Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Manufacturer: Whimsy

  • Affiliation: Whimsy, Agents of Chaos

  • Model: Phase IV Iconoclast Heavy Pistol

  • Modularity: Yes

    Laser Sight

  • Variable Zoom 4x Thermal Scope

  • Variable Zoom 4x Combat Scope

  • Variable Zoom 3x Holographic Sight

  • Red Dot Sight

  • Angled Foregrip

  • Vertical Foregrip

  • Diagonal Foregrip

Production: Minor

Material: Anti-Ray Shield Energy Weapon Components, Durasteel, Titanium,


  • Classification: Heavy Anti-Ray Shield Energy Pistol, Heavy Blaster Pistol

  • Muzzle Velocity: 2532 m/s

  • Size: Large

  • Weight: Heavy

  • Ammunition Type: Power Cell and Tibanna Gas Canister

  • Ammunition Capacity: 3 Shots per Power Cell, 30 Shots per Tibanna Gas Canister

  • Reload Speed: Slow

    ~7-8 Seconds to reload Power Cell

  • ~10-11 Seconds to reload Power Cell and Tibanna Gas Canister

Effective Range: Average (125 m)

Rate of Fire: Very Low

  • Practical Rate of Fire (Maximum Rate of Fire in a practical scenario which factors in average reload time): ~13 RPM

  • Theoretical Rate of Fire (Maximum Rate of Fire in a theoretical scenario in which the weapon does not require reloading): 30 RPM

Stopping Power: Extreme

Recoil: High


  • Heat Sink and Cooling Coils

  • Magnatomic Grips

  • Biometric Security System (Prevents enemy/unidentified/unauthorized agents from firing the weapon)

  • Integrated Remote HUD Uplink (Ammunition Counter, Operating Temperature, Weapon Integrity, Targeting Computer, Rangefinder, Etc.)

  • Stun Setting

  • Ambidextrous Support

  • Integrated Combat Rails (Sights, Scopes, Gadgets, Grips, Underslung Accessory Mounting Point Etc.)

  • Personal Shield Negation: The bolts of the Iconoclast Heavy Pistol have a unique energy frequency which falls outside the protective range of all types of ray shields (molecular shields, anti-energy fields and Xythan force shields), particle shields, and concussive barriers.

  • Extreme Armor Destruction Potential: The Iconoclast Heavy Pistol is potent anti-power armor weapon. The bolts are potentially capable of burning through, flash melting, and thermally degrading even the most exotic armor types, such as beskar, impervium, phrik, and many other materials of extreme resilience. Upon impact, the bolts may also cause an explosion with a roughly 1 meter radius.

  • Extreme Organic Damage Potential: The superheated energy bolts of the Iconoclast Heavy Pistol can potentially trigger spontaneous thermal disintegration when they come into contact with unprotected organic matter. In layman’s terms, the weapon can blow a hole into unprotected or lightly protected organic targets while causing an explosion with a roughly 1 meter radius.

  • Slow Rate of Fire: The Iconoclast has a very slow rate of fire, even when compared to other weapons of its class. At minimum, a single second must pass between shots. As such, when fired at the maximum rate of fire, it takes six seconds to deplete the power cell, during which the weapon can successfully discharge three shots.

  • Prolonged Reload: The Iconoclast Heavy Pistol has a much longer reload than typical for weapons of its class.

  • High Recoil: The Iconoclast has somewhat severe recoil, which is slightly mitigated due to the weapon’s weight and size. However, the weapon still requires a trained operator to control the recoil between shots.

The Phase IV Iconoclast Heavy Pistol is a product of reverse-engineered First Order anti-shield handheld weapon technology. The pistol is intended to serve as a potent anti-power armor weapon, which is capable of bypassing shields and severely mitigating the protective ability of body armor. On unarmored or lightly-armored targets, the weapon is generally considered to be overkill. As such, the Iconoclast's use is typically reserved for heavily armored or hard-to-kill infantry targets, though some operatives make much heavier use of it.

Production of the weapon began in 858 ABY, soon after the establishment of the Agents of Chaos.
Factory Judge
[member="Immortal Cyan"], I have been going over this a couple times now. Even sleeping on my decision on what to do with this.

Immortal Cyan said:
Extreme Armor Destruction Potential: The Iconoclast Heavy Pistol is potent anti-power armor weapon. The bolts capable of burning through, flash melting, and thermally degrading even the most exotic armor types, such as beskar, impervium, phrik, and many other materials of extreme resilience. Upon impact, the bolts may also cause an explosion with a roughly 1 meter radius.
I am not fond of this strength you have provided. No mention of this kind of weapon is used in canon that was able to destroy armor in such a manner. Creating a weapon with this kind of output, within a pistol form is not something you see. Even though you mention it has high recoil. The amount of force being sent down the barrel to not only destroy shields. (Xythan Shields which are known to absorb energy weapons!) but also physical armor all the way up, and including Beskar, would be enough force to break every bone in your hand and arm.

It doesn't fit my mind as conforming to the Star Wars Universe. About the only thing that would be able to withstand this is a banned armor suit. And that is not what the site is about.

I am going to ask you to remove this.
A couple things to keep in mind:

1. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but according to my calculations, I believe this weapon is 4 rating points underpowered.
2. The destructive potential isn't that much different from that of a disruptor pistol, which can "still vaporize whatever it hits". That said, I would argue that this is slightly weaker, because it can't just vaporize everything it touches. In line with the Iconolast's Extreme stopping power rating, Anyone wearing a suit of armor with an Extreme blaster resistance rating would be able to tank a few shots from this. As such, I believed that the most effective way to convey this information via prose was to mention its capabilities against exotic materials of reputably high resilience.
3. It doesn't go through shields via sheer power, kinetic force, or extremely superheated energy. Instead, it accomplishes this via an "unusual energy frequency"
4. Disruptor and blaster weapons of similar power, size, and rating profile have been submitted to and approved by the factory before.

That said, I have decided to nerf the ammunition capacity (5 -> 3) and the rate of fire (17 RPM -> ~13 RPM), given the weapon's extreme power. I have also added some qualifying language to give writers targeted by this weapon more leeway to determine their own damage (which they can do anyways).

[member="Vigil Rostu"]
Factory Judge
[member="Eternal Cyan"],

You may continue to hand me subs to look at, where extreme ratings for Blasters and Disruptors were used and approved. Because they are well known pieces of Canon Technology that have been actively used in the past. Disruptors are illegal in all forms of the galaxy according to lore. While they have been approved before, that does not mean I have to, or am required to approve the newly posted submission. There are such things as Grandfathered weapons or items in the factory.

However since you have brought it up, I will point out what I see wrong. This weapon you propose is a handgun with, mind you, Improved abilities and functions from your last iteration. Your last one did not have the 1 meter explosion radius. It was also a rifle that could support the power output. Not a gun that can fit into a single hand. You made the package of the weapon smaller over all. The heaviest of pistols does not mean it will rival in power with that of the lightest of rifles.

You also added in the increased damage to organic beings. Specifically mentioning is ability to

Eternal Cyan said:
trigger spontaneous thermal disintegration when they come into contact with unprotected organic matter.
Which is not what blasters do. they burn a target yes. They can leave holes due to the burned materials. But not a complete hole through the person's body. You also improved the capability of shooting through shielding systems that are specifically meant to protect against weaponry such as this. There is NO physical counter to this weapon other than "not getting hit."

This constitutes an "auto-hit" style weapon. There is no shield, no set of armor, that can withstand this kind of weapon.

I have asked you to provide changes. Asking for one, of the three massive strengths of the weapon to be changed, where you have no exploitable defensive weakness against this weapon. As you have not done so, and told me you will be keeping it, This submission is denied upon the grounds of being an Auto-hit weapon.

You are free to ask for a second chance within the appropriate thread.
Factory Judge
This submission has been denied and moved to the Archives.

You may request a Second Chance within the Factory Discussion Forum and tag [member="Runi Verin"] for review.

Thank you!
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