Iziz didn't notice the commotion, being one floor down from the rest he made his way through the halls, scouting ahead as none seemed to be coming down after him, the sith acolyte was not one to dally... Moving down the corridor Iziz could hear the light buzzing, not bearing to listen what was going on above, whatever drama they were having, whether or not it was shooting gizka with a blaster or in-fighting with each other, Iziz was here to get a job done and leave, whether or not the others had anything to do with it. Lurking down the hallways he did not bother to hide himself, holding his light saber at the ready in case of adversity, it did not take long for Iziz to find the panel which pointed him in the direction of the engine room. In these halls, there were bodies of long destroyed droids, each of them likely had the phrik armour plating across their bodies, yet each of them seemed to have been destroyed by the combat which had erupted here an age ago. The hallways here were dusty due to the magnetically closed door... not touched by sentient life in an age, the air here was dry, and dirt filled... Not the kind of place to bring your kids to for a holiday to be sure...
Picking up to a run, Iziz was beginning to feel anxious, like something was watching him, it put him on edge, made his fur stick up on end as he leaped down the hallway one foot after the other, his bipedal running speed average at best as he looked to and fro, until he finally came to the door which would be the entry point he was looking for... testing the power here, he pressed his hand to the control panel, to find the same amount of effect as the other time, so, came the next and only other option to get through a blast door. Grabbing his light saber, he powered on one of the two crimson blades, and with a single thrust put it tip first into the lock, as the steel began to melt quickly, as if it were submerged into the fiery hot nuclear furnace of a sun in supernova. The droid monitoring Iziz had been foolish for one of several reasons... The first, was to think that a droid, a machine, was capable of moving with stealth down a steel plated hallway... the second... was it thinking that a rodent, like a jawa, would not be able to pick up on the scent of the dust which it kicked up with every move it make, making the small confined space more dence with the earthy smelling grain no matter how subtle... The third, and final mistake, was thinking that Iziz had not kept his guard up...
by thinking his light saber was only one sided...
When the magna guard-esque assassin unit flashed into existence, its light body plating meaning that it was built largely as a speed based unit, though having the sword attached to its wrists meant that this droid had somehow adapted to the area here, scavenging off its long fallen bretherin. It was an anomoly, time had caused the bugs in its system to slowly adapt with its current coding, corrupting its basic modus opperandi and developing traits which were not a part of its usual AI, likely due to the prototype nature of the dark-trooper project at the time they had not worked out every kink in the matrix, like if they were to go activated and without orders for hundreds of years... being a rather unforeseeable hurdle which it seemed that this droid was incapable of resolving... the internal error combined with its slowly degrading systems in need of desperate repair, this droid was a survivor... but it was a shame that it had to end now...
Iziz ejecting the blade swung under his lightsaber which was penetrated into the blast door as the first of the droids' strikes came down, the extending blade delivering the droid a powerful stab directly into the strongest part of its phrik-alloy chest plate, damaging the steel, but, as the nature of the material would suggest, the metal resisted the blow, forcing the droid backwards more than anything, but severely weakening the composure of the alloy, from there Iziz used this one opportunity to dig deep inside himself and focus on that hunger which he held dear to him, drawing off it, feeding off it while the droid composed itself, pushing the power to his legs, arms, and through his body, giving him the one statistic which made him dangerous...
Hands on his weapon, Iziz thrusted forward toward the droid which had recomposed and charged once again, only to meet the blades of Iziz. Spinning horizontally like a tornado with a single power-strike for the droids' legs, one of the two long wrist blades clashed with the crimson beamsword in a sturdy guard, as the droid rose the other to come down on Iziz with full force. Retracting his blades, Iziz dove forward, rolling between the legs of the droid and under the blade, kicking off the ground rather than coming to his feat fully Iziz felt the incoming next attack, the droid spun with a low cut, with such mechanical force that would have rended the Jawa in twine, even should he have attempted to guard against the strikes. Vauting through the air above it, the crimson blades screamed to life a second time, as Iziz landed where he was standing before, and here, he decided to press the attack.
Spinning his blade to and fro he advanced on the droid, using his saber staff much like a real life bo-staff, the speed of the weapon was incredible, though, the droid was able to keep up, the length of its arms and its size advantage meaning that it was able to block many of the striking locations at several locations, only avoiding iziz striking at the joints of its arms and other weak spots.
But such did not stop the Jawa's flurry. The strength and speed of his assault being met with resistance pushed him harder to resolve the conflict. Slowing down for a moment, Iziz struck with one of the blades only to retract it before it hit as a faint. The droid seized its opportunity and lunged with both of its blades at knee and chest height swiping each of them inward like a bladed embrace to cut the Jawa Apart... Ducking low, Iziz rose his single blade facing upward to block the strike, meeting the full strength of the robot with the one blade, Iziz held firm, parying the blow upward he double gripped his hilt with a wide spacing, much like a naganata or a poleaxe, giving him control of the weapon, but also power. With the upward parry, iziz traversed the weapon and jumped with an uppercut like strike which was blocked by the same arm, saving the droid's torso. Flipping in middair, it was the downward strike which the machine should have been more afraid of. Holding up the other one of the phrik blades the droid parried, but, the strength of the blade, having blocked many strikes, and especially that one, was beginning to redden, and the composure of the steal was starting to weaken...
Iziz saw the weakness, and it rallied him...
Back-flipping instantly off the impact, throwing all his weight back with his arms, Iziz avoided the counter-attack by moving back, though finding himself quickly up against the blast door once again, a position which he knew was not one which played to his advantage, cornered, but pushed into an interesting predicament, Iziz smiled... the droid darted forward with an organic level of speed and entered a frenzy, blows came from every direction as Iziz retracted his lightsaber, ducking and weaving, using his inferior size and the use of Ataru to attempt to avoid the opponent. The sharp phrik blades sang through the air as they cut, bluntened much by iziz's lightsaber, but, still lethal, Iziz span to the side, ducking the next strike, steppting forward and into the droid, giving him just enough space to be able to flip back again and place his feet on the blast door, coiling his legs like springs once again he held his lightsaber in front of him, and pushed forward spinning with all his might, igniting the blades to their full length as the spinning blur jumped to just a side of the droid.
When Iziz landed behind the droid, he knew the droid had blocked it, Iziz had felt the premature impact of the arm, and then a second impact as he had hit its chest, not as string as the first. But a crash hit the ground just as he landed... Looking back the Droid had lost one of its arms..., the phrik alloy had been severed by the repeated blows, and this battle had ended. No survival instinct kicked in for the droid, it was like a wounded warrior, looking to die, and Iziz would grant it. Pressing forward with both blades, the droid would attempt to guard its whole body, but it was missing stray blows, hits to the sides of the opposite knee, waist, ankle. Bit by bit the droid was taking damage in the next exhchange of rapid flurries and devastating skill these droids once had to offer, until finally, the opposite leg was down, the droid lost balance, fell toward Iziz who retracted one of his blades and held his weapon in a reverse grip, wating for the opportune moment. Jumping with a single upward cut before spinning the blade and bringing it down in a stab, Iziz penetrated the neck, severing its head and planting the blade into its chest, slowly breaking down the armour just like the blast door over a few seconds before finally penetrating its power core and ending it...
Retracting his blade, and then opening the blast door with a small push of telekinesis, it was smooth sailing... stepping in, it would not take long to enter the power room, and flip the main control switches on, as well as plug in the right fuses for core power to the lift, as well as the monitors and the lights to the tunnels, making the facility bright once again....
The power was on.