Lok Xiangu
Sweet Leaf
Though, the armor that was provided for the members of Havoc squad was useful and effective in combat it needed something else that would make the user more durable and would last long in combat. A thought flicked on in Riley's mind and that idea was to extract phrik from the planet, Arkania. It would make Havoc more deadly and durable in combat but the best thing was that it would give the chance for Havoc to engage close quarters combat with the Sith or any force user without having fear or Amy thought of getting sliced in half from a lightsaber.
On board a Republic shuttle were the members of Havoc Squad, waiting to get off the shuttle to begin extracting the precious ore with their mining equipment that they brought.
"We'll be landing in ten minutes, lads. And y'all better brace yourself for the damn cold on the planet."
On board a Republic shuttle were the members of Havoc Squad, waiting to get off the shuttle to begin extracting the precious ore with their mining equipment that they brought.
"We'll be landing in ten minutes, lads. And y'all better brace yourself for the damn cold on the planet."