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Ready For Judge Personal Armor for Draco Miles

Slightly Paranoid Apprentice


  • Manufacturer: Draco Miles! She had it engineered herself, though outsourced the production
  • Affiliation: Draco Miles
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: No. Though there may be additional parts to add
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Beskar, circuitry, and a backpack power plant

  • Classification: Anti-Blaster, Anti-Ballistic, Anti-Lightsaber
  • Weight: Extreme, ~1000LBS
  • Resistances: (same as the Mark IV power armor, just a little more on kinetic and energy protection)
    • Energy: Extreme
    • Kinetic: Extreme
    • Radiation: Very High
    • EMP/ION: Very High
    • Sonic: Low
    • Elemental: Low
  • Shielding. Reverse engineered technology from a driodeka, the suit has a form fitting shield generator that takes up less power at the expense of being weaker, meaning that it can take about 10 blaster shots, or a blow from a lightsaber, before being disabled and needing a couple seconds to gain the energy to recharge.
  • Bio-restorative technology
  • Power Armor: Augments her strength, reactions, and speed
  • Gel layer throughout the undersuit disperses heat, keeping the user warm, and hardens upon fast traveling impacts, further dampening the effect of plasma/energy based weaponry.
  • Magnetic boots to keep the user anchored to the ground, even in zero gravity situations
  • Micro array modified to be a constant update, marking any moving targets over 6" within 20 meters
  • HUD allows for in depth vital signs, shielding, temperature, equipment, the ability to wirelessly link to a communications network within 50KM, and as well the ability to modify her voice to sound like anyone! This also acts as a translator
  • The undersuit is a molecularly modified skin suit of Beskar, meaning that it acts similarly to Chainmail, but on a molecular level, to act like normal clothes and not hinder movement. This houses a lot of the circuitry between hard points of armor and regulates temperature. While it is certainly a weak point, it's still difficult to get through.
  • Modular enhancements allow for Draco to choose between cloaking capabilities, flight, or shielding. Only one can be used at a time and takes 5 minutes to transition from one to the other

  • Increased Strength and reactions exponentially
  • Highly durable and mobile
  • Highly adaptable
  • Able to be used in space for a long period of time

  • Joints!
  • While it does muffle sounds over a certain Decibal threshold, sonic based weaponry wasn't really accounted for.
  • Modularity functions can only be used one at a time, and take time to transition
  • Acid. Was not accounted for at all

After the battle of Dormund Kaas, and witnessing the protective power of the Bloodsworn's armor firsthand, she needed some of that. Her own ambitions led her to modifying an armor that was high in protection, mobility, and could be used virtually anywhere with ease. Taking the Mark IV power armor, she had modified it with first replacing the articulating hoop shapes with a more Beskar mesh, so as to allow complicated movement and more mobility, then taking the tech of the power armor and hiding it in various hard points she added for additional protection on the suit. The materials she had chose because of Beskar's legendary properties to stand up against lightsabers, but she wanted more. Reading on the Clone Wars era and how devastating Droidekas were from their personal shield generator, she wanted to implement that onto her own armor but not be so restricted in movement, so through heavy programming, the module became form fitting and fully portable! Though at the expense of being far weaker so that air may pass through and movement may not be hindered at all. Though the shielding consumes a bit of power, so a lot of the functions on the suit had to be toned down in order to accommodate it, regarding the removal of the targeting system and internal processing plant as well as limitations of personal comm links and the micro array. The main point of processing and computing throughout the suit is shared between the chest piece and the helmet. The most heavily armored portion, the chest, contains both the shield generator and power plant, encased in EMP resistant material so that the suit may not be affected by them too harshly.

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