The Upright Man
Section Zero - Classified

Bacta tanks lined the left hand side of the room, while computers and data pads sprawled over the remaining walls, analysing the fluctuating data that flowed through their software. The mechanical hiss of the electronic doors welcomed the CEO of Autrio Technologies, and head-to-toe he was covered in cybernetics, and what little flesh remained was minuscule in comparison to the pieces of metal that jutted out of his skin in a hellish appearance. For all intents and purposes, he looked both barbaric and violent. His face was masked, emotionless as he had a skull implant that hid any form of emotion. He looked over the occupants of the bacta tanks, with a large sum having suffered from a bad case of death. Slaves, they came a dime a dozen. He could replace them, but he had yet to perfect his exoskeleton. That was just what he was here to do.