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Approved Tech [Personal] Body of Jeff Solaris

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Intent: To provide the perfect body for Jeff Solaris.
Development Thread: If needed
Manufacturer: Abregado Rae/Suvian Sciences
Model: JS2
Affiliation: Jeff Solaris
Modularity: Weapons can be swapped out.
Production: Limited: 3 (At a time.)
Material: For now, standard droid metals.
Classification: Fourth Degree
Weight: 110kg
Height: 1.8 metres
Movement: Bipedal/Repulsor Lift

Alchemic Knife: An alchemic Knife made by Rave Merill.
Pressor Beam
Tractor Beam
Vibro Blade
Two Hold out blasters
A lightsaber

Misc. Equipment:



Produced as a device by Suvian Sciences this body is not one you would want to encounter in combat. It hosts several VI obtained from Cestus Cybernetics that help in combat situations. This body runs off of an Energy Crystal that was obtained from Subach Innes. This utilizes it by means of the crystal core made by Suvian Sciences.

This body was made to emphasize speed and acrobatic maneuvers rather than heavy hits to an opponent. As such the armor of the droid is lighter than that of heavier droids such as the HK Model. But this does possess some advantages, allowing extra equipment to be put in. This body is equipped with a pressor beam in the left hand, and a pulsor beam in the right powerful enough to mimic the Force Pull and Force Push abilities of a Jedi Knight.

This body is also equipped with powerful electrical circuitry that allows it to both use a close ranged electrical attack, and also a long ranged one. This body is also capable of remotely hacking into other droids, and controlling them to some degree. It is also capable of overriding any piece of Suvian Sciences Equipment that is used against it in combat situations. This body is made for speed. Due to that the armoring of the body is not as heavy meaning it is easier to use armor piercing rounds.

When one of these is destroyed/permanently offlined the second one will automatically activate. This is also capable of flight by means of repulsors in the 'shoes' of the droid, and stabilizers in the hands of the droid. The stabilizers also have another function, at least those in the palms of the droid, namely that they may be used as a weapon.

In addition to all the specialized functions this body is equipped with throwing stars, an alchemic knife and a few other items.

The body is composed of standard droid metals.

As such the body is durable, but light weight enough for agility/acrobatics maneuvers.

Links to the stuff: (Alchemic Knife) Crystal Core here.
Self Destruct module here:

Cinthran Cybernetics:
[member="Jeff Solaris"]
Please link to any tech submissions used in this suit.
Also, if you could link me to where you acquired the VIs from Cestus cybernetics and where Abregado-Rae Industries helped with this, it would go a long way.
[member="Jeff Solaris"]
You got the wrong company written down. It's Cinthrin Cybernetics.
Put the links in the Submission.
is there a submission/wiki link for what the VIs do?
Also, where did you get the knife?
Jeff Solaris said:
The body itself is comprised of a mix of Duranium and Natharium providing protection against blasters and also some degree of protection against light-sabers
The first one of these is incredibly tough to turn into armor or the like. I'm not even sure what the second one is.

Did you mean Neuraniam?
[member="Jeff Solaris"]
First off, you're using the metals used in ships to build a droid. They're used for starships rather than droids for a reason. They get too heavy for the servomoters to support on this kind of scale.
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