To quell the tempest softly
OBJ I- Currently Observing
Get used to it.
Amani's words practically vibrated inside her skull. It was not because they were spoken harshly or with any malice. It was because, after nearly a year of being deprived of her connection to the Force, Cora had not grown used to it. Being married to Horace had her feeling like she was separated from who she really was. Everything that had made Cora Cora was behind a thick sheet of glass where she could see but not touch. Her ability to tap into the Force with any measure of strength had only been one thing he'd taken from her.
But Horace was gone, and so was that wretched voidstone ring he'd forced her to wear. Cora's duty to the crown, to her family, and to her people, had ended. Vanished with her failure, more like. Now she was aimless, drifting through the motions of the aftermath and ambling along a vague path without much heart.
After spending time to recuperate physically, she'd begged Master Noble to allow her to join the Jedi on Mykr. It had been months since she'd had a proper spar, but she needed to move, to do something that would distract her from the life she'd cratered into the dust.
Standing at the edge of the clearing that had been designated for training, the exiled Princess couldn't help a tiny smile as she watched Valery and Kahlil go at it. They seemed to be having fun, even if Cora did wince a few times watching their tussle. Then, the blasters came out. Dirt was thrown. Now they were snuggling, sort of? Never would you find such brazenly uncouth behavior in the courts of Ukatis.
"O-oh. Oh my." The born-again Padawan placed a hand delicately over her mouth, a touch of amusement on her lips as she wondered out loud.
"Is that against the rules?"