Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]

She looked at her. "It can be dangerous, the temptation of altering and doing more to the minds is something big that all who use this technique face. As jedi we have to be careful with it, battle meditation improves those you see as allies and decreases the skills of those you view as enemies." She said it while sitting there though but was relaxed and calm. "When you learned of the skill what did you believe you did? We don't have the ability to be a battery and charge up others, it would tire us out, make if anything fueling and empowering only last a few seconds. We need to move the power from somewhere and bolstering allies with the resolve the enemies had is doable. It is knowing the line from telling someone they aren't good enough to demoralize them and forcing them to give up because you are threatening them with real harm."
"Well to be honest," The padawan didn't meet the Jedi Master's gaze, her aqua eyes skittering away to stare at the snow falling. "I kinda thought, I mean I assumed, it just came from the force. I mean," she finally lifted her eyes to the Jedi's, gesturing at the lantern, lifting it into the air. "When we levitate something the energy has to come from somewhere right? I always assumed it was just the force providing us with energy, same as right now." Slowly the lantern set itself down again. "How do you do it? Know where that line is, it seems like it'd be really easy to slip and go over, too do something you'd regret, or you know I guess some people wouldn't." She bit her lip thinking it through carefully, "I can see how it would help your side if your enemies started to fail but it's scary thinking how much power we have."

[member="Sarianna Misarr"]
[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]

She tilted her head. "The force is everywhere padawan, it is in what we do here it is in our motivations and our actions. What you are thinking about right now the line is difficult to see at times. The idea of going just far enough to properly stop a threat and demotivate them can be lurry and hard but it all comes down to what you think is right. One jedi dictating their own morals upon everyone else is no better then a tyrant and shows how prideful they can be. It is the danger of having a grandmaster who is the sole one in charge. A council helps this somewhat but they have to be there to provide insight and not just agree." Sarianna had seen most councils of the jedi be stacked of recent years with those loyal to the grandmaster or master of the order so she had avoided them.... she was a battle and weapon master she didn't need worry about that... though she questioned a weapon master who only knew how to use a single blade.... dragonsflame wanted to be a battlemaster but got confused somewhere. "Just build up your moral center and do not falter from it."
A wry smile touched the Padawans lips as she slumped down slightly as she stared out at the snow. "That's a lot easier to say than it is to do isn't it? It's easy to claim that this is my moral centre, but when you're here in the calm practising that's one thing. But when you're in the middle of a fight and you can see people dying and just pushing a little bit further, taking a little more to save lives." Her blue eyes lifted to rest on the Jedi Master, "It's easy to see why people get uncomfortable around force users. Like you said, there is so much potential to be a tyrant and use your powers to set the world right in your opinion. I'm surprised more people haven't just fallen down that rabbit hole yet."

[member="Sarianna Misarr"]
[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]

"Plenty do, it is them you rarely hear about. The strongest, the ones who fall all the way through are the ones you may hear about." She sat there breathing outwardly. "And I have not seen anything my entire life. THe force shows images... flashes and outlines but faces, people.... I am ashamed to say most of you all look the same. A shimmer within the force, an echo of your life and when it is gone.... it rejoins the force and everything within the galaxy to go somewhere else." She said it but she did know some of it, she knew the dangers and was able to fel plenty of emotions when it came to connecting but he jedi master watched her. "It also helps your moral center to remember what makes you yourself. We all have darkness in us, we all have a dangerous voice saying we can do things... giving into it is what makes us different from darksiders. We can look at the power and promise and be calm, be still. THey look at it, they hear and and jump for it."
The padawan nodded, fingers tapping against her leg in thought, "Just like Jairdain right?" The girl smiled at the memory of her friend, "So everyone looks the same to you? That's not a bad thing though, our force signatures can be a whole lot more honest than people's faces. Maybe that's why you might find it easier." Her hands came up to scrub at her face, "Sometimes it's not as easy as that, sometimes even a Jedi can be tempted by the dark, or can tread the line. I've seen a few Jedi who came close to the line, or even crossed it. I guess even Jedi aren't infallible are we?"

[member="Sarianna Misarr"]
[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]

She looked at her. "I have no idea who that is but jedi are just as mortal as anyone. Prone to the same emotions and the same desires. The difference between a jedi and sith is fundamental in their approach. A jedi acknowledges their desires and seeks to improve the lifes of others around them and fulfill their needs, their wants. A sith or darksider gives in and selfishly uses them to improve their own sense of power." She reamined there and discussing this could go a long way to teaching but it wasn't something she or any of the other jedi might be certain about. The jedi herself mostly... well she didn't go for the line. She had never fopund it to be an issue even in the heat of combat. Her ideas and thoughts were for trying to motivate and help others.
[member="Sarianna Misarr"]

"It sounds like there's a lot of pressure on Jedi to go ahead and keep doing the right thing. Sometimes I just have to wonder, if I just did this then I know it'd help everyone in the long term, even if they don't see it. Like with Battle meditation, if I just steal a little emotion from the soldiers they'll be able to fight better, listen to me more leads to I know attacking this objective is best, even if they don't see it yet. Even if you're trying to help someone that's not always the best action you can take." The use of the force or more importantly when not to use the force had become an increasing thought that echoed around the girl's head. One she kept coming back to time and time again, a fear driven by a touch with the dark side. A fear she might slip herself and end up abusing he power she'd been born with.
[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]

"Well fearing or having doubts about it won't aid you. It might not be the best advice padawan but you are a jedi, you are going to have to make the tough decisions. THis is what you are, there is no hanging it up at the end of the day. You don't have the benefit of clocking off like it is a job." There was a look on her face though now and she knew that wasn't always true.. mostly because other jedi gladly retired from the life to go back to their planets but... she had found that to be.... strange and went against the fundamentals of the jedi way. You could have things within the order you just didn't have excess, you could be with others in the order you just needed to know control. "While some jedi abandon their duties and retire to other worlds so they can come and go as they please. If that is what yo want then I"d say this is the wrong place for you even though others might disagree."

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