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Approved Tech Phaseeran Physical Enhancement Network Implant

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Phaseeran Physical Enhancement Network Implant

  • Intent: To create a physical enhancer.
  • Image Source: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Name: Phaseeran Physical Enhancement Network Implant
  • Manufacturer: Phaseera Manufacturing
  • Affiliation: N/A
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: No.
  • Production: Limited
  • Material: Cybernetic parts, electronics, rubber
  • Classification: Implant
  • Size: Small
  • Weight: Average
  • Resistances (Optional): This is suggested for Cybernetics and Bionics which can double as weapons or are made from very durable materials. (For each category choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme. Ratings of High, Very High, and Extreme will need to be added as strengths with elaboration.) Resistance Ratings Extreme will require the submission to be Semi-Unique and restricted to Player Characters only.
    • Energy (And other Blaster type weapons): Average
    • Kinetic: Average
    • Lightsabers: Average
    • Elemental: Average
  • Strength enhancement: Enhances user's strength
  • Constitution enhancement: Enhances user's constitution
  • Surge: Capable of giving an increased boon for shorter periods of time
  • Strength & Constitution Boon: Increases the user's physical strength tremendously and makes them more hardy, allowing them to shrug off blunt attacks, poisonous effects, diseases and other extreme conditions under which someone without the enhancer would suffer.
  • Long-term Effect: The enhancer stimulates increased permanent physical development in the user, allowing them to keep an elevated level of physical strength and constitution even if the enhancer has been removed. Also means that its effectiveness will build up over time since the base of the enhancing effects will become more potent.
  • Passive Enhancer: With its main method of functioning being based on genetical manipulation and chemical stimuli, most of the enhancer's effects will last over a longer time, meaning that temporary disruptions will be unable to affect is primary performance.
  • Hard to Target: The enhancer is in fact a network of smaller subunits which makes it hard to target for destruction and hard to fully extract, either to disable or to study.
  • Surge: The enhancer can be activated to create a surge of power, temporarily giving its user an incredible performance boost that can last for brief stretches of time.
  • EMP: While an EMP does not disable the long-term effects and the passive enhancement, it will cause the user significant discomfort and possibly pain and disable the possibility to make use of the 'surge' boon. If the same subunit is targeted by several EMP attacks over a short period of time, it can emit an electric burst which can shock the body part it is in and temporarily disable all its related motor functions, effectively making it possible to stun the user through EMP weaponry.
  • Maintenance: With the implant being more of a network of smaller subunits rather than a single unit, it can be hard to keep the entire implant well-maintained without a lengthier process. It can therefore be easy to neglect leading to a sub-optimal performance in all of its functions and sometimes a failure to trigger the surge boon.
  • Energy Intensive: The combined effects of the implant increases the energy consumption drastically in order to fuel their added power. Thus, the user will need a significantly increased diet in order to function optimally. Without adequate sustenance, the passive effects of the enhancer will cease and the long-term effects will also stop continuing to build until more energy is consumed. With the increased energy required to fuel the effects of the implant, a lack of energy will have more severe effects on other fronts. Notably, it can lead to a severe lack of concentration that makes the user much less effective in whatever task they are dedicating themselves to. It can also lead to a more narrow decision making process where food becomes an unreasonably high priority.
  • Surge Control: The decentralised nature of the enhancer has the additional disadvantage of making it hard to control it centrally. The main way that this has manifested itself is that the surge has to be activated in a less than discrete manner - it can be done through either a movement pattern or a voice command which the implant subunits can be programmed to recognise.
  • More niched than average: Many implants with similar purposes of enhancing the user also enhance their reflexes, speed and alacrity in addition to the additional strength and constitution. This implant is more niched and does not offer the same carpet coverage as what is average.
  • Recklessness: With both increased strength and constitution, users will often receive a dulled reaction capacity to threats which their brain deems as minor, resulting in poorer reflexes in some instances. In some situations, this can result in sharp objects being ignored which the implant offers no protection against. In other situations, it can mean that the user unnecessarily exposes themselves to effects (poison and disease for instance) which are, despite the implant, bad for them in the long run.
The Phaseera Physical Enhancement Network Implant is a relatively novel piece of technology and has not yet seen any significant use across the galaxy. Niched and without any real funding for marketing to a broader consumer base or lobbied to militaries and law enforcement, the product has been deemed as a market failure by investors who have - for some time - shown an increasing level of disinterest towards it. Production never reached any notable heights which makes the implant a rare sight.

Functionally, the implant is great at what it does as it bolsters its users constitution immensely. Natural resistances skyrocket and allows the body to handle many poisons and sickness which would otherwise have been detrimental or even deadly to the user. It also allows the body to handle extreme temperatures and other extreme conditions which would otherwise be hard to deal with for someone without the implant. Additionally, it makes the user much more hardy and thus capable of shrugging off blunt force impacts which could otherwise have knocked a person out, caused internal injuries or broken their bones. The implant also increases the users physical strength by multitudes, giving them the capacity to perform feats which would otherwise seem impossible for any humanoid.

The way in which the implant works is primarily through chemical stimulation to manipulate multiple aspects of the body's functions and properties including altering its genes. This means that the enhancement will happen through several methods. One method is through stimulating the user's body to improving its natural strength and constitution which will have a noticeable and significant long-term effect and bolster the base which is being enhanced. Another method is through direct chemical stimuli which will passively enhance the user's capacities tremendously and will last for days even if the implant is removed.

Both the mentioned methods are based on more subtle means of enhancement and are thus hard to null at a moment's notice. However, they do make the user spend a large quantity of energy. Without large amounts of food, the user will steadily lose the effects of the enhancements. Naturally, any long-term improvement to the body's capacities will remain for as long as the user can sustain them but further enhanced development will cease and the effectiveness of the direct chemical stimuli will drop to nothingness.

It is possible to activate a surge function to increase the user's strength and constitution even more for a shorter period of time. This does, however, have numerous flaws. Since the implant is formed as a network of subunits rather than a single central device, activation and deactivation has to be done through either a voice command or a movement which the subunits can be programmed to recognise. It is also somewhat unreliable as an EMP could knock it out. While that might be expected, a lack of maintenance can also make it impossible to activate the surge. This weakness is further exposed as maintaining all subunits can be quite the bother and a rather lengthy process.

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Pluperfect Pluperfect

Hello! I'll be your judge today. A very interesting and versatile implant, definitely reminiscent of the ShadowRun RPG and their implants.
I would also like to make a few remarks because I basically feel this is a very strong submission where the weaknesses are far from balanced compared to the strengths.
  • Just a suggestion, please explain how genetic modification works. Because, according to your description, it is a simple adrenaline-based process that always keeps the body on standby, in a so-called overheated state. Nowhere do you mention how and in what way, by what agents the gene structure changes, because in most cases this requires an external effect and process.
  • As I mentioned, the weaknesses I do not feel them enough disadvantages compared to the advantages. For example, if it is really an adrenaline-based implant, it is very easy to get used (And anyone can very easily become adrenaline addicted) and has severe withdrawal symptoms, and the person will always look for the danger that this condition will persist. So I would suggest a weakness like this.
  • Or I miss the long-term disadvantage of having the chip removed. According to the description, this is a great burden on the body and it only works the way it does because of the implant. In its absence, what are the disadvantages in the short and long term? For example, much greater vulnerability (for a time), slower recovery, addiction, aggression, and so on. or the like. I would also suggest this to be included.
  • So I would suggest you write these explanations because a lot of things are unclear and no one can’t see exactly what physiological or physical effects it has, only that the implant has benefits without real disadvantages.

If you have edited or have a comment, please let me know.
Hey! Thanks for looking at my submission! I don't know of the ShadowRun RPG so I'll take your word for it, hahah

I actually thought that the submission might be balanced because some of the weaknesses I worked into it completely countered some of the strengths. Unfortunately, that was not the case, so I've added additional weaknesses. These modifications can be found in the EMP, Maintenance and Energy Intensive weaknesses as well as in the new weakness Recklessness.
  • EMP: Here, I added the possibility to stun the user through repeated EMP attacks.
  • Energy Intensive: Now includes a lowered performance across the board if the user does not get enough energy. Notably concentration and abstract judgement difficulties.
  • Maintenance: Clarified that a lack of maintenance will lead to a suboptimal performance in all of its functions whereas it could previously be interpreted to only affect the surge boon.

My hope is that these three added weaknesses will be enough to make the submission more balanced since the means in which the enhancement happens can be countered and now it includes more elements where being equipped with the implant can expose the user and be dangerous to them in ways which someone without the implant would not suffer from.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Pluperfect Pluperfect

I also had to look at it from a PvP perspective, it was very unbalanced there, so I asked for fixes. It now seems much more balanced. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation! Now the weaknesses are much better explained, thank you for that too! I feel like it will be good now. But please use it responsibly because it is still strong. Enjoy our new implant!

I'm just a trainee, so the submission needs a secondary approval.

Pending approval.

John Locke John Locke | AMCO AMCO
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