Aspiring Jedi
@[member="Mikhail Shorn"] @[member="Kalia Vondiranach"] @[member="Althina Bari"] @Au'Rus Rhaeyns
Teynara turned to greet the new Miralukan arrival, startled though she was by the woman's presence here. It wasn't often you got to see members of that species these days - many remained on their homeworld of Alpheridies, rarely associating with outsiders, many of whom simply could not understand that their entire race was utterly blind, at least in the physical sense. Not that it stops them perceived the world around them. She'd learned of their species as a Xenobiologist, but her understanding of them as a Jedi...that had opened up a few levels of understanding alright. She simply hadn't expected to meet one. This day's turning out to be full of surprises, she observed.
She had been about to speak when a male voice got their first, coming from behind the group of female Jedi, issuing forth a cry that made him sound as though he were a child back on a school playground, appearing out of nowhere to startle his peers. The reality here is more complicated than that, though. Teynara's initially startled reaction simply froze her still in her tracks, knowing that she hadn't registered his presence until he'd thought to reveal it to them. A trick he's played once too often, the blonde woman reflected. He's done this to us before.
Spinning around, she eyed the young man coldly, her pale-blue eyes fiery with indignation and annoyance, her usual calm slightly ruffled. Exactly the reaction he wants, she knew, berating herself mentally, but she hadn't felt able to help herself. She exhaled a soft breath and gathered her thoughts into order, her facial demeanour not changing one iota from the scowl she had adopted, but the exasperation behind it fading as reality kicked in, and a sudden realisation crossed her mind. How can he come to be here, of all places?
"You have a bad habit of sneaking into places uninvited, Mister Shorn," she said cooly, recalling his name from that brief time they had met when he had been caught sneaking into the Jedi Temple back on Coruscant. She was tempted to raise an alarm - it wasn't as though the Sith had anywhere he could go, stuck as they all were aboard this ship as it travelled through Hyperspace - but that would risk drawing away security personnel from their assigned areas, and they'd used that ruse before. "You really think you'd have better things to do with your time than harrass Jedi," Teynara remarked, her eyes narrowing slightly in visceral dislike. This one is too slick, too sure of himself, she thought. She liked that not at all.
The Jedi half-turned towards the others, gesturing towards Mikhail was a sharp motion of her hand. "Friends, this is Mikhail Shorn, a member of the Sith Empire," she noted, introducing him with a voice that made a winter on Hoth seem warm by comparison. "Our first meeting was when he attempted to infiltrate the Jedi Temple, along with some of his brothers and sisters. They killed several, sought to kidnap the Vice Chancellor and left the Temple quite the mess," the blonde added. "If you brought the Grandmaster with you," she said questioningly, looking at Kalia, "You might want to inform him that this one's here. They have a little...unfinished business," she added with a sweeter tone, smiling in the Sith's direction. See how he takes that.
Teynara turned to greet the new Miralukan arrival, startled though she was by the woman's presence here. It wasn't often you got to see members of that species these days - many remained on their homeworld of Alpheridies, rarely associating with outsiders, many of whom simply could not understand that their entire race was utterly blind, at least in the physical sense. Not that it stops them perceived the world around them. She'd learned of their species as a Xenobiologist, but her understanding of them as a Jedi...that had opened up a few levels of understanding alright. She simply hadn't expected to meet one. This day's turning out to be full of surprises, she observed.
She had been about to speak when a male voice got their first, coming from behind the group of female Jedi, issuing forth a cry that made him sound as though he were a child back on a school playground, appearing out of nowhere to startle his peers. The reality here is more complicated than that, though. Teynara's initially startled reaction simply froze her still in her tracks, knowing that she hadn't registered his presence until he'd thought to reveal it to them. A trick he's played once too often, the blonde woman reflected. He's done this to us before.
Spinning around, she eyed the young man coldly, her pale-blue eyes fiery with indignation and annoyance, her usual calm slightly ruffled. Exactly the reaction he wants, she knew, berating herself mentally, but she hadn't felt able to help herself. She exhaled a soft breath and gathered her thoughts into order, her facial demeanour not changing one iota from the scowl she had adopted, but the exasperation behind it fading as reality kicked in, and a sudden realisation crossed her mind. How can he come to be here, of all places?
"You have a bad habit of sneaking into places uninvited, Mister Shorn," she said cooly, recalling his name from that brief time they had met when he had been caught sneaking into the Jedi Temple back on Coruscant. She was tempted to raise an alarm - it wasn't as though the Sith had anywhere he could go, stuck as they all were aboard this ship as it travelled through Hyperspace - but that would risk drawing away security personnel from their assigned areas, and they'd used that ruse before. "You really think you'd have better things to do with your time than harrass Jedi," Teynara remarked, her eyes narrowing slightly in visceral dislike. This one is too slick, too sure of himself, she thought. She liked that not at all.
The Jedi half-turned towards the others, gesturing towards Mikhail was a sharp motion of her hand. "Friends, this is Mikhail Shorn, a member of the Sith Empire," she noted, introducing him with a voice that made a winter on Hoth seem warm by comparison. "Our first meeting was when he attempted to infiltrate the Jedi Temple, along with some of his brothers and sisters. They killed several, sought to kidnap the Vice Chancellor and left the Temple quite the mess," the blonde added. "If you brought the Grandmaster with you," she said questioningly, looking at Kalia, "You might want to inform him that this one's here. They have a little...unfinished business," she added with a sweeter tone, smiling in the Sith's direction. See how he takes that.