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Approved Lore Path of Strength

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OOC Writer Account


"A society that divides its scholars from its warriors will see its decisions shaped by cowards and its wars fought by fools."
-Verse from the Boeken
Source (

Intent: The "Path of Strength" is the ethnic code of conduct that the Commonwealth of Zorn promotes and espouses, its' core to their cultural identity and has emerged on the back of a viciously hostile homeworld and a history filled with warring Kingdoms.
Image Credit: Source one.
Canon: Not applicable.
Permissions: Not applicable.
Links: College of Arkanists, Commonwealth of Zorn, Grutter Norr Ryk, Homo Sapiens Augeus, Zorn Defence Force, Zorn System.

Religion Name: Path of Strength (Norr: Paad fan Sterkte).
Other Name(s): Path of Strength, Path of Wisdom, Path of Kings.
Religion Type: Atheistic Code of Conduct.
Influence: Zorn System - Interplanetary.
Influence Area: Commonwealth of Zorn.
Symbol: The Symbol of the Path is a ten-pointed star; it represents Zorn's star and the unity all Citizens of the Commonwealth share through the Philosophy and the light of Zorn.
Description: The "Path of Strength" is best described as a union of the works of different philosophers contributing to the same thought process that has formed a written cultural code of conduct; it is a philosophy that has changed throughout the centuries as respected practitioners have published their own works relating to the Path of Strength, which have gathered followings of varying potency. What characterises the core of Philosophy is the virtue of discipline, self-sacrifice and perseverance through adversity.

: Angul Ashfall
Description: Angul Ashfall was King of Norn about 10,000 BBY with a keen interest in jurisprudence, he authored a number of speeches on the characteristics of an ideal King, Judge and Warrior. Angul's musings later formed the foundation of academic tradition and applied ethics.
Membership: Studying the philosophy is the path to membership in the Path of Strength. Generally, practitioners seek out activities, employment, or recreation that require discipline, self-sacrifice, and perseverance to join the path.

  • Characters/People:
    • Angul Ashfall - Angul Ashfall is credited as the founder of Philosophy, and his musings, memoirs, speeches, and writings form the foundation of the Path of Strength.
    • Lys Greenleaf - Published the 'Codex Arkana' in 40 BBY, which applied Angul Ashfall's works to the practice of the Arkane and made statements in the Codex that the Arkane should be wielded in service to the community and as a means to find, achieve and maintain inner peace.
  • Items/Objects:
    • Boeken - 'Boeken' is the primary philosophical text for the Path of Strength. It was written by Angul Ashfall and describes a number of attitudes, qualities, and behaviours that are consistent with 'Walking the Path'.
    • Codex Arkana - It sets down the relationship between Philosophy when applied to wielding Arkane power, and the duty of practitioners to use these abilities in service to the wider community and to find and achieve inner peace.
    • Koarte Dea - The Koarte is considered a significant weapon to the Adherents; the schools of the path teach that all authority is derived from the implicit or explicit threat of violence and that when one votes in a democracy, one applies force to the implicit threat of violence if the will of the body politic is not respected. With any faithful adherent to the path being equal parts scholar and warrior, it is customary to carry this traditional sword to remind themselves and all others that violence is the supreme authority.
Blood: Adherents believe that one's life force and, by extension, strength is contained in the Iron of their blood; it is treated with reverence. The blood of the weak is viewed with scorn as: "Dishonouring the soil where it falls".
Hospitality: The offering of water, bread and care to the dying, even amongst their respected enemies who are incapable of or unwilling to end their own lives, is considered a virtue of the victorious warrior to grant respect to a worthy enemy. Additionally, to offer someone water or food, even an enemy, is regarded as an offer, at the very least, of a temporary truce so that words may be exchanged; the customary offer mid-duel takes the form of: "Shall we take water?". Adherents respect this ancient diplomatic tradition and will bring and permit no harm to a message carrier. It is often said of Adherents if they offer you fresh water to drink, your safety is assured. However, if provided salt water, they will execute you shortly thereafter by drowning or slitting your throat, whatever is readily available.
Mercy: For Adherents to the Path, the phrase "Mercy is for the weak" is taken literally to the extreme. Mercy is genuinely for the weak because snivelling non-combatants and cowards aren't worth the honour of death by combat.
Surrender: There is no shame in defeat dealt by an adversary, whether in business, war or politics. When there is to be conflict, Adherents of the Path do not turn away. It is considered a humiliation and unconscionable disgrace to capitulate to an adversary. In war, Adherents would generally prefer to perish fighting or commit suicide, with assistance if necessary, rather than capitulate.

Academic Duels: Known as "Sword Dancing". It is a traditional and heavily regulated form of duelling practised widely by Adherents in pursuing swordsmanship, valour and facial scarification. Practitioners wear protective equipment protecting their fencing arm, hand, and throat, completed by metal goggles and a nose guard. Duelists stand at arm's length from each other and attempt to strike the unprotected parts of the opponent's face and head. The point of the duel isn't to avoid the strikes but to endure them and the associated pain. Duelling scars are worn proudly.
Anointment: In combat, adherents will anoint themselves in the fresh blood taken from the wounds of respected friends and enemies who have proven themselves worthy of walking the Path.
Blade Cleaning: Adherents will not draw their Koarte swords unless they believe its use is likely. When used before returning the blade to the sheath, they will clean its length out of respect for the Path's violence theory. Generally, this is done by carefully sliding the blade in the elbow's crook, across a sleeve or between the index finger and thumb.
Blood Pacts: The practice of cutting open the skin of the palm of the hand is considered to elevate the importance of an imminent Oath or Affirmation. Sometimes, friends will cut their palms before shaking hands as a sign of commitment to fraternal bonds.
Catechism: To educate adherents on the ethics and practices of the way, published works often include catechisms that are popular with adherents when teaching children. The Catechisms are essentially a form of cant that take the form of questions and answers, with the authoritative speaker or author posing a question and the listener or reader supposed to propose an answer.
Competition Respect: Adherents to the Path prize the characteristics of Strength and Honour in fighters, friendly or enemy alike. It isn't unheard of for the old Kings to invite their defeated enemy to fight with them. Adherents can be persuaded to be brought into the service of what may have been a competitor or an enemy.
Death Vow: An affirmation made by Adherents generally on the edge of death. An example would be: "If I live, I will exact vengeance."
Defence of Honour: The concept of 'self-defence.' extends to honour'. The way of intensely demanding mutual respect between all persons. Extreme rudeness, hindering a public official in executing their duty or defamation upon one's character is considered an attack on honour. Strikers, in a defence of honour, have the onus of demonstrating their self-defence was justified and may use lethal force if reasonably necessary due to the seriousness and nature of the attack on their honour. In a military context, a superior can defend their honour when insulted by a subordinate. However, if they choose to do it through this legal tradition, they may not commence proceedings by way of a court. Once the defence has been made, a striker must report their use of force to a law enforcement officer, give their version of events and supply the details of any witnesses. In civic life, Citizens must spend no less than thirty standard days at home as evidence of meditation on their behaviour, even when law enforcement officials consider it lawful. For self-defence to be considered lawful, it must be done immediately or shortly after the attack.
Keel-dragging: The preferred method of execution and torture of prisoners or detainees is "Keel-dragging", where a condemned person's ankles are fastened to a sea-faring ship and then thrown overboard and then the rope is pulled taut, and the victim is dragged along the keel of a ship's hull; this prevents blood of the unworthy weak from being loosed onto the ship's deck.
"Prove Boast!": Boasting one's accomplishments and deeds without embellishment shows confidence and conviction; abstaining from boasting demonstrates humility. It is considered the greatest flattery one warrior can offer to another as a witness to acclaim and laud their achievements. A Boaster may be challenged, although a witness may not. The challenged would be obligated to cite a witness or the challenger, and the challenged would be obliged to participate in a mutually agreed upon competition with no fewer witnesses than the total contest participants. For example, if a Boaster claims: "I am a better swordsman than everyone in this tavern." and is challenged, they would have to duel each tavern patron to prove their boast if challenged.
Relentless: Priding themselves on dedication and tenacity. They are generally immediate and head-on in business, combat and work; their singular, unwavering focus is to win.
Ritual purity: Adherents bathe thoroughly and view the presence of body hair with disdain; in the pursuit of cleanliness, men and women regularly shave their bodies. In combat, this makes their skin more difficult to grapple with, makes it easier to assess and access injuries, and, from an aesthetic standpoint, accentuates their physiology's musculature. Male Adherents will boast of shaving themselves with a straight razor as a boast of their skill with a blade.

Dogma: "The Ten Virtues"
  1. Subservience.
  2. Guardianship.
  3. Hierarchy.
  4. Selflessness.
  5. Gratitude.
  6. Intimacy.
  7. Loyalty.
  8. Wisdom.
  9. Peace.
  10. Acceptance.
Reputation: The "Way of the Strong" among foreign audiences with layman knowledge is often considered a religion where war and conflict are worshipped as a monotheistic deity where the practitioner's ancestors fulfil a role as an angelic class of spirits. Its adherents have the reputation of being disciplined, stoic and dedicated. Adherents are reputed to answer rudeness and insults with violence, which can give rise to their presence, making others uneasy. A reputation is born from a misunderstanding among foreign people that adherents loathe weakness with such intensity they execute their dying warriors, not understanding that such 'execution' is made from one warrior to another with the executed party's consent.


Population: ~23,000,000

  • ~3,000 BBY: King Angul Ashfall of Norn publishes his memoirs, musings and contemplations on the characteristics of a "Wise Tyrant" these writing are promoted in academic circles throughout his Kingdom and eventually spread beyond and become a cultural force toward uniting the disparate Feudal Kingdoms into sharing one code of conduct and ethics.
  • 982 BBY: King Grann of Zorn publishes his commentaries on the Zorn Wars, in which he views renumerated persons as more productive than levies and as having an inherent incentive to increase their skills or performance if there is a reasonable possibility it comes with increased remuneration; he uses this rationale in his decision to form the Valaraukar as a professional army.
  • 40 BBY: The Codex Arkana is circulated through intellectual circles and published by Lys Greenleaf, who campaigned for support for teaching suitably talented children how to wield their innate gifts for the benefit of their communities. The Codex Arkana receives broad acclaim from society and is accepted as contributing to the body of literature for the Way of the Strong.

  • Changed the name of the submission.
  • Removed some of the more malevolent dogma and practices.
  • Changed the origins of some practices.
  • Updated historical information to involve mentioned characters in the development of the Philosophy.
  • Included new information under "Dogma" as the "Ten virtues".
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Prophet of Bogan
Hansen Hansen

While the Historical Information is fairly lacking, all of the context and detail I would prefer to see there is already within the rest of the submission. A summary would be preferable but overall I am willing to approve this still. Very detailed and in-depth, love to see it!

Submission Name: Way of the Strong.
Link to Submission: Way of the Strong.
Reason: I've developed my understanding of the related philosophies that initially inspired the 'Way of the Strong', I'm taking the connected species in a less antagonistic role than originally envisioned so some of the material contained within the submission needs to be edited. Also bringing up the submission itself to standards, in terms of the division styling.
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