Chaldean Moorchild
Location: Myrkr
Objective: Sparring
Tag: Irvelghrikk
I paused for a moment as I considered the words he gave me and I adjusted my grip on my staff, give in to my frustration and anger, a smirk crossed my face. "Fight with passion? I like that, I prefer to only fight for things that I care about, nature, justice, those sorts of things, how do u channel passion in a game with no winner?" I raised an eyebrow to the wookiee and stepped up my assault. He continued to defend against me but this time I would remain more mobile, switching my stance and trying to get around him. "This is not a realistic fight, if you were to be attempting to strike me back, you would open yourself to my own counter." my voice was frustrated but I felt right in my words.
I felt a sharpness in my grip and I attempted to strike with a little more force than was probably acceptable for a spar, but it was not aimed at the creature but at the mace, trying to loft it out of his hand, there was a crack noise as a linear split formed in my staff and I pulled back to examine my broken weapon, and looked at the wookiee again, beaded sweat was on my forehead. I wanted a proper fight, but I felt that was not on the cards today.