Ashlan Remnant
Location: Isolated Moon Resort, beach
Objectives: do nothing for once
Tag: Naivia Neryn
"If we met? You aren't going to tell me that I currently have my arm around some force projection or something like that are you?" She laughed, almost a little tired of force users and their tricks and just wanting the be a normal girl and have a friend.least if you and I met
"Maybe I just drank too much or bumped my head whilst surfing?"
Isla gave Naivia a friendly squeeze before flipping her leg over the sun lounger, lifting her knee and resting her foot behind the girls back. So now she was facing Naivia who sad side in between her legs. She smiled and thought about what she said. "Openness has never been a strong suite of mine, there is ways a girl, or woman is supposed to behave, but you know what, sometimes I wish I wasn't me, I wish I was a nobody. I know that is silly because live such a privileged life, but it's hard, and it's lonely. You are the first person who has just chatted to me, and not Admiral Draellix in such a long time."
She blushed a little at how much she was talking. But the sunshine, the cocktails and having someone just ask her about herself was pulling her in an unusual direction, she looked at the girl, trying to judge if she was saying too much. Isla was not shy, but she felt very self conscious suddenly, she had said similar things to Demici in the past, but that was in his role as a leader and mentor, not a friend.
"So how about you then? Do you desire anything? Are you content with a wandering life or is there something you are searching for?" her answer for what her type was, as expected was interestingly descriptive but also vague, maybe she could encourage her to be more specific. "OK, challenge for you, in less than five words, tell me your biggest desire?