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Peace in our Time (Jedi Council/Republic Senators)

Open Letter to the Jedi Council [copies dessiminated to select Republic Senators for their perusal]

Esteemed Masters of Jedi Council.

In the past our two Orders have been at odds with each other, at some points these disagreements have taken violent and unexpected turns. Through meditation on the Force, we have determined that this is not the ideal path to peace between our peoples. Should this proceed, it could potentially lead to all out war and the unnecessary deaths of millions of innocents.

To this end, we are extending our hand in peace. We are prepared to put aside our personal differences and work together in the hopes of establishing a better understanding between your people and ours. We are willing to set aside our personal animosity and work for the greater good.

We are prepared to send a delegation to meet with yours to discuss the following matters in greater detail:
a. Mutual recognition and bonds of respect between our two orders.
b. Establishment of accords of peace and opening an exchange of knowledge and training in the ways of the Force.
c. Ending the open hostility and targeted removal of high ranking members of each respective orders.

To wit, we are prepared to send a delegation of representatives to meet with yours on neutral ground so that we might discuss this matter further and hopeful establish a new accord with the hope of fostering a new enlightenment and peace.

We respectfully await your reply.

Your most humble companion in the Force.

Daxton Bane,
Wayfinder of the Order of Seekers.

@Alena Beswin, @Chora Ike, @Aliannah S. del D. Filia @Jack Sparrow
@Yusan Fenn, @Jack Harkness @Darron Wraith
Yusan looked over the letter as he sat within the Supreme Chancellor's office. It was a peculiar thing the letter. It seemed that the Templar Order in the Confederacy of Independent Systems wanted a meeting with the Jedi Order and he had been one of the choice few senators to receive a copy himself. With a grin he looked up at @[member="Jack Harkness"] and spoke. "Well, what do you think of this, do you think the CIS' force users are truly looking for peace with the Jedi Order and from the sounds of it possible integration of the Order's teachings?" @[member="Daxton Bane"]

Jack Sheltrak

Senator of Zeltros, Former Supreme Chancellor
Harkness sat in the chair and dear god he now understood why people ran for Chancellor... This chair was amazing and so defined. It had wonderful lumbar support, swiveled and best of all buttons to call in aids if you needed something. He was certain if he had this on zeltros he would never leave but it helped to read the letter. The templars wanted to meet with some senators and the jedi... Interesting but not unheard of. Last time the CIS and Republic dealt the Shepard had been handed over. Not something he wanted a repeat of cause they didn't have anything worth trading or handing over... Well except his vices swinging codd but that was only for jokes and private meetings.

"This is interesting to say the least, I don't know enough about jedi teachings to see if they will mesh well with the templars but I do know the order has several cousin orders in the galaxy. Similar teachings and beliefs perhaps this could become one but it would be better to actually get a proper opinion. We'll make sure the jedi have gotten the message and see what they say. If anyone goes to meet them I want every precaution taken to ensure we don't have a repeat of last time dealing with the CIS. Understood Yusan?" With a look at it he sent the message to the contact information he had the rolodex from the last chancellor on the large desk plus the grandmaster. "Grandmaster @[member="Selena Halcyon"] and @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] this is Supreme chancellor Harkness, we have received a message from the Templars order a Daxton Bane. I was hoping someone in your order had information on him or had met him to verify if he is honorable."


Aliannah was in the Supreme Chancellor's office too. She had always wanted to maintain good relationships with other galactic organizations, so when she heard about the letter, she immediately signed up to see it too. And now she was in the Chancellor's office reading the letter sent by a Templar called Daxton Bane. Unfortunately, she didn't know anyone by that name, so she decided to listen to @[member="Jack Harkness"] and @[member="Yusan Fenn"]. Although she would've wanted to say something, she decided to wait until the meeting starts. Since the Jedi Order was the one the letter was actually sent to, she felt like they will be coming to the meeting too.

Aliannah played with her hair while she thought about the letter. She leaned towards Yusan Fenn and asked from her: "What is your personal opinion on it?" Yusan seemed to be a bit older and wiser, so she hoped he will give her something to think about. But she wasn't sure. After all, Aliannah was used to representing her homesystem's opinions, so now that these questions came which needed a bit more personal opinion, she was unsure.
@[member="Aliannah S. del D. Filia"] @[member="Jack Harkness"] @[member="Daxton Bane"]

"Its a good idea that will bring the Jedi order closer to the CIS' Templars. The flip side is the possible threat of infiltration and or insurrection." He set down his datapad and looked up at the ceiling as he leaned back. "But, this will bring the Republic and the CIS closer if it truly is good purposes that the Templar Order is doing this for..." He started to grind his teeth lightly as he thought over the predicament. "If it isnt too much trouble i would like to come along if you go to this meeting Grandmaster @[member="Selena Halcyon"] and Master @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"], im interested to see this in person should your order meet with the Templars."
Josh raised an eyebrow as his datapad went off, curious about the call... Course, he wasn't doing anything important. Just getting the dry cleaning for his new robes. He'd just gotten home actually when it went off, so as he hung up his robes, he flopped onto the couch and turned it on.

"Grandmaster @Selena Halcyon and @Joshua DragonsFlame this is Supreme chancellor Harkness, we have received a message from the Templars order a Daxton Bane. I was hoping someone in your order had information on him or had met him to verify if he is honorable." was the first thing he heard, coming from the new Supreme Chancellor @[member="Jack Harkness"].

But regardless of the familiar face in the call, Josh thought back to his encounter with one Daxton Bane....

"Bloody hell..." he finally spoke. "Bane... Bane... Ah, him! Templar Master, kind of funny looking? Has those doc ock arms? Once entered Coruscant and started a massive brawl with several Jedi, Sith and others, and attacked my Padawan with his arm things?" he asked. Ah yes, his experiences with Bane weren't good. But he was willing to put that aside for the sake of peace.

"I can't say for sure if he's honorable, sadly" he admitted, sighing. "But if you need someone to meet with him to see about this... Well, I'm your man" he said.


Aliannah listened to @[member="Yusan Fenn"]'s opinon and nodded. Well, he was right, actually. Aliannah was still not sure about her own opinion, but the man had just helped her a bit. "Chancellor @[member="Jack Harkness"], Jedi Master @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"], my fellow senator Yusan Fenn, is it a problem if I would also come with you?" She wanted to help their friends Jedi. And since she had studied diplomacy, she knew a bit about how to talk with people like that. So she hoped they would allow her to come with them.
Patiently the Wayfinder of the Seekers waited for the official reply to his inquiry to the Jedi Council, after all to assuage their fears he gave them first choice of the neutral meeting ground. Seemingly a tactical error on his part, he had no need to prepare traps or ambushes, since his intention was clear as he had stated. He and some other templars would come to talk.

At first he tried to convince the council that he go alone, least of all risk an ambush in turn and losing more than one master but the insult on Roon was not so easily forgotten. Several of the masters virtually insisted they would come. So as not to turn this into a walking parade of CIS Force might, he decided to choose two others to accompany him, based on their gift for diplomacy and tact, something many claim he was in sore deficit of.

Planning to take one of the Templar transport shuttles, this was clearly a diplomatic mission for all concerned. The Sith Lord was considering foregoing his usual shiny trademarked battle gear for the simple green and purple robes that he wore during leisure time. He had made the first move, the next step was in the Jedi's hands. Would they accept and inform them where the meeting would take place, or would they be blinded by hate and refuse all together......

@Alena Beswin, @Chora Ike, @Aliannah S. del D. Filia @Jack Sparrow @Yusan Fenn, @Jack Harkness @Darron Wraith
A video message arrived at the Jedi Temple addressed to both Grandmaster @Selena Halcyon and @Joshua DragonsFlame.

Upon activation, it would show the image of a cowled templar sitting on a rather simple leather chair. Although his eyes were hidden beneath the shadow of his hood, he spoke with a clear indication of authority. Pressing two leather clad palms together he began to speak.

"Azkaram, Peace and May the Force be with you. I pray this missive finds you in good health and spirits. My name is Daxton Bane, Wayfinder of the Order of Seekers. It has come to my attention that my original proposal has been forwarded to your good offices. We are looking forward to hear your response. The CIS delegation is ready to leave on the first available ship to the location of your choosing where we can discuss this matter in detail. We do hope that representatives from your Senate can be present as well so that the non Force Users may also have a voice in the proceedings. We do hope that this would bring more peace and understanding between our peoples. We continue to await word with uttermost eagerness. Your most humble companion in the Force."

Now all the Jedi needed to do was designate a neutral ground of their choosing and the negotiations could commence.

@Selena Halcyon @Joshua DragonsFlame
@Alena Beswin, @Chora Ike, @Aliannah S. del D. Filia @Jack Sparrow @Yusan Fenn, @Jack Harkness @Darron Wraith
Josh watched the Holotape with interest, his arms folded and his ears perked and listening carefully.

He nodded off as he watched. Once it ended, he looked over at Grandmaster @[member="Selena Halcyon"], who assumedly would be nearby to see it as well, with a curious look.

"What do you suppose happens now, Grandmaster?" The Jedi Master asked curiously.

@[member="Daxton Bane"]
Selena pinched her nose and closed her eyes after she watched the holovid. She had read the letter but had set it aside for far more important matters. Really the entire matter seemed like an enormous waste of time due to the fact that no actual hostilities were going on. However, problems could exist she supposed. "I guess we meet with them." She said with a slight sigh. Not so much from not liking the idea but from just being tired.

@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
Josh took a breath, nodding slowly.

"Then so be it" the Jedi Master said calmly. "You want to be the one to contact Bane and set up a meeting place?" he asked, looking over at Selena again. "Somewhere on neutral ground would be wise. Not Republic territory, not CIS territory... Somewhere fair and unbiased" he suggested.

"Even though.... I didn't even realize there were problems between the Templars and Jedi" Josh mused, blinking. "Hell, we WORKED with the Templars on Ryloth back when I was the Knight on the Council, leading an operation there. But if Daxton Bane thinks we have a problem.... To be quite honest, Grandmaster, it's best we answer and try to defuse it best we can, before he possibly does something rash and destructive like attacking Coruscant.... Again"

@[member="Selena Halcyon"]
Had she not just said that they would meet? Selena was not entirely sure what Joshua was trying to get at given that she had already said that they would meet with the Templars. Though he did seem to highlight why she thought it was tedious. Word was already being sent to the templar's that they would meet, and she intended for a number of council members to be there as well. "The darkside does exist in their order, caution will be advised." She said to the other councilman.

((I'm saying we just use an unnamed space station in between CIS and Rep space. It is just simpler))
(I misunderstood that she had already contacted them for the meeting, didn't see that part. My bad. I think we can timeskip to a certain point now, where they've arrived)

@[member="Selena Halcyon"]
@[member="Daxton Bane"]
Upon receiving the Jedi reply to his missive, Daxton quickly made arrangements to meet with his fellow Templars and share with them the good news. The days to the appointed meeting passed rather quickly and soon the Templars were arriving at the space station as their ship exited from hyperspace.

Daxton was not wearing his usual suit of protective body armor, instead the Zabrak was wearing a rather simple robe of dark emerald green over a royal purple utilitarian flight suit. He choose to forgo flashy jewelry choosing instead to wear a single jade ring on his left hand and all seeing eye seal of the seekers hanging from a silver chain around his neck. With a visible reluctance he turned to his two companions and said, "Thank you for coming with me on this mission, it means a great deal to me and I hope would usher in a new chapter in our relations with the Jedi. I have but one last request before we proceed." Taking his lightsabers from his belt, he handed two to Feena and one to Kara and said, "As long as I am armed, they would greet my words with suspicion and distrust. Because you put your trust in me, I would be honored if you allow me to return that trust in kind. Please hold on to my weapons for the duration of the talks. Help me show them that there is more to us than what blind propaganda would have them believe."

Daxton paused and hoped that his companions would understand why he needed to go unarmed and that he was putting his complete trust in them to protect him since he was technically now helpless.

Given the fact, that Daxton intentionally invited representatives from the Senate to attend the proceedings he had estimated that their would be great fanfare and pomp. This would probably be the last time he could speak to his fellow templar in private before they would be under the microscope of scrutiny.

@Feena Mason, @Kara Avoyos, @Selena Halcyon, @Joshua DragonsFlame
@Alena Beswin, @Chora Ike, @Aliannah S. del D. Filia, @Jack Sparrow, @Yusan Fenn, @Jack Harkness, @Darron Wraith
Fanfare and pomp was not the style of the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order. It looked terrible, and it was always unwise for senators. As Grandmaster she had seen to it that security would eliminate any sort of threats that came with that. It was a reason she did not like meeting on neutral ground. She knew her people and trusted her people. Meeting in Republic territory was secure and posed no immediate threat to any delegates. Going elsewhere was always a risk. If she had not been a Jedi, even coming to this meeting would have been a difficult decision. As it stood though she could protect herself and the other Jedi here were capable of handling themselves, and the other delegates would be well protected by them as well.

Her robes were simple, a pristine white. The color was the only thing that really made her standout among other Jedi. She was as young as most of the other masters if not younger and of moderate height. Nothing about her screamed that she was the Grandmaster. Except, perhaps, the focus on her eyes and the poise with which she walked. Each step measured and even. Her back perfectly straight. The lightsaber that hung at her waist was not even all that exceptional. A simple silver tube. It was made with a longer hilt, about the same length of a saberstaff, but it did not carry much in the way of any ornate work. She was a paragon of simplicity.

As her eyes soaked in information about the meeting place she watched for threats but also looked for anything that could aid them. The entire meeting stank to her really. No conflict existed between the Templars and the Jedi as she could tell from the reports. Daxton was a former Sith who had quite the record to him. It marked him a darksider. Corrupted. Untrustworthy. Redemption was possible but that was dependent upon willingness to change. Little seemed to indicate that about Daxton. Still, she would listen.
Josh wasn't a fan of meeting on neutral ground, but he knew it would be necessary to provide the setting that the environment was fair on both sides. If they met on one of the others territory, SOMEONE would complain, for sure. It just. Wasn't. Worth it.

Josh wore his Doshi Robes, with the Magnus Armor under them. Not that he overcaked himself in case of problems at the meeting, he just wore this everywhere, he didn't see the use of changing attire for a meeting. His lightsaber, basically a silver tube with a rather unique looking hilt, resembling that of a greatsword's, hung on his belt. With Selena, he relaxed and took in what he could.

But something was digging at him... The CIS and the Republic didn't have issues, and as far as he knew, neither did the Templar and Jedi Orders. They had worked together flawlessly on Ryloth without much incident between them. The strangest part of this was the fact it was Daxton calling this meeting... He didn't have to spell out his history with the former Sith. He didn't trust him. He didn't trust him as far as he could throw him. Of course, with his strength he could probably throw Daxton pretty far... So maybe that figure of speech wasn't best.
Neutral ground to discuss neutrality. How ground breaking.

Being a member of the council, Kiskla had also been a recipient of @[member="Daxton Bane"]'s suggestion. That being said, she had volunteered to accompany the order's Grandmaster @[member="Selena Halcyon"] and fellow Master @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] to meet Bane on diplomatic grounds. Her two cents, she figured, could prove worth hearing. It was a curious offer, coming from someone so deeply embedded in the darkside, and it was her innate curiosity that truly motivated her participation in today's events.

Of course, there were a pile of reasons to be dubious in regards to the situation. If Admiral Ackbar were alive today, he'd insist this was not a route anyone would want to go, and that they should turn back. It's a trap.
But Kiskla had her own understanding of the eternal struggle between light and dark, and in company with the other two masters, she was slightly intrigued by the situation. Only time would reveal what it was that the darksider, Daxton, would want from this meeting.
Flanked by his companions, the Wayfinder of the Seekers almost looked naked without his shiny armor. Anyone who had encountered him in the past would probably do a double take when seeing the Zabrak. Thick blastshield doors opened to allow the trio access to the room where the negotiations were to take place.

Daxton strode towards his position as lead of the delegation, nodding silently with respect to the other force users present as well as the representatives of their respective governments. A single droid rolled in with them and set itself up in the corner to record the proceedings for the records of the Templars.

Rising to his feet, he bowed politely once more towards his opposite number, before clearing his throat and addressing the group. "Thank you for considering my request and agreeing to this meeting. My name is Daxton Bane, Wayfinder of the Order of Templar Seekers. Some of you may know me, either we have crossed blades in the past or perhaps you have heard stories about me. In all likelihood you know me as a powerful Force User steeped in the Dark Side. That is true, I make no excuses or apologies for my choice in life. Yet I came before you unarmed with a proposal that bodes peace and promise for Force Users in both our respective areas."

"In the past, there have been multiple instances where members of the Jedi order and myself and my followers have come to blows over differences of opinion resulting in the destruction of property and loss of life and limbs. To wit, I have on occassion personally gone out of my way to seek out certain members of your Council who I feel have wronged me."

"In the past year, I have been meditating on the Force and I see the error and dangers following this path could lead to should steps not be taken to correct them."

"To this end, I am proposing ceasing the hostility between the Jedi Council and their followers and the Templar Order especially the Dark Side Faction as well as all my students and followers. We are formally prepared to recognize the legal authority of the Jedi Council in Republic Space and in return we are asking for full recognition of the our legal authority in Confederacy Space. To wit, each respective orders by laws and regulations would have impact in their respective areas."

"Furthermore, we seek formal recognition of the Temple of the Jedi on Coruscant and the Templar Facility on Roon as official neutral grounds. No hostile actions may be engaged by either factions members in the said grounds, this includes assassination, kidnapping and other possible acts considered hostile to person or property. We seek recognition and permission to expose and cross train force users in all aspects of the Force, to include education, training and council should be that their desire without bounds or limits."

"Each side would allow the other to build chapter houses to house and care for respective members. Any would be welcome provided that they agree to be subject to and adhere to the local laws. Should they violate said laws they would be held responsible for said crimes and no force user would be given special treatment putting them above the law."

"However, we do recognize the vagaries of politics and the possibility of war between our two factions as a distinct possibility in the near future. Such is the nature of things and we do not expect it to change. However we do wish to limit the possible loss of life for our fellow Force Users no matter which side they are on."

"Should either side encounter an opposing Force User in dire straits and under threat of death or dismemberment, said aggrieved party may surrender without prejudice to the care of the other. Should this be done, the force user who surrenders would be considered a prisoner of war for the duration of the conflict. Provided that they do not attempt to escape or conduct sabotage, they will be accorded full rights and not be subject to interrogation, mental or physical, or experimentation. Furthermore, said surrenderee cannot be sold to slavery or have their alien rights curtailed save for freedom. Any attempt to escape or cause harm to their capture negates these rights for the duration of the conflict. Once hostilities have ceased, the Force User as well as their personal weapons and armor would be returned to the nearest Templar or Jedi Facility."

"Our goal is curtail the unnecessary loss of life and expand our understanding of the ways of the Force. We humbly await for your response to our proposal." And with that he sat down and waited for the questions that were sure to come.

@Feena Mason, @Kara Avoyos, @Selena Halcyon, @Joshua DragonsFlame
@Alena Beswin, @Chora Ike, @Aliannah S. del D. Filia, @Jack Sparrow, @Yusan Fenn, @Jack Harkness, @Darron Wraith

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