Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Peace in our Time (Jedi Council/Republic Senators)

(Insert quote thing that didn't work here. Editing to fix)

Rising to his feet, he bowed politely once more towards his opposite number, before clearing his throat and addressing the group. "Thank you for considering my request and agreeing to this meeting. My name is Daxton Bane, Wayfinder of the Order of Templar Seekers. Some of you may know me, either we have crossed blades in the past or perhaps you have heard stories about me. In all likelihood you know me as a powerful Force User steeped in the Dark Side. That is true, I make no excuses or apologies for my choice in life. Yet I came before you unarmed with a proposal that bodes peace and promise for Force Users in both our respective areas."

At "either we have crossed blades in the past or" Josh gave Daxton a little joking wave with a grin. At the "Dark side" bit, Josh thought to himself "Noooooo, really? I never would have guessed"

When Daxton said he was unarmed, Josh's lip twitch. He wanted to burst out laughing. He didn't, due to the professionalism needed for meetings like this, but inside Josh was having a giggling fit. Unarmed? No, simply weapon-less. He was armed.... Had arms all over hidden in his bleeding body. Or were those electric tentacles? He didn't know. He'd seen enough.... Stuff..... To know that tentacles were bad business though.

Daxton Bane said:
"In the past, there have been multiple instances where members of the Jedi Order and myself and my followers have come to blows over differences of opinion resulting in the destruction of property and loss of life and limbs. To wit, I have on occasion personally gone out of my way to seek out certain members of your Council who I feel have wronged me."
Josh had to stop himself from facepalming here. No, really? You attacked us on Coruscant, for practically no reason, he thought to himself. Well, at least he was being somewhat upfront and honest... Well, not if you count the unarmed part.

(Okay, I give up on using the quotes format. I'm going to use quotation marks for what Daxton is saying, maybe change the color. The quotes feature isn't working XD)

"In the past year, I have been meditating on the Force and I see the error and dangers following this path could lead to should steps not be taken to correct them."

"I didn't realize we had problems to begin with, besides you attacking us awhile back..." he thought to himself. Seriously, why were they having this meeting? He could understand if Daxton himself wanted to apologize for being a blighter, but the whole Templar Order? Far as he knew, they were friends. Or, close enough anyway.

"To this end, I am proposing ceasing the hostility between the Jedi Council and their followers and the Templar Order especially the Dark Side Faction as well as all my students and followers. We are formally prepared to recognize the legal authority of the Jedi Council in Republic Space and in return we are asking for full recognition of the our legal authority in Confederacy Space. To wit, each respective orders by laws and regulations would have impact in their respective areas."

He raised an eyebrow at this proposal. Again. WHAT. HOSTILITY.

Of course, this idea didn't effect him at all, besides maybe keeping Doc Ock from attacking Coruscant. Anytime he'd been on CIS planets, he had followed their laws peacefully and respectfully. This changed nothing for him, and he doubted it changed much for the Order in general. But if it got the Templars to behave on visits to Republic space, he saw no problem.

"Furthermore, we seek formal recognition of the Temple of the Jedi on Coruscant and the Templar Facility on Roon as official neutral grounds. No hostile actions may be engaged by either factions members in the said grounds, this includes assassination, kidnapping and other possible acts considered hostile to person or property. We seek recognition and permission to expose and cross train force users in all aspects of the Force, to include education, training and council should be that their desire without bounds or limits."

If Josh was eating popcorn, which he wished he was up until this point, or sipping a drink, which he, before this point, wished he'd brought, he'd have spit one out and spilled the other by accident. The neutral grounds bit was a tad outrageous, but he didn't see too much of an issue if both sides kept their end.

Cross-training... He doubted that would work. Their Orders were just too different morally, their codes were too different. It would be chaotic.

"Each side would allow the other to build chapter houses to house and care for respective members. Any would be welcome provided that they agree to be subject to and adhere to the local laws. Should they violate said laws they would be held responsible for said crimes and no force user would be given special treatment putting them above the law."

Chapter... Houses? What was this about exactly? He tilted his head suspiciously as he listened...

"However, we do recognize the vagaries of politics and the possibility of war between our two factions as a distinct possibility in the near future. Such is the nature of things and we do not expect it to change. However we do wish to limit the possible loss of life for our fellow Force Users no matter which side they are on."

At this one, Josh again almost burst out laughing. The possibility of war between their two factions? They were blasted ALLIES, weren't they? They were on good terms with the CIS, and Josh was looking forward to working with them. What was all of this about?

"Should either side encounter an opposing Force User in dire straits and under threat of death or dismemberment, said aggrieved party may surrender without prejudice to the care of the other. Should this be done, the force user who surrenders would be considered a prisoner of war for the duration of the conflict. Provided that they do not attempt to escape or conduct sabotage, they will be accorded full rights and not be subject to interrogation, mental or physical, or experimentation. Furthermore, said surrenderee cannot be sold to slavery or have their alien rights curtailed save for freedom. Any attempt to escape or cause harm to their capture negates these rights for the duration of the conflict. Once hostilities have ceased, the Force User as well as their personal weapons and armor would be returned to the nearest Templar or Jedi Facility."

This part made Josh raise an eyebrow, but he didn't speak out against it or decide on it just yet. If it was a topic of concern, @[member="Selena Halcyon"] would handle it... He hoped. Her methods lately were concerning to him, so there was cause for concern there....

"Our goal is curtail the unnecessary loss of life and expand our understanding of the ways of the Force. We humbly await for your response to our proposal." And with that he sat down and waited for the questions that were sure to come.

Josh took his appointed seat at this, and just let Halcyon do the talking. Where was Admiral Ackbar when you needed him?

@[member="Daxton Bane"]
@[member="Kiskla Grayson"]
@[member="Selena Halcyon"]
@[member="Jack Harkness"]
@[member="Yusan Fenn"]
@[member="Aliannah S. del D. Filia"]
Skeptical was the word to describe how Kiskla had felt when she had received @[member="Daxton Bane"]'s letter. Skeptical was how she felt when hearing Daxton Bane's speech.

What world did he live in? Were not many of these terms already met? This meeting should be acquitted for it was in selfish, self-preservation that the dark sider spoke.

Why, it has been hardly any time since one of the Templar's council members was training in the Jedi temple on Coruscant. There had been no animosity between the for he users; none that Bane alluded to.

And did he expect them to kiss his feet for granting them the audience of speaking with a dark sider? She did it all the time. Whoop dee diddle doo.

Still. She listened politely.

Say 'to wit' one more time.

Unfortunately for Kiskla, she wasn't aware of the hunts Daxton had executed for Jedi council members. But more and more, this sounded personal. Did the Confederacy even know about this meeting? Her light eyes glanced about the room to confirm her suspicions.
They weren't there, and the droid didn't seem to be relaying any sort of holo signal.

Caring for each other? Apparently the self-titled wayfinder wasn't in tune with the Jedi's creed; they'd not attack anyone (on their soil or not) who was unarmed or suffering from an ailment. If they did, well, there were bigger concerns.

"I'm sorry, Master Templar," Kiskla interjected, holding up an insistent palm to further validate her potential objection."I'm just seeking clarification. But you're speaking of paving a peaceful path between both of our factions, yet say you cannot change the outcome about a threat of war between us?" Her facial expression revealed nothing but her utter displeasure. "Vagaries or not, that would be the responsibility of politics. To uphold your treaty."

Honestly, there would be little reason to pursue the zabrak's offer if he already had one foot out the door.

@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
@[member="Selena Halcyon"]
@Jack Harkness
@Yusan Fenn
@Aliannah S. del D. Filia
Turning to consult his companions for an moment, Daxton waited for either @[member="Feena Mason"] or @[member="Kara Avoyos"] to mention any possible warning before addressing the current speaker.

"Might I have the pleasure of knowing who I am addressing? I simply wish to avoid any implied rudeness should I fail to address you by your proper station before I answer your inquiry." Daxton paused to listen to the blonde woman's reply, his orange and gold eyes unblinking as they seemed to bore into the subject of his interest, just like a spider as it contemplated a juicy fly trapped in its web.

@Feena Mason, @Kara Avoyos, @Selena Halcyon, @Joshua DragonsFlame @Kiskla Grayson
@Alena Beswin, @Chora Ike, @Aliannah S. del D. Filia, @Jack Sparrow, @Yusan Fenn, @Jack Harkness, @Darron Wraith
She assumed he would have had all their credentials on file, considering he'd been the one to issue the request. It would only be polite.
The pleasure she was sure.

"Jedi Master Kiskla Grayson." Kiskla obliged, although curious to his resigned position. It didn't matter if @[member="Daxton Bane"] were addressing a Padawan or Grandmaster. They all were members of The Order he so wished to align with and therefore all deserved answers to their queries.
Nodding slightly to acknowledge her reply, he smiled once more before replying. "Jedi Master Grayson. I am pleased to finally meet you face to face. Although if you do not mind me saying, your holos do you no justice. Yes, you spoke the truth. For now our factions are at peace, allies even. But we are not naive to think that situation would last forever, just like nothing truly lasts forever. The winds of politics ebb and tide, we may be allies now, but do you have foresight to say that situation would remain the same, five, ten, twenty years from now? Can you honestly tell me that we would be friends forever?"

"We recognize this possible scenario can exist within the realm of possibility and have taken steps here, today, to minimize the loss of life and limb as much as possible should we ever find ourselves in that kind of situation. A wise man once said, an ounce of prevention is better than any cure, because once the milk is spilled, there is no point in crying."

@Feena Mason, @Kara Avoyos, @Selena Halcyon, @Joshua DragonsFlame @Kiskla Grayson
@Alena Beswin, @Chora Ike, @Aliannah S. del D. Filia, @Jack Sparrow, @Yusan Fenn, @Jack Harkness, @Darron Wraith
Kiskla dismissed the compliment without further adieu. Unaffected by his charm, Kiskla offered a twitch of the corners of her lips, a brief smile before they both returned to the subject at hand. Once again, @[member="Daxton Bane"] was speaking of time as if it were the enemy. She was aware the Templars and the Jedi were at a status of tolerance because she had been with one of the Templar's council membars but weeks ago. Unless the ebb and flow of time had been so rapid so as to drown out all reason in it's tidal uproar, she was sure there was still no necessity to draw attention to the situation.

"Unless something were to strain that relationship," Kiskla suggested, her tone coy as she held the Zabrak's cold gaze. "From our standpoint, we're not an Order to tread on toes, especially those who's feet walk with us." Speaking of stepping on any toes, the idea had not been forefront for her. Should she have waited for @[member="Selena Halcyon"] to speak first?
Then again, patience would be out of character.

"Forgive my continued ignorance, but what worry has prompted you to come forth about this alliance that has been happily unspoken for so long? Why now, do you feel the need to have a meeting to agree that things are still affable between us?" Her expression was unrevealing, despite her curious intonations.

"You're stressing the importance of time. Do you have a feeling some of yours is running out?" She paused, realizing that perhaps her aversion to his suggestions was going to put them in a situation of unsettlement. Quickly, she added in her position on this meeting, to couple her questonnaire.

"Like yourself, Master Templar, I don't want to leave here adversaries. I'm just as keen as you are to maintain peace between our factions. I'm just hoping to uncover where your sense of urgency comes from, so that we may address it. I ask because my affiliations within the Federation haven't spoken of any concerns between us."

@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
Josh smiled a bit as his fellow Jedi Master figuratively beat Daxton's words with a bat. He was happy someone decided to speak their mind on this, although he figured it would have been Grandmaster @[member="Selena Halcyon"], or possibly even himself if this ran for too long.

As she kept going, Josh seemed amused at how silly Kiskla was making this meeting seem. And she was right. Why now, of all times?

He gave Grayson a small appreciative smile as she finished, then turned his attention to Kiskla's opponent in this little game of diplomatic chess.

Your move.

@[member="Kiskla Grayson"]
@[member="Daxton Bane"]
Daxton's lips curled in a smile that would have done a cobra proud, although his voice was calm and honeyed, there was no mistaking the underlying hint of danger as well. "Are they truly as affable as you think they are? If you would indulge me I will explain what I mean. The trouble began some time ago when I was affiliated with the Sith Empire. I was in possession of a rare artifact when then Jedi Master Ben Watts engaged me in combat. Although he failed to defeat me, since I am still obviously still here, it has poisoned the relationship between myself and your order. Since that time I had amassed more knowledge and skill and passed some of it to my students, including my viritol for anything to do with the Jedi. Still I was not satisfied, in fact, let the records show that I have attempted on multiple times to draw out Jedi Watts to open combat, each time he refused and in the wake of those refusals lives were lost or destroyed unnecessarily. Recent records would indicate that I was on Coruscant recently, in fact, I do believe I crossed blades with some of the Jedi Masters present, if not their students, and if any were hurt during the fracas I do apologize for that. That being said, there comes a time when enough blood has been spilled and its time to try and mend the bridges. That is why I asked for this meeting."

"Through my meditations in the Force, I have gained a different appreciation and understanding of time. Pardon me but do you have the gift of Foresight? If you do, then you will know everyone's time runs out eventually, faster than sands of Tantooine flowing between your fingers. Its what you do with the time you have left that determines your legacy. This is part of the legacy I wish to leave behind. A way where Force Users of opposing philosophies can meet and exchange knowledge peacefully without it necessarily coming to blows. We have done it in our order, and we have succeeded, now the next step is to extend it on more galactic scale. Isn't this a dream worth reaching for?"

@Joshua DragonsFlame

@Kiskla Grayson
And the cracks in the armor begin to show.

"So this isn't some unnecessary peace thing between the Templars and Jedi, which before this I thought were already allies, and if not, then I'm sure the rest of the Council would agree with me when I say we would be happy to mend that issue, if we were misinformed" he said gently.

"Mr. Bane... Also, please don't patronize me and say you're unarmed. I know you have six or eight" he said with a slight smile. "I never forget. Oh! And speaking of that ex Padawan, can you shock him harder next time? I didn't think "treason" was a term constantly in his mind. Guess that was a Knight mistake for me to trust the kid" he jibbed, smirking a bit.

"But back on topic, Mr. Bane... Or Master Bane, if that is the courtesy that your higher ups in your Order prefer... This sounds less like a meeting for the Templar Order and its mending bridges, and moreso a mending bridges meeting for Daxton Bane.

His lips twitched into a smile. "Why didn't you just say so?"

@[member="Daxton Bane"]
@[member="Kiskla Grayson"]
Got you, Daxton thought softly to himself. Rolling up the sleeves of his robes to show he wasn't wearing any armor underneath the simple robes he wore. He replied, "I know it is hard to believe that I would go willingly unarmed but it is true. In fact, I am willing to undergo any sort of weapons scan you have present to prove that fact. I was advised not to do so by my esteemed colleagues, but I figured that some measure of trust would be needed. The Jedi gave their word and if this peace is to have any meaning, I have to trust you would keep it."

Daxton was confident he would pass the scans, since he was literally without any weapons. True he could still tap into the Force as was necessary but that was a totally different story. As hard as it would be for them to believe, he was actually 'unarmed'.

"Pardon me if I gave the wrong impression. But among the Templar I seat among the Masters, and I answer only to one person. That person is with me today. Mistress @[member="Feena Mason"] gave me permission to end the feud and seek a higher understanding between our groups. In the interests of peace and perservation of life for Force Users in the long run. Just like there are sub groups within the Jedi, each assigned with a specific tasks suitable for their skills, we too have the same. I am the leader of the Seekers, the pursuers of knowledge. In the long run, our goals could be more efficiently reached if there is no hostility, no matter how latent, between us. Don't you agree?"

@Joshua DragonsFlame
@Kiskla Grayson
From the depths of hyperspace surged forth a second shuttle of Confederate origin, one that, after being checked...double checked...and triple checked by the station's scanners, was given permission to dock. There was but a single passenger: the young Master known as Josiah Denko. This meeting was almost historic, one where the Jedi and Templars could sit together and discuss...whatever the kark it was that Daxton was going on about. Regardless, Josiah would have been remiss to be absent from this meeting and had sent his apprentice @[member="Kara Avoyos"] along with the initial shuttle in preparation if he was not able to make it. Simply put, the duties that came with attempting to bring civil order to worlds as uncivilized as Tatooine were daunting; and each day was filled with arrests, gunfights, and other events which consumed the time of the young Master like a hungry bantha.

But, only a few minutes after the meeting had begun, the Justiciar of the Templar Rangers arrived, garbed in a relatively simple attire. A dark, green cloak, similar to that of the Jedi, hung upon his shoulders and underneath was a sleek, black suit of Templar Armor. He wore a single lightsaber upon his belt; but he was no threat. After all, two of the Jedi's own midst would be able to attest to that fact upon seeing him: Masters Grayson and Dragonsflame respectively. Josiah had heard the message sent by the Wayfinder, he had also heard of the "scuffle" that had occurred between Daxton and the Jedi. This was something that...irked...Josiah to the core; for the two of them had a complicated relationship that was much akin to a pair of thermal detonators just waiting to explode. Nonetheless, he was curious about the intention of the meeting and putting the pieces together, was able to ascertain some nugget of truth.

The Confederacy and Republic were allies, bound by a treaty. There was trade, peace, and collaboration. As such, it seemed as though Daxton wanted to mend bridges with those he had his own special way, perhaps? Nonetheless, the Templar lowered himself into a respectful bow to those present before stepping alongside the Templar party. "My sincerest apologies for my delayed arrival." he began, "I am Master Josiah Denko, Justiciar of the Templar Rangers. It is a pleasure to see friendly, familiar faces this day." There was a pause and he then turned to Daxton. "Could you, kindly, recap for me what I missed? My understanding is that you desire to forge peace between our orders, correct? I was under the impression that we currently have peace through the alliance of the Republic and the Confederacy; and personally through our Orders' collaborative efforts on Ryloth. Is my impression mistaken?"

This question was open to all present to answer, for Josiah was confused. That was the downside of a late arrival.

@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"], @[member="Daxton Bane"], @[member="Feena Mason"], @[member="Selena Halcyon"], @[member="Kiskla Grayson"], @[member="Kara Avoyos"].
Rising to his feet he gave his fellow Templar Master a respective bow before nodding and recapping what has come to pass. "The goal of this meeting is to bury any possible past differences we may have had in the past, forge an understanding with the goal to share knowledge and to prevent if possible the future loss of knowledge as well as lives should a future conflict ever occur between our factions. While it may be true that there have been collaborative efforts in the past, it is also true that there have been altercations as well, perhaps not as well publized but they have happened. Thus we want to put an end to that officially once and for all. We desire to force ties of peace and understanding sans the hostility that used to poison our relationship. In addition to that we wish to place safeguards that should for any reason if the political landscape were to change, that this peace would remain in place. That is where we are at the moment Master Denko."

@Joshua DragonsFlame @Kiskla Grayson @Feena Mason, @Selena Halcyon, @Josiah Denko, @Kara Avoyos.
There were two ways that the Templar Master looked at this. First, he took it at face value: Daxton was attempting to apologize, in his unique, silver-tongued way, for brawling with the Jedi. The second was "this is Daxton talking", and Josiah attempted to read between the lines. Conflict was Daxton's middle name in most instances, as Josiah (and all the denizens of Morje) knew firsthand. Furthermore, perhaps it was the bluntness that characterized him, but he also thought this was a means of Daxton attempting to cover his, and the rest of the Templars', arses if he decided to do anything stupid in Republic territory. Of course, Josiah carefully considered how to word his thoughts and the result was:

"Well, the only altercation that I know of is the brawl between you and the Jedi. I surmise that mending that bridge is just as important; and so long as you've made it clear that you don't have any intentions of repeating history...and apologized...I don't think there will be any 'hostilities' for quite some time. Furthermore," he said, now looking to the Jedi, "the vast majority of the Templar Order was once affiliated with the Jedi in one way or another. It goes without saying that we have always looked upon you as extended family and friends; and as such have no desire to have altercations with you. If the alliance between the Confederacy and the Republic dissolves through some ridiculous twist of fate, I sincerely doubt that our Orders will seek to wanton eradicate one another; nor anything remotely close."

"So, with that said..." at this point he returned his attention to Daxton, "couldn't we have sent our esteemed friends a gift basket, your sincerely apologies, and moved forward?" This was, of course a joke. "Humor aside, we have come all the way out into neutral territory to make allies of...allies. I'm a touch confused my friend, and for this I apologize."

@[member="Daxton Bane"], @[member="Selena Halcyon"], @[member="Kiskla Grayson"], @[member="Feena Mason"], @[member="Kara Avoyos"], @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"].
"What you might have said may be true Master Denko. But please remember not all of us have had the pleasure of being in the same situation. In fact, I was on the opposite side of the battlefield against many of the Jedi for a long time and such things are not so easily forgotten nor forgiven. Even our own order, when it was first announced that I was joining there was a lot of concern and mistrust. But I proved my loyalty to the Templars, time and time again, until now you know where I stand. Tell me this, way back when I first joined would you ever considered it possible that you would consider me a friend? That is how far we have progressed. And that is the exact same thing I am seeking for here."

@Joshua DragonsFlame @Kiskla Grayson @Feena Mason, @Selena Halcyon, @Josiah Denko, @Kara Avoyos.
"I'm going to leave this to @[member="Selena Halcyon"] before we go forward" Josh said, but then a smile crossed his face.

"But Daxton... The day we consider you a true friend, I'll be the first to shake your hand. But I'll also be the first to punch you in the face if you backstab us"

It was said with mild humor, by the look on his face, but it also read that he meant it when he said that he wouldn't take kindly to any shenanigans, as well as being the first to be humble if Daxton proved correct.

"Josiah" he said with a nod, acknowledging the man he'd only met once or twice, but he seemed likable enough.

@[member="Daxton Bane"]
@[member="Josiah Denko"]
Kiskla had been almost horrified at @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]'s breakdown. He had allowed his cracks to grow into shatters. However, his verbal response to @[member="Daxton Bane"] verified the Zabrak's intent. He did not have weapons on him, indeed. And his ability to keep his cool? Impressive.

The young woman had just opened her mouth to speak in response to Daxton's comment about hostility when there was an interruption on the scene. In response, she turned to regard the intrusion to the meeting, shifting her weight to get a better look.


She hardly knew @[member="Josiah Denko"], but she knew him more than Bane. Which meant he had a leg up, when it came to earning her trust. The only reason she had any sort of inkling of confidence in Master Denko, was because he had been affiliated with Darron Wraith.

She liked him even more when he began to reaffirm her thoughts on the matter. In fact, it was her knowing him that had given her the grounds to speak so dubiously in the first place, to hear that he was in the same boat was a figurative brushing of dirt off her shoulders for her. "Master Denko," she greeted, politely enough. Her smug emotions pocketed behind a calm exterior. Kiskla was the queen of cool.
And apparently, so was Daxton Bane. His ability to maintain his façade, even when under the microscope of his own faction member was outstanding.

Actually, it was funny that Denko suggested a gift basket. The more the two conversed, the more she was gaining insights into this being a personal meeting. As Josh had suggested earlier.
Speaking of Josh's suggestions, it almost pained her that he was right. They should wait for @[member="Selena Halcyon"]'s input, but Kiskla had been on a roll.
Kara felt the beginnings of a headache coming on. Why had the Jedi agreed to this meeting if they hadn’t seen the point of it, and why weren’t they interested in a formal arrangement with the Templars? Relations between force orders was proving to be different than relations between planetary governments. With the latter, formal agreements were necessary to prevent conflict or facilitate trade. As neither order was deeply involved in commerce and both seemed to follow their respective governments into war, that didn’t seem to apply.

The Republic and the Confederation were allies for now, but members of the Templar order would doubtlessly be seen as suspect by the Jedi. Daxton was a perfect example of that, and Kara was half convinced that she’d been sent more to keep an eye on him than to put her diplomatic training to use. So far he’d simply been fighting with words, and maintained some level of civility, so she’d held her peace. This had been his idea after all.

It was a relief when Josiah made a late arrival. He was of equal rank to Daxton, and would thus be better at all of this. Kara’s status as princess didn’t factor in here since Kirima was not a part of either faction, and she’s neglected to mention her title when she’d been introduced. The blond nodded a greeting to her former teacher once he was done introducing himself. “Josiah.”
The Grandmaster was silent for all of the conversations before. The others had allowed for Daxton's intent to be somewhat revealed. "So your intent here is not to create peace between two orders but to somehow rectify your individual presumed standing with the Jedi it seems. As is stated, the Jedi are not at war with the Templars nor will they likely ever be is they stick to being what they claim to be, an impartial order of Force users. Due to this many of your requests are rendered somewhat senseless. The Jedi will pose no threat or have any interest in the Templar order as a whole, but the order plays a dangerous game. They claim to have a focus on balance but also play loose with the darkside. While I understand that appeal to the mentality that there are no true sides of the Force and that it is how they are used that makes one evil, it could not be more false. The darkside is a corrupting agent. If it were not why would great men with great goals like Ulic Qel-Droma, Anakin Skywalker, A'Sherad Hett, and Jacen Solo turn so far to the darkside and shake the galaxy like few others. It is because the darkside undeniably corrupts, and the Jedi must stand against the darkside.

"When your members delve deep into the darkside it is the Jedi Order's prerogative to defeat them. If that means capture, killing, redeeming or what have you then it will be done. It simply depends on the situation. This holds no bearing on the Jedi Order's mindset of the Templar as a whole. It is merely that we will not stand for darksiders to roam the galaxy and bring more chaos to it. As such, we have no issue lending a Templar certain varieties of aid if it is appropriate. I will not tie members of my order into an agreement forcing them to lend aid to anyone no matter a cause. They can use their own judgment as a Jedi to determine what is appropriate for them to provide. I have no issue with Templar coming to the Jedi Temples to learn, however, I will not permit them to teach as I will not have your philosophy infiltrating the Jedi Order and creating more opportunity for them to fall to the corrupting ways of the darkside.

"As such peace can always exist between the two orders as a whole, but much like how the Jedi Order takes hunting down its members who have fallen to the darkside very seriously, we will likewise take it seriously even if it is members of another order. This is something that even the Templars should respect if they presume to truly believe in balance."

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