Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Perla Pirjo


NAME: Perla Pirjo
RANK: Witch Spellweaver
AGE: 24 years
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'5"
WEIGHT: 130 lbs
EYES: Dark Brown
HAIR: Various colors
SKIN: Pale skin

LANGUAGES: Basic, Paecian


Strong survival skills - since Perla grew up in a Dathomir Clan she is good in the wilderness both in tracking prey, scouting, climbing trees, eating native food to survive, etc.

Not a fearful person - Perla is a warrior at heart and will rush into battle at the first sign of trouble

Nomadic - she can pick up and leave at a moment's notice and doesn't get home-sick


Train-wreck/hot mess - likes alcohol and spice to excess

No sense of loyalty to the Daughters of Allya (or anyone for that matter)

She favors warm climates and doesn't do well in cold environments


Perla has long hair, and although she likes being out in the sun, her pale skin is prone to sunburn


Perla Pirjo is a Daughter of Allya (Witch of Dathomir) who was exiled from the Great Canyon Clan at the age of seventeen after using her nascent Force powers to mortally wound a rival witch and flood the Canyon Valley causing destruction to Clan property. She made her way to Axxila which is where she has lived from eighteen to her current age of twenty-four. She eventually abandoned her primitive values and blended in as a city-dweller, adopting the technology needed to thrive in an ecumenopolis. However recently she has wanted to embrace more of her Dathomir roots and especially wants to grow her dark side force powers as well as explore supernatural and occultist skills to enhance those powers. She wants to study with the Nightsisters and re-kindle her relationship with the black magic which caused her to be exiled in the first place. In combat she can be found wielding a Chain Sickle.

Used L19 Freighter

Battle Mount:
Xana, the Bull Rancor


Dathomir Rising: Huntress

That Is Not Dead Which Can Eternal Lie [ The Primeval ]
Am I Dreaming? [Primeval dominion of Sernpidal]
Roaming Ravelin [The Primeval]
The Magnificent Probably More Than Seven [Primeval Invasion of Wayland]

Grabbing a Bull by the Teeth
Into the Darkness They Go

Force Training (Initiate, Spellweaver):
In the Garden [Nickolas Imura]
Dark Lords and Sleeping Kings
Cataclysmic Requiem

Force Training Students:
Seeking Knowledge, Building Power
Dead on Arrival
All That's Far from Us (Primeval Dominion of Belkadan)

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