Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Phrik me, phrik you! [Havoc Squad]

Though, the armor that was provided for the members of Havoc squad was useful and effective in combat it needed something else that would make the user more durable and would last long in combat. A thought flicked on in Riley's mind and that idea was to extract phrik from the planet, Arkania. It would make Havoc more deadly and durable in combat but the best thing was that it would give the chance for Havoc to engage close quarters combat with the Sith or any force user without having fear or Amy thought of getting sliced in half from a lightsaber.

On board a Republic shuttle were the members of Havoc Squad, waiting to get off the shuttle to begin extracting the precious ore with their mining equipment that they brought.

"We'll be landing in ten minutes, lads. And y'all better brace yourself for the damn cold on the planet."
Willa looked up from the seat while she had her armor on and then she was holding her hands out as fire danced between them to keep herself warm. She was looking at all of it and thinking about what they could do on Arkania to train. It was worthwhile to train for different weather but she didn't like the cold it messed with her abilities trying to focus the fires. "If I wasn't freezing still I'd possibly roast you for the goddess."
Just smiling at both that had spoken up. Just her luck she packed her thermal long where under this armor. They had grabbed some of the the republic cold gear. This should be find just hoping that their weapons would make it in the freezing cold to be had. Having also her ears was covered with a skull cap. After all she being medic knew that a lot of body heat was lost through the head. "This just going to be one ball of fun isn't it." as she let out a kind of snort from her nose it was her laugh as it would seem to be.

Just hopping they would find any troubles on this planet be a easy mission in and out to get this stuff to make them better armor. That would be the best for her and her team that had came along. After all one could go on mission with out a medic never no what kind of hole that would be full of giving away to another chuckle this time to herself. [member="Riley Stryker"][member="Willa Isard"]
Sitting near the back of the shuttle, Miles tinkered with his helmet. It was old. His armor had seen so many wars and taken so many shots, the former Commando had lost count of them all. Miles was ready for new armor. Or at least upgrade his own armor. The plan was to mine Phrik from the planet Arkania and Havoc would use the ore to make new armor. But Miles' armor was already strong enough to take a beating but the Phrik would make him almost ustoppable. He may even use some Phrik on his Vibro-Axe. The others here were still new to him but he was excited to be back on a team again. He needed to get his head together so he could function as a teammate again, no more lone wolfing like he does with the Protectorate.

He sat in silence as the group talked amongst themselves.

@Fadeyka @Willa Isard [member="Riley Stryker"]
[member="Miles Varden"] @Fadeyka @Willa Isard [member="Riley Stryker"]

The Commander was taking a back seat to this mission, and he slowly stood up. He glanced at each of the soldiers, smiling as they talked amongst themselves."You guys wanna hear a story?"Kaiden said, smiling up at his team.
Giving first a smile at [member="Miles Varden"] as if to welcome him into the Havoc group. Let herself wonder over to sit by Miles to want to talk with him some more to get to know him better. After all it is best to know about your bunk mates and those that would have your back in combat. Knowing how they think would only make their squad stronger. Only before she could speak a word came [member="Kaiden 'Papa' Rohn"]. Givnig him a nod thinking of what kind of story he could want to tell them all, "I don't speak for the rest, but I would let to hear a story Papa" [member="Kaiden 'Papa' Rohn"] [member="Riley Stryker"][member="Willa Isard"]
[member="Fadeyka"] [member="Kaiden 'Papa' Rohn"] [member="Miles Varden"] [member="Riley Stryker"] [member="Brill"]

Willa looked at the others as they spoke and she friendly narrowed her eyes at Fade. Not in anger more in sarcasm. "Yes fun, I swear I am going to pick the location next time.... Someplace hot where you'll all be sweating." She smirked though after that and looked at Rohn. "Thi isn't the story about the trap on Coruscant is it? That girl had all of us fooled."

Ori'Alor Tal'Verda

Leader of the True Mando'Ade
[member="Fadeyka"] [member="Willa Isard"] [member="Kaiden 'Papa' Rohn"] [member="Miles Varden"] [member="Riley Stryker"] [member="Brill"]

"Don't get so down in the dumps Willa." Ori said, wearing a similar set of Cold Weather gear as she had the last time she went Phrik mining "You could be going to Korriban or Raxus Prime, one the resting place of Anchient Sith and creepy for even those without the force, and the other a noxious Planetary Garbage Dump..." Ori was happy, she liked her new friends on Havoc Squad, and it was nice to be getting more material for a set of Armor for her operations with Havoc Squad. "I did this fairly recently, on another planet." Ori said, as she felt the ship moving "My husband and I will be starting work on the armor I have in mind soon enough."
Sharky walked up to the group after the "unpacking" was done and would leave his helmet on while doing so he really has a thing for armor these days..

"She ain't that down in the dumps give her a break guys besides she might be happy inside than out."

Sharky says playfully punching Willa on the arm..
"Y'all better not ask a sip from hot cocoa," Riley said in general. He just hoped that this suit had some type of temperature control that would keep him warm and have the frostbite make him sore. "And Willa, we ain't going to Korriban. I was stationed there and that is worst place where they could send a soldier. I remember I had to protect some stupid scientist just so they could discover and observe the damn tombs of the planet."

He remembered Korriban and it was the living hell. You had the harsh humidity to keep you hot and sweaty and you had stupid Sith running around which Riley considered them as demons since they attacked in the dark. All of the equals hell. "And sure, commander. Let's hear one of your stories so we can pass the waiting."

[member="Commander Sharky"] [member="Ori'Alor Tal'Verda"] [member="Willa Isard"] [member="Fadeyka"] [member="Kaiden 'Papa' Rohn"] [member="Miles Varden"]
Miles looked at Fade as she scooted closer to him. Then Papa started on about a story so Miles waited to hear it.

The others were joking around like a family. He enjoyed it and started to laugh. He hadn't laughed in years. He was beginning to feel like he was back home with his family.

He began to laugh harder just out of sheer surprise that he was laughing. He sat back and rested his head against the bulkhead as the laugh whined down.

[member="Riley Stryker"][member="Commander Sharky"][member="Ori'Alor Tal'Verda"][member="Willa Isard"]@Fadeyka@Kaiden 'Papa' Rohn
Fade couldn't help it now as her lips went to a wider grin as to listening all the jabbing that was taking place. To cause to start to give to give out her own little laughter only to have it come through her nose. Only to cause herself to cover her own mouth and nose, to cover up the snort that she had given off. "Since I know place lets just go to Zeltros that should be a good in between. After we could use some R&R as she thought about the last time she had went there with her parents to lay low the last time to have heat on there heads. Looking at Miles let loose as laugher came from his mouth again and again. The other still made there own jokes. To take herself only after some other ways of listening.

[member="Miles Varden"] [member="Riley Stryker"] [member="Commander Sharky"] [member="Ori'Alor Tal'Verda"] [member="Willa Isard"] [member="Kaiden 'Papa' Rohn"]
[member="Miles Varden"] [member="Riley Stryker"] [member="Commander Sharky"] [member="Ori'Alor Tal'Verda"] [member="Fadeyka"] [member="Kaiden 'Papa' Rohn"]

Okay she was laughing to that, though less to the suggestion of Korriban. She didn't want to go to that hellhole again. It was a terrible place to fight or be stationed no she would prefer someplace warm where she could love and have long sight lines. She stood up and looked at all of them with a laugh snapping her fingers to bring a larger flame to her hands and warm herself up. "There we go now that is better." She moved to warm herself up more. "First one who go down gets a Havoc squad emblem tattooed on their face. Second one you don't want to know where it will be put."
Sharky smiled a little at everyone although his helmet was on family is what matters, he also took a thought back and laughed a little along those lines it was true worst planet ever of existence..

"It is the worse place to go for true, when i was away from Yavin my home planet and to korriban...there is alot of things you dont expect during visiting,1. you get a rancor size ass kicked into some idiotic geologist of the Sith academy in ruins and 2. help him and take up some cheap artifact that just turns to sand after words and 3. when i came out of the other end at least 34 slugs with huge ass legs and razor sharp teeth biting you, ah hell its all over..of course you would all know better what korriban is like..but lets not get over that silly memory lets hear that story Captain!"

He said folding his arms...
[member="Willa Isard"] [member="Commander Sharky"] @Fadeyka @Miles Varden [member="Riley Stryker"] [member="Ori'Alor Tal'Verda"]

Kaiden leaned back on the hull of the ship as the squad mumbled on, before clearing his throat, gaining the attention, and beginning his story."One time, I fought Kitt Solo, a giant dragon, at the same time, and it was a draw."He turned and grinned his squad as the craft moved closer to their destination.
Willa remembered the story she had heard it before and gave a chuckle to it. They were getting closer and closer to the destination and standing there she started pacing more to warm up and conserve her own energy. She wasn't to worried that much about what they had to do while grabbing her rifle and a machine pistol. The special combat blades they had gotten for their squad gleamed as she focused on it. Fire spouting along the length of prototype phrik alloy while she spun it in her hand and sheathed it. "I remember hearing that story though last time I believe you won and saved naked cheerleaders."


Kiyron opened his eyes inside his helmet, trying to figure out where this end of the conversation had originated at. He had no idea. That was a problem with being able to sleep anywhere and at anytime and still aching from old injuries. It led to missed conversations at times. This was one of them. He shifted slightly to look out the view ports at the planet below. A cold planet, by all accounts. Exactly the type he didn't care for. They were better than blistering lay hot planets though.
"That's it? That's the story?" Riley said from his helmet. He was expecting more, details or something awesome from the commander. It did amazed him but it wasn't even the length of a children's story. But story time was now over.

"Alright, lads," the pilot announced from the cockpit, "we are now about to land. Have fun with freezing your butts," and silence came from him. "Well, let's get ready for the frostbite," Riley said and picked up his pickaxe and some explosives to get the job

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