Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Phrik It (Sith Assassins)

Good, good.

The thought passed through the red mans head as the power came back online. Still within the control room, Ferus would cast a glance to the computer. He would dead pan as he stared on, knowing full well he had no skill when it came to hacking. In fact, he wasn't really sure if anyone nearby had those skills. [member="Iziz Vei"] was his first thought, but after watching the Jawa walk past without an interest in solving the riddle he figured this was a rare Jawa. [member="Sitara Qin"] he didn't know much about, but as he went to go find her he felt something else.

[member="Ballen-Ist"] .

Without warning the red man would become a blur, the force speeding his actions. Sitara could very well be in danger from his old apprentice, but upon reaching the duo he found it quite the opposite. Stepping forward with a large frown on his face, the Zabrak would address the pureblood, blue eyes constantly scanning for any sign of agression.

"And what is it you are doing?"
This man was well…annoying. Is that why she sacrificed the gizka? Well first of all, she didn’t want to charge in there and risk getting fried. Perhaps unlike him, she wanted to devise a plan…or well, she wanted to do something at least! And yes. Yes, she was handling it. She rolled her eyes, put her hands on her hips, and shook her head. Okay, perhaps she wasn’t handling it as well as she could have. But still. He did not have to come in here and act like doing this was okay.

Look, whatever.” She said, her palms raised. Perhaps she was defeated, but she didn’t want to press the issue a little longer. And this punk knew Darth Ferus? Well, that was fine. She didn’t see him tag along though perhaps he was some latecomer. Still, that was disrespectful.

And by the way, besides not needing his help earlier, she definitely didn’t need him tagging along. She’d find the others on her own without problems. “Um, I don’t really need your help with that.” She said, though before she could leave, a certain sith lord had appeared.

Oh good. He literally just appeared. Said that he was helping.

| [member="Taeli Rae"] | [member="Iziz Vei"] | [member="Ballen-Ist"] | [member="Darth Ferus"] |
A slight fuzz of static would appear through the comms, mainly to [member="Darth Ferus"] himself, before a voice followed. "Sorry I'm late, had business to take care of." Killian smirked to himself, having only just reached the entrance of strange place the assassins had found themselves in. He knew better than to question them though, and made his way inside. It was an odd place, the structure and look of it resembled nothing Killian could think of, although he was no historical or architectural genius. Luckily for Ferus though, his specialty was hacking. Soon enough he found himself in the now-powered control room. Dropping his bag next to the main computer terminal, he began setting up his slicing tools. Plugging in wires and chips where needed, then eventually turning his attention to the keyboard. He began typing away at the preliminary lines of the code to break into the system, yet something became apparent. "Yeah... This system is really old. I'm gonna need a few minutes on this." His voice was confident despite the slight problem, but whether that was apparent through the communication systems he didn't know. "Erm... Once I'm in, what exactly am I looking for? You wanting me to find information, or do something to this place?" The lack of information given before the job was not surprising, after all these were secretive assassins, and people didn't usually tell people their plans until they were in the position to be trusted. Although he respected the assassins privacy, he knew one day he might just have a curious look into their databases.

But that would be for another day, providing they even had databases.
They seemed pretty old fashioned...

[member="Sitara Qin"] [member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Iziz Vei"] [member="Ballen-Ist"] [member="Taeli Rae"]
"That, honestly, doesn't surprise me." The Zabrak let out a sigh after [member="Sitara Qin"] had spoke. He had known [member="Ballen-Ist"] for quite some time now, and regardless of how it appeared he had come to help. Or at least, that's what the Zabrak hoped. Thankfully, the awkwardness was cut short by the sound of [member="Osaji Killian"] speaking over the coms. A grin finally formed on teh Zabraks face as he patched in himself to answer.

"No no, you're right on time. What I need however is any and all information you can find retaining to the Dark Trooper program. All of it. Failures or successes aye? We're gonna be bringing these lot back."
[member="Darth Ferus"]

Taeli smiled a little as more and more ore was brought out of the mines, some of it being sent to the processing plant a few kilometers away, while more of it was being loaded onto freighters for transport to one of Krayt's facilities in the Outer Rim. Taeli had a project that would definitely benefit from the amount of phrik they were pulling from this mine.

"Ma'am, the Assassins found the old control room for the Dark Trooper program," Jaxson said, pulling the earpiece of his comlink away for a moment. "Do we want a copy of that information when they find it?"

"Hmm, it wouldn't hurt to have," she mused aloud, watching a few more workers heading into the mines with hydraulic jacks. More ore had just been discovered in the second quadrant and required some more people to get out. Unfortunately, some of the jacks had broken already. Typical of course. "We can use it as a base model for the next project."

"Very good, ma'am," Jaxson said. "Our first shipment is ready to be sent to our facility on Jabiim."

"Good, let's get things a rolling then," she said.

The first freighter designated to leave the system took off, an escort of two Wrath-class starfighters flying alongside it as it headed for atmosphere and its destination. It was carrying enough phrikite ore and tydirium to fill its cargo hold comfortably and would allow for a sizable amount of the metal itself to be processed there.
"Come on... Come on..." Killian couldn't take it much longer. The old machinery was like nothing he'd ever had to suffer, never in his life had a boot-up taken this long. However, the end was in sight, and with his kit primed and ready, he delved into the database. Dozens of categories listed down the screen, but one in particular looked like it had what they were looking for; 'Classified'. Without hesitation, he tried to access it.
Access Denied by Proxy
"Something this old has a Proxy? Geez..." With a deep sigh, Killian danced his fingers across the keyboard, uploading his own program for disabling proxies. It would take a little longer, but not too much. The machine whirred and whizzed, trying to process what was happening, but after all it was too late, and the words he wanted to see danced across the screen.
Proxy Disabled
Access Granted
The words were then replaced with a series of files, each one containing the keywords; Dark Trooper, or DT. After each one seemed to be the attempt number, with some marked 'Success' and some 'Failure. He realized the majority were labelled Failure, but delved no deeper into the actual information. Instead, he initiated the copying sequence, transferring the data to his portable memory bank. For a second there came a flashing icon on his slicing kit, signalling the possibility of data interception. He frowned for a moment, but ignored it altogether. Whoever was here must be trustworthy, and it wasn't his job to guard the data, just get it for the assassins.
"Data's almost copied, are you wanting me to wipe it once we leave?" Killian asked Ferus down the comms, watching the progress bar creep sideways.

[member="Taeli Rae"] [member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Sitara Qin"] [member="Ballen-Ist"]
"Feel free to wipe it, but I'm sure a friend here would like a copy. If another tries to gain access, let them. They've earned it." [member="Taeli Rae"] was the one he happened to be referring to. He watched the screen in front of him as [member="Osaji Killian"] did his thing. And he was very, very impressed. Ferus knew little about slicing, but he knew it was worth while to have one on his side.

"Speaking of earning. Remind me to get you one of the droids I'm to create. I'm sure it would be a valuable addition to your guard Killian."
[member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Osaji Killian"]

Taeli pulled up her datapad and sent a message to Ferus she would like a copy of the files, and would pay his slicer an additional fee if he could transmit those to this datapad. Leaving it sitting on her makeshift desk, she watched the second freighter take off for the Outer Rim. So far they had easily pulled out enough ore for whatever she wanted to develop, and oh the plans she had.

"Are we going to keep this mine, ma'am?" Jaxson asked.

"We might as well, Gromas XVI is in a rather nice spot," she said, looking over the message coming from the miners within. Pulling up a messaging system to Ferus, she sent the request that her company retain the rights over the mine established here on Gromas, it was his mission after all and she wouldn't want to tread on toes if he didn't want to part with it.

"Several thousand tons and our miners are still finding larger and larger veins," Jaxson said. "I thought this moon would be tapped out by now."

"Four hundred years of darkness will leave a place relatively untouched for awhile, even if the Mandos had been here previously," she replied. The moon had been known for having an unseemly amount of phrikite ore within it. Still, the new mining operation here might attract attention from others if not guarded against properly. A company task force would need to stay here probably, guard the area and all.
"That doesn't sound too bad." Killian grinned, observing the progress bar on the screen as it neared completion. "Although, I have other plans that might substitute a need for such payment." Finally, the transfer was complete, and within a few more words of codes the initial database began wiping itself clean. Unplugging the portable memory bank he had transferred the data into, Killian turned around and started packing his kit away into his bag.

"With Kalor-Tech's assets under our control, I think it might be worthwhile to find a new place for the company in Sith Space." He explained, closing his bag and standing up to look at Ferus. "With a firm headquarters, it could then act as a front for the assassin's production needs." His plan didn't finished there however, as he added one final point. "Therefore, instead of giving me one of those droids, allow me to head the company. Trust will not be an issue, I can guarantee. I don't plan to return to Nar Shaddaa, not unless I burn down my casino for the insurance. Too much Raven influence there, too much trouble." Killian looked more serious now, although not to a deadly extent. His business attitude had turned on, yet he still addressed Ferus as a friend. With sincerity, he believed he could work under the Sith much better than he could under the Ravens, and atleast here it would be legal. Mostly.

"I can give you time to think on it if you like." He gave a small nod, before turning his attention down to his datapad. Pressing a few buttons, he began the transfer of the copied files to [member="Taeli Rae"] as requested, the additional payment quite enticing. "Of course it would take some work, finding a headquarters and reforming the company. But I could handle all the administration work, while your assassins do what they do best."
Finally, he handed the memory bank over to Ferus. "Everything you wanted is on there. Looks like alot of reading material."

[member="Darth Ferus"]
Ferus took the memory disk, smiling. [member="Osaji Killian"] brought up a good idea, and one that he would certainly act upon. Of course, he wouldn't give an answer just yet. He liked keeping those around him on their toes. Of course, he sent a message back to [member="Taeli Rae"] in response to her proposition, with a simple answer. So long as the Assassins have all the Phrik they need, the rest is yours. We don't need much to begin with. Send a small transport filled with the ore to Malif Cove, and the rest will be yours. He wasn't a greedy assassin, and they didn't need all that much to begin with.

"We'll find you a base of operations, that's for sure." Now he would answer the arms dealer, a grin on his face.
[member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Osaji Killian"]

"Easily done," she mumbled, typing that to Ferus and directing one of her freighters to head to Malif Cove. The Assassins would have the shipment delivered. Another idea came to mind, something to put the old Krayt facility on Coruscant to another use. She had plans to move the company into the Outer Rim after all, Erilnar was looking nice for establishing as her new headquarters.

"Ma'am, the files are coming," Jaxson said, looking at the datapad she set on the table. "Most of freighters are full now, and are ready to lift off. Should we send them all to Jabiim?"

"No, I want the remaining shipments to head to Saleucami," she said, smiling as she looked at the files that were coming into her possession. "Head out with that shipment, I'll leave Goras in charge of the mine here. Once the shipment is where it needs to be, I'll meet you on Erilnar. Time to get that place set up."

"Yes ma'am," Jaxson said, leaving the room. Taeli sent the instructions to Goras to be the new overseer of this mine, and Taeli also sent a message to Ferus. A message about using the Krayt facility on Coruscant as a place for the Assassins, but a test would be needed to be administered before she gave him the keys.

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