Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Tech Pendant of Faith

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  • Manufacturer: Agents of Chaos
  • Affiliation: Agents of Chaos Player Characters w/ Permission
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: Yes; Pendant may be crafted in the form of a choker, necklace, locket, Etc. However, it almost always has the Star of Chaos integrated into the design.
  • Production: Semi-Unique
  • Material: Force-Enhanced/Alchemized Materials, Various Metals
  • Classification: Alchemized/Force-Enhanced Pendant
  • Weight: Very Light
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Extreme
    • Kinetic: Extreme
    • Lightsabers: Extreme
    • Sonic: Extreme
    • Extreme Cold: None
    • Pressure/Gravitational Force: None
    • Radiation: None
    • Acids/Corrosives: None
    • EMP/Ion: None
  • Force Enhancements
    • Passive Tutaminis and Force Aura: The pendant projects a passive form of Tutaminis and Force Barrier over the head, neck, shoulders, and upper chest of the wearer, which while weaker than its actively channeled counterpart, it nonetheless provides protection that is equivalent to a full-face combat helmet. This is a passive effect and thus, requires no application on the part of the wearer.
  • Invisible Protection Aura: The pendant projects a skintight, invisible defensive aura which shields the head, neck, shoulders, and upper chest of the wearer. This may also fool opponents into thinking that their target’s head is unprotected, thereby granting the wearer a slight tactical edge in combat.
  • Diminished Effects: The passive effects of Force Aura and Tutaminis that are projected by the pendant are not equivalent to the strength of actively channeled Tutaminis or Force Barriers. Their protective value is no greater than that of a typical full-face combat helmet with extreme resistance to kinetic, energy, and lightsaber weapons. While the invisible shield provides extreme mitigation to most forms of conventional weaponry, they do not completely nullify it. Under sustained and/or particularly powerful assault, the defenses can be broken down and penetrated to lethal effect.
  • Force Light: A direct application of Force Light or any of its derivative powers can damage and eventually, destroy the pendant, rendering it little more than a piece of scrap with no protective qualities.
  • Ysalamiri/Void Stone: When within the Force-nullifying field of a Ysalamir or Void Stone, the pendant will lose virtually all of its Force-based defensive qualities, rendering it about as protective as a mundane necklace.
Conceived after Madalena Antares suffered a severe head injury during the destruction of the first Altar of Spirits on Ryloth, the Pendant of Faith is a Force-Enhanced pendant which projects an invisible aura of Force energy over the head, shoulders, and upper chest of the wearer, thereby allowing them to choose to forgo a helmet without compromising protection. The Force energy projected by the pendant grants the wearer extreme resistance to most conventional threats on the modern battlefield. However, since it does not project a true Force barrier, the level of protection afforded by the pendant should not be mistaken for invulnerability, but rather extreme mitigation roughly akin to that of a full-face helmet.
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  • Manufacturer: Agents of Chaos
  • Affiliation: Agents of Chaos Player Characters w/ Permission
If you would be so kind as to link the Manufacture/Affiliation of this pendant, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Extreme
    • Kinetic: Extreme
    • Lightsabers: Extreme
    • Sonic: Extreme
    • Extreme Cold (Weaponized): None
    • Pressure/Gravitational Force: None
    • Radiation: None
    • Acids/Corrosives: None
    • EMP/Ion: None
Can you clarify here, what you mean by "weaponized cold"? Are you saying the exposure on an ice planet like Ilum or Hoth wouldn't effect it, but something like a Cryoban Rifle would?

As this trinket is crafted through Sith Alchemy, I would suggest adding in the weakness of how Force Light/Wall of Light, can cripple and completely destroy the pendant

Please remember to tag me with any changes made to this submission
Mellifluous Magenta Mellifluous Magenta

Awesome! Everything looks good now. However, I wouldn't be much of a quality Factory Judge if I didn't mention that the sub, ratings-to-balance wise, is actually sitting at 4 points underpowered. Feel free to bump up a rating here or there somewhere if you like

  • Production: Semi-Unique +3
  • Material: Force-Enhanced/Alchemized Materials, Various Metals
  • Classification: Alchemized/Force-Enhanced Pendant
  • Weight: Very Light -2
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Extreme -3
    • Kinetic: Extreme -3
    • Lightsabers: Extreme -3
    • Sonic: Extreme -3
    • Extreme Cold: None +3
    • Pressure/Gravitational Force: None +3
    • Radiation: None +3
    • Acids/Corrosives: None +3
    • EMP/Ion: None +3
Total: 18 - 14 = +4 (remaining points to use)

I can approve this as it if you like or you can adjust. Just let me know whichever decision you choose
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