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Faction Path of Shadows


TAGS: Open
OOC: Please only join this one-shot if you are committed to a continued interaction and willing to invest effort in understanding and building upon the narrative. I am looking for someone genuinely interested in creating a serious, collaborative story. Thank you! I'm looking for jedi or friendlies.



The notion of maintaining a horse stance for four hours seemed absurd to Braze, yet an odd curiosity drew him to the ancient artifact, functioning much like a holocron. He stood in an open field near a wooden picnic table, where he set the holocron down and activated it.

Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el might have been right about hacking into its data being a more practical approach, but Braze chose to engage with the device directly.

The hologram flickered to life, revealing Master Shae'lan Vosara, a Togruta with dark skin and bright markings on his montrals.

"Greetings, seeker of wisdom. I am Master Shae'lan Vosara, guardian of this holocron. To access the knowledge contained within, you must demonstrate your dedication. The path to enlightenment is one of resilience and discipline. Are you prepared to face the trials and unlock the secrets of the Force?"

The holographic image stood tall and imposing, its presence commanding attention despite its ethereal nature. The serene yet intense expression of Vosara conveyed the gravity of the challenge ahead, leaving Braze to ponder the true depths of his commitment to the Jedi path.

"Yes," Braze said hesitantly, uncertain how to begin engaging with this holocron. He had learned from their previous interaction that the gatekeeper was staunch in its position. "How do we begin?"

Vosara's hologram nodded, acknowledging Braze's willingness. "To commence the first trial, assume the horse stance and hold it. Feel the weight of your body, the pull of gravity, and the strength within you. Four hours may seem daunting, but through endurance, you will uncover the strength you possess. Begin now, and let the trial forge your resolve."

Braze frowned but moved into position. He chambered his hands in fists at his hips, stepped out to the side into a horse stance, kept his back straight, his feet pointed out at 45 degrees, and his knees bent, bringing his hips to knee level.

The hologram's eyes narrowed. "Proper form is crucial," Vosara scolded. "You must balance a stick across your lap and another across your outstretched arms. Dropping either will nullify your progress thus far. Begin again with this in mind."

Braze retrieved two sticks and carefully positioned them as instructed, feeling the weight and significance of the task increase.

"Do I really have to do it for so long? What's the purpose of this?" Braze asked, his voice tinged with frustration.

Vosara's hologram remained stern. "This trial is not only physical. It tests your patience, focus, and resolve. Endurance is essential for a Jedi, both in body and mind. Through this, you will learn the depth of your strength and the power of perseverance. Only by pushing your limits can you truly understand and master the Force."

"Yeah, but what will you teach me if I do this?"
Braze asked, trying to maintain his position.

The hologram's expression softened slightly, acknowledging the difficulty of the task. "If you succeed, you will gain access to advanced teachings on Force manipulation, lightsaber techniques, and the ancient wisdom of the shadow masters and teh practitioners whom reside with in the court of shadows. These lessons will enhance your understanding and control of the Force, preparing you for the challenges ahead. Your dedication now will pave the way for your future growth as a Jedi."

The hologram's eyes remained steady on Braze, sensing his hesitation. "This is an advanced technique toward the Path of Shadows. To become a Master of Shadows requires immense discipline and commitment. Embarking upon such a path without proper preparation is perilous. The trial you face is necessary because only through this rigorous challenge can you prove your readiness and advance safely. Remember, to falter on this path is very dangerous."
Last edited:


Ko was spending some time clearing up some of the overgrown temple grounds. Trying to be as unobtrusive and invasive as he could for the flora that inhabited it. Pruning dead or unimportant branches to clear space. He hadn’t spent much time here since they uncovered it prior. He was actually surprised when he learned that Braze had revisited Veridia several times already. It was a planet that was pretty far out of the way. So it was a decent commitment just to come here.

One thing he's come to like about the world was some of it's culture and mythology. From just his limited perspective it seemed chock full of animistic spirts and creatures. Reminding him some of a number of the old shamanistic beliefs and traditions back on Dorin.

Taking a break Ko went outside towards the courtyard. Where it seemed as though Braze was doing some sort of practice or exercise. Overhearing some discussion about a “path of shadows” which did sound a bit ominous, and he wasn’t too keen on the idea of Braze learning about ominous things by himself.

Approaching the padawan Ko would call out to him. “Hey, who are you talking to? There’s nobody else here?” He wondered if the echani boy might have just been talking to himself. His blindness making him ignorant to the large and obvious holographic projection of a togrutan jedi.

Braze Braze


TAGS: Ko Vuto Ko Vuto

Braze perked up and looked over at the hologram of Master Shae'lan Vosara. "Uh... I think you called them a... gatekeeper?" Braze half asked, uncertain of what he would call it. He had barely gone a minute, and he was already feeling the pain. "This is not fun," he complained. "In fact, it hurts... a lot."

The hologram, maintaining its serene expression, replied, "Pain is a teacher, Padawan. Through it, you learn your limits and how to transcend them. Embrace it, and let it sharpen your focus."

Braze grimaced but tried to steady his breathing, understanding that this was more than a test of endurance; it was a crucible for his character. "I understand," he muttered, adjusting his stance slightly.

The hologram continued, "The path of shadows requires more than physical prowess. It demands mental fortitude and emotional resilience. Only through enduring these trials will you uncover the strength hidden within."



A gatekeeper? Quickly Ko realized that was likely happening. Finally noticing an activated holocron on the picnic table. “Oh sorry, I didn’t notice the holocron there.” From the look of things Ko wasn’t sure if he should stick around or leave Braze so as to not distract the boy.

They looked to be in a pretty intense horse stance, and Ko wasn’t sure how long they’d already been maintaining it. It reminded him of his own difficult training back on Dorin at the hands of his uncle. Where he was made to do increasingly difficult isometric exercises while feeling the effects of increasingly strong liquors. So far for Ko the training he’d endured hadn’t yet proven itself useful. If he was lucky he could live his entire life without ever needing to purge toxins and poisons from his body like that ever again.

The Gatekeeper spoke some about the importance of pain being a teacher. Which was true, even for non-sapients such as themselves. It was a vital tool to teach most creatures what should or shouldn’t be avoided. For Jedi the Trial of Flesh was an important test to overcome. A jedi had to still perform their duties under great stress and strain. For a ‘glass boned’ Kel Dor like himself that was doubly so.

For now Ko simply sat at the picnic table, not saying anything so that he could avoid distracting Braze.

Braze Braze


TAGS: Ko Vuto Ko Vuto

Braze's muscles trembled with effort, but he set his jaw and focused on the Master's words. Each second felt like an eternity, yet with every passing moment, he felt a shift in his resolve. The pain was still there, but it became a background noise. As he reached the five-minute mark, his legs wobbled like jelly, and his face contorted with strain.

"Is this even possible?"
he grumbled under his breath. "Four hours? I'd be lucky to make it to ten minutes without turning into a pretzel!"

His legs gave out, and he tumbled to the ground in a heap, landing on his rear. "This is ridiculous," he groaned, frustration evident in his voice. "Does anyone actually do this for four hours? I'm not sure anyone could even manage ten minutes!"

The hologram of Master Shae'lan Vosara looked on impassively. "It is not about the duration, Padawan. It is about your dedication and willingness to push your limits."

Braze sighed, sprawled out on the grass. "Well, my limits just pushed back. Hard. Can we try something else? Preferably something that doesn't make me feel like a noodle?"

Master Vosara's expression didn't change, but there was a hint of amusement in his voice. "You will find that perseverance is often the key to overcoming the most challenging trials. Take a moment to recover, and then we shall continue."

Braze sat up, rubbing his sore legs. "Great. More fun," he muttered sarcastically.

Master Vosara nodded. "Wisdom and flexibility in approach are indeed crucial. Braze, remember this. While physical endurance is valuable, sometimes the mind must find a path where the body falters. Your efforts here are commendable, and they lay the foundation for the strength you will need in the future."

Master Vosara then turned his gaze to Ko. "Ah, a Kel Dor," he noted with a touch of amusement. "Tell me, what is the significance of overcoming one's limitations through sheer will in your culture? Does it compare to what young Braze is experiencing now, or is there a different philosophy you follow?"



Ko simply sat there patiently and calmly as Braze continued their horse stance. Not managing to get very far until they break the strenuous posture and fall onto his butt. However, four hours did seem pretty extreme. Put if it was a necessary test than likely whatever the holocron contained would be worth the effort. As long as whoever managed to pull off that stance for hours had a week to rest away the soreness they’d accumulate afterwards.

Soon enough the gatekeeper asked Ko a question as well. Which he wasn’t really prepared for. Ko thought for a moment as he sat at the table, crossing fingers together for a moment. “Hmm, well there are legends about overcoming the odds through willpower, both individually and as a collective on Dorin. Plenty of tales about strong and tough mountaineers braving Dorin’s summits and her violent storms. But a lot of the focus is on how groups can persevere through those situations rather than lone individuals and the value of relying on others.”

That all made sense to Ko, back in his homeworld simple acts of hospitality could be matters of life or death. Which only further reinforced the black and white morality that was so prevalent in its culture and society. “So I’m not sure if it’s all that applicable to what Braze is experiencing now.”

Braze Braze


TAGS: Ko Vuto Ko Vuto


Master Shae'lan Vosara's hologram listened attentively, a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"Your perspective is valuable. The legends of your people teach the importance of community and collective effort. This is indeed applicable, even to what Braze is experiencing. While the trial seems solitary, the strength and wisdom gained here can be shared and utilized for the benefit of others."
Turning back to Braze, he continued,

"Remember, Padawan, there are many ways to face a challenge. Physical endurance is but one. Mental fortitude, creativity, and the ability to seek and accept help are equally important. Your efforts here are commendable, and while you may not see the immediate benefit, the strength of will you are developing will serve you well."

Braze, still catching his breath, looked up with a renewed sense of determination. "I'll keep that in mind, Master. Maybe next time, I'll find a way to combine strength and wisdom... and not end up on my aft..." Master Vosara's hologram smiled slightly.

"That is the spirit, Braze. Every challenge is an opportunity to grow, and every failure is a step toward success. Now, take a moment to rest, and when you are ready, we shall continue with a different approach. There is much to learn, and many ways to uncover your true potential."

Braze rolled his eyes as he took to the stance once more.​
Braze, still feeling the strain in his muscles, looked over at Ko with a grin. "Hey, can you grab me a bench? I want to see some of that community effort in action," he said sarcastically.

The hologram of Master Shae'lan Vosara immediately turned a stern gaze towards Braze. "Padawan, respect and humility are as important as strength and endurance. Do not belittle the lessons or the help of others. True growth comes from understanding and valuing every part of your training, including the support you receive."

Braze's grin faded, replaced by a look of contrition. "Yes, Master. I understand. I didn't mean to be disrespectful."

Braze sighed, irritation clear in his expression. "Fine, fine," he muttered. As he resumed the stance, he tried various distractions to mitigate the pain: humming tunes, reciting the Jedi Code, even making faces at Ko to lighten the mood. Each attempt provided only fleeting relief, and the burn in his legs grew more intense.

After a few more minutes, his legs trembled uncontrollably. "This is insane," he groaned, before collapsing to the ground once more. Frustration evident, he pounded his fists on the grass. "How is anyone supposed to do this for hours? I can barely manage a few minutes!"

Master Vosara's hologram remained calm. "Endurance and resilience are built over time, Padawan. Each attempt brings you closer to your goal. Do not be discouraged by failure; it is part of the journey."

Braze lay on the ground, catching his breath and reflecting on the lesson. Despite his frustration, he knew the Master was right.


It seemed like the Gatekeeper found what Ko had to say as more helpful than he considered. Perhaps there really was some applicable wisdom. The Kel Dor listened to the banter between Braze and the gatekeeper’s holographic image. Even chuckling some himself when the boy asked for a bench to rest with.

Part of Ko found it pretty amusing how seemingly respectful Braze was towards the gatekeeper. To him it seemed a bit unlike the echani boy to behave that way. Then again he’d never really seen him with his own master. Not that Jasper ever really seemed like the kind of teacher that called for much obedience and mannerful respect from padawans. Maybe this was just a side of Braze that could’ve been, if circumstances had been different and had trained under a much different kind of master.

Seeing Braze fall over once more and lay on the ground Ko stood up and strolled over to the prone child. Leaning over his body and ‘looking’ down at him. “Hmm… perhaps there’s a way to circumvent this trial rather than powering through it.” Ko thought out loud before straightening his posture and taking a step back. “Back on Dorin my Uncle put me through some pretty grueling training to develop a skill that should keep me safe in the future. Perhaps shifting your focus from the stance itself to something else might help make the process more smooth.”

For Ko during his own training the goal was never to hold a stance or hang for a certain amount of time. But instead to achieve something else while under the stress of the stances and holds. In fact the more time he spends needing to do it, the harder it could get. “Also I’m sure doubting yourself doesn’t help either… But sorry I don't really wanna get in the way of the lesson here.”

Braze Braze


TAGS: Ko Vuto Ko Vuto

Braze tore at the grass in frustration, tossing clumps into the air with an exasperated huff. He hated feeling this way, like hitting an impenetrable wall with no way to get around it. Lying there, staring at the sky, he perked up at the sound of Ko's voice. A frown etched itself deeper into his features as he tried to listen carefully.

"I hate riddles," he murmured being reminded of how he had met Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru , rolling onto his side. "Circumvent didn't seem like the answer last time," he groused, frowning. With a sigh, Braze pushed himself into a sitting position. This felt like his early classes, and he had always despised these kinds of obstacles. His obstinate and fussy nature flared as he moved to the holocron, turning it off begrudgingly.

"Maybe I just need to work those muscles... and build up to it," he said, trying to think pragmatically. Looking over at Ko, he asked, "What kind of skill did your uncle teach you?" Braze toyed with the orb-shaped holocron in his hands, fidgeting with it like a toy. Perhaps listening to Ko's experiences would give him further understanding of his own task. The only way to find out was to ask. The huffy little marshmallow stepped up to Ko, his somber jade-green eyes meeting the Keldor Jedi Knight's mask, almost exspectantly.


Ko was a little bit surprised, he wasn’t trying to share riddles with Braze. He would ask the boy what got them interested in checking out holocrons now. But knowing what he did with the young echani he felt like the answer would be pretty obvious. Braze had a strong desire to grow into an unparalleled combat specialist. If Ko was his master he’d probably recommend that Braze study Niman some and its overall philosophy. But he would intrust Jedi Knight Kai’el for that.

He listened to Braze some more as the holocron was deactivated. It sounded like the padawan was skipping their leg days if they felt the need to build them up. Then again for strenuous holds like the horse stance worked on different, deeper muscles. Fibers that were commonly overlooked.

Then he heard the question, he was asked about what his uncle had taught him. “It was an ability to clear my body of harmful toxins. My Uncle was shocked I hadn’t learned it prior. Believing that it was a show of woeful negligence that my Jedi instructors had not passed that skill onto me.” Although Ko didn’t agree with his uncle’s criticism. He could empathize. Xojo and the Baran Do entrusted the Jedi to look after him after his recruitment.

“The training was very difficult and arduous, my Uncle had wanted to make sure I could pull off the technique without fail no matter the circumstance. That I had focus even under immense stress and confusion.” Despite how awful the experience was, Ko believed that Xojo’s logic was valid and offered skills that would be vital even in the heat of combat. “For your predicament however, I’m sure there’s some way for my experience to be helpful.” Ko added, as if thinking out loud.

Braze Braze


TAGS: Ko Vuto Ko Vuto

Braze perked up at that as he toyed with the holocron in his hands. "Sounds pretty important..." he trailed off softly, listening to Ko talk about the kinds of things his uncle had taught him. "So you could, like, get rid of poison?" Braze asked, thinking that might be a very good thing to learn. "Is it really difficult to learn?" he asked, thinking that it sounded like Ko had been through something harrowing to do so.

"I don't really know much about my uncle... He's the one who brought me this funny-looking holocron. He said it was from my dad,"
Braze offered. "I'm not really sure what he does. He didn't stay long to chat. He came to Jasper 's house to find me and give me it and some other things... He spoke briefly about some legal stuff too whilst he was there... I think I've met him before that, but I don't really remember it."

Turning his attention back to the holocron, he frowned. "I want to learn everything I can," he said, more to himself than anyone else. "Not just about fighting... The Force has so many secrets, and I intend to uncover them."

Braze's mind wandered as he held the ancient artifact. The holocron's surface, etched with cryptic symbols, seemed to pulse with a life of its own, each groove and line hinting at untold mysteries. His fingers traced the intricate patterns, feeling the cool, metallic texture under his touch.

As he pondered, a vision unfolded in his mind's eye—a vast, shadowy forest, its trees towering like ancient sentinels under a canopy of stars. The air was thick with the scent of moss and earth, the distant calls of nocturnal creatures echoing through the silence. Braze saw himself kneeling beside a crystal-clear stream, its waters shimmering with an inner light. He imagined channeling the Force to cleanse the water, seeing impurities dissolve into nothingness, leaving behind pure, healing liquid.

The thought of mastering such a technique filled him with a sense of purpose. The Force, in its infinite complexity, offered more than the power of combat; it held the key to understanding and preserving life itself. He imagined the possibilities—curing poisons, mending wounds, and perhaps even influencing the delicate balance of nature.

His thoughts shifted to his father and the legacy left behind. The holocron was a link to a past shrouded in mystery and a future ripe with potential. "There's just so much I don't know," he murmured, feeling the weight of responsibility and yet...opportunity.



“Actually learning the ability wasn’t too difficult for me. It was the additional training that was hard. Like I said, my uncle wanted me to be able to pull off the ability no matter what. Which is what made it difficult. That paired with breath control meant that I should be able to have a much higher chance of survival if I ever find myself without my antiox mask. Either because it’s missing or broken.” Ko explained some about why it was an important skill for him to learn.

Ko then listened to Braze explain more about their own uncle. He never knew that the boy had one. Not that it was a very shocking revelation. Since Ko couldn’t really see the holocron’s gatekeeper he wondered if it was in the image of Braze’s uncle. Mentally picture just an older version of the echani padawan. An idea that could make the most battle hardened veteran shudder.

“I think it’s important to acknowledge and address our limitations. Whether they’re physical or a matter of ignorance. Like you just said, the Force has a lot more to offer than just fighting. It’s a whole lot more than just a superpower we rely on to combat evil in the galaxy.” Ko was always a big proponent in balance and for Jedi to be well rounded. Not that they all had to be jacks of all trades, but just have an open and malleable mind. Something he could certainly work on when it came to his own morals and values. Being creative and adaptable was a valuable quality in his eyes.

“Do you know anything about what that holocron contains?” The Kel Dor finally asked, wondering if Braze even knew what it was he was stressing himself out with Horse Stances over. Or if they were simply willing to try and ensure that just for the promise of unique knowledge regardless of the subject.


TAGS: Ko Vuto Ko Vuto


Braze listened curiously at that and his brows furrowed. He understood the concept of training something until it was like second nature.
"I think I'm pretty ignorant. I can't seem to make friends very well. and I never say the right things to Aris Noble Aris Noble . I always find some way to mess it up and It's extremely frustrating to me. I think maybe I'm just a very bad communicator and I don't know how to fix that problem. "

Braze shook his head, "Not really, no... something about dancing the shadows or some such... the gatekeeper said we need to understand the nature of light and darkness within us."

Braze started, "Something about facing our inner shadows, mastering them, and not letting them control us. Kind of deep, you know? The trial isn't only physical; it's mental too. The whole point is to push us beyond our limits, to make us grow in ways we didn't think possible- I think anyways."

Braze paused, "It said it was like a safety measure..." He explained.



“Hmm…” Ko thought for a moment. The way the discussion shifted began to feel very familiar to him. Reminding back when the two of them began to reconnect as padawans. “That sounds similar to the issues you came to me with a while back. Although it sounds like what you’re dealing with now is a bit different. Perhaps even an evolution of your prior predicament.” Kel Dor began to explain. “I’m not super familiar with your dynamic with Aris or the boy’s personal background. But I would say that compared to where your journey started you have shaped up to be a much better communicator than you were. Of course there’s room for improvement, there always will be. Thus making your issue now a bit different from before. Your social skills aren’t nearly as poor as they once were.” Just as he said, he wasn’t knowledgeable enough to really say much else about Braze’s situation.

Ko listened more to Braze explain more about the holocron and what kind of wisdom was contained within it. “That sounds like an important lesson. The kind of things every Jedi needs to eventually understand to some degree.” That had Ko think about parts of himself that he wasn’t always very proud of. The parts that could be vindictive and spiteful. “What you’re saying about the holocron makes me think of Juyo. What some consider to be the ultimate lightsaber style, and where a Jedi must be very attuned and adept with themselves not only to master, but even learn the form. Oddly enough I’ve come to find out that Juyo can actually share a lot with Shi-Cho. At least for people who have taken time to really dedicate themselves to mastering the First Form.” Because of Ko’s substandard journey through being a padawan and his own lightsaber training, he became rather familiar with Form 1. He also saw himself going back to it when he was relying on a sword. Since the use of Form 1 had a lot of crossover between lightsabers and conventional swords.

“However, I’m a little unsure of what doing really long horse stances has to do with all that. Maybe that’s like what you said, it’s a safety measure and a vetting process. I imagined it’s make more sense further along in the training.”

Braze Braze
Ko Vuto Ko Vuto
Braze perked up, his interest clearly piqued by the mention of Juyo. "So, you think it might have some neat lessons on Juyo, perhaps?" he asked, his voice brimming with excitement.

"Oh, I dunno... the gatekeeper said it was some kind of safety measure," Braze huffed, crossing his arms. "Jasper suggested we just try and hack into it because four hours of horse stance sounds dumb," he added, a hint of frustration creeping into his tone.

"I think it said something about 'the path of shadows' or some such," he continued, his voice softening as he admitted his uncertainty. "I'm not entirely sure I know what it means by that either, though."

The excitable young half Echani, appeared to be at an impasse with the ancient-looking holocron. "It's a funny-looking holocron too—like it's made of stone or some such," Braze offered, his curiosity evident. "It's all white with swirling black and gray veins all over it." He examined the object closely, his mind racing with possibilities and questions.


“Well, not that it has to specifically do with Form Seven. It just sounds a bit similar is all. Needing to vet through participants and understanding the darkness within ourselves. Well that’s how Juyo used to be within the Jedi Order. I don’t actually know if it’s still a style kept out of reach of those interested. I never really aspired to learn the Form.” Ko replied to Braze. The mention of “hacking” into the holocon sounded pretty on par for Jasper. Ko wasn’t even sure if holocrons could be hacked into and if that might not ruin the device.

“To be honest though the path of shadows also leads me to believe that it has something to do with Jedi Shadows.” He wasn’t sure if Braze was familiar with that specialization. Ko knew that it was what Master Noble trained as and what Jonyna wanted to pursue for herself.

Ko raised a brow over his goggles as he listened to Braze’s description of the holocron. He couldn’t see that for himself, but it certainly didn’t sound like any jedi holocrons he was aware of. “Are you sure this is even a Jedi Holocron? Those are generally blue and square. Maybe it’s a Datacron instead, which would explain your Master’s suggestion on simply hacking into it to bypass the gatekeeper.”

Braze Braze


TAGS: Ko Vuto Ko Vuto

"Jedi Shadow, huh? So, if I unlock the info inside the holocron, I could learn to be a Shadow?" Braze's excitement was inmesurable, his eyes lighting up at the prospect. "I'm pretty sure it's a holocron," he continued, his voice bubbling with enthusiasm. "It didn't seem to want to open unless I reached out to it."

Braze explained further, "It doesn't really look like a typical holocron on the outside, though. It's more like a funny floating globe on a pedestal." He paused, considering how to describe it. "Looks more like a fancy item you'd stick on a shelf to make your house look more sophisticated."

"But I thought you have to be selected to be a Shadow?"
Braze questioned, his brow furrowing in thought. "Don't they normally pick people who are already interested in or doing investigative work?" He asked again, his curiosity insatiable. "Do you think someone in my family might have been a Jedi? Or even a Jedi Shadow?"

The questions seemed endless, each one leading to another as Braze's mind raced with possibilities.


“Huh… Well um, no that’s not what I’m saying. I just imagine that it might have some kind of relation to the Jedi specialization.” Ko replied as if to attempt to temper Braze’s enthusiasm and expectations. “Well that’s how holocrons work, they generally require that you use The Force to unlock its contents.”

Ko listened more to Braze’s description of the holocron. “Perhaps the one you hold is not Jedi in origin, or maybe crafted by a particularly expressionistic Jedi Artisan. As for actually being able to become a jedi shadow, I’m not sure. The journey to become one has never really interested me.”

As Braze asked their question Ko thought for a moment and shrugged some. “It’s very possible, Force Sensitivity is often inherited and so there’s a good chance that at least one of your ancestors were recruited by the Jedi. I believe a few of mine did hundreds of years ago. But more often when an ancestor of mine was Force Sensitive they traditionally trained under Baran Do. But to answer your second question it might be hard to know. Knowledge about Jedi Shadows can be... well, shadowy I suppose and obscured."

Braze Braze


TAGS: Ko Vuto Ko Vuto


Braze frowned briefly as he absorbed all of Ko's words, thinking them over. Then he asked something that even surprised himself. "The Baran Do? Who are they?" Braze recalled Ko mentioning the importance of storms, but in truth, he knew very little about the Keldor or their people beyond what he knew of Ko personally.

Perhaps his father was related to the Jedi in some way. His uncle did say his father had left the holocron to him, after all. He couldn't help but wonder what kind of person his father was and felt more and more like he really didn't know anything about his family.


“Oh, that’s right you never went to Dorin when the Galactic Alliance and NJO were re-establishing relations there. Well the Baran Do are the local Force Organization on Dorin. Quite ancient and obscure these days.” Ko explained to the pale child. “Maybe you’d know this if you were interested in going on more Field trips with the rest of the NJO.” After saying that the Kel Dor snickered some under his mask. Lightly teasing the young padawan.

“Shortly before being recruited by the NJO I was studying under the Baran Do. You could say I’m technically a foreign exchange student. Although I’ve certainly lived more as a Jedi than a Sage now.” Ko added, giving Braze a bit more detail into his early childhood before becoming a youngling like him.

Braze Braze

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