So I think I've pretty much decided on this planet having modern Earth day-like technology but the surface has been ravaged by war. There are basically two factions fighting it out down there, one really big faction (basically the main government of the entire planet) and a much smaller faction (a loosely organized resistance, basically). There is one main continent and most of the outlying cities are abandoned and excessively damaged from the fighting. The cities near the main capital are of course pristine but the further away you get the more devastation you find.
What I have in mind for right now is people going down to the surface just to scout around. They'll be given strict orders to avoid contact with the locals for the time being and are being sent simply to observe. Felicity's going to have other ideas, however, and she's going to stowaway on one of the shuttles and get separated from the group. At some point she's going to make contact with the resistance after stopping a governmental soldier from killing a young man. Faye is going to learn about Felicity's disappearance later and send out people to look for her. Meanwhile, somehow, some way (haven't worked that out yet) she's going to make contact with the planet's official government in an effort to garner supplies we will desperately need to fix the ship.
The planet's leaders are going to beseech her to help fight the resistance which she will initially refuse but Felicity's actions in assisting the resistance along with the Skywalker's need of replacement parts are going to force her hand. Felicity (and anyone with Felicity) will have seen the truth of what's happening on the planet having been to the resistance's main camp and seen what life has been like for them. Faye, on the other hand, and the majority of the Skywalker's crew are going to be fed the pro-government version of the story so there's going to be a bit of a schism amongst the ranks for a bit until that truth finally comes to light and Faye has to make a decision on which side she'll support.
Sooo, that's basically the broad overview of stuff that's going to happen so let's see how it turns out.