Phoebe Draclau

Phoebe Verd, The Gray Goddess
"I never settle for Anything but the Best."
- Name: Phoebe Verd
- Alias: Darth Vizier
- Force Rank: Master
- Force Alignment: Dark Side
- Species: Near-Human
- Races: Human, Shi'ido
- Weight: 145 lbs
- Eye Color: Blue
- Hair Color: Blonde
- Skin Pigmentation: Pale
- Force Sensitive: Yes
- Voice Sample: Yvonne Strahovski
- The Confederacy of Independent Systems: Arakyd Industries CEO (Techno Union)
- The Templar Order: Templar Master
- + The Shifting of Shapes: Phoebe's Shi'ido heritage allows her to adjust and change her physical form on a whim. As she is considered "middle age" by her species, her skills in this far exceed the simple adjustment of cosmetic features, but permit her to change into different beings altogether.
- + The Force is Strong in This One: Having spent the majority of her lifetime training in the Force, Phoebe boasts a considerable sum of prowess in the utilization of Force Powers. Most of these revolve around the Dark Side of the Force; in light of her former affiliation with the Sith.
- - Specialization: Phoebe's overall focus is the utilization of various, Force powers. Therefore, her skills with the lightsaber suffer as a result. In comparison to the average Master, her grasp of finite forms is significantly lesser than the norm.
- - Carbonite Frailty: Having been imprisoned for centuries within Carbonite, Phoebe's physical condition is weaker than the average adult. While she has been slowly recovering over time, her overall strength is lesser than the average, comparable female.
- Templar Armor: Upon joining the Templar Order, Phoebe received a suit of standard-issue, Templar Armor. This lightweight armor provides Phoebe with protection from lightsaber blows, blaster bolts, and concussive forces.
- Templar-class Light Freighter: Due to her standing within the Templar Order, Phoebe was awarded a Templar-class Light Freighter that was created by her company: Arakyd Industries.
- [Apex] Force Drain
- [Master] Feed on the Dark Side
- [Master] Consume Essence
- [Master] Force Destruction
- [Master] Crush Opposition
- [Master] Force Lightning
- [Master] Force Clouding
- [Master] Telekinesis
- [Adept] Sith Battle Coordination
- [Adept] Protection Bubble
- [Adept] Drain Knowledge
- [Adept] Force Maelstrom
- [Adept] Force Barrier
- [Adept] Force Bond
- [Adept] Tutaminis
- [Adept] Darkshear
Phoebe was born the eldest of triplets to two Jedi Padawans whom had lusted after each other. She along with her siblings Payne and Paige lived in the Jedi Temple with their mother whom was always busy with her training so the three had to find other ways to occupy themselves which meant they mostly ran around with the younglings. When they were old enough the triplets joined the younglings in training classes. Phoebe always had questions and asked many more than what the instructors were willing to answer. As such she ignored the teachings and skipped classes as if they didn't care neither did she. Instead the young girl kept to the archives for her learning and did her best to teach herself.
Even though she was a diligent in reading new material and always willing and looking for more to learn. Knowledge was power and the young lady wanted it all. Even at all this all the masters overlooked her as a potential Padawan. They didn't think she played well with others and didn't even want to take on dealing with one of those Draclau characters. They were all dark siders and to try to steer her in the correct direction was a daunting task.
When she was fourteen Phoebe met a handsome young Sith apprentice at a concert whom swept her off her feet. He took her back to the Sith Temple where they developed a relationship and Phoebe gained the training that she wanted. It was there she reconnected with her family and learned more about her heritage. Phoebe finally felt she was where she belonged.
As her powers grew so did her relationship with her boyfriend. He had even expressed the want to get married and have a family. This was something that Phoebe pushed to the side as she wanted something else. Power, she had been given the chance to be Moff and that was not something she was willing to throw away for children at the moment.
It wasn't until she ascended to Empress did Phoebe realize she too wanted a family with him however it was far too late as he had moved on. The young woman was at the top and had all the power in the galaxy and yet wasn't happy. She was lonely and had nobody in the galaxy that she could trust on lean on. The one person that meant anything to her had moved on and it was all her fault. In order to combat her pain she searched for more power which ultimately lead to her downfall.
Fallen from grace she resorted to using other Sith to get what she wanted and helping them in return. She was just going with the flow hoping something better would come along until she was back stabbed by someone she had been working with and frozen in Carbonite.
400 years later Phoebe was unleashed from her tomb by @[member="Isley Verd"] who saved her and also took her in as a partner of sorts. It's not the type of relationship she would like but at the moment it was better than nothing. He treated her well and she was falling for him. What the future holds for her is uncertain.
- Pending
Thread Listing
Total Threads: 21 | Completed: 11
Total Threads: 21 | Completed: 11
Training Threads
Total: 1 | Completed: 0
Teaching Threads
Total: 0 | Completed: 0
- Pending
Total: 8 | Completed: 6
- The Great Convocation
- Enter the Templar
- Truly Outgreous
- Clones Like Dominions
- Since Everyone Is Ripping Off Borderlands
- At the Gala!
- Y'all Done Karked Up
Total: 1 | Completed: 0
Development Threads
Total: 0 | Completed: 0
- Pending
Total: 11 | Completed: 5
- Act III: Insurrection
- When the Cards All Fold
- Jewelry, Shoes, and Dresses Oh My!
- Family: A Link to the Past, A Bridge to the Future
- Till Death
- Waking Up in the Morning
- Friendship is Magic
- Tie it Up, Forever Bound
- The Gray Goddess
- Always a Pleasure to Meet a Jedi
- Castle Ne'tra is a Little Girl's Dream!