Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Performance Booster

The time had come, Isis was looking at some of the things there on the screen. Damorian had for the most part been meh and uncaring with some of the things here and there. She had turned more of the attention the company was doing towards private sales over messing with some of the larger things. "Start up the labs, I'll meet with the researchers from Sasori and we'll set up testing new performance enhancing parts." She had been looking over some of their new products.

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Krass had been brought to work with Sasori, all of the work they were doing towards building up and constructing new equipment gave her a far superior outlook on some of the things there. She went over the different materials they had been working on while details coming from a partner of Sasori appeared. The liren was an interesting one to deal with and it would give her a chance to work with incorporating the new synthweaving materials they could make as well as some of the bigger things. From the Aing-Tii engine works they had been doing to the Zenoma tech all to try and make a faster engine.
Isis arrived at the primary testing facility and looked it all over, bigger thoughts coming to her head as the dream of making Damorian as large as Sasori or even larger were there. She had been dealing with a lack of starship muse but she could do it. Coming around as she had been assigned to work with one of the newer but very skilled artisan's they had. A small woman by most standard but she could work with that before rolling a few things over in her own mind. "Hello and thank you for being able to fit me in. I know Sasori is always working on some new improvement."

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
She looked up at the woman, soetimes being small had n advantages and sometimes when you were an apprentice within the ranks of the jedi taking the path of being an artisen over just being a normal every day run of the mill fighter you needed to work on some of the things. Even her equipment served a purpose with the new lightsided synthweave materials they could use. A hammer designed from force hardened crystal that will bleed the energies into the items they create. "Welcome and yes we have new things, this engine booster is something that master Ike has taken a great interest in as the idea of upping the performance of equipment in the field and on ship is in many ways to good to not help on."
Isis was watching her with a nod of her head s they could begin on the real treat. "Well I am glad for the interest, the hope was to make it a universal performance booster for engines to increase the speed of them all from land based speeders to flagships so they can all move faster." She offered a small smile though going over with attention to the designs of the hardlight model so they could fabricate the pieces as needed. It gave the Liren something to do in the middle of the operations and gave the workers here something to do as she had the information from the baffles Domino made which increased the speed of ships minorly.

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
They could start it up, Krass moved as she brought up the hardlight opening it up to show the initial layers of the device so they could start working on it. "Alright so the first things we want to do is find a way to minimize the energy being wasted and maximize with less effort the potential that can be delivered. We get it right and this should increase the speed of most of the ships you can offer to some of the bigger things." She was looking at it where they could make the connections more energy efficient without sacrificing the speed or power output.
No sacrifice to the speed would be important, she knew she would have to work with the jedi company to make the vehicles using it super lightweight so that it didn't weigh it down. Swoop bikes she could think to use with them and anything that can double or even triple the speed of it. "Well that will work, we should start working on it and building up all of the components first and foremost. Then assemble it and test it with something stronger." She brought up a speeder that Sanya made and it was fast much like the cloud car but she could work with that for some of the things. "All we need to do is make it able to out preform these and it will be one of the strongest engines for speeders that can also work on starships.

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
She could do that and leading the way into the forge works where they were building some of the things for the engine. The smaller size would be the important thing and then they would be working to build up a larger one for the other ships but like the baffles Domino had made that she had seen the ships would have to be produced with the system built into it as part of the superstructure of the ship. It wasn't just installing a new system when she picked up some of the things. "The engines for constructing it with a vehicle will be easier to test but we'll be able to build it into some of the bigger ships."

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