a face, which looked rather comical.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
“Ah yes, I fear that ever she becomes Queen she will be even worse, though I suppose that’s unlikely,” Tegaea said. Dramatic irony was all the vogue these days.

“Still, it’s good to see she’s fighting a winning battle to domesticate you,” she added smugly. “Soon my evil plan to get you into floral dresses, high heels and lipstick will be complete!”
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

In response to Tegaea's smug trolling Siobhan stuck out her tongue. Most childishly and unladylike. While she would begin to dress like one and even enjoy it, she would probably never act like a 'lady'. "You're pure evil...both of you. I'm not a kept pet. The things I put up with for love," she mock grumbled. Little did she know that in due time she would become a girly femme when she was not tearing things or people apart, even discover a love for skirts, stockings and eye shadow.

She would still hate high heels though because seriously wearing those things was torture. Presumably she and Tegaea would often be late for galas because Siobhan could not make up her mind about what to wear and kept asking her wife whether this or that outfit made her look good. "So what's on the agenda for today?"

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Tegaea's laugh faded and she nodded. "Yes, back to work. My staff will be wondering where I am. I've got meetings today, followed by meetings...meetings and ooh wait...a meeting!" She snorted.
"Thanks again, Siobhan, I had a wonderful evening and morning. Let's not leave it so long to do it again, shall we?" she asked with a smile.
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

"Definitely. Let's not," Siobhan agreed wholeheartedly, reaching out to pat Tegaea's hand. "I have...meetings...meetings...meetings and, uh, I'm supposed to appear on holo-telly, for some reason," she grumbled. Presumably she would not be allowed to punch any tabloid gad flies who thought they were great journalists and wanted to interview her. Siobhan had long concluded that she did not much like the idea of a free press, unless it reported what she wanted to hear!

Fortunately the Lady Protector was Neutral Good, though that was a terribly exacting alignment at times, and so the Protectorate would be spared a transition into the Dominate. Or the introduction of a Dear Leader cult.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Tegaea chuckled. “Well, I wouldn’t want to keep the adoring public from ‘The Sword of the Protectorate’. Just, try not to hit any reporters. It gets annoying when they start suing.”
She laid a hand on Siobhan’s shoulder for a moment, leaned in for a kiss, then turned to go.
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Siobhan did not like holocameras or journalists much. Unless they were of the adoring, sycophantic sort - and obviously pretty and female. She still practiced enactic succession at the work place. But she made no further comment.
"May the Force be with you, Tegs. You deserve good things happening to you more than anyone else I know," she said softly as her wife departed. The sappiness was strong with her in this thread. Also sad dramatic irony considering the horrible ordeal her wife would undergo in a number of months. An ordeal that would be Siobhan's fault.

Siobhan soon arose and, while the servants cleared away breakfast and presumably ate the leftovers, got ready and then left for her office. As much as she disliked it, she had Exarch things to do.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Tegaea watched her go. She suspected that Anya had some part in putting her up to this romantic date, but that didn’t matter. What mattered was that they were still there, still living the dream. A dream, she little knew, which would come crashing down all too soon.

With a sigh she turned her attention back to work. Aurelia was demanding her attention for a lecture again, and Moira Skaldi was wanting permission to do terrible things. It was just another day in paradise….

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